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Chapter 12: 11. Narcissa Black.

# King's Cross station #

-Platform 9 ¾-

I stood by the platform gazing at the parents who came to send off their children to Hogwarts.

On the same platform, I remember my mother giving me her books and her parting words, along with the memory me and Lily standing

I won't stay long at Hogwarts, once I have learned all that is available at Hogwarts and gained the band of people I need, I will give my NEWT sooner and leave the school.

I looked at Dobby, who was getting odd looks from the surrounding.

People had confused looks on their faces while the Elves had a look of envy dawned on them.

This was due to the clothes Dobby was wearing.

He wasn't slouching or looking fearful like other elves, he was standing straight and proud, wearing a two-piece butler suit in blue and white color.

"See I told you, didn't I? Look at those Elves, they are looking Enviously at you. They too want to be like you. They don't want to wear those white cloth around them."

"Yes, master. Dobby can see his kind, looking envious of me. Dobby will help them."

"Do as I told you, you must contact as many elves as you can before I complete my studies. Use that spell I taught you to erase the memory of an elf that is too loyal to its master."

I got an understanding of elven magic and how it worked, using that I improved my proficiency in wandless magic.

I taught Dobby a bunch of spells or the concept of effect caused by that concerning spell for Dobby to cast them.

"Remember Dobby, be careful from whom you gather information, and whom you select to help you, not all of them want to be freed."

I planned to get the information on what the pureblood families are planning and what secrets they hide.

If I can get this information, I will have material for future negotiations.

"Dobby will learn to be a good butler from Tv."

I facepalmed, I took Dobby to muggle London, there he saw how butlers behaved in a movie.

Since then, he got this obsession with being the best elf and started sneaking around muggle to see television.

I finally bought a television and antenna so that he would stop sneaking around, since then he became addicted to it and drama series on it.

As magic worked as an emp on electrical devices I placed the tv in a separate room, where we didn't perform magic.

-Hogwarts Trains-

I moved around the train and saw many Gryffindors and Slytherins arguing with each other.

I looked around the compartments, surprisingly many asked me to sit along with them in their compartment, mainly girls, which I found odd.

I was trying to find an empty compartment or at least a compartment with less nosy people.

I saw a glimpse of a red hair pass by near, I immediately wanted to go to her but I controlled myself and looked for a cabin.

At last, I found a cabin with just students, both of whom, I knew very well.

I knocked on the door, Regulus Black opened the door,

"Who are you? well, I don't care who you are. The cabin is full, so leave, now. We don't need anyone else in here. Go find yourself some compartment." Regulus sneered.

This brat's attitude didn't change a bit. He is one of my friends that I made just to spite his brother, Sirius black.

He believed in the same blood purity crap but he wasn't as bad as the other students with the same background as his.

For a pureblood, he was overly affectionate to his elf.

I had to use langlock on him to stop him from talking about his elf Krecher.

"That is Severus snape, you idiot. Let him in. For some reason, he finally realized that his other friends existed for a long time."

I heard the voice of Narcissa black from behind Regulus, it had an iciness to it.

She was angry at me, that was as clear as crystal to me.

I have been ignoring a lot of people ever since my fight with lily.

"You…. You are Severus. But how?!"

Regulus seemed shocked and kept his mouth open.

"Close your mouth or the fractional amounts of wits you have will escape from it and move out of the way "

Regulus closed his mouth and moved away from the door.

"Now that is the snape, I know. Always sneering at others."

Regulus commented as he sat down and started reading the book on Quidditch.

"How did you know it was me? Cissy. I am sure I have gone through substantial change in the past few days."

"What kind of friend do you take me for? Hmm. And not everyone has the same bored look on their faces as you. You have a most boring look when you are not studying something that interests you and I remember your voice. It's quite Voice. I know you too well to forget about you. And don't call me Cissy!"

she is still snappy as I remembered.

The last time I talked to her was at the end of Owls, she isn't someone who likes to be ignored.

"You know me well, don't you? Then you know I won't stop calling you Cissy. I will that comment on voice as a compliment."

"Hey, Snape, she won't even let me call her Cissy. It is a nickname between her and her sisters. She hexed me when I called her that one time and I was sent to the hospital wing after that. I had to find a new nickname to call her. She really has an ugly...I mean strong temper."

Regulus said looking frightened by Cissy's icy look.

