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Chapter 5: Chapter 5- The Legend of Teacher Long

Chapter 5 - The Legend of Teacher Long

Xi slowly lifted himself from his mother's lap, carefully laying her down on the bed. With gentle strength, he carried his father and placed him on the mattress, ensuring his comfort.

Leaving the cozy confines of their home, Xi stepped outside into the night. The moon hung high in the sky, casting a soft glow over the surroundings. Xi realized having only dozed off for a few hours. He soon heard the deliberate footsteps approaching. It was Ming Zhi, his grandmother, carrying a warm quilt.

She draped the quilt over his shoulders and inquired, "How are you feeling, my dear?"

Xi's lips curved into a smile as he replied, "Hungry."

Ming Zhi chuckled, quickly covering her mouth in an elegant gesture. Nurturing her grandchild, she gently instructed, "Wait for a moment. I will fetch some food and prepare tea for us to enjoy."

Xi thanked her and found solace at a table where he could still gaze at the moon. He couldn't explain why, but a sense of melancholy lingered within him, casting a shadow over his birthday celebrations. Why did he feel this sadness on a day that should be filled with joy?

Recollections of entering the blue world flashed in Xi's mind, accompanied by a nagging feeling that he had experienced a dream prior to that, although the details eluded him. It was as if the dream had slipped through his fingers, leaving only misery behind.

Soon, Ming returned with an assortment of rice cakes, pastries, and a steaming pot of tea. The sight of his favorite treats brought a spark of delight to Xi's eyes, yet before indulging, he turned his attention to his grandmother and asked a question that had been nagging at him, "Grandma, do you ever have dreams?"

Ming paused, reflecting on the question. Truth be told, after losing her ability to cultivate, her dreams had become scarce. Perhaps it was because she felt she had accomplished everything she had set out to achieve, or maybe it was a consequence of accepting her current state.

After a moment of contemplation, she responded, "Dreams? Not in quite a while, to be honest. Why do you ask? Did you have a dream after you passed out?"

Xi's gaze returned to the moon, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "I'm not sure. I have a strange feeling that I did dream, but the details slip away from me. And somehow, it left me feeling sad."

Ming playfully poked Xi's cheek and, seizing the opportunity, swiftly stuffed a pastry into his mouth. With a mischievous smile, she spoke words of wisdom, "Listen, my boy, dreams are not within our control, nor do they control us. It doesn't matter what was in your dream. You haven't lost anything, nor have you gained anything. So instead of dwelling on melancholy, stuff your face with these delicious treats and focus on your goals."

Xi nodded, absorbing his grandmother's words of wisdom. He then pleaded, "Grandma, can you tell me the story of how Grandfather saved you again?"

Ming chuckled heartily, her laughter resonating through the night. "Ah, when your children ask me what gift I gave you on your 18th birthday, I'll tell them that I gave you cake and a bedtime story." Her teasing brought a touch of amusement, though Xi couldn't help but feel a bead of cold sweat trickle down his back. He knew it was too late to stop her as she began weaving the tale he had requested.

The sun began to rise, casting its warm golden rays upon the land. Grandma and grandson stood together, witnessing the moon's departure and the majestic sunrise. Xi wanted his parents to rest, so he took it upon himself to complete the day's farm work after the sun had fully ascended. He then set off through the bustling streets of the city.

As he made his way, he overheard the hushed whispers of men engaged in gossip. Their words piqued Xi's curiosity, as they spoke of an upcoming tournament. Fighting tournaments were always a source of excitement and intrigue for him. Unable to resist, he paused to listen attentively to their conversation.

"It seems there will be a tournament soon," one of the men said.

The other man chimed in, "Yes, I heard that the neighboring district is hosting a tournament to celebrate the city lord's 100th birthday."

Curiosity ignited within Xi. He believed these men were born to be reporters or perhaps advertisers. Their words stirred his anticipation for the tournament, but he pondered how to convince the two workaholics to have some fun.

When he returned home, Shen left him stupefied, his father responded, "Yes, let's go. I had planned to surprise you with this news, but your eagerness has spoiled the surprise." Xi's family seemed to possess prior knowledge of the tournament, sipping their tea calmly as if it were a regular occurrence. His fathers reaction, however, nearly caused him to spill his own cup in disbelief.

Shen clarified their shared secret, saying, "Son, we enjoyed witnessing your victory in the tournament six years ago. The three of us made a promise to attend every nearby tournament to cheer you on."

