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The Lost Ansei The Lost Ansei original

The Lost Ansei

Author: Daniel_Doom

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Who Are You?

A dark skinned male laid limply and dazed underneath a tree. He groaned from a mild headache, his body feeling as if it had been exhausted from travel yet he remembered not doing any of the sort. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open to reveal near golden irises. His clothes were the Ansei armor that was crafted and gifted to him by his former mentor and father figure. His head and hair was wrapped in clothe, to prevent the scorching sun's wrath from baking his skin any further. It was obvious that he looked out of place in the environment that he was in has he sat up, gathering his barings. It wouldn't be long before he realized that he was not in Yokuda, or at least from what he remembers of it. He was atop a hill, overlooking a jungle like landscape. His golden pupils glanced around confused as to where he was, before he could panic he took a deep breathe to center himself.

'Breathe...fear will not lead to the answers that I seek..' The Yokudan thought.

After centering himself he rose to his feet and almost stumbled a bit. His full height coming to bare on the ground beneath him. The Yokudan stood at six foot four inches, his body shaping looking as if he were a marathon runner as his armor did not conceal all of his body. The clothe that hung closely to him flapped against the cool wind blowing against him. In the distance, he could

make out a large and ornate city that he has never seen before. It was possibly half a days journey from where he stood. With no other options available to him, and with no way of knowing what else to do, the Yokudan began his journey towards the distant city. As he walked, he thought back on what he last remembered. He was in the midst of practicing, perfecting his skill and craft. Until the very ground beneath him shook and gave way to a dark abyss below. The very foundations of Yokuda seemed as if they had been undone, as if the very laws that be, were pushed to the side. Before he could be embraced by the abyss of death, a bright light surrounded him and whisked him away. The next thing that the Yokudan knew was that he was here in this mysterious land.

'What would Master Hunding do in a time like this?' The Yokudan thought as he walked, the minutes passing by him while he hiked through the jungle. He seemed unhindered, as if traveling on foot was nothing to him. Although, the landscape was a difficult to navigate, for he knew not of where he had been. That said he knew of the direction that he was headed in.

'Jai, when found in a circumstance that the normal teachings do not avail you, open your mind to all others. An Ansei's training is never finished, until the day they die.' Master Hunding would lecture to Jhai as he thought back on his time under the man's tutelage.

<Several Hours Later>

Jai reached an open plain, one that revealed the city that he had been approaching. He had several dozen miles to go before finally arriving there. Though he noticed something peculiar happening a good distance away from where he stood. Metal vessels, the likes of which he had never seen before were descending onto the landscape. Each looking like creatures with no mouths visible upon them. Until they landed and began spewing out smaller metal monstrosities that exited out of them. Jai's instincts told him to be wary of them, the instincts of an Ansei. With haste, Jai faced the city before him and rushed towards it. He felt as if this place was to be a attacked by an unknown foe.

As Jai ran, he moved with speed that normal human beings were incapable of matching. He was crossing the vast plains that separated him and the city faster than he should have been. His breathes became labored, showing that he has practiced doing this before. As he rushed towards the gates of the city, he noticed several people wearing odd attires and looked vanilla skinned take notice of him. A few even pointed him out, before they seemingly looked behind him to find the metal monstrosities steadily approaching their home.

In moments, the odd people began scattering and going to hide within large and ornately designed buildings. Jhai had just reached the city gates as he entered, and took his new surroundings in. He was sure that the ground that he stood on was marble like, but everything else either resembled it or looked to be a different material altogether. He wasn't sure as to what kingdom that he was in, nor where he had been taken to. A part of him was thinking that he was in some dream, a dream too imaginary to be real. That ended when he felt a hand latch onto his shoulder, knocking him out of his stupor. The Ansei turned and locked eyes with a vanilla skinned woman who had a panicked look. Beside her was a small boy who peered up at him curious. "What are you doing?! Do you want to he captured!?" The woman scolded, then pulled Jai with her as she ran. Beside her, she had the child's hand in her grasp and were pulling him as well.

Not long after, the trio entered an alleyway. Jai was surprised that he could understand her, he had assumed that her mother tongue would be different from his own. "I know that you're not from around here, but when everyone else runs that means you do too." The woman commented in a softer and quieter voice.

Jai's face contorted into confusion, fear was unbecoming of an Ansei. Fear was the first step to failing in whatever task that an Ansei puts themselves to. This woman radiated fear, he didn't sense it, it was obvious. "What are you afraid of?" Jhai slowly asked, his voice a baritone in Yokudan standards. He noticed that the woman looked back at him, before deciding to slowly answer his question.

"The droids, that's what I'm afraid of. They'll capture and put us into camps, we have to hide somewhere to stay safe."

"Who wishes you harm?"

"Do you have any idea where you are!?"

