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Chapter 236: Momentum

As Rex stepped into the dimly lit corridor, the adrenaline from the battle still coursing through his veins, he casually removed his gloves, a gesture of relaxation after the intense confrontation. Stuffing them into his suit jacket, he couldn't help but replay the battle's highlights in his mind, a satisfied grin playing on his lips. 

"Rex!" The voice snapped him out of his reverie. Turning, he found himself face to face with a news reporter from Kanto News, her cameraman already rolling. The sudden spotlight didn't faze him; he was no stranger to attention. 

"Rex, that was an incredible match! Your Mewtwo is something else. In fact, we've never seen anything like it. And your Scizor earlier—spectacular! Do you have more surprises in store for us? What do you make of the competition so far?" she asked, her enthusiasm matching the crowd's from moments ago.

Rex's smile didn't waver; if anything, it grew more confident. "Each of my Pokémon is unique, possessing their own strengths and capabilities that make them powerful contenders in any battle," he began, his tone carrying the assurance of a seasoned trainer. "As for my team, I believe in challenging the norms, bringing Pokémon that redefine the standards of battling. Mewtwo and Scizor are just the beginning."

The reporter nodded eagerly, hanging on to every word. "And the competition? Any thoughts?"

He paused, his eyes reflecting a thoughtful glimmer. "The competition is fierce, as expected. There are many skilled trainers out there, each bringing something different to the table. I welcome the challenge—it's the battles against formidable opponents that stoke the flames of passion for the sport. I'm here to push the boundaries, to see how far we can go. I hope my fellow challengers are ready to bring as much heat as I am."

His words were not just for the reporter or the viewers at home; they were a declaration to his future opponents, a signal that he was a force to be reckoned with.

With that, Rex flashed one last charming smile, waved to the camera, and concluded, "That's all the time I have for now. But keep watching—the best is yet to come."

As he turned and walked away, the echoes of his footsteps mingled with the buzz of speculation and excitement his words had ignited, further emphasised by the reporter's rapid and heated words. 

Night had fallen over the Indigo Plateau, with Rex reclining on his couch, his eyes fixed on the television as it flickered with the violent clash of fire and ice on the battle-scarred arena. A colossal black wing cut through a swirling steam cloud, striking a Glaceon and sending it skidding across the ice to slam against the barrier with a terrifying crunch, its trainer watching in horror.

In the dim light, Rex's blue eyes glittered with intrigue as he observed the mighty dragon, whose roar made the stadium tremble. The camera shook, struggling to capture the fierce spectacle.

"Interesting," Rex murmured, settling back and looking up to see a massive shadow looming over him. Its purple eyes stared down, unblinking. Yet, in Rex's gaze there was no trace of fear, only a hint of amusement as he addressed his towering companion. "What do you think, Machamp?"

Machamp stepped into the light, his features twisted into a sinister grin as he turned away to focus on the screen, his expression one of wicked delight.

"This might just turn into a real battle," Rex remarked, his attention returning to the television where the enormous Noivern beat its wings, then dissolved into red particles, retracted into its Pokéball. A grinning young man, about Rex's age, appeared on screen.

"Gaia, what do you have for me?" the youth drawled, idly swirling his finger around the edge of his glass, eliciting a sharp, echoing whistle.

The screen flickered to a video of a younger boy, possibly 15, with a smaller, more ordinary-looking Noivern. Rex watched as the dragon-type was obliterated by a Dragonite's Hyper Beam, finishing the match and ranking in the top 64—an unremarkable outcome, but not the worst.

The video shifted to a narrative clip. [After this defeat, he vanished into the wilderness. When he returned, his Noivern had transformed, now marked by unmatched savagery and formidable strength.]

Rex glanced at the frozen image of the transformed, giant Noivern filling the screen—pitch black with streaks of gold and a prominent red crest on its forehead.

"So, a dark legacy then..." he mused thoughtfully.

