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Chapter 14: A Mother's Thoughts

The sun was setting, so, as per my usual schedule, I ended my magic practice for the day. Today's insights and spells were quite nice; I created fog and mist. It turns out they fall under the category of water magic. To my knowledge, there are a few old wizards who did this in the history books, but they had all died with the passing time. Feeling content with my results, I sauntered home.

I got back as Mom was preparing dinner while Celine sat at the table waiting for the food. "I'm home!" Mom's uneasy eyes flickered to me before going back to the mouth-watering chicken dish she was cooking. Beaming at her, I sat down at the table with Celine.

"Welcome home, Riel. How did practice go?" asked Celine.

"It went great! I made a wall of ice this time."

Dinner went on as normal, and I talked about what I learned at magic while Sis shared hers. Mom usually chimes in from time to time, but she's more quiet than usual. She did note that the water-based magics I brought up at the table were extremely rare/long lost. Celine then made me promise to teach her my insights later. I also extended my promise to Mom too, seeing that she was just as curious, but more worried about last night's exciting event. After finishing the scrumptious meal and cleaning up, Celine retired to her room. We (Mom and I) did the same.

I walked in front of Mom and could feel her sneaking glances at me. Seeing I acted normally, she slowly relaxed her body.

I mentally sighed in relief that Mom went for the route that I would think the event was a dream or flat out forget about it. This way, I can be the one to bring up the topic and lead the conversation.

This time, I didn't get naked or ask for milk, simply kissing her lips lightly. Mom was surprised as she asked, "Wha-, what did you just do, Riel?"

"I kissed you, Mommy. You said that people kiss the ones they love, right? I love you, Mom!"

"Uh, I think you're misunderstanding what I meant."

"What‽ You don't love me?" I asked with a tearful expression.

"Of course I love you, sweety! It's jus-"

"Oh, you're so silly, Mommy. We love each other, so we can kiss. Isn't that what matters?" I giggled, taking advantage of kid logic bullshittery.

In the end, she let it go and looked at me with a warm smile while rustling my hair. Feeling sleepy, I snuggled close and fell asleep in her embrace.


The next day, I sat at the window frame of our bedroom alone, resting from today's round of magic practice. I was playing the harp as Aerin gave it to me for free. I played some classical music from earth as I waited for time to pass.

It's rare that I have alone time at home. While playing a familiar song, my mind wandered to the myriad concepts from earth I could use here to apply to magic.

~Lucielle POV~

Coming back home from a short walk, I was just outside our home when I could hear some faint, beautiful harp music. I don't hear Riel play often, but according to his teacher, he's fantastic.

Speaking of his teacher, I can't help but be cautious of her. I visited her shop once, and to my surprise, it's at the high-end part of our village. As high elves, no one in this village is poor by any means. Her store also only contained expensive-looking hand-crafted instruments. I don't know if she's a stupid businesswoman or if she just doesn't care. Frankly speaking, a luxury music store isn't something you set up in a village like ours if you're looking to make any money.

That's not the thing I'm the most worried about. Sure, she could be a successful merchant, but her mannerisms tell me she has an aristocratic background. Even though we high elves hold a prominent position in elven society, there still are sub-classes within our societal stratus. There still are a few in the ruling class above us, and they're the ones with the highest affinity with magic, though little Riel's talent with magic is higher than the princes I've seen. My son is such a treasure. If this woman is one of the super higher-ups, I don't understand her motive for mentoring my son.

Why she would spend her time on the outskirts of the high elf part of Elban is anybody's guess. Maybe she has malicious inner motives, or she's on some sort of mission. I'm really hoping I'm overthinking all of this.

Climbing up the stairs, I can finally hear the details of the song he's playing. I'm impressed. I know little beyond the basics to music, but the way he plays pulls at my heart in a unique way. Also, I don't recall hearing this tune before, though.

"Did you learn this from your teacher?"

His small frame trembled; looks like he didn't notice me walking behind him. Ah~, so cute! He turned around, and, oh! My heart! His pouty face! He looks so cute with his cheeks like that.

"Geez, Mom. You surprised me."

"Fufu... You haven't answered my question yet, Riel."

"And, no, she didn't. I composed it!"

"Ara? She told me you were talented, but I had no idea you were this good, sweetie!"

"Ehehe, did she? Teacher Aerin always praises me," he said shyly while blushing.

Does he have a crush on her? Now I have another reason to dislike her. She might be playing with my son's heart! He's so innocent, she could totally lead him around without any trouble.

"Do you like her?"

"Um, a little, b-but I love you the most, Mom!"

Oh my, he's so adorable when he's embarrassed. Knowing my son loves me this much makes me feel so fluffy inside! I kind of wish Celine was as affectionate as Riel. She's the silent, independent type, though I can see she loves to dote on him.

"Aw, come here; give Mommy a hug." I spread my arms, and Riel got off the windowsill. I don't know why, but I never tire of hugging little Riel. He then stood on his tiptoes and pulled my head down, and gave me a kiss on the lips. I wanted to tell him about what it really means, but there's not much harm to do it for a bit more. It's cute in its own way.

"Mom, can I drink you milk again?" Since he didn't do it last night, I thought he'd slowly stop, but it looks like he still loves his Mommy's milkies. I intended to stop it a few years ago, but I couldn't really bring myself to do it. One reason is because it's become routine. The other one, I'm ashamed to admit, is that I find myself feeling good from his drinking. I get all hot and bothered every time, and he handles my breasts so nicely, I could get-. No. I need to stop such heretical thoughts. He's my son, I can't. Ah, I hope he's forgotten about that night.

Sighing to hide that I'm looking forward to it, I took off my top and looked down to see my nipples were already erect. My cute Riel latched onto my right nipple and drank. I had to bite my lip to keep my face from looking any different. He then grabbed my other one and kneaded it. He's always done this since he was big enough to do so. I asked him why, and he said that since there are two of them, he'd use them both. I laughed. His childlike logic is so lovable.

"Um, Mom?" Riel said, looking up at me after releasing my nipple from his mouth.


"I want to talk about the other night."

GrammarNazi69 GrammarNazi69

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