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Chapter 2: Dystopian World

The sun blazed fiercely that day, casting its rays with an unusual intensity, causing even the attic's windowless and fan-less space to become an oppressive oven. Inside this stifling room, Felix, a young man who was feeling the full weight of summer boredom, longed for youthful excitement. His adult friends away on vacation, he found himself with little to do. Seeking a spark of interest, he decided to revisit his childhood home, hoping to rekindle some nostalgic memories.

As he explored the familiar space, he stumbled upon a treasure trove of his old journals, each one a portal to the past. Memories rushed back as he delved into the pages, flipping through the scribbles and stories of his younger self. Comparing his former messy handwriting with his now elegant cursive, he couldn't help but chuckle at the innocent tales and random grammatical errors that peppered the entries. At twenty-four years old, Felix had become more particular about grammar, but now he found these imperfections endearing, like old friends from a simpler time.

He laughed again as he stumbled upon a journal entry where he used bad words for the first time. "I hate caterpillars! Wel, i hate bugs in general. F*** them!" he had written. The memory brought a smile to his face, and he marveled at how much he had changed since those youthful outbursts.

Sitting amidst the collection of notebooks, each bearing the name "Felix Alixis" scrawled in messy cursive on the covers, he found solace in the nostalgic sanctuary of his childhood home. His current white-collar office job had been wearing him down with stress, and a restful break from it all seemed like a distant dream.

As hours passed by, he couldn't help but notice the sun had not yet yielded to the embrace of night. Curiosity piqued, he noticed a mysterious glowing light in the corner of his eye, seemingly dancing and searching for something.

Intrigued, Felix rose carefully, not wanting to startle the enigmatic light. In a moment of clumsiness, he tripped over a stack of books, causing the light to freeze momentarily, as if puzzled by the sound.

In a flash, the glowing light darted away, leading Felix on a mysterious chase through the attic door and down the stairs. He followed it, his heart pounding with a mix of bewilderment and excitement.

The light led him outside, and to his astonishment, outside the door, he found himself in a dystopian world. The sun loomed larger than ever in the sky, casting an eerie glow over skyscrapers draped in lush greenery. But his childhood home remained the same as if untouched by the relentless march of time, while the world around it continued to evolve.

Sounds of unfamiliar creatures filled the air – the thump of padded feet, the whoosh of inflating balloons, and the occasional tap of a leather shoe. As both terror and curiosity gripped him, Felix approached the source of the noises, trying to stay calm, reminding himself that this might be a dream he had yet to awaken from.

As he drew closer, his eyes widened in wonder at the sight before him. A vibrant red and white circus tent adorned with fantastical designs stood alongside a train track that he was certain hadn't been there before. The distant sound of an approaching train grew louder, and soon, an old-fashioned steam train emerged into view, emblazoned with a logo that read, "Lewis And Co. Circus."

Never having seen a circus before, Felix's curiosity overpowered his fear, and he cautiously approached the tent. But just as he neared the entrance, a lion's head emerged, roaring fiercely. Startled, Felix let out a scream of fear.

In an instant, a boy with hair as white as snow and wearing a unique combination of Victorian blouse and overalls stepped out, calming the roaring lion with a gentle touch. A spade tattoo adorned his cheek, adding an air of mystery to his appearance.

"I'm sorry about that!" the boy said in a high-pitched voice. "We were just packing up to leave."

Curiosity and confusion filled Felix as he stared at the boy. "Lewis told us there was nobody in this world. Who are you?" the boy asked, his face a mix of bewilderment and curiosity.

Feeling uncertain about revealing his true identity, Felix hesitated before replying, "...I am Thyme."

The boy looked puzzled. "Time? No way that's your name."

"No, Thyme, with a T-H-Y, like the herb," Felix clarified.

The boy's eyes lit up with understanding. "Herb? Like pomengrass?"

Confused by the peculiar term, Felix replied, "Yeah, like that!" trying to maintain a cheerful facade.

The eccentric boy smiled warmly. "Cool name! I'm Leon!"

The lion behind Leon stirred from slumber, attempting to bite him. Without even glancing at the lion, Leon calmly pushed its eyes, causing it to roar in pain. Unfazed, he turned back to Felix.

"By the way, Thyme, how come you're still alive?" Leon asked, his words tinged with an air of curiosity.

Taken aback by the unusual question, Felix replied, "Why not? Am I not allowed to live?"

Leon hummed thoughtfully. "I guess so. Isn't it lonely?"

Felix tried to hide his surprise at Leon's keen observation. "You know, when you've been alone for long enough, you get used to it."

Leon nodded, offering a knowing smile. "I understand you, Thyme."

Felix was touched by Leon's words; it had been a while since someone had shown such understanding. He hoped it wasn't a mere facade.

Leon then turned his attention back to the circus tent and back to Felix, inviting him in, "Wanna check it out? Lewis And Co Circus are cool people."

Felix, entranced by the surreal world he had stumbled into, readily accepted Leon's invitation. Little did he know that this encounter would mark the beginning of the end. An adventure he will wish he never went on.

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