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Chapter 45: Killing Penguin and fighting Sinestro (2)

Vishal used a Red gigantic gun and a giant green hammer at Sinestro and his corps members.

They conjured heavy shields to block the two dangerous constructs. "Bad luck." said Vishal with a grin as he increased the size of the constructs.

The size of the bullets kept on increasing and also the impact from the hammer increased too.

"Hahahaha. A dumb moustache who wants bring his own delusion of order into this world with only this much power." mocked Vishal.

Sinestro was trying to hold on while gritting his teeth while also enduring the insults.

Vishal increased the power again and their shileds shattered.

"Ring power: 40%" came from Sinestro's ring.

Vishal did not have to bother with it because the energy will not decrease that easily because he had the power not the ring.

Vishal changed the shape of his constructs. He used a red rocket launcher and green grenade onto those guys.

"This is fun." said Vishal as he throroughly enjoyed changing the shapes and pummeling the enemy.

Sinestro shielded himself from the attack. He and his corps immediately sent beams of yellow energy to penetrate the mask of Vigilante.

But they were unable to because red and green energy blocked it.

"You're nothing but a cheap moustache, Sinestro." Vishal mocked again.

"This will be the last time you will insult my moustache." growled Sinestro.

Sinestro put the remaining power in the ring into a gigantic cannon and ordered his corps to power it.

"Did I go too far not insulting his moustache much more? Maybe I'll find even more phrases to insult." Vishal as he was not even bothered by the cannon.

"Die. May this universe be deprived of your protection." shouted Sinestro as a big cannon beam hit Vishal.

"Ring power: 2%, Please charge it." came the voice as Sinestro had a victorious smile.

"Now, let's take over this----" Sinestro was about to order.

"Pathetic Moustache and Stupid Moustache." came the voice.

Sinestro shivered on hearing the words as he saw Vishal put his hands on back of his hand as if he is bored.

"What?" Sinestro was shocked.

"That is why you are a puny moustache." mocked Vishal.

Sinestro was not feeling angry after the insult but he was afraid.

Vishal saw a green light approaching from east.

"Hal Jordan, your lover is coming to rescue you Sinestro." said Vishal.

Sinestro looked at green light and a grin appeared in his mouth.

"Whatever." said Vishal as he disappeared and appeared behind one of the yellow lanterns and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Power Copy"

System did not respond but he saw the yellow lantern power appear in his status window.

Hal came with high speed and used a shield construct to protect the Yellow Lanterns as he wanted them to be judged by the Guardians.

Vishal saw league members approaching him.

"Bad Luck Hal. You think league can stop me?" asked Vishal.

"No, but there is someone wanting to meet you." said Hal.

Vishal felt a barrier appear on him as it completely restricted his movements.

He saw who is the guy that did this can be and he saw a yellow helmet appear with his body afterward.

"The Lords of Order want you to be restricted and bound." said Kent Nelson.

"Lords of Order can s*ck the p*ssies of skunks." said Vishal.

Dr.Fate increased the power of the barrier and Vishal saw Hal talking with Fate.

"Thank you. He has become a menace that to could not be dealt easily by the league." thanked Hal.

Superman, Batman and other league members came and saw that Vigilante is finally captured.

"He will be sentenced by the Lords of Order and appropriate sentence will be given." said Fate.

"*ACHOO" Vishal sneezed.

"What's with you?" asked Fate.

"Nothing. I find it humourous that you seem to think you have captured me." said Vishal as he laughed and his figure slowly became transparent and disappeared.

Immediately all the yellow lanterns including Sinestro in the green shield exploded into pieces.

"AHahahaha." Vishal laughed like Voldemort who fought with Dumbledore in the form of Superman who has come.

"How predictable." said Vishal as the Superman's body turned into Vishal.

Few minutes ago...

As soon as Vishal saw Hal approaching he kept a copy visible there and used invisibility to sense the Justice League approaching.

He appeared near Superman. Before Superman could react he used a sleeping spell and put him to sleep.

He transformed into Superman and came to the scene as he understood that after what Circe did they will definitely take help of Fate.

"Pathetic excue of Nabu. You can try everything but nothing will change." said Vishal as he opened a boom tube.

Fate tried to track him down but Vishal used Nephalem powers to shock Nabu and he fell unconscious.

