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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Awakening

As the first rays of dawn gently caressed the room, our protagonist stirred from his slumber. With a newfound resolve, he decided to set aside thoughts of his enemies, acknowledging his current weakness. He knew that in the coming month, he had to become stronger, but the question remained: how?

Cheats. That was the answer that danced in his mind. He cared little for the consequences or the flow of the future. All he desired was power, and he was determined to acquire it through any means necessary.

Lost in contemplation, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his phone, it was a call from his mom. She asked how he was doing, and if he needed any money, and reminded him to stay safe and avoid dangerous situations. As her words reached his ears, a flicker of warmth penetrated his cold heart. He knew he had to stay strong, even if it meant temporarily distancing himself from his mother's concern.

With a gentle tone, he assured his mother that he was fine and promised to talk to her later. Ending the call, he rose from his bed and peered out the window, gazing upon a world still at peace. Yet, deep within him, he sensed the impending chaos that would soon engulf it.

As he watched, a determination burned within his eyes. He was ready to face the challenges that awaited him, ready to seize the power he sought. The peaceful facade would crumble, and he would stand at the centre of it all, wielding the strength he would acquire.

With resolute steps, he left his room, venturing out into a world blissfully unaware of the storm that brewed within him. The path he had chosen was a lonely one, but he embraced it wholeheartedly. The peaceful world would soon witness his rise, and the chaos that followed would serve as a testament to his unwavering determination.

As he stood there, absorbing the tranquillity that surrounded him, he knew deep down that everything was about to change. The peace would fade, giving way to a world shaped by his actions. With each passing moment, his resolve grew stronger, and he vowed to become the force that would reshape the destiny before him.

And so, with the weight of his purpose on his shoulders, our protagonist embarked on his journey, determined to unlock the cheats that would grant him the power he sought. The world would soon tremble at his feet, and he would leave his mark upon it, no matter the cost.

But before that, he opened his system, yes you heard it right everyone on this planet has a system. Though this system is just a basic system which just shows basic things such as:

Name: The name of the resident character.

Age: The age of the resident character, representing their level of experience and maturity.

Sex: The gender of the resident character.


Strength: Represents physical power and combat prowess.

Agility: Reflects speed, dexterity, and reflexes.

Stamina: Measures endurance and resilience.

Luck: Influences the likelihood of favourable outcomes or critical events.

Charm: Determines the character's persuasiveness and social interactions.

Mana: Represents the character's magical energy and spellcasting ability.

Qi: Reflects the character's inner life force and mastery of martial arts.

HP (Health Points): Represents the character's physical well-being and resilience in battles.

Skills: Characters can acquire and develop various skills that align with their chosen path or profession. These skills can be combat-related, magical, practical, or specialized to suit different purposes.

To be continued....

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