[Yes, all signs suggest so.]

The television flickered off, and Rex stood, turning to face Machamp who loomed over him. "Looks like we're in for a decent scrap. But sending you in might be a bit much," he pondered, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

Machamp scoffed, his massive arms crossing over his broad chest. "Then go with Steelix," he suggested nonchalantly, showing little interest in battling the dragon type himself.

Rex hummed, hesitant to deploy his specialized anti-legacy Pokémon so hastily. "Or perhaps Arcanine might enjoy a run," he mused, circling the couch and giving Machamp a playful slap on the arm.

"Gaia, keep an eye on that punk. Let's make sure he doesn't end up doing something he'll regret later," Rex instructed as he headed towards his bedroom.

[Understood. I'll have one of my units ready for surveillance. Rest well, Rex.]

With that, the door shut behind him, and the night swiftly moved on.

The air in the arena was electric, the crowd's anticipation palpable as the battle progressed. Rex, calm and composed, stood with a sense of ownership, his gaze fixed on the dual-headed Victreebell, which seemed to exude an aura of malevolent grace.

The opposing trainer, a well-known competitor in the circuit, released a Poliwrath, its muscles bulging, ready for combat. "Begin!" echoed James, the commentator's voice, buzzing with excitement.

"Poliwrath, Ice Punch!" the opponent commanded.

With a knowing glance, Rex responded swiftly. "Victreebell, coat your Vine Whip in Poison Powder and counter!"

As the icy fist approached, Victreebell lashed out, its vine transforming into a toxic whip, smacking the Poliwrath and leaving a cloud of poison in its wake. Poliwrath reeled from the unexpected assault, its movements becoming sluggish as the toxin took effect.

"The Hunter Pokémon shows no mercy!" James' voice filled the stadium. "With Chlorophyll boosting its speed in the sunlight, it's like watching a deadly dance!"

The crowd was silent, witnessing a rare sight—Victreebell's second head sprang to life, launching an Acid Spray coated Power Whip. The attack was swift and brutal, the corrosive substance weakening Poliwrath's defenses even further.

Rex's eyes sparkled with triumph. "Now, Growth!" The sunlight seemed to empower Victreebell, visibly increasing its size and ferocity, as if the cheers of the crowd were feeding it.

"Poliwrath, try to use Hypnosis!" the desperate trainer called out.

But Rex was two steps ahead. "Victreebell, Grassy Terrain." The field transformed into a lush meadow, the comforting green underfoot negating the sleep effect and bolstering Victreebell's strength.

"Unbelievable! Rex's Victreebell is creating its own battlefield!" James' voice boomed, amplifying the drama.

In a final display, Victreebell unleashed its Frenzy Plant, a barrage of massive tendrils bursting from the ground, entangling Poliwrath, the toxic spikes on the tendrils ensuring its swift defeat.

"And it's over! The sheer dominance! What innovation, what strategy! This Victreebell is a revelation, ladies and gentlemen!" James exclaimed, nearly out of breath.

The opponent recalled Poliwrath, defeated, as the crowd erupted into applause. Rex tipped an imaginary hat to his adversary, who could only nod in respect.

Victreebell basked in the ovation, its dual heads swaying to the rhythm of the cheers. Rex grinned at the plant Pokémon as it seemed to wave at the crowd, preening under their applause before recalling it and whispering words of praise.

As Rex stepped into the corridor, a cascade of light from the swarm of news cameras enveloped him. Reporters from every major channel jockeyed for position, microphones extended like a forest of antennae, each desperate to capture the words of the Indigo Conference's rising star.

"Rex! Over here, please!" called a reporter from Johto Broadcasting.

Rex navigated the media maze with the ease of a seasoned celebrity, a slight smile playing on his lips, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes at the commotion he had stirred.

"Congratulations, Rex! With that display, you've secured your spot in the top 64! How does it feel?" asked a reporter, shuffling closer.

