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Chapter 52: Ch-52 Blood Spider Web.

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A short while ago, within the hallowed Hokage office, Minato found himself preparing to depart after a brief conversation with Hiruzen regarding his latest mission. Having successfully completed his previous assignment, he was ready to move on. However, fate had other plans in store for him. Just as he turned to make his exit, a shadowy figure clad in the iconic Anbu attire entered the room with an unmistakable air of urgency.

"Forgive the interruption, Hokage-Sama," the Anbu ninja spoke, bowing respectfully on one knee, "but Uzumaki Kushina is missing."

Hiruzen's reaction was nothing short of explosive. His anger surged, echoing clearly in his voice. "What!? How could you lose sight of her? Do you not know her identity?"

Nevertheless, Hiruzen was keenly aware that chastising the Anbu ninja at this critical juncture would be counterproductive. He quickly tempered his anger and inquired, "In which direction was she taken?"

The Anbu ninja replied without hesitation, "It appears she was taken in the eastward direction. We discovered signs of a struggle in that vicinity."

Acknowledging this vital information with a solemn nod, Hiruzen turned his attention to Minato. His tone grew serious as he issued a directive that would change the course of Minato's day. "Minato, I am entrusting you with a mission of utmost importance—to rescue Uzumaki Kushina."

Minato's expression mirrored the gravity of the situation. "Hokage-Sama, Kushina is not just a comrade, but a dear friend. I will spare no effort in ensuring her safety. And please, accept my apologies in advance for using window to leave."

With those words, Minato swiftly exited the office through the window. He gracefully descended to the ground below and set off in the direction that held the ominous clues of Kushina's abduction.

As Minato disappeared from sight, Hiruzen turned back to the Anbu ninja, his voice firm and resolute. "Immediately follow Minato and initiate a thorough search throughout Konoha. Alert the Konoha guards about this alarming incident. Investigate every suspicious individual or group that has recently entered our village. We cannot afford to leave any stone unturned in the quest to find Kushina."

The Anbu ninja nodded, fully aware that Kushina's life hung in the balance. With a swift and purposeful exit, he embarked on his crucial mission to search for Uzumaki Kushina.


The Kumo ninjas moved at an astonishing speed, their figures blurring as they rapidly distanced themselves from Konoha. The miles melted away beneath their swift feet, leaving the village far behind.

Having put a substantial distance between them and the village, the leader of the Kumo ninja team called for a brief respite. "We shall halt here for a few moments to catch our breath," the leader declared.

The other Kumo ninjas readily concurred, choosing their spots on the forest floor and in the nearby trees. However, caution prevailed, and they refrained from lighting a fire that might betray their presence to any search teams dispatched from Konoha.

Just as they settled in for their short reprieve, a voice suddenly pierced the silence, sending a shiver down their spines. "I must commend you, brave souls from Kumogakure, for venturing into Konoha and daring to abduct its Jinchuriki."

The entire Kumo ninja team tensed, their senses sharpened, but they held their silence, wary of alerting the mysterious interloper to their location.

In the midst of their apprehension, the sensory ninja within the Kumo team offered a vital piece of information. "North, above the trees. Exercise caution; the chakra signature there is colossal, nearly twenty times that of our leader."

The revelation sent shockwaves through their ranks. Their leader, a seasoned Jonin with a storied history of missions, possessed formidable chakra reserves. To discover that their unseen adversary eclipsed him by a factor of twenty was nothing short of staggering.

"There's no time to dawdle. We must neutralize this threat and depart swiftly, before further reinforcements from Konoha arrive," the leader proclaimed with urgency.

With resolve in their hearts, the Kumo team sprang into action. They moved with breathtaking speed, guided by the sensory ninja's directions, while the sensory ninja positioned themselves beside Kushina to ensure her compliance and prevent any chance of escape.

As the Kumo ninja team approached the precise location indicated by their vigilant sensory ninja, their ears caught a chilling utterance, "Blood Spider Web." An immense web of sinister crimson threads, seemingly drenched in blood, surged forward with unparalleled speed. Witnessing this eerie spectacle, the Jonin in charge swiftly issued a command, "Fall back!"

With unwavering agility, he retreated beyond the treacherous range of the blood-soaked net, and two of his fellow Kumo ninjas wisely followed suit. Regrettably, two others were not as fortunate, ensnared by the ensanguined web. In mere moments, the web constricted, its ruthless grip sealing the fate of the unfortunate Kumo shinobi, snuffing out their lives in an instant, their body fell to the ground in pieces.

The countenance of the Kumo ninja team leader transformed into a visage of grim determination. He steeled himself for the impending confrontation, for there was but one individual known to wield such macabre mastery over blood—the notorious 'Blood Demon' of Konoha.

As anticipated, the enigmatic figure of Michikatsu materialized from the shadows, his six eerie eyes casting an unsettling aura across the darkened forest. It was a fateful encounter, and the Kumo ninja leader wasted no time in acknowledging their adversary. "This marks our first meeting, Blood Demon," he declared, his voice brimming with steely resolve.

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