Well, she never hexed me though, I usually call her that to taunt her and get a rise out of her.

"You never tried to hex me though. Should I take it that you don't mind that I call you 'C...i...S....S....Y', do you?"

I should have hit myself for not seeing that there were others in Slytherin for me to spend time with and who cared for me.

I did know they cared but I was so wrapped in my world to notice the signs.

I was so into dark arts, arguments with lily, and my home life, I forgot the genuine friendship I had with Cissy.

"Believe me, Snape. You are playing with fire. With Fire I say. You don't want to face her wrath. She is scarier than Bellatrix when she is mad." Regulus warned.

Cissy narrowed her blue eyes at me, pitching her finger close she said,

"You are just this much away from being at the other end of my wand, Severus. Not all of us are stuck on just one friend and ignore all others."

She knew why I was ignoring everything.

"I know, I was just concentrating on dark arts for some time, that's it."

"Snape, you can't lie your way through this, even I noticed your mood since the end of Owls," Regulus interjected, obviously pissed.

"First it isn't Snape anymore, I have taken up my mother's surname, I go by Severus Eileen Prince now."

I saw the shock on Regulus but Narcissa didn't seem surprised.

"You are heir to the Prince family! you never told us. You just said that you were Half-blood. Hey, Narcissa, you don't seem surprised by it at all by this. Did you know that he was part of the House of Prince?"

"I am not a half-wit like you, Reg. I checked up on him with Lucius the day I became friends with him."

She is more interesting than I previously thought. She is beautiful and ambitious, yet so cunning.

"You checked on me?"

"If you know black family then you know their behavior towards half-blood. When I met you and later become friends with you, I had to make a backup plan if my parents find out that I am associating with a half-blood. They aren't that much of loving parents, you know."

I knew the Black family's feelings towards Half-bloods and family dynamics.

"Why go out of your way to be my friend then. We have been friends for the last six years. your parents must have found out about our friendship and I am sure they didn't react well to it."

I didn't understand why she became my friend if it meant trouble for her.

"Because I wanted to. I don't need a reason to do what I want. I found you interesting, so I became friends with you. You were talented, intelligent, and cunning yet lacked any ambition. You were able to maintain your friendship with a Gryffindor, a muggle-born at that, even though you sleep in the same room as two purebloods, who would attack you anytime due to your association with her. I thought you would be someone I can profit with, so I took my shot."

She is also straightforward with her intention.

She didn't hide her opinion about me the first time we met either.

"Hey, Severus, you know I became the vice-captain of Slytherin quidditch team and seeker of the team. Slughorn invited me to his club party. I will destroy the Gryffindor team now that I am the seeker and Vice-captain."

Regulus starts his quidditch talk again like he usually does whenever we meet.

"Reg, my darling cousin, why don't you go and meet your friends? I heard Barty was searching for you."

Narcissa says sweetly but it was an order, regulus understood and left.

She turns to me.

"Now tell me, what happened?" Cissy asked in a serious tone.

"I don't understand what you are talking about?"

I honestly didn't understand what she was pointing at.

"Why did you decide to get your hair cut and fix your nose? You didn't change when I insisted and almost dragged you to the hospital wing to get your nose fixed. You didn't change when you and that red-haired bitch fought."


"Tsk, fine, when you and that red-haired witch fought, you didn't take care of yourself. Something must have happened for you to act now. You not only took the heirship of the prince family but you also finally took care of your appearance. despite all the change, I can see the sadness in your eyes."

The last startled me, how did she know that I was feeling sad?

"How do you know it is sadness or for that matter how do you know what I feel just looking into my eyes?"

I don't understand this notion, even lily used to say this, she just knew that I was feeling down. She used to try her best to get my spirits up, her various act of trying to raise my mood brightened my day.

Cissy got up from her seat and caught my face in between her hands and spoke by staring directly into my eyes.

"I have known you long enough to know whether you are feeling sad or not. It was you, who thought that his only genuine friend was a Gryffindor witch. Are you so blinded by your feeling for her that you forgot that I spent the most time along with you in Slytherin since the beginning?"

Now that I look closely at her, she was too beautiful.

My eyes slowly fall onto her lips, those red lips looked so soft, rose pink, warm, and ta...tasty?

'Tasty? What am I even thinking? fuck these hormones y that are trying to mess with my head. Fuck them.'

"No, I wasn't blind by my feeling for her, I was blinded by my rage and stupidity."