With a mischievous smirk, Shen added, "So, what are the chances of history repeating itself?"

Parents always always knew the dark history of their children. Memories of past events and secrets never truly faded from their minds. Xi rose abruptly, exclaiming, "No, my strength has grown, but my control over my body is even greater, especially after yesterday. That will never happen again."

The three villains, erupted into laughter, their wicked chuckles echoing throughout the room. Feeling frustrated and embarrassed, Xi stormed off, yelling, "I am going to my room!"

Their laughter only grew louder, resonating with an intensity that deepened Xi's vexation. He couldn't help but think, "It wasn't my fault; I was just a child back then. Why did they have to bring it up now?"


Six years ago...

Xi Long and his family returned to the city, the very city where Xi Long's favorite fat, ugly, Magistrate's office was located. They found themselves once again in line, patiently awaiting entry.

Amidst the buzz of gossip, tales of combat dominated the conversations. Combat was a spectacle cherished by the people, and a source of admiration for many. One particular rumor captivated their attention—a story of a beautiful, fairy-like woman whose power was so overwhelming that her opponents were left stunned and unable to react. Yet, at the start of every match, she would extend her arm in a welcoming handshake. Her respect for her opponents transcended their strength, and she greeted each one with grace and humility.The rumors said her name was Xue Yanling.

The praise and awe surrounding this mysterious woman fascinated Xi Long. He eagerly anticipated the chance to meet her. Winning the competition was not his purpose for being there; he thought it was too early for that wish. He only sought to understand his own strength and experience different styles of combat. Strangely enough, the thought of fighting and engaging in battles ignited a strange thrill within him, despite not ever experiencing a fight before.

As the family of four drew closer to the city, its name became clearer. Xi couldn't shake off a peculiar feeling every time he encountered it: Grace of Dragons City. The name resonated with a sense of pride, evoking a deep sense of happiness within him.

Observing his son's evident enthusiasm, Shen contemplated, "He must truly love visiting the city. I should bring him out more."

When the family entered they witnessed the incredible crowd. The crowd surged like an unstoppable tsunami, flooding the streets. No force could withstand the sheer magnitude of people pouring in, their numbers growing with each passing moment. Every soul that entered the city gravitated towards the beautiful crystal white coliseum. The awe-inspiring coliseum stood as a testament to the city's grandeur. The coliseum loomed tall and majestic, its imposing structure captivating the eyes of all who beheld it.

The exterior walls were constructed from massive stone blocks, intricately carved with exquisite dragon motifs that seemed to come alive as the sunlight kissed their surfaces. The dragons, their scales meticulously detailed, appeared to coil and writhe, capturing the essence of power and grace. The bright white used in the carvings further enhanced their majesty. The entrance to the coliseum was flanked by imposing pillars, their surfaces adorned with intricate engravings of legendary warriors engaged in epic battles. These masterfully crafted depictions exuded an air of strength and honor, creating an atmosphere that filled the heart with anticipation.

As the family crossed the threshold, they found themselves immersed in a vast circular arena that sprawled before them. The seating tiers, rising in a sweeping arc, provided an unobstructed view of the battleground at the center. The tiers were teeming with spectators, their excited murmurs and anticipatory whispers adding to the electric energy that hung in the air.

The sun's rays filtered through the open roof, casting a warm glow over the arena. The sand-covered battleground gleamed under the sunlight, awaiting the clash of warriors. Surrounding the arena, protective barriers stood tall, ensuring the safety of both participants and spectators.

At the center of the coliseum, a raised platform elevated the fighters, offering them a stage to display their skills and courage. The platform was ringed with intricate patterns etched into the ground, symbols of strength and resilience that seemed to pulsate with latent power.

Upon entering the venue, the waves of people finally parted, dividing between participants and spectators. Xi bid farewell to his family, his eleven-year-old heart brimming with excitement. With blood coursing through his veins and fists ready for action, he made his way towards the participant's side, eager to battle.

Xi Long has never fought before but he was so excited by the idea of delivering a blow with his fists. The anticipation swept over him like wildfire, causing his hands to involuntarily clench, while a wicked smile split his face in two.

Approaching the receptionist, Xi Long's presence seemed to strike a chord of fear within her. Just as he came within three feet of her, she dropped the paper she held, her eyes widening with trepidation. The calluses on her hands spoke of a life dedicated to the sword, but in that moment, she resembled nothing more than a frightened small girl.