Jai frowned before slowly shaking his head at her, the action caused to sigh before motioning for him to follow her. "Look I don't know much but Naboo is being subjugated by the Trade Federation because of some lies that made up. So the Trade Federation is sending it's armies down to make sure that wr submit, and that our queen does the same."

Jai listened attentively as he followed behind the woman. His eyes glancing around as they exited the alleyway and towards another one nearby. He could hear metal heels smacking against the marble roads and pavement. Jai knew these sounds well, it the marching of an army. As they entered the alleyway, he caught a glimpse of the suppose army that were here to subjugate this woman's people. They were beige metal like humanoids, they moved as if they were a hive mind. They had no faves besides the soulless sockets that may have been their eyes.

Jai pondered on what he had gotten himself into, then decided to question the woman more. "What is your name?" He questioned, as they came to a halt and waited for a patrol of the droids pass by.

"Lana, this is my son Jace." Lana answered quietly, then looked to Jhai with an appraising eye. "Who are you, I've never seen anyone like you before."

"I am Jai Vortigen, an Ansei."

"Ansei?" Lana asked with a confused look then shook her head. "It doesn't matter, what matters is that we-"

"Halt!" Called a droid that had spotted them, behind it were fifteen more turning small objects towards Lana, Jace, and Jai. Lana had a looked a fear come onto her face. She took Jace into her embrace and held him protectively. She shielded her son from harm, but knew that all was lost. Soon these droids would take them and put them into concentration camps or worse.....or so she thought.

Jai remained calm, and gave the droids a stern glare. His body language gave off this stoic nature, confidence in himself rather than doubt. Slowly he marched himself forward, much to Lana's disbelief. She watched in horror as the droids pointed their weapons at Jai.

"Identify yourself." The lead droid ordered, then watched as Jai took a deep breathe. The Ansei closed his eyes for but a moment, he felt the power coursing through him and being called forth by his command. Not long after, he opened his eyes and held out a hand. A hilt appeared in his palm as he gripped it, then a curved golden blade that was forty-two inches long sprang to life. This was what Jai's sword looked like, this was his Shehai.

"I am Jai Vortigen, and you are not welcomed here..." Jai spoke dryly, then rushed forward with speed beyond normal human comprehension. With a cold look in his eyes, Jai raised his sword up theb brought the blade down, cutting the droid in half. The others immediately began firing bolts of light at him, though Jai began to show his reaction time. Moving quickly to dodge as he moved through the droids, cutting them down as if their metal frames did nothing to halt his Shehai's bladed edge. He moved with refined and brutal motions, showing his skill in swordsmanship. The Ansei jumped upwards, then brought his Shehai down upon another droid. When he was close to another he reached out with one hand and caught them by their slender neck. Within a second he flung said droid behind him, before cutting down another who was too slow to react. The droid that he flung behind him landed onto the marble pavement harshly, but still functioning.

Just as Jai slew the last droid that was still standing, the droid that he had flung behind him raised its' weapon and fired at his exposed back. Jai's instincts called out to him, causing him to react and knock the bolt of light away as he turned to face the droid. Then in the next second, he hurled his Shehai at the droid like a javelin and watched it peirce it's metal chest, ending it.

Standing around Jai were the droids that Lana had been afraid of finding them, defeated and broken. The Ansei overlooked his handiwork as he allowed his Shehai to leave this plain of reality. Lana and Jace stared up at him wide eyed in shock and awe. Never had they seen anything like this before, they had been expecting him to be some homeless slob who lived in the wilderness. Now after seeing what he was capable of doing, they began having doubts if he was even human. "A-are you...a Jedi?" Jace asked, his voice a small pubescent one. This caught Jai's attention who looked to him and gave the boy a smile.

"No, I am an Ansei." Jai replied with pride, before looking over to the palace now. Lana remained silent, her mouth agape and unable to speak. She continued to stare at an idea came to her mind, he said that he wasn't a Jedi but he did things that only a Jedi could do. So a request came to mind, one that she wanted him to do despite having nothing to pay him with.

"Jai, our queen, save our home." She pleaded, finding her voice, and watched as the Ansei looked to her. His expression an unreadable one before giving her a look of uncertainty. Jai looked over her, and deduced that she was a commoner, one who had nothing to give him as a reward for his efforts.

Jai raised a brow and gave Lana an unsure look before he folded his arms over his chest. "And what would I gain by aiding you? I do not mean to be rude, but you are in no position to reward me for anything that I do. What I did just now was self defense and only that."

Lana bit her bottom lip, finding what he said was true. She then spouted something that she would come to regret after saying it. "The queen will reward you!"

As soon as those words left her lips, sudden dread filled her. She hadn't a clue as to what kind of man that Jai was, she had just met him and he could range from being an evil Jedi to a sorcerer of some sort. Though Jai contemplated on aiding Lana's queen, he knew not of where he was and perhaps this queen could reward him with something that he so needed, knowledge. With a breathe leaving him, Jai turned to the palace. "Will she reward me with whatever that I ask?"