Cissy raised her eyebrows, looking skeptical at me.

"I know you are calling her a Bitch when you say witch, don't you?"

Cissy's lips twitch, slightly morphing into an almost smile.

"What are you going do about it? and Don't change the subject, Severus. I know something happened to you. Not that I don't like the new look, it is just that you feel sad and hollow." She continued says hesitantly "I am… worried about you"

Cissy is worried for me?

"Don't look so surprised at fact that I am worried for you. I may look cold but I care for those who I consider friends, and family. Remember the day that I hexed Rosier when he dared to raise his wand against you," Cissy said.


-1st year-

I and Narcissa were studying in Slytherin's common room.

I doubted why she asked for my help, so I asked her "why did you ask to study with me?"

"You are the best there is in potion in our year. I found you more interesting than other Slytherins in our year."


"You are friends with a Mudblood"

"She is not a Mudblood!" I said with anger.

"Whatever, since I found you to be interesting, I want you to be my friend," She said, offering her hand for a shake with a smug smile.

"You're bossy and bratty."

"Bossy, yes. Bratty, no. Do you or do you not want to be my friend?" Cissy questioned haughtily

Cissy was still bossy though.

I was pretty much a loner and picked on a lot due to my status as a Half-blood, at that time, so I said "I will be your friend"

"Good, We will meet here tomorrow, again." She said and left.

Nah, I take it back she was a bit bratty back then. She just said we were friends and ordered me the next second.

She was to be not messed around with though as her sister Bellatrix was still a student and she had a certain reputation of being good with hexes and curses, so many students feared Cissy and did as she told them to.

The next day, I sat in the common room waiting for her.

Instead of the Bossy Cissy, a swine by the name of Evan rosier wanted to bully me.

"Hey, half-blood. I heard you were good at potions, why don't you do my homework?"

"I won't do it."

I was not someone who would be pushed around.

I always reacted very badly to those who felt they were superior to me and tried to bully me.

"You should listen to superiors or you mi--"

Before he could finish, his tongue was turned into a horn.

"Rosier, I hope you don't waste my friend's time, next time. Do you understand or should I call my sister Bella?"

I saw Cissy pointing her wand at Rosier.

Rosier ran with his tail between his legs.

"I could have handled that myself."

"But it would have consequences if you did it, but nothing will happen if I did it. Rosier is a whiny little shit, he would surely cry about this to his father."

I was shocked when I heard her cuss, she always maintained a classy decorum around her.

"Don't look confused, I don't always maintain decorum around my friends."

Since then, she stuck around with me.

She was different from lily and I was just happy to have another person to talk to within Slytherin.


"Yeah, you were bossy back then."

"So, am I not bossy now?"

"No, you still are but I learned to deal with it"

"Oh, have you?" Cissy questioned with a smirk, and asked "Tell me what happened to you?"

Damn it, She wasn't letting it go.

"I will tell you later, once your occlumency is high enough"

I decided not to lie to her, just postpone it.

She cared for me and was genuine about her concerns, I won't lie just to hide the truth.

Once she is able enough to shield her mind, I will tell her.

"Oh, a mystery. It seems you changed inside as well, Severus," said Cissy as her eyes twinkled with a mysterious light.

"How so?"

"You wouldn't have answered my questions this long and would have lied to me about the reason. I know you more than you believe I do. I know when you lie and when you speak the truth."

I didn't reply, just took in her jasmine scent that filled my nostrils due to our closeness.

I just stared at her, breathing in her beauty and Sapphire blue eyes.

I looked down at her lips, something stirring inside me, something that I only felt for lily till now.

I must have truly been blind to neglect her.

She too didn't blink and kept looking at me.

"You look beautiful"

I blurt out before I could stop myself.

She looked a bit shocked and then her face went back to normal.

She had a smirk on her face.

"So, you think I am beautiful"

"Yes" why should I lie when it is true.

"See, I told you, you have changed. you wouldn't have said yes, you would probably 'hmphed' and looked to the other side." teased Cissy with a pretty laugh.

"You should take your hands off my face; they are getting sweaty."

She realized how close we were, and moved away.

She sat back in her seat with a red face.

"You shouldn't tell a lady that her hands are sweaty." Cissy teased with a slight smile.

" Well, a lady shouldn't call others Bitch, should she?"

