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50% Re: Hulk

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: The initiative [Edited]

Chapter 3:

Black Widow

After giving Rhodes back his control to his armor, she together with Happy went back to the Expo site.

What awaited them however was Tony and Rhodes casually talking to what seems to be a security guard, based on what he's wearing.

"So, those robot parts. Did you make them?" asked the guard.

"First of all, It's a suit of armor which is why I'm called Ironman. And second, Yes, I did, best invention I've ever made.!" Stark proclaimed with his nose held high.

"Uhm, if you don't mind. Can you make me one too?" asked the guard.

'Did he just asked Stark to make him a suit of armor' Natasha thought as she and Happy came.

"Dude, I ain't making you anything and its exclusively for me to use only." Tony politely refused.

"Then why is he wearing one if it's exclusively yours? Besides, I can do you one favor which should mean something, right?" the guard asked.

Stark's face seems conflicted upon hearing him. On one thought he let his buddy take it on purpose, on the other hand getting a favor from, a giant green bulging muscle, was a good card to have.

'Tony Stark denied the government his tech but is now having second thoughts with a guard? Who is this person?' were Black Widow's line of thought.

"Tony!" Pepper came rushing. Although there were no bombs going off earlier. She was saved earlier along with Happy by the Agents, they were taken to a distance far from the only explosion which was caused by both Ironman and future 'Warmachine'.

Romanoff with the others were here first but upon listening to the conversation made her stop on their tracks. Who wouldn't? after hearing what they were talking about?

"Hey Pep! Glad you're okay!" Tony said as if he wasn't lying on the ground with a busted armor, still moving but definitely busted.

"How about you? what about Rhodey?" Pepper asked with concern as she noticed Rhodes was also down.

"We're okay, we defeated Vanko easily. right Rhodes?" Tony asked his best friend for confirmation.

"Yup! Definitely easy!" was Rhodey's answer of agreement, but his status says otherwise. And that was when the guard guy talked again.

"So, you mean to say that being caught by an electric whip and plastered to the wall was all part of the plan?" he asked amusingly.

Pepper gasped. "Tony! What did he mean by that?!"

Stark and Rhodes glared at the now smirking guard.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Widow asked, before whatever drama takes place. Then the guard looked at her.

The moment he laid his eyes on her, she felt that he was a carefree person.

"Bruce Banner, nice to meet you." Bruce held his right hand towards widow for a handshake while the latter shoot it in response.

"Natasha Romanoff." Was her only reply as she studied Bruce more. To be perfectly honest, she already knows who he is upon introduction.

After all, his information was within SHIELD and he was a candidate for the initiative.





"Hey Ironman." Bruce called out to Tony as the trio looked at him.

"Yeah?" was Tony's reply.

"It was a pleasure meeting you. I'll get a rain check on that armor I requested, I'll see you again!" he said as he turned around and starts to leave only to be stopped by Natasha holding his shoulders while Ironman muttered.

"I didn't even agree on anything."

"Hold on for a moment we need to ask you questions before you go." Natasha demanded.

Bruce stopped on his tracks and turned to face Natasha, but Rhodes immediately acted out to avoid pissing off Bruce. He doesn't want a fight with a green giant.

"Stand down! He is under orders from General Ross and is now free to go. Refrain from making him angry. So, stand down."

"I don't take orders from the General or the government but," She said while holding an earpiece, clearly listening to someone.

"I'm sorry Dr. Banner, you may go but please know that we will keep an eye on you." She said.

Bruce didn't say anything else and nodded at her. He went out of that place and went to the nearest dark alley he could find. Using the Genin chakra level flowing through him and his skills from the first life, he vanished.

He knew of surveillance and how advance this world was based on the old Banner's memory. His run from the military was especially valuable since the new Bruce now knows exactly what not to do and i prove more to go off the grid.




Unknown Location

After Diablo was sent to the MCU world.

[AN: Yes, it'll be MCU and not comics, I'm a fan but I don't have much knowledge about the comics, so I'll be sticking to the movie reference.]

