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Chapter 7: Chapter 6 “Uncle are you perhaps an idiot?”

Anne and Clare arrived 2 hours before the time for the event. This left the family more than enough time to alter the theme. Changing a part from a boy's birthday to a double birthday plus a wedding sounds like it would be difficult but the total number of guests would just be two more. Thus it was not that much of an issue.

Currently, Micheal was watching Anne arranging everything. He couldn't help but smile. He has seen this serious woman work many times, but it has never given him so much peace. He thought maybe this is what love means. Micheal has already accepted her as his family and this itself made his love for her grow continuously.

Feeling a gaze on her, Anne turns. She come in front of him and stands with hands on her hips clearly displeased, she asks her husband-to-be and begins to say,

"Is it really that fun to watch others work while you sit and watch?"

Micheal starts to laugh and says,

"Sorry. Sorry. But just watching you gives me so much peace. It feels like I am in heaven right now. Do mind just standing there for a few more minutes?"

Micheal did not hide his thoughts at all nor did he lower his voice. Margarette's education toward Terra seemed to be rubbing off on his uncle as well.

Everyone started laughing happily. But Anne became so red she couldn't but say,

"You like bullying me today."

Micheal looked around and noticed his family were all smiles. They were very happy at the sudden development of a new couple in front of their eyes. Terra had the biggest smile on his face. He was not only happy to have such a kind and gentle new family member but seeing his uncle in such high spirits made his day.

Terra and Clare had too much fun running around in the yard and ruined their clothes. Thus they were wearing common clothes while Margarette was washing them. They were still playing. Terra having focused on training most of his life and was given a much-needed break. He never had a day where he played like this. Even when his family forced him to rest he would rather read than just play mindlessly, but this all changed because of his lovely playmate. She brightened his day and even though she never played like this, she has always wanted to. And now the two who were both a year old, were finally acting their age.

Within 2 hours the alterations were done. Micheal ended up being dragged by the ear by Anne and made to do work.

Micheal looked at his betrothed and asked,

"Are you sure you don't want to call anyone? You can stay here a few days and wait for them.

Anne looked at him with an angry expression and said,

"You are getting cold feet now. Let me remind you the marriage is just a gift to my nephew. You are already mine. Hmph."

Micheal states laughing and he replied,

"Of course, I have been sold off already and I am happy to be yours but that is why I am worried. I want today to be perfect for you. That's why I am asking."

Anne nodes and affirms,

"Good that you understand." then she continues,

"Honestly besides our group of friends, there is no one I am close with. My family thought I abandoned them when I became the principal of the academy. The Head, my sister did not speak to me again. All they care about is the family's political matters. They don't care about their members at all. That was why when Terra said welcome to the family I was so moved. I thought now I have a family."

Micheal put an arm around her shoulder and said,

"We are the same then. We both were given families by that boy."

Anne realizes she never asked what she wanted to ask since she first saw him today,

"By the way what happened to make you change so much? The only woman you looked at was Margarette."

Michael sighed and explained

"I was going to tell this once everything settled down. But now is a fine time, it is similar to you, I think. First I would like to say, that realized when I saw you today I never loved Margarette. I care for her no doubt but not in that way. I considered her the closest person to being my family. This is why I thought if we married she would become my family. Granted all this was subconscious. I felt that being an orphan was a lifelong struggle. Then he called me Uncle and said he would protect me. After that all, barriers were broken. I started to have a family at that moment. And I became the person you see now. You have known me for six years and besides Margarette, we spent the most time together so you know. Every day I just exited. But after that day I started to live. And today I truly fell in love."


Micheal took a long sigh as if all the pain in his life was let go with that single breath. He smiled brightly when he refocused his eyes on Anne she looked like she has been silently crying for a long while.

Micheal was shocked,

"What happened are you ok?"

Anne wept and pulled him closer into a tight embrace as if she would fall into the abyss if she did not hold him tight enough. While crying she replied.

"You have been so sad for so long. First I thought it was because Margarette didn't love you. I did not want my feeling for you to become a burden, so I never expressed them. I did not know you felt so alone. I am so sorry."

Micheal heard her cry like a child who has done a mistake. While being embraced like her life would end if she let go of him. He slowly rubbed her back. He knew his woman was a kind person. But to make yourself suffer instead of becoming a burden on someone else, her altruism was truly respectable.

Micheal said in the most soothing voice possible,

"Your feelings are something that even a blind man could have seen. I was a fool back then. And if not obvious I love you more so of course your feeling are not a burden."