With her gaze fixed on the ceiling, she half-expected a monstrous creature to descend from above and snatch her away. Breaking the silence, Xi made himself known, "Hello, I would like to join the tournament."

The sound of his voice jolted the receptionist out of her trance, and she looked down, shocked to discover the source of her apprehension. It was hard to deny the cuteness of such a young child with an innocent, smiling face. However, those who had wielded weapons before knew better. There was something unsettling about the smile that adorned Xi's face, something beyond the realm of childhood innocence.

The receptionist felt an oppressive weight as she stared into the eyes of a creature lurking within this seemingly harmless child. Absentmindedly, she proceeded to complete the necessary paperwork, registering Xi Long for the tournament. Yet, in her distraction, she made a mistake.

"Long Shi (Teacher Long) number 138"

Xi Long noticed her mistake, but was unable to react due to the sudden surge of his own eagerness for battle. The desire to engage in combat consumed him, overpowering his ability to respond.

Upon entering the area reserved for participants, Xi Long couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over him due to the peculiar phenomenon. It seemed as though his own body was betraying him, behaving in unfamiliar ways. He struggled internally, attempting to restrain himself from accidentally attacking those around him. His body started to twitch out of his control, like an addict unaware of their addiction until confronted.

As Xi Long made his way through the crowd, he was noticed by a young woman clad in light armor observing him with keen interest.

Dressed in a formidable ensemble, the woman emanated an aura of strength and resilience. She donned intricately crafted leather armor that hugged her figure, providing both protection and agility in combat. The leather boasted meticulous treatment, giving it a sleek and polished appearance.

The armor predominantly featured a deep black hue, accentuated by subtle silver accents along the edges, lending an air of elegance to its practical design. It hugged her body snugly, highlighting her lithe and athletic physique while allowing for swift and nimble movements on the battlefield. To augment her defense, the woman wore carefully crafted metal plates on her arms and shoulders. These plates offered an additional layer of protection without impeding her mobility. As they caught the light, they gleamed, creating a striking contrast against the dark leather armor.

Her lustrous, flowing hair was tied up in a practical and tidy bun at the back of her head, ensuring it remained out of the way during combat. Occasionally, stray strands of hair would escape, framing her face and adding a touch of dynamic motion to her appearance. Her piercing azure eyes fixed upon Xi Long with unwavering determination and focus, reflecting the intensity of her martial prowess. Her facial features remained unchanged, characterized by a straight nose, arched eyebrows, and lips that exuded both mystery and determination.

With a playful smile, the woman swiftly approached Xi Long, positioning herself directly in front of him. Extending her right hand in a friendly gesture, she greeted him, "Hey there, kiddo! What's your name?"

Xi Long kept his head lowered, his inner struggle intensifying. He was aware that meeting her gaze could lead to a potentially dangerous situation. Focused on maintaining his composure, he distanced himself, offering a quick apology, "I'm sorry, but I'm not feeling well at the moment. Please leave me be."

The woman appeared taken aback by Xi Long's reaction. She glanced down at her outstretched hand, contemplating whether he had somehow sensed something about her.

Overwhelmed, Xi Long sought solace in a secluded corner of the rest area. Unable to suppress his inner turmoil any longer, he unleashed a forceful strike upon the wall, leaving behind a spider-web-like indent. Though the impact merely left a superficial scratch on his fist, his countenance betrayed a sense of overwhelming euphoria.

As Xi Long stood there, three pairs of eyes fixated on him. He casually wiped the drool from his mouth, a contented expression on his face. Little did he know, his innocent action sent shivers down the spines of the three men, who hastily retreated in fear, their imaginations conjuring up scenarios of this peculiar child's perverted intentions.

Unaware of the disturbance he caused, Xi Long turned around and found a comfortable spot on one of the nearby benches. He settled down, allowing himself a moment of rest and relaxation. The air was filled with anticipation as the atmosphere grew charged with excitement.

A short while later, the voice of the announcer rang out, signaling the beginning of the first match. The crowd buzzed with anticipation, their attention shifting to the arena as the event commenced.

Two towering barbarian warriors command the stage, exuding an aura of raw power and primal ferocity. The first warrior, a formidable figure, wields a massive greatsword with ease. His muscular frame, hardened through countless battles, radiates strength and dominance. Dressed in rugged animal furs and adorned with intricate tribal tattoos, he embodies the untamed spirit of a warrior from the wilderness. His unkempt mane of hair and bushy beard add to his wild appearance, while his piercing eyes gleam with a feral intensity, daring any challenger to face him.