"Oh, I know. Hehe." says the entity showing a different smile than he did a while ago when talking to Endou/Diablo, as he replied to the one on the phone.

"So, you purposely reincarnated him for 999 times in the Naruto world?"

"Yes, I did. The guy was deserve it, he's killed a lot of innocent lives more than anyone could in their lifetime. And he did it in the span of 20 years! That was not part of my plan for him at all."

"Although you did that purposely, you could have at least erased his memories of it. I'm surprised he's not even crazy after what you did.!"

"Well, according to him he actually married Tsunade in his last 100 years of restart, so he should be thankful, in the end he was still able to live happily."

"I guess you're right, although you're unable to interfere and see what he did while in that world, you're still able to read his mind and feelings."

"Yes, and that's the most annoying part. Unlike his early 899 restart, where he looked like a broken shell with lifeless expression, his last hundredth was that of someone without regret."

"Your annoyed because that's not what you planned to happen right?"

"Yes, that's why I'm sending him to a world doomed to end. If Loki's invasion doesn't kill him, or Ultron's rebellion or their infighting or even thanos's snap. Then, Tiamut's emergence would surely kill him since it will literally destroy earth."

"The moment he enters, another individual timeline where he's present will be born. You mean to say, that you made it so that, the time he's in is bound to be destroyed, one way or another?" Asked the one on the phone.

"Exactly, therefore no more problem. Beside I also sent him a 'gift', I'm sure he'll be very happy for it!" Bruce is obviously not going to be happy about it.

[AN: The gift is supposed to be the Akatsuki members. Kindly give another suggestion before I send Uchiha Madara.

A. Akatsuki (By batches of 2)

B. Uchiha Madara (After Ultron)

C. Tsunade(Experimented by Hydra)

D. Crossover(Naruto World)

E. Suggestions (Can be comics characters from Marvel)

Just remember that the gift needs to be a bad guy sent for Bruce.]

"Sigh. Leave me out of this."

"Don't worry. This is the last time we'll talk about this. We can forget about him and focus on other matters since the timeline and universe he'll be in technically, will no konger exist." He ended the call and forgot about Diablo like it didn't even happen.

The entity's plan would have been flawless. But him unable to interfere and check what diablo's doing and him forgetting all about it was definitely not within his plan. He only has an assurance that the world he's sent diablo in will end one way or another.

He didn't even manage to check Diablo's soul and the bloodlines he's acquired, it all had long since been rooted to him since the 36th restart up to the 899th before meeting Tsunade.

All he gotta do was awaken them as he grows more stronger. And the good thing is that, this entity will no longer be able to do anything about it.




Thor was already casted out of Asgard and sent to earth prior to Bruce and Tony's encounter. That was the reason why Phil was pulled out from monitoring team who was in charge of Tony.

A very heavy hammer landed on New Mexico when Phil was called. And it has only been a day since the Expo incident.




Next day

Somewhere in New York

After the incident with abomination Bruce did his research. As a professional assassin/killer/shinobi, one of the skills he fundamentally possesses was blending in and gather information without being found.

Especially if it was a mission with less information.

The world he was in was almost the same as his earth, his first world where he was 'the devil'. But the technology was more developed.

According to his memory, his research itself was based on a war hero called 'Captain America' from the last world war II.

Specifically, the serum that made him which created by a scientist named Dr. Erskine.

From the technology advancement that this planet possesses, he concluded that getting information by looking through various public camera would be too easy in comparison to his first world.

He added this fact when covering his tracks. Even using cards or his identity as Bruce Banner, he treaded carefully and didn't use them anymore, not that they have him on his person.

Not knowing that SHIELD who were closely monitoring him from a far has long since lost sight or clue as to where he was.

He was currently searching for a good place to live in, if he wants to blend in perfectly to this new world, he was in. And what better way to do it other than to use Genjutsu, using his Sharingan.




Nick Fury

"So, you're saying he's under control of himself when his turned into the big guy?" Fury asked to his subordinate codename: Black Widow who just finished reporting what happened in the Start Expo.