As if a cat that got her tail stepped on she let go of him and hit him softly on his chest protesting.

"No way, I love you more. I have loved you since you saved all those people after the attack. You sent your own blood to stop their bleeding. While picking them up and running to safety. I still remember how pale you looked."

Micheal was shocked

"We didn't even meet yet. That was when the Jackson medical team just arrived. Is that even fair?"

As if she completely forgot she was weeping a second before, Anne smiled triumphantly with her chest pushed out in pride.

Micheal laughed at her and asked,

"Feeling better?"

Anne as if reminded of her previous emotional state complained.

"You bullying me again."

As the couple were in their own world a doorbell rang. And Anne just now realized that she might have a battle to fight soon.

While Margrette walked to the front door. Anne in a startle looked at Micheal and asked

"You love me now right no matter who says what? And even if there are more prettier women than me?"

Micheal was so shocked, weren't they acting like a married couple reminiscing about that past just a second ago? He thought maybe she was just having anxiety because she has never been loved before. He can understand that. He promised himself that he will love her so much she will never feel anxious.

"Anne I swear on my life that I will love you forever as my wife. I promise to love you so much you will drown in it."

Anne who just wanted a small reassurance was given such a statement she felt like crying again so she hugged in a vice grip again.

Michael thought thank god I have been working out. Wait how did Chole live until now? The gorilla is so much stronger than my Anne. Hmmm, maybe that little guy has always been strong."

Margarette open the door and two more beautiful women walked in. But when they saw Micheal and Anne hugging at the diner table, their auras changed.

The woman wearing a fiery red dress also had matched red hair. She was taller than even Michael. She was breathtakingly beautiful but her face was so contorted she looked like she was about to breathe fire. She screamed,

"What the hell are you doing Anne!!!?"

The woman next to her had black hair that reached her waist. She had a black dress with a slight on the side. She was just as short as Chole. She too was a great beauty but her anger matched her partner.

"Anne you have just this moment to answer us otherwise you will speaking to my ax"

Anne looking at the two women was dismayed. She was a medic. She could heal, not fight. She was wondering what to do when the worst attack on the two's psyche was launched by the man who she was still holding onto.

"If you dare harm my wife, our whole family will attack you. Sara and Yuri, you are both dear friends of ours so I ask you to take back your statement so we can continue our celebration. "

Anne was left dumbstruck. This was the first time Micheal directly called her his wife and a part of this family. She was feeling like even if she died at this moment she would have no regrets.

While on the other side two women fell to their knees. They did not care about their expansive and extravagant dresses or their appearances. They felt like they died at that spot.

Terra, who just came down after redressing, saw the whole scene and was about to take his mother's sword to help fight the intruders. When he saw that the two women that were ready to fight, after some words from his uncle looked like their souls left their bodies he was also shocked. He then asked his new aunt,

"Aunty my uncle was actually really popular right?"

Anne hearing her dear nephew speak quickly left her dream-like state and answered proudly,

"Yes, actually every woman in our medical team, our squad, and even some of the female generals were all desperately in love with him."

Micheal hearing this information looked at his beloved with an unconvinced expression.

"Come now, my dear Anne the generals. They are not as beautiful as you but they were valent and courageous women. They must have more suiters than men in the army."

Anne said,

"No really, don't you remember they would come with slash marks on their arms and command that only you can heal them."

Micheal then asked,

"Was that because your power releases on the body's regenerative ability so they would not be able to fight."

Anne was almost tired of this man,

"Dear, they were generals they were 3 ranks above our powerful Margarette you think a small cut would not allow them to fight?"

Micheal was so shocked, he stood up

"No way !!!! One of the generals ordered me to circulate the blood in her whole body."

Anne asked in confusion,

"What's wrong with that?"

Micheal with a pale face said,

"No, you don't understand back then I was not that good at delicate control of the blood. I needed to be in contact with the object if I wanted my blood to move without damaging its vessels. She even told me to repeatedly circulate the blood on her chest and between her legs. I did what she asked because blood clots are common to occur after being wounded and laying on the hospital bed. Anne, I am…"

Micheal words got stuck in his throat 3 women looked like they were ready to commit genocide.

Terra couldn't help but ask,

"Uncle, are you perhaps an idiot?"

Michael who was interrogated about the convict remained silent for the women themselves knowing how powerful the generals are.

Micheal also appeased the two heartbroken women,

"I greatly appreciated your feelings for me, but in this life, I will only love Anne. I hope we can all remain as friends as we promised each other back then. "

The two women were upset but could not do anything about the situation.