Standing across from him is the second warrior, his presence equally formidable. Armed with a savage saber, he emanates a similar barbaric aura. His muscular physique, honed through relentless physical training, showcases his resilience and agility. Adorned with tribal markings and scars that tell stories of past victories, he wears minimal armor that allows for swift and unrestricted movement. His unkempt hair, braided and adorned with feathers, further accentuates his primal demeanor. His eyes burn with an unwavering determination, reflecting the untamed fire within him, ready to conquer any adversary.

As the two warriors lock eyes, a charged atmosphere fills the air. Excitement courses through the veins of the onlookers, their anticipation reaching a fever pitch. The crowd falls silent, collectively holding their breath, aware that they are about to witness an extraordinary display of martial prowess.

Xi, captivated by the impending clash, finds himself on the edge of his seat. Yet, amidst the electrifying atmosphere, something peculiar stirs within little Xi. An unfamiliar sensation tingles at the core of his being, as if a dormant power begins to awaken.

At the sound of the whistle, the two warriors lunge at each other with lightning speed. Their bodies become a blur of primal motion, their instincts taking over. The clash of their weapons creates a whirlwind of force, unleashing a gale that sweeps across the stage. The sheer power behind their strikes reverberates through the air, shaking the very foundation of the arena.

With each clash, their movements become more intense and relentless. Their primal instincts guide their every maneuver as they unleash a barrage of powerful strikes, swift parries, and calculated counters. The thunderous sound of their weapons meeting echoes throughout the arena, a testament to their incredible strength and skill.

Roars of fury mingle with the gasps of the spectators as the battle unfolds. The ferocity of their attacks is matched only by their unwavering determination. Each warrior pushes the limits of their physical prowess, their bodies honed to withstand and deliver devastating blows. The stage becomes a battleground, witness to a display of untamed power and unyielding spirit.

As the battle rages on, the barbarian warriors leave an indelible mark on the stage and the hearts of the audience. The intensity of their clash electrifies the air, captivating all who bear witness. The arena reverberates with the echoes of their roars, as if the ancient spirits of savage warriors have been awakened.

The deafening cheers of the audience were matched only by the exuberant cheering of the participants.

However, Xi found himself lost in a daze. Every slash, every step, every twitch of their muscles, and even the glint in their eyes, which foreshadowed their next move, were all captured within the young child's pupils. He meticulously analyzed their every attack, reconstructing each move in his mind. Not only did he make mental notes on how to counter them, but he also engraved in his memory ways to enhance those techniques. If an omniscient being were to observe him, they would witness a grand master martial artist learning these moves for the first time.

The clash between the saber and the greatsword concluded, with the saber emerging victorious. The slight curvature of the saber allowed it to deflect the greatsword in the final bout, granting it a clear victory as it found its mark on the opponent's chest.

Xi appeared dissatisfied with the result, but he knew that this was only the beginning of a long tournament. As the last participant to fight, there was much more for him to witness and learn.

The fights continued, and ferocious battles were won and lost. The tournament followed simple rules: participants entered, and the last one standing would be declared the victor. Unlike other tournaments, in this country, they did not allow for fatal outcomes. They believed that life was a gift from the dragons, and they imposed heavy penalties for any acts of murder, even within the tournament grounds. Many individuals in this world glorified battles and criticized the Qingmei for their perceived lack of mental fortitude, but the country stood firm in its principles. Instead, they made the tournament rewards more grandiose. The prize for this particular tournament was set at 100,000 gold coins. Just a single gold coin could sustain Xi's family for an entire month. 1 gold coin was worth 100 silver coins. There were bronze coins in the past but their value was so small that they are hardly used, thus are no longer in circulation.

Xi watched each battle with unwavering attention, his eyes fixed on the participants. The crowd erupted with anticipation as the announcement rang out, "Xue Yanling, number 89." Filled with excitement, Xi couldn't resist standing on the bench to catch a better glimpse of the upcoming fight. A young, slender woman emerged, adorned with metal armor on her arms and shoulders. Xi had no recollection of ever meeting her before, his mind solely focused on not attacking anyone. However, unbeknownst to him, she had never forgotten the encounter.

As Xue Yanling ascended the stage, her gaze fixated on her right hand, consumed by thoughts, "How did he possibly notice?" As Xue Yanling stepped onto the stage, she couldn't help but feel the intense heat of a gaze upon her. Turning her head, her eyes met Xi's, who was smiling and waving at her as though she were his idol. But to Xue, it felt as if he was telling her he knew her secret and was taunting her for it.