"Yes, sir. This was according to Tony Stark and Col Rhodes who was there when Hulk and that 'abomination' were fighting each other.

They mentioned how Hulk was able to talk to them and get angry when Tony shot a missile towards him, but the Hulk just complained and didn't rampage right then and there." she answered without a single doubt on her face.

Fury thought for a moment before speaking again.

"Your new assignment will be to monitor him. I want to know, what happened that gave him control and what he's going to do from now on." He told Natasha but she answered immediately.

"Actually, I have no idea or clue of his currently location. I've lost track of him." Widow admitted to which Fury was a bit surprised.

That was supposed to be impossible. Natasha was not just any average spy.

"Explain." Fury said calmly.

"I monitored his actions after he left. His first actions were confusing as he went to a dark alley without surveillance.

The next time I spotted him was when he went to a public computer shop cafe the next day. According to his search history, he was focused on the advancement of technology here on earth and also the past events until the current era.

After that, he was able to reduce his tracks more but after I saw him enter a restaurant and went to the Rest Room where less security details were available, he vanished.

I went there myself and searched for clues but found nothing. It's as I said, he seemed to have simply vanished."

"Now that is totally garbage. Search for him more and use all available resources we have! I don't care how you do it, just find him and continue watching from a distance. We might need to bring him in soon."

"Yes sir."

Black widow exited the room. Fury opened a folder that has a title Avengers Initiative in it.

He opened the profile of one of the candidates, it shows everything known to have happened ever since Hulk emerged.

His collection of candidates was slowly getting more members. He picked up another file about another possible candidate.




New Mexico,

Next day after Bruce disappeared from Black Widow's sight.

Thor was recently taken out from SHIELD's custody by Jane and Eric, after failing miserably on lifting his Hammer.

He joined Jane's normal life while his hammer remained inside the constructed base. There he learned what his father wanted him to learn.


In the end, Thor had to confront Loki to save Jotunheim from destruction. He had to destroy the Bifrost despite knowing he might not see Jane again for a long time.

Loki confessed he did it all for Odin but the old god denied him. Knowing that all he did was futile, the trickster god who simply wants recognition let go of the lifeline Thor was holding on for him.

Loki drifted into a wormhole created by the parts of the Bifrost which Thor destroyed, leaving a grieving Thor and a heartless Odin who's only reaction was looking at Loki's figure and softly saying. "No"

The events of Thor ended with the prince of Asgard no longer showing desire for the throne.

His lover, Jane Foster, continued her research trying to find him and a way to his world.




Somewhere in the outskirts of NEW YORK

A few months after the events of Ironman 2

In a very secluded place, which was an abandoned building, Bruce was listening to a voicemail of Tony Stark aka Ironman. Bruce's day was currently at peace after securing the place.

Far from technology, far from population, and far from troubles.

His physical appearance has long since been changed using physical training and his medical knowledge from the Naruto world.

He first thought about appearing as young as possible, maybe in twenties.

But after careful consideration, he didn't make himself young and remained a matured looking man in his 30s albeit much more perfect than he already was.

He put some rich people under Genjutsu to command them to deliver things he needed from simple clothing to appliances, food, money, and other necessities.

He would then make everyone involved forget about it but to cover his tracks more, it would be officially sent to their original address on record.

[AN: Just to clarify. Genjutsu is not mind control bit close to it. Mind control is when one was told to do something according to mind controller's will. While Genjutsu is suggesting an illusion which the victim believes to be true.]

He was currently sitting on his very own couch and was watching something he never got a chance to watch these past lifetimes, Anime.

Thankfully they were present in this world albeit lacking, he was still able to enjoy. He's currently watching an anime with a title, Wiseman's Grandchild or something.

It must have been thousands of years since Bruce watched one. Although he lived inside one, watching anime from a screen while relaxing was different especially with a popcorn and coke, it was perfect!

He has already made the inside of the building his home.

Although it's only the top floor and just a portion of it that he occupied, Bruce was satisfied after making sure the building was reinforced using earth style Jutsu.

