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Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Emma Frost

(3rd Person: POV)

For most of her life Emma Frost had been powerless.

She'd been powerless when her father decided to "educate" her using his fists.

She'd been powerless when her parents had basically destroyed her elder brother Christian's life and drove him to try and take his own life. Simply because he was a gay man.

She had been powerless in that elite school fill of rich bitches that had father had made her attend.

Again and again Emma was powerless to control any of the events in her life.

That is until one day everything changed.

Out of nowhere Emma found herself with abilties.

The power to manipulate and control the mind of others. The power to make them bend to her will without any of them being the wiser.

As soon as Emma knew what she could do all the powerlessness she felt was suddenly washed away.

And once she had her powers Emma swore to herself she would never be powerless, and never bend to anyone else's will ever again.

No matter what.

Using her abilties it was easy for her to escape that hellhole of a school her parents had forced her to attend.

Then once Emma did so she began traveling, eventually making her way to Las Vegas.

Where she encountered Vincent "Vinny" Laveechia.

A typical man in her eyes.

One who thought he was important simply based on the size of his gun, the number of people he killed, and the money of woman he fucked.

To be honest Vinny disgusted Emma.

But when he made her an offer to run his organization as his partner if she helped build it, using her abilties which Vinny had learned about, well it was an offer Emma couldn't refuse.

Partly because it would see her protected and give her access to resources and money, but partly because Vinny would be easy to manipulate.

But most of all taking Vinny offer gave Emma something she had never had before.

A seat at the table.

Power in its purest form.

Something Emma had been craving for most of her life.

So when it was dangled right in front of her she took hold of it.

Thus she and Vinny became partners.

Though people thought she was his mistress.

Not that Emma cared.

What most people thought didn't matter to her.

So long as she got what she wanted Emma was content.

Which she was for a long time.

Until one moment changed everything.

Another telepath had made contact with her.

Of course Emma knew there were others like her out there that possessed abilties.

She had encountered them once or twice before.

But she had never encountered anyone with the intention to contact her directly.

Which is why the moment after it happened Emma started analyzing every aspect of her brief encounter with the male telepath.

She also memorized the telepathic message she sent him.

Then after spending three days going over her brief meeting and the telepathic message from the telepathic male Emma decided to go directly to the source.

Since she had questions and he likely had answers to them.

And if he didn't then Emma would simply dispose of the male telepath.

Since no one is going to threaten her freedom or safety.

Not ever again.


Looking down the barrel of the Glock 19 Emma was aiming at him Roman didn't move.

After all he didn't want to make Emma nervous and cause her to accidentally fire her gun.

That would be bad.

For her and the other residents in the hotel.

Since to Roman a simple gun was no threat at all.

"Hello Ms. Frost. I see you got my message." Roman spoke.

"I did." Emma replied. "Now, why did you send it in the first place? For that matter who are you and how did you find me? Answer me. And be quick about it."

"Sure." Roman replied. "First off, no one sent me. I searched for you and came to find you of my own free will. As to how I found you I had help from a friend of mine. And as to why I sent that message three days ago it's because I want to get your attention. Since I have a matter I wish to discuss with you." He spoke.

"What kind of matter?" Emma asked.

"To put it simply I am building an organization and would like you to become a part of it." Roman said.

"An organization?" Emma questioned.

"Yes." Roman replied. "An organization dedicated to the progress and betterment of mankind. Including the rights of people like us."

"You mean mutants." Emma said.

Which caused Roman to get a disgusted look on his face.

"Ugh, please don't use that term Ms. Frost." Roman said.

"Why, it's what we are." Emma replied.

"No we are not!" Roman retorted. "The word mutant implies something horrific or disgusting. Which people like us are not. We were simply born with a gene that gives us extraordinary gifts. Besides that we are no different from other people. We think, we feel, we cry, we get angry, we love, etc."

Listening to Roman Emma couldn't help but find herself agreeing with his words.

"I see your point. But if you do not like the term mutants, then what would you call people like us?" Emma spoke.

"I'm glad you asked." Roman replied. "For I have already come up with a term that suits people like us and others gifted with extraordinary abilties. It is metahuman."

"Metahuman?" Emma questioned.

Roman nodded. "Yes. Metahuman. For we are simply humans that are beyond."

Roman found this is one thing the DC universe did right.