Rex paused, allowing the buzz to settle, before answering in his trademark cool tone, "It feels expected. We trained to dominate, not just participate. But there's no doubt that the competition is heating up."

A reporter from Hoenn Headlines chimed in, "Rex, your Victreebell is unlike anything we've seen before! Can you tell us about its evolution?"

With a sly grin, Rex leaned closer, his voice a blend of confidence and intrigue. "Let's just say, some things are best left as a surprise. But you can be sure there's more to come. Victreebell is a prime example of the unconventional tactics I plan to bring to this tournament. But fret not, I aim to share some of my secrets with the many professors who push our knowledge on Pokémon to greater heights. "

The reporters scribbled in their notepads feverishly, hanging on his every word.

"Rex, now that you're in the top 64, any specific trainers you're looking out for?" another reporter from Sinnoh News Network interjected.

He considered the question, his eyes briefly losing focus as he scanned his memory. "Every trainer here has fought hard to earn their place. They all deserve respect. But respect won't dull my drive for victory. I'm ready for any challenge they bring."

"And what about the rumours of a dark horse trainer with a powerhouse team lurking in the lower brackets?" a journalist from the Kalos Chronicle inquired, a note of gossip in his tone.

Rex's smile faded to a thoughtful line. "Dark horse or not, we're all under the same sky here. The Indigo Conference doesn't play favourites. It's the perfect arena for any trainer looking to leave their mark. And as for me, I'm here to etch my name into its history."

With the grace of a champion, Rex excused himself, "Thank you for your time, but I must prepare for the next battles."

The corridor echoed with the murmur of reporters among themselves, dissecting every word Rex had said, speculating on the dark horse, and the excitement of the Indigo Conference's progression.

As he walked away, Rex could feel the weight of the competition on his shoulders, but it was a comfortable weight, one he was accustomed to carrying. His mind was already racing through strategies and training schedules. There was little time to rest; every moment from now on was a step towards victory or defeat.

"Wait, Rex! Can you give us a hint about your next strategy?" a persistent reporter from Unova's Update called out, trailing behind him.

Without turning, Rex raised a hand in a parting wave. "I don't give away my game plan," he called back, the corridors swallowing his figure. "But I'll say this—I'll only be using one Pokémon."

As the door closed behind him, cutting off the persistent flash of cameras, Rex allowed himself a rare moment of solitude. The Indigo Plateau buzzed outside, a hive of activity and anticipation.


The camera light blinked red as it focused on Claire, the poised and professional news anchor for the Kanto Network. She sat upright, her face a mask of excited anticipation. Next to her was her colleague, a seasoned commentator named Darren, whose reputation for astute analysis was well known among the Pokémon battling community.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," Claire began, her voice rich with the gravitas of the day's events. "Today at the Indigo Conference, we've witnessed a series of electrifying battles, but none more so than the performance of a trainer who's rapidly becoming a household name: Rex."

She paused for effect, allowing the audience to conjure up images of the day's battles before continuing. "Rex's rise through the ranks has been nothing short of spectacular, culminating in today's total victory over his opponent in the top 64, securing his place in the top 32. Darren, it was his Scizor again, wasn't it?"

Darren nodded, his expression a mix of admiration and critical thought. "Indeed, Claire. Scizor's performance was a testament to Rex's strategic prowess. The synchronization between trainer and Pokémon was flawless. They moved as one, predicting and countering each move with precision."

Claire leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "Scizor's Bullet Punch was faster than lightning, and its Sword Dance setup was executed perfectly. It seems Rex has honed his team to a razor's edge. How far do you think he can go with this strategy?"

Darren rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Rex has been playing a long game, and so far, it's paid off. But as the battles get tougher, so will his opponents. They'll start analyzing his patterns, predicting his moves. It's a chess match, Claire, and Rex is playing his pieces with finesse. The question is, when will his opponents find a crack in his armor?"