It was a simple ninjutsu to make sure the building holds out from an earthquake or a storm.

The building has 25 floors in total and he would often go on the rooftop and meditate. It has only been a few months since he came to this world and his strength was slowly recovering.

If he was to rate his strength in chakra reserves, he was currently in Jonin level which was not fast enough for him. No bloodline limit was awakened yet beside the Sharingan, that too was still in three tomoe and not yet a Mangekyo.

But Bruce's marathon was quickly disturbed as he sensed someone infiltrate his location. Whoever it was must be very skilled based on the subtlety of the intruder's way of intruding, I mean infiltrating his new home.

Bruce then prepared to 'talk' to the one skilled enough to find him by using body flicker, he disappeared from his couch.

In great speed that no human being in this world can achieve besides maybe quicksilver, he arrived at the target and was not surprised to see a familiar woman he met at the expo incident.

"So," He started to say but stopped as he munched his popcorn which he was still holding.

Natasha stopped on her tracks and didn't move upon hearing his voice but after she heard a munching sound, she turned around to see Bruce eating popcorn while looking at her. He might look relaxed to any normal person or even normal agent.

But his gaze tells a different story to Natasha, who has enough experience to distinguish it.

"Hello, Bruce. It was really hard finding you. If you didn't try to call Tony, then I might not have been able to locate you." She said in a very calm manner like she didn't just try to intrude his privacy.

Bruce continued looking at her while munching his popcorn in a very well-timed pattern where he can immediately respond to anything she tries to do. Detecting not a hint of opening Natasha surrendered both her hands in the air.

"I'm not here to harm you, I just want to talk." She tried to open up once again.

"Is that what you really want or is that a mission from your superior?" Bruce asked and stopped eating.

"And before you answer, know that I will know if you lie to me." He warned before Natasha could reply. The latter in all her experience in these kinds of schemes and acts, was sure that the former was not lying about it. She had to be very careful about what she says.

"Yes, it was a mission." Bruce just shrugged after hearing her reply.

"Fair enough. Follow me so we can talk, and you can be on your way afterwards."

In truth, Bruce could've just used Genjutsu on her like he did those people he controlled to get things done.

But there's something about this woman that felt familiar to him beside the obvious fact that he was attracted to her charms. He was, after so many lifetimes, still just a man.

"Drop all your weapons on that desk and follow me to the couch." Natasha did as Bruce instructed but of course left some knife or two on her person. But all her guns, hidden or not was now sitting on Bruce's desk beside the door upon entering.

She followed where Bruce went which was in the living room area. There she saw Bruce watching a Japanese cartoon while munching on his popcorn. Natasha sat beside him, and he offered a coke in can which she gratefully accepted.

Bruce turned off the TV and waited for Natasha to drink her coke a bit.

"So, Natasha right? Why are you tracking me?" He asked after a few silence.

"Sigh, I was assigned to track you personally by my superior so that we can bring you in when the time comes."

"What do you mean? Are you going to to capture me when the right time comes?"

"No, we were to approach you peacefully and ask for your help."

"And why would you need the help of an individual with anger management issues and turns into a green giant capable of destruction?"

"The world, according to my superior, will be in danger soon."

"How did he arrived to that conclusion?"

"I don't know, he loves his secrets."

"Well, with that out of the way. Let me tell you what you got yourself into." Bruce started with a smile.




Kamar Taj

A certain being of great power felt some changes in the universe and immediately went to where she kept a powerful artifact.

She didn't hesitate to use it as it glowed in green energy. As he saw a glimpse of the future, he saw that Hulk was somehow in control of himself during a battle along with some known individuals.

The fight was not new to her but Hulk's control of himself was something new. He tried to go further into the future but was unable to view more after seeing Hulk with a group of individuals battle an army of robots.

"A change has occured. What should I do.?" she asked herself after using the artifact.