"That I will and I swear if you changed the way you looked for that red-haired witch, I burn you myself. If she isn't friends with you due to your looks then she is pathetic"

"No, she isn't like that, and you know what happened"

I defended Lily, she never cared for someone's looks or their status.

I knew the way I looked before, I was not good-looking and I don't know If I can be considered good-looking now.

"You look quite good now. You should have taken my offer when I offered you a new pair of robes and a haircut."

How did she know I was thinking about my looks?

"Did you use legilimency on me? You knew I wouldn't have taken the offer anyway."

"No, I don't need legilimency to know what you are thinking. Even if I did use it, you would know. I just know the way you think."

I was liking the time I am spending with her but God decided it was enough and spoiled it.

Regulus opened the door and said, "It is time to change into uniforms."

Cissy got up and left.

I opened the buttons of my shirt, as was about to change into my school uniform, I saw Regulus looking at me, no, he was looking at my torso, I raised an eyebrow at him

"Since when did you have those abs. They look so good. you have to tell me how you did it?"

Giving Reg a weird look, I ignored him and dressed up.

Cissy came back and took her seat.

I, regulus, and Cissy got off the train.

Regulus went to his friends.

"Would the kind sir accompany this lady to the great hall ?" teased Cissy, stretching her hand out.

"Why?" I was confused.

" Shuu...You are ruining the play, just go on with it. this lady would like to be the reason for envy, today"

"You are already envied by a lot of girls, my lady, due to your undeniably stunning beauty. How could I accompanying you would be a reason for envy? I believe I would be the person who would be envied since I am in your company, my lady."

I teased her back with what was on my mind, I didn't overthink what I spoke.

I heard her whisper "smooth, Severus, real smooth".

'Smooth?' I was confused by what she meant.

She cleared her throat, took my arm, and spoke

"You are coming with me. That's final"

Still bossy as always.




# Great Hall #

*3rd POV*

All of the students were looking at the Slytherin pair that just entered the great hall, both of them looked absolutely stunning.

One of them was Narcissa Black, who was already widely known for her beauty and cold expression, and the other was Severus, who due to his change wasn't recognized by others.

"Hey, Marlene, look at those two. Narcissa black is with some hot dude. He isn't someone I recognize, do you know him?" a girl at Gryffindor's table asked Marlene.

Marlene, who was eating ice cream, turned towards Slytherin's table and looked at Narcissa and Severus.

"Lily, Mary, look at Slytherin's table. There is this new good-looking dude who came along with Narcissa black. Do you think they are together?"

"How would we know?" Mary said and looked at the pair.

Lily looked at the smiling faces of Narcissa Black and Severus, instantly recognizing her former best friend.

"That's…... that's Sev!" Lily said, almost choking on her drink.

"What?!" three loud voices can be heard.

"That hot dude is your former best friend, Severus Snape. Lily, darling, do you need an eye check-up?" said Marlene, genuinely fearing for her friend's eyesight.

James Potter and Sirius Black were intently listening to lily.

They didn't believe that snape would be this good-looking.

"I know Severus, Marlene. That is Severus right there. He just got a haircut."

Lily said as if it wasn't a big deal to appear as if she didn't care but she was feeling incredibly jealous that Narcissa was the one making him laugh.

She reassured herself that her Sev would have never chosen Death Eaters above her.

'My Sev said blood didn't matter but Hogwarts changed him. He wants to be a Death Eater. He doesn't understand what is wrong with becoming a death eater.'

She sharply poked her food with a fork as she gazed at the pair.

"You seem extremely jealous of them, Lily." teased Marlene.

"No, I am not."

Lily denied but she was feeling like just standing up, going to Slytherin's table, and sitting between Severus and Narcissa just to separate them.

"Wait, I will find out if they are a thing or not. Hey, Sirius, are your cousin Narcissa and Severus are a thing or not?"

Lily wanted to stop Marlene but she too wished to know.

"I don't know if Snape and Narcissa are a thing or not? It is honestly disgusting to see" Sirius said

"I didn't ask for your opinion," said Marlene, sticking her tongue out at them.

"Prongs, we should do something about snape. It has been many days since we messed with him" Sirius whispered to James.

"Yes, Padfoot. He seems to think he is some hotshot since he looks good now," replied James, conspiring against Severus.

But they didn't know that this would be the biggest mistake of Marauder's life.

[Sixteen year-old Narcissa Black image]

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