That's why he decided to bring the same term to this world.

Since DC comics doesn't exist here.

Though funnily enough Wildstorm comics do.

Moving on.

"I see." Emma said.

"Yes." Roman spoke.

"I will admit. That does sound like a better term than Mutant. Still, that alone doesn't tell me why I should even consider joining this organization of yours. As you can see I am doing quite well for myself."

"Yes, I can see that very clearly Ms. Frost." Roman replied. "But let me ask you a question. Do you simply want to be doing well? Don't you want more?"

"And if I did. Are you going to give it to me?" Emma inquired.

"That depends on your personal defintion of more." Roman replied.

"Please do not speak in riddles." Emma asked.

"Sure. My apologies." Roman said. "So to put things simply my organization will be dedicated to helping the human race advanced, work towards the betterment for those labeled as mutants or anyone unjustly persecuted simply because they have abilties and or powers, and our most important goal will be making sure our homeworld Earth isn't destroyed or turned into the plaything by the numerous threats or beings currently out there moving or waiting for a chance to make there move."

"Numerous threats. What are you talking about?" Emma spoke.

Since to her Roman sounded a bit crazy.

"Ms. Frost. We are not the only intelligent life in the galaxy." Roman said. "There are whole other races out there, powerful intergalactic empire's that could conquer the current Earht in a heartbeat. There are beings currently on Earth that have been alive for centuries and are awaiting to unleash mass chaos. One I know of calls himself Apocalypse. Who gained his abilties because like us he possess an X-gene. But unlike us the power went to his head and he started to think of himsled as a god. Thankfully he was sealed away but one day he will awaken and when that happens I promise you, he call for full submission of those on Earth, and anyone who doesn't comply will be eliminated. Those are just a few of the threats out there, to say nothing of the magical entities out there that want to take Earth."

"What. What are you saying, magic isn't re-"

Before Emma could finished her sentence Roman jumped up from the bed and then closed the distance to her, pushing her soul outside of her body just like the Ancient One did to Strange in the film.

It was a trick he learned while studying at Kamar-Taj from the Ancient One personally.

Completely shocked Emma found herself floating in the air, looking at her own body.

Which Roman was holding gently in his arms.

Smirking at her spirit as he did so.

Roman let a few more seconds passed before returning Emma spirit to her body.

Once he did so he helped her to her feet.

"That, what was that?" Emma questioned.

"Magic." Roman replied.

"Bullshit!" Emma hissed.

"No, magic is very much real Ms. Frost. But if that didn't convince you then this definitily will." Roman said.

He then took out his Sling Ring and placed it on his right hand.

Then before Emma could say or so anything else Roman opened up a portal and pushed Emma through, following right behind her.

On the other side the two of them found themselves standing atop the Effiel Tower in Paris, France.

Seeing where she was Emma was left speechless.

A moment passed before she spoke again.

"Magic is real."

"Yes. It is." Roman said.

After he did do he guided Emma back through the portal and closed it.

The two of them then sat on his bed.

"Who are you, really?" Emma asked.

"Well my real name is Roman." Roman revealed. "And as for who I am, I'm a man determined to save the place he calls home." He stated. "And Ms. Frost, no Emma I would like your help with that. I won't lie to you. What we will be doing will be very different from what you are doing now. But I can promise you on a personal sense it will likely be very rewarding. Of course I won't force you to do anything. The choice in this matter is entirely yours. Just say the word and you'll never hear from me again."

Emma only waited a few seconds before responding.

"I'll do it. I'll join you." Emma said.

Since something deep inside her was screaming at her joining Roman would do her good.

And although it came with risks they were risks Emma thought were worth taking.

Hearing Emma response Roman smiled.

"Well then Emma Frost. I welcome you aboard." Roman said.

He then gently took Emma left hand and brought up to his mouth to lay a gentle kiss on it.

Roman then looked her in the eyes. "I promise you, this is a decision you won't regret."

Emma felt a shudder across her entire body at Roman's action.

Licking her lips she was now certain joining him was the right choice now.

For many many reasons.


A/N: So I know nothing big happened in this chapter but character development needs to happen.

Which is what this chapter was.

As for Emma background I made it a mix of her comic book and live-action backstories.

Emma Frost current age: 23 years old

Roman Maxwell current age: 18 years old.

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