"The top 32 is a mixed bag of veteran trainers and new blood, each with their own secrets. Rex's unconventional style has served him well, but this next round will be a true test of adaptability," Claire mused.

"Exactly," Darren agreed. "And let's not forget, his Victreebell and Mewtwo are still the talk of the tournament. If Rex can continue to innovate and surprise his opponents, he may just sweep his way to the top."

"But it's not just about power and strategy," Claire interjected. "Rex's psychological game has been on point. The confidence he exudes could be enough to rattle even the most experienced trainers."

Darren gave a nod of concession. "True, confidence can be just as disarming as any move in a Pokémon battle. But overconfidence can lead to downfall. The pressure will build with each round, and that's where we'll see if Rex truly has what it takes to become a champion."

Claire smiled, wrapping up their discussion with a final thought. "Well, viewers, it seems the Indigo Conference is shaping up to be one of the most unpredictable in recent memory. And we'll be here, covering every moment. Will Rex's innovative strategies continue to dominate, or will a challenger rise to decode and dismantle his approach? Stay tuned to find out."

The camera faded out on the two anchors, their faces a blend of excitement and thoughtful anticipation for the battles ahead. The Indigo Conference was more than just a tournament; it was a proving ground for theories, a showcase of evolution, and a battleground for the mind. And Rex, with his enigmatic Scizor and his diverse team, was at the heart of it all.



The moon hung high in the dark velvet sky, casting a serene glow over the registration building of the Indigo Conference. Inside, the buzz of the day had dulled to a hush, the air filled with the low murmur of evening activity. Rex stepped into the grand lobby, his footsteps echoing with a calm rhythm, the sound of a trainer confident in his ascent.

Heads turned as Rex passed by. Whispers followed his path like shadows, the word "Rex" passing from one awed trainer to another, their expressions a blend of admiration and unease.

"Is that him?" one young trainer asked, eyes wide.

"The one with the dual-headed Victreebell," confirmed another, her voice tinged with apprehension.

Rex approached the desk where Nurse Joy stood, her smile as welcoming as the first aid of a Pokémon Centre. The glow of her computer screen illuminated her face, painting her a beacon in the low light.

"Good evening, Nurse Joy," Rex greeted, his voice steady.

"Ah, Rex! We've been expecting you," she replied cheerfully. "Congratulations on making it to the top 32. I have to say, your battles have been the highlight of the tournament."

"Thank you, Nurse Joy," Rex responded with a confident nod. "Ready to see who's up next."

Nurse Joy nodded in understanding, her fingers dancing over the keyboard, her smile never waning. "Just one moment, Rex."

The machine hummed softly, and with a final keystroke, she swivelled the screen to face him. "There you are, all set. Your next opponent will be... Ash Ketchum."

A palpable silence fell over the room, even the whispers ceasing. Rex's heart skipped a beat, a mix of shock and excitement rushing through him. That kid—had made a name for himself, due to his unorthodox battling style and the surprising results it had yielded.

"Ash Ketchum…" Rex repeated, his voice betraying a flicker of exhilaration.

"The one and only," Nurse Joy confirmed, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief, as if she was in on the excitement. "He's been quite the talk of the tournament with his strategies. Seems like you're in for a challenge."

Rex leaned on the counter; his demeanour relaxed but his mind racing. "I wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks, Nurse Joy."

As he turned to leave, the whispers began anew, a cacophony of speculation and awe.

"He's facing Ash Ketchum... what do you think are his chances?"

"The kid with the Pikachu? The one no one can figure out? I reckon maybe he might be able to defeat one of Rex Pokémon."

Rex couldn't help but smile. He loved this— the atmosphere of competition, the thrill of facing a worthy opponent, the stir he caused just by walking into a room.

"This is it kid, let's give em a show," he muttered to himself as he strode out, the murmurs of the other trainers fading behind him.


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