Gritting her teeth, Xue knew that her martial prowess was not particularly remarkable. However, her spirit root harbored a unique ability – the power to transmit a potent neurotoxin to her opponents through touch. No one had ever been able to discern her true nature, as she skillfully passed the poison through the pores of her hand and into her opponent's. Yet, he had seen through her facade. The very reason she had approached Xi was due to an overwhelming sense of threat emanating from him when he had entered the rest area. She wanted him out of the competition early, both to avoid sharing the spotlight and to prevent the risk of facing him.

Growing increasingly upset, Xue felt a sense of helplessness. He held all the cards, and if he were to expose her, not only would she be imprisoned, but also become a target of all those she had defeated in the past. Losing her life wouldn't be impossible.

With a radiant smile on her face, Xue stood before her masculine opponent. The man, clad in chivalrous knight armor, was momentarily stunned, captivated by the beauty smiling at him. Each step she took towards him made the longsword feel inadequate for facing such a young and innocent-looking maiden. And then, she extended her hand...

Moments later, the audience witnessed the knight collapsing unconscious outside the ring. However, unbeknownst to them, the battle had concluded long before that.

After Xue's battle, she felt a renewed sense of confidence in herself. If her secret had not been exposed, it meant that he believed he was superior to her poison. She was determined to prove him wrong.

"Long Shi, number 138, please enter the stage."

Xi eagerly leaped onto the stage, unable to contain his excitement as he prepared for his first fight. After observing numerous matches, he was eager to test out the various new techniques he had mentally recorded and modified.

As Xi entered the arena, the boisterous shouts of the audience abruptly ceased. All eyes were fixed on the adorable child standing before a towering mountain of muscle.

Initially, Xi's opponent appeared bewildered, unable to comprehend why a child had appeared before him. However, his confusion was short-lived. In less than a fraction of a second, he felt like prey standing before an ancient predator.

A dangerous smile slowly crept across Xi's face, sending chills down the spine of the seven-foot-tall behemoth. To his opponent, Xi's eyes and nose seemed to vanish, leaving behind only a smile that split his face in half, revealing a mouth filled with menacing fangs.

Overwhelmed with terror, the large man stumbled backward, retreating until he finally fell to the ground. Xi, akin to a poised tiger, leaned forward, ready to pounce.

His stance alone instilled such fear in his opponent that the man screamed as if trapped in a never-ending nightmare. Frantically, the man scrambled to his feet and sprinted out of the ring, his terrified screams echoing throughout the coliseum.

The audience, the judges, the referee, and most of the participating warriors were left dumbfounded. The arena fell into an eerie silence.

Xi Long's expression betrayed his frustration, his pent-up desires searching for an outlet. His body radiated intense heat, causing his right arm to twitch involuntarily. The heat grew more and more intense, and he gradually hunched closer to the floor. Steam began to rise from his body, resembling a dormant volcano preparing to erupt.

Ten warriors, including Xue, found cold sweat trickling down their foreheads. With each surge of volcanic heat Xi emitted, their anxiety intensified, causing beads of perspiration to envelop them.


Xi slammed his right hand onto the ground.


Repeatedly, Xi's fists pounded against the floor, transforming the battle between him and the ground into a spectacle. His powerful strikes left cracks in the tournament arena. Initially, the audience was shocked that such strength could emanate from such a small body, but soon their shock transformed into collective screams. With every thunderous impact of his fists, the stands trembled in response.


Xi suddenly let out a scream, "I WANNA FIGHT TOO!"


Gradually, the stage began to crumble under the force of his outburst.

Once Xi finally started to calm down, he took a deep breath. His fists were slightly reddened, but he wasn't seriously hurt. As he glanced up, he noticed that the stands were now empty, except for his family, who sat with their hands on their heads, the terrified referee, and the equally frightened judges. Looking behind him, he realized that all the other participants had already left.

Xi's face contorted into a crying expression as he repeated himself, "I wanna fight too."

Little did Xi know that this incident would spread far and wide as part of Teacher Long legend.

Aarthurs_Pen Aarthurs_Pen

Hello!!!! Thank you so much for reading. This was super long chapter but I really had fun with it. I hope you had a great time as well. If you enjoyed it, please consider adding it to your library as it really helps me. Also, your support through power stones and gifts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!!

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