"Nephalem Bloodline: 3.5%" he saw in status window.

Vishal scanned his body and found trackers using Cyborg's powers.

"Bastard has too many trackers than lives." cussed Vishal as he teleported to Pluto, Saturn and Mercury before teleporting to his house for confusing the trail and crushed the trackers.

He teleported to his office wearing his suit. "Only one thing left and that is to remove the Gotham's curse. After this the planned expansion will begin but before that let's send the misdeeds of the board members that I've collected over the weeks to Gordon.

After the expansion is done which will take utmost an year, Amazonians are going to pay with blood." thought Vishal.

The male and female ratio is 1:5 after the spell caused havoc. The governments all over the world has legalized Polygamy up to 3 wives.

"The world has become harem novel where guys can have more than 1 wife. I wanted find two wives and marry where Polygamy is legal but now I don't have to go anywhere." thought Vishal.

Vishal packed the pendrive containing the data of misdeeds and put it in a envelope. He has already informed his father that he is going to send these misdeeds to Gordon and his father said okay because even though company's reputation may take a hit but they can tell the media that they themselves have helped Gordon to catch them.

He stood up and heard a knock. "Come in." said Vishal.

Carla came in and said "Mr. Vishal, you have an appointment with Police Commissioner Gordon."

Vishal understood that she wanted to know if it has anything to do with her alter ego Phantasm.

"Good. There are some corrupt pests in the board that need to be taken out. You're come with me." said Vishal.

Carla nodded and followed him.

The two of them sat in a car as driver drove it to the Police Station.

"Tell me Carla. Is your mother's health okay?" asked Vishal.

"Yes. She may not be able to walk that much but internally she gained back the health." replied Carla.

"Great. How are you doing? Any issues?" asked Vishal.

"Nothing much but recently due to "Faulkner's" people it is getting hard to live as they started an extortion ring in the area which I live." said Carla.

"What are the Police doing against them? They are already being roasted because of MP and Vigilante." asked Vishal.

"Some of the guys are already in Faulkner's pockets so it is just like crime lords, Mr. Vishal." said Carla.

"Where do you live?" asked Vishal.

"Why Mr.Vishal?" asked Carla.

"I want you to move into the areas protected by my Security corp." said Vishal.

Carla thought about it for a minute.

"What about my mother?" asked Carla.

"There are already many employees living in the apartment complexes owned by the company. The rent is not high and it will be cut from the salary. You're already earning a lot being my secretary. A small dip in it won't cause problems, right? I will take care of your preparations." asked Vishal.

"Very well Mr.Vishal. But I need to ask why are youd doing this?" asked Carla as she thought his intentions weren't good.

Bring your ear here. She reluctantly bent her ear.

"I know you are Phantasm. I can help you find Ventriloquist and in return go on a date with me when we turn 18 years." said VIshal.

Carla was shocked on hearing the words and she immediately withdrew.

"Don't worry. Red hood is a family to us." Vishal slowly said.

Carla's widened eyes slowly became normal on hearing it.

"We can talk about it later. Book a seat for Spanish restaurant." whispered Vishal.

She nodded and immediately booked a seat for two at the restaurant.

They came to GCPD station and the people along with Police officers were surprised seeing Vishal at GCPD.

One of the police officer Rex who is loyal to Gordon asked him to follow into Gordon's office.

Gordon saw Vishal and said "Welcome Mr.Vishal. Please have a seat."

"I want to get down to business as soon as possible." said Vishal as he placed the envelope before Gordon.

"This is a list of heinous crimes committed by Jerome, Benazir, Luke, Olaf and Pollock who are the directors of the company." said Vishal.

Gordon along with Carla were stunned on hearing the words. No one would want to convict their own members of the company to not bring a bad name to it. Here he saw a different thing as the founder himself came to submit evidece of their crimes.

"So, you know the consequences, right?" asked Gordon.

"Yes, but I am not too worried because they are the biggest hindrance which stop me and my father from helping people.

With them gone, I can put some of the talented people to work for bringing change." said Vishal as he nodded to Carla.

He shook hands with Gordon and Carla felt happy seeing Vishal putting people above his company.

Both Vishal and Carla made way out of the station and took the car back to office.

That evening both of them went homes and changed to casual clothes and made way to restaurant to talk things out.

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