Terra walked up to them and gave them a deep bow while saying,

"Thank you so much for protecting my family, this includes Aunty too. If in the future I am of some use to you I will try my best to aid you.

Seeing the adorable child bow to them melted the hearts of the two women. And the celebration started in truth. Everyone went to the yard.

3 tables were set up. 2 tables were smaller, one for the birthday duo and the other for the marrying couple.

The birthday celebration was supposed to be first but Terra refused.

"Aunty, didn't you say this is my gift? Shouldn't you wrap gifts before the birthday? So please tie a nice knot with my uncle and give me the best gift. Uncle spoils me a lot so I want the same from you hehe."

Anne responds and cries slightly

"Yes, Terra Aunty will spoil you rotten."

And with that Micheal stood up while offering his hand to Anne. Both were not close to any religion so they came up with their own ceremony while altering the venue. They stood in front of all the people in this world that they loved and respected. Micheal began,

"Anne, would you marry in front of all our friends and family? "

She responded " I will"

He asked her thrice and she responded thrice.

She then asked him.

"Micheal, would you marry me in front of all our friends and family?"

He responded "I will"

She now asked him thrice and he responded thrice.

And with that, they promised themselves to each other for eternity. Everyone cheered the loudest cheers came from the two children.

Clare then suddenly asked Anne,

"Aunty does that me and Terra are family now too."

Anne laughs and rubs her soft hair and said,

"Yes, you two are friends and family."

Clare looked at Terra like she found a treasure.

"Terra you heard that now we are family."

Terra confirms,

"Haha yeah we are as long as you see me as my family then I will do the same."

Now it was time for the birthday duo. They both stood up and looked at each other and just like they practiced they screamed in perfect harmony,

"Thank you for coming to our birthday party!"

Everyone laughed at their antics. Margarette and Chole brought two cakes. Margarette made the first cake for Terra, but she added pink frosting to half it. Then she made another cake with an M ❤️ A. Just looking at the cake made Anne teary-eyed. Micheal tightly held her hand regardless of how much he wanted to tease her. Because she looked like she was given a treasure he couldn't ruin it for her. After all she was his treasure.

The first to grab a piece of cake was the serious principal, but she did not eat it.

"Say ahh"

Michael obediently opened his mouth and closed his eyes, but she never aimed at his mouth. She squished it straight into his nose. She then laughed so loudly.

Micheal was used to her antics at this point but everyone else wasn't. Terra of course laughed just as loudly.

"Nice job Aunty."

Micheal couldn't help but tease them both,

"What you mean nice job she is just using my face as a plate? She is about to lick my clean face."

Anne and Terra looked at Micheal, then at each other.

Terra immediately abandoned his partner in crime.

"Well, Aunty I will leave it to you too. Let me go get you some milk."

Anne yelled in distress,

"Michael, stop bullying me."

However, karma did not leave Terra alone. The moment he turned to leave he too was attacked with some cake. Clare was laughing just as much as Anne was. Terra used his uncle's line to embarrass Clare.

"Clare, are you going to lick my face clean?"

Clare however was a one-year-old and saw nothing wrong with that and licked his cheek. Terra's attack backfired and now he was running while little Clare threatened him with her tongue out.

Margrette who would have been upset that the cake she worked so hard on making ended up being on their face instead of their mouths was laughing looking at Micheal and Terra being chased by the girls.

Chole looked at his wife and his son, his smile was so large one would think he just won the lottery. And then when he looked at his brother being chased by his new sister. He confirmed that he won the lottery. Nothing in this world was more perfect.

The party ended with sounds of laughter all night long. Because they played till late into the night everyone decided to stay over. The only thing that Terra found odd was for some reason his parents admitted to giving his room to his uncle and aunty. They kept saying it because of the cement. Clare and he did not understand but everyone else agree. Also what made him stop asking is that every time Terra asked why his Aunty sent his Uncle a resentful look.

So two people slept on a sofa each. Clare and Terra slept on Micheal's bed together. Margrette and Chole went to their own room. Which Micheal recently enforced with cement. And Anne and Micheal took new sheets and a couple of towels to Terra's room.

Aarthurs_Pen Aarthurs_Pen

Super sweet chapter. I thought was nice to see that even the smartest person when in depression cannot see the simplest things. I hope everyone is enjoying the story. Please add this novel to your library and if you can please use some powerstones. Also like always if you have any comments or if you feel like I could make a character stronger or more realistic please let me know. I am a new author and would love to get better at it. Thank you so much for reading.

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