Lana was hesitant answer, but reluctantly did anyway. "Yes.."

"Very well, I will see what I can do to aid your people Lana."

Not long after saying that, Jai began to jog off and towards the palace, intending to aid the queen. Lana watched him go and so did Jace, who had a look of admiration upon him while staring after the Ansei.

"Mom, can I be an Asei?" Jace asked and mispronounced the title that Jhai told them.

<Thirty Minutes Later>

Jai had infiltrated the palace, stalking across the halls intending to find the queen. These droids appeared to be far from intelligent. He was not an expert in sneaking about, though the droids didn't seem like the ones who be observant enough to spot him. Jai arrived at a courtyard, coming to a halt as he saw a large group of people wearing exotic clothing. They appeared as if that they were being escorted by the droids. There were roughly twenty or so droids, so without warning he jumped down and called forth his Shehai. The blade gleamed to life once more in his palms as he jumped from his vantage point, then rolled onto the pavement below. He sprung upwards, and cut through the nearest droid's chassis. With a spin, he diagonally cut another droid in half. The group stopped after hearing Jhai's arrival.

"Get down!" Jai ordered, then rushed at the remaining droids, dodging and blocking the bolts of light that came his way. The group of exotically clothe humans took cover on the ground as Jai went to work. He cut down another droid, then roundhouse kicked the next with force applied to it. With a twirl of the hilt of his Shehai in hand, he blocked another bolt of light coming his way. Then he did so again as he cut down another droid with an uppercut slash. Before the Ansei could continue his onslaught, he felt something impact his back. It hit his armor and gave him a burning sensation, the impact even made him stumble forward a bit. Instead of falling over, he turn swiftly and allowed his Shehai to morph and change. It quickly became a bow with golden arrows. In an instant, he drew the bow and released three arrows repeatedly that pierced the last three droids left standing.

Jai let out a breathe as he used his Shehai to heal the wound that he sustained. His back was steaming, but the pain was nothing compared to what he was use to enduring. With look sent to the group, he nodded to them as the burgundy clothed men quickly got to their feet as Jai's Shehai faded away. "Which of you is the queen?" He questioned, and found all eyes land on him. The one to answer him was the young girl with the most exotic dress, she stepped forward with elegance and refinement. Though at a glance, Jai could tell that this couldn't be a Queen, likely a decoy.

"I am Padme Amidala, Queen of Naboo, you have my thanks for helping us Jedi." The decoy thanked, but found Jai's next words confusing her.

"I am no Jedi."

Before the decoy to question him, two figures wearing brown and vanilla robes jumped down from behind them. The both of them looking over Jai's handiwork before looking to him. Jai returned the look and gave them a once over, then decided to focus his attention back on the supposed Queen. "You may call me Jai, do you have any means of escape?"

"We're not far from the hanger, if we hurry then we can get out of here and get help." Said a dark skinned male who appeared to be in charge of the others. Just as the group began to move, Jai looked to the two robed men, specifically the bearded one. He felt as if something was trying to enter his mind. With a frown, he called his Shehai mentally and shielded his thoughts. He hadn't felt anything like that before but he didn't like the feeling. The Ansei was still unsure as to where he was, despite being told. For now, he would learn all that he could before trying to strive on his own path.

"I was not sure that Naboo had any warriors...well anyone like you so to speak." Came the calm voice of the older male. "I am Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, this is my Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi. We're the Jedi ambassadors sent to negotiate...though obviously the negotiations did not take place." As Qui-Gon spoke, the group continued to walk. He was speaking to the decoy queen, informing her of what had transpired. Jai knew not what a Jedi was, but had a feeling that these two were something like himself. After all, two people had been referring to him as such this entire time.

The Ansei remained silent, keeping his eyes open and ears peeled. He listened out for any metal heels of the droids as he took up the rear guard of the group. Just as they arrived at the hanger, Jai moved to the front to see why they had stopped. He peeked inside to see several droids, he frowned a bit, noticing that they had hostages. However what took most of his attention was the large sleek chrome like object inside. Jai's eyes widened while staring up at it, amazed by what he was seeing. He was so amazed in fact that had hardly listened to Qui-Gon calling for him.

"Hello?" The older Jedi called, and watched as the Ansei looked to him.

"I was asking if you were ready to proceed inside?" Qui-Gon asked, and found the Ansei nod to him. Without a moments waste, Jai called forth his Shehai, but this time it became two golden blades. Immediately afterwards he bolted inside to do battle with the droids. Qui-Gon and the rest of the group stared at him wide eyed.

"Master...did he just make constructs in his hand?" Obi-Wan asked in disbelief.

"Indeed he did Obi-Wan..." Qui-Gon replied astounding by what they had just witnessed.

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