Malibu, Califarnia

A few days before Natasha entered Bruce's building

Tony was upgrading his armor. After that fight with Vanko and Hulk's appearance, he found something to design his suit for. And that was to be able to fight stronger and bulkier enemies.


Sir an unknown number is calling you directly.] JARVIS notified.

"Just put it into voicemail. I don't have time for any guessing game of who called me at the moment. Nor do I have the time to talk to someone who doesn't want me to know who they are."

[I shall do as you say, Sir.] JARVIS confirmed.




New York

Abandoned Building

Bruce's new home.

Black Widow

Fury's order to her was to keep track of him, Bruce Banner.

Using SHIELD's resources, she finally found a trace of him when he called Tony Stark.

Although he probably used an unregistered or burner phone, he left an interesting message which identified him as the caller.

That was Bruce's unintended mistake.

After getting his location, it was hard to confirm if he was there because the location was an abandoned building. There was nothing inside it on record and it lacks camera for her to confirm from far away.

So, she decided to check it personally at night just in case. And that was her mistake unintended mistake same as Bruce's, leading up to their current situation.

Bruce then talked.

"Let me tell you what you got yourself into. If I wanted to, I could simply make you walk away from here 'with your memory erased'." He added the last line inside his mind.

"Or I could just take away your life without you realizing it and continue my Anime marathon like you didn't even came.

So, before you start talking, I want you to think about it very carefully. And no, it was not your charm that saved you."

Looking straight into the man's eyes, Natasha was not in doubt everything she heard was the truth.

And what does he mean about anime marathon? Is he planning to go out and run?

After hearing his words, she was in silence for minute or two before opening her mouth to speak.

"Thank you for sparing me." Bruce nodded seeing Natasha understood her situation.

"My boss has a project called the 'Avengers Initiative'. And you were part of it, that's the reason why I was tracking you and why I'm here."

"Avengers what?" was Bruce's question after hearing Natasha's 'mission' from his superior.

"It was an idea created by my superior." She clarified.


"Based on his 'words', the idea was to gather a group of remarkable people to see if they could become something more. To see if they could work together when the world needed them to, to fight the battles that the world never could."

"It's a good idea, but that's just what it's going to be, a good 'idea'. Your superior underestimates the nature of man. The only way I see this idea of his working is when the world itself is on the brink of destruction."

"That's exactly the reason why he's creating it, and according to his words before I left. It will be soon." Bruce narrowed his eyes at this and told her.

"Either he has knowledge of something no other people of this world know, or he is simply a paranoid superior. Maybe even both?" To which Natasha chuckled seductively.

"Hmmn, You're cute." He commented upon seeing that. Natasha then spoke again.

"We were actually visited by aliens a few months ago. This was one of the reasons why he was hurrying the assembling of this initiative project of his."

"Tell me more." Bruce said.

"Do you know Norse mythology?"

"Yes, but why would you ask me about that when you were talking about aliens? You're not saying that Thor and Odin are just aliens right?" Bruce said and upon looking at Natasha's expression, he doesn't need the Sharingan to know he hit the bull's eye.

"You are in fact correct. During their visit, a town was destroyed in New Mexico. Although there were no casualties because the civilians were evacuated early. But what if they weren't? Lives would have been lost."

"That's where the Avengers initiative comes in. To protect the innocents and prevent a world ending threat to the world." Listening to all this, Bruce ran out of interest after town was destroyed.

"I understand." he said.

"You do?" Natasha asked surprised.

"Yes, I also want you to understand something."

"What is it?"

"My services aren't free. So, if your boss will call me one day to help. Tell him to prepare something in return as fee for my help. It can be money or a favor depending on which I ask of you. Do you understand?" Natasha was speechless upon hearing his demand.

But it wasn't her problem anymore, she successfully recruited the big guy despite having to pay for his help.

"I understand. I will inform him of your demands." Bruce nodded and told her to get her things and go out and said.

"Come to my house again only when you need me and nothing more. If these are not met, I will be very violent." and that was what Natasha heard last as she went to report back to Fury.

End of Chapter 3

Human_Sinner Human_Sinner

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