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Chapter 17: Part 17 - Varys


These next few chapters will be important. They will be pre-tourney chapters that will have a bunch of POVs. I know that some of you dislike my POVs because they reduce the speed of the story as a whole.

And while that is correct, they are also necessary to give important insight into different characters and the plot.

This is currently pre-tourney at Harrenhal and after we'll go over to the tourney.

These are important chapters as it's also a very important event that is something akin to a turning point before the war starts.

I hope you enjoy this little Varys chapter.


(Varys POV)

- 281 AC -

It's been close to three years since I was asked by the King, Aerys II Targaryen, to come to Westeros and be his Master of Whispers. I have long since understood the power and value of information. Ever since Illyrio and I came to our 'little' agreement and we started our plan to fool the entire city of Pentos.

My life might not have started in grandeur, but I was hellbent on getting there. And I was on the best way there. From one moment to the next, I was promoted from a gutter rat to the Master of Whispers and all that only with the power of information.

I was going through different notes and information I got today. These are trying times in Westeros, truly. And if I want to succeed with my plans I must tread carefully.

As I read the newest notes from one of my 'little birds', I get thoughtful. The note reads: Tywin Lannister arrived together with his daughter Cersei Lannister and his entourage this morning. Nothing new otherwise.

So he truly left for Casterly Rock right away. I never thought this would work this well. King Aerys was paranoid, I knew that even before coming to Westeros and seeing him personally in King's Landing, but this ... this went beyond my reports.

He was mad and it was getting worse in the last years. The King wanted me ... no, needed me to point out the 'traitors' for him. This was thankfully a very easy job as there was not one person in court who wasn't a traitor or had a hidden agenda, thoughts filled with riches and power or some other ambitions.

I simply pointed my finger to those that were the most bothersome for me to deal with. Hehe ...

Truly hard to believe. Me ... Varys ... a man born into slavery from Lys ... is currently manipulating the ruler of the seven kingdoms to kill off his competition. How far I have come.

As I think about my reality, I can't help but think about my past. I was born into the lowest category there was in this life, slavery. That was close to 30 years ago. I worked my way up, never complaining even when I had to be a clown to that dim-witted mummer and his troupe of mummers.

When he sold me to that disgusting and hateful man during our stay in Myr, I was truly scared. I'll never forget his disgusting smile and the warts on his nose when he cut off my manhood and then ... burnt them in a ... blood magic ritual ... I still get very angry when I think about it. My hate for magic stems from that experience.

Thankfully I managed to turn the experience into something useful as I was no longer a slave. I became a thief and over the years became the best one in Myr ... only to flee due to others.

But my ascent truly started after I met Illyrio Mopatis in Pentos. He was a young sellsword back then and was as poor as the ground we walked on. But he wasn't stupid thankfully and together we managed to pull off a marvellous stunt to fool the entire city.

I would go and steal all sorts of things and Illyrio would then visit that same person and tell them that he can retrieve the stolen goods for a price. A brilliant idea that soon bloomed and made us very rich.

To this day, I will remember the moment that made me realise the power of information. And I have made my strength and passion my profession, leading me to this moment. Sitting in King's Landing and planning my next move.

Getting Tywin away from King's Landing was harder than I thought. In the beginning, I knew of his position as Hand of the King and the power and responsibility it entailed. But what I could never have predicted was the powerful hold Tywin Lannister had over almost everything that happened in the Kingdom.

His hold in King's Landing alone was remarkable and it made it nigh impossible to truly act on my plans and wishes. Tywin Lannister was cunning, smart, wise and truly ruthless. He was an experienced player in the 'game'.

So, as the novice I was, I bid my time and fed the King with the information he wanted to hear, while simultaneously slowly reducing the power of Tywin Lannister and other strong players.

And now finally, I managed to get him off his high ground and back to Casterly Rock. I can't take all the laurels though. The King was already very paranoid and didn't trust Tywin at all after the death of the late Lord Baratheon. This made it all the easier to convince him to accept Tywin's request to leave his post as Hand of the King.


"Your Grace I believe that I have the perfect plan to deal with the biggest threat to your rule.", Varys said to Aerys when they were alone after another meeting with the small council.

"What plan? You should think of something to get rid of the lion! Does he think he can stand above a dragon? HA! I'll show him. I'll ..."

"You Grace, this is actually what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Hm? Speak!"

"Well, your Grace I think there is something that you could do to truly weaken Lord Lannister. You see my little birds told me something very interesting this morning. Ser Jaime Lannister, the current heir of Casterly Rock, has requested to become a Kingsguard."

"So? How does that matter to me? I'll NEVER allow it. That lion just wants to get someone even closer to me to SPY on me!!!"

"Your Grace if I may say this ... but I don't think Lord Lannister knows of this request. You see Ser Jaime is the heir of Casterly Rock, so should he become a Kingsguard, he would never be able to sire children and would not be able to become Lord of Casterly Rock, leaving the Westerlands without a Lord Paramount and therefore weakening them.

If I'm correct then there is nothing that would hurt Lord Lannister more than to have his Legacy weakened, your Grace."

Aerys' eyes became wide. Truly he understood. He could hurt Tywin.


Varys waited until the King had reached post-nut clarity... oh god. Varys knew how to handle the King. But he had to make sure ... he had to make sure it would work this time or Tywin would notice his ploy to remove him and retaliate. He had to be thorough with this.

"Your Grace, there is another thing though."

"Hah hah ... what more ... hah hah ...", the King said still breathing heavily.

"You see I know that you wish to fully humiliate Lord Lannister and for the same reason you refused his request to resign as Hand of the King, but this time I believe it important that you accept should he make the same request, your Grace."

"Oh and why should I do that then, Varys?"

"Because your Grace, should Lord Lannister wish to step down from his position as Hand of the King, I am very certain that he will want that because of the anger he will feel, it would be the best chance for you to weaken House Lannister. And the best part is that it will be his own wish to give up that power and only you, your Grace will know that you have manipulated him the whole time."

"HAHAHAHA yes Varys that's brilliant. We'll do that then. Good good. Alright, I give you free rein to do as you wish in this matter. I want to see the lion giving me back the power he has on his own, HEHEHEHEHE..."

(Flashback end)

Truly a well-executed plan. Now I must convince the King to attend the Tourney at Harrenhal in the coming month. It's imperative for him to be there and ruin all the moods.

After all, I am not yet done with the old dragon. Out with the old and in with the new. For the old is mad and the new is loved and popular, unlike his father who has found a perverse love in Wildfire and rape of his sister-wife.

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