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Chapter 44: Chapter 44: The Gods' Investment.

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(Billy's P.O.V)

I opened my eyes, immediately biting back a litany of curses as my head exploded with a familiar headache.

The same one I was used to whenever I over-exerted my psionic abilities.

"Ow ow..."

I muttered, cupping my head while gingerly getting off the ground I was lying on. Neptune's Trident lay on the ground next to me.

Every movement I made sent waves of agony through my temple. It was like someone was slamming a sledgehammer inside.

"Hahaha, that's what happens when you use more magic than your soul can handle."

A voice said from my front.

I looked up with a wince, the migraine abating enough that my mind could process who it was.

"Oh, it's personal tormenter."

I responded to Hercules, who answered with another boisterous laugh.

"Personal tormenter, I like it."

He gave me a thumbs up over the fire burning in-between us. One of the Wyvern's egg was placed on three hearthstones, roasting over the fire.

I swept my gaze around. It was night. We were in the temporary campsite we put up the first time we arrived here from the field of grass millions of miles away.

He must have carrier me when I passed out. And that means...

"I guess...I lost."

I sighed in realization. The Trident next to my feet pulsed gently as if to console me.

"You did."

Hercules nodded, stroking the fire with a stick.

"It was a good fight though. We levelled a mountain."

He added, using the stick to point behind me.

I turned around and sure enough, the tall mountain that had loomed huge over most of the jungle was missing its peak.

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.

"I guess we did."


Hercules said, throwing something my way. I reached out and grabbed the fruit from the air.

"That will help you regain your depleted magical reserves."

The fruit was shaped like an apple, and contained an immense amount of vitality.


I refocused my attention on him.

"That's two times you've mentioned magic? I have magic?"

When did that happen? The Trident beside me pulsed gently. I placed it across my lap. Could it be responsible?

Hercules gave a firm nod.

"The water you were controlling was glowing. Besides that, I know what magic feels like. I might not have any, and trust me I don't need it-"

Looking at his muscular frame I couldn't refute that claim.

"-but I've fought many upstart and experienced magicians to know it's scent.

He concluded.

"Given that you're here, I'm guessing you won?"

I joked.

"Hahaha, back then, I was a menace. Many a king sent companies of mages to take me down. You should have seen their faces as I plowed through their flashy spells."

"Then when they were beaten, instead of getting on their knees and begging me to spare their lives, they tried suicidal moves on me, soul attacks, banishing spells, curses. But nothing worked."

He slammed his fists onto his palm, the fire reflected in his eyes adding to the intimidating aura he carried around him at all times.

"None could endure the power of my fists."

He declared.

And I'd seen first hand just how much power was in those hands.

That brought up another question,

"How strong are you really? Even with Neptune's Trident, I couldn't leave a single scratch on you. Not even drowning you worked."

"So...that's what it's called."

He looked at the Trident with a neutral expression.

"Can't say I was ever a fan of my dear uncle, Poseidon. That said, you're using it wrong."

Heh, He just ignored my question. But the last part grabbed my attention.

I curler my hand around the Trident's shaft, twirling it in my hand before slamming the pommel onto the ground.

The ground trembled slightly under us.

My awareness dove into the Trident and using it's control over water, I copied a certain water bending master from one of my favorite shows when growing up, and pulled water from the atmosphere.

A ball of water appeared, floating above his head. Hercules looked at it before turning his focus to me.

"A simple trick. I've seen him drown entire armies."

He snorted.

"And even that pales in the face of real power. The one you can feel in your hands. In your body and in your-"

I dropped the sphere of water on him.

His head, face and neck were immediately drenched, leaving him a dripping funny mess.

Laughter bubbled out of me at the bemused expression on his face.

"Well, did you feel that?"

I asked.

He pursed his lips and blew away a wet strand of hair hanging over his face.

"I wasn't expecting that, so Kudos for catching me off guard. However..."

He cut himself short, taking a deep breath.

Then he flexed.

His skin turned red and hot. Veins grew prominent across his muscular physique.

All the water dripping from his head and soaking his lion coat evaporated into steam.

"There is nothing you can't train your body to do. Strength comes in many forms. But Physical Energy will always be at the beginning and at the end of that spectrum."

He told me, leaving me utterly speechless.

"How did you do that?"

I couldn't help but ask, actually getting interested in learning his Legacy. I had been more focused in what was happening in the outside world but...if I could learn to exert such control over my body...

In response, Hercules begun laughing.

"I don't have to answer any of your questions, remember? You lost, I won."

Oh yeah. That was the agreement, wasn't it? And I couldn't complain because I was the one who challenged him in the first place.

"I owe you 12 labors..."

I started.

"But we never specified when I needed to carry them out. It could be now...or it could be in the future."

"Tut tut, that decision lies with me, little man."

Hercules waved his finger at me.

"I won fair and square, so stop trying to influence the wager."

Tch. This guy is smart. Time to change tactics.

"How about another wager then? One I'm sure I'll win this time."

I replied cockily.

Hercules' eyes gained a glint of interest.

"Oh really? Pass."

He unceremoniously shut me down, throwing me a little off guard.

"You can't say no!"

I got off the ground.

"I need to get out of here! If I can't do so on my own, then at least give me a chance to win your assistance in doing so!"

"Why do you want to leave so badly?"

He enquired. Even sitting he was taller than me.


A sigh escaped me.

That question was a simple one. While I knew it was illogical to blame myself for what had happened, I couldn't sit idly by and do nothing if there was a chance I could help out.

I don't know what I can do with the world destroyed though.

So I told him everything that had happened. About my unique ability that could show me the probability of something happening. About how that same ability had informed me of the end of the world.

And then one responsible.

Ultron was out there. And the longer he was allowed to roam free...the tougher he was going to be to beat.

"I see."

Hercules finally responded after my answer.

"Well, I have some bad news. Even if you were to leave this place, you would still be stuck in hell."

Yeah, he had mentioned something about that. My soul was in the hands of Mephisto.

" there's really nothing I can do?"

I questioned, mostly to myself.

"Nope. There's nothing YOU can do."

Hercules told me with a strange smile.

I frowned.

"What does that mean?"

Instead of answering he stood up to his full height.

"Before that Billy, do you know what being a Champion of the Gods means?"

He called me Billy, not little man.

I shook my head.

"It means...we always protect our investment." He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Be patient and get stronger. Leave everything else to those who have your back."

(General P.O.V)

Baron Mordo watched with a mix of apprehension and frustration as the Ancient One, his mentor and fellow sorcerer, prepared to do something he could only describe as suicidal.

They stood in the ashes of the New York sanctum, before a pulsating pentagram, its arcane energies casting eerie shadows across their faces.

The air was thick with soot and radiation poisoning. The spells woven on their robes protected them from the spells, but they couldn't stay out here for too long.

Mordo decided to try to dissuade her one final time.

"Are you truly determined to go through with this, master?"

He implored, concern etched on his features.

"You risk not only your life but the Time Stone itself. Our order has already suffered great losses, and if the Sorcerer Supreme were to fall..."

He trailed off.

The Ancient One, her countenance resolute, interrupted him,

"Some things are unavoidable, Mordo. If it means the recovery and safety of our planet, then even venturing into Hell is a sacrifice I am willing to make. Do your part of the plan, as discussed."

Mordo reluctantly nodded, his thoughts going to their part of the plan.

Just as he was about to speak up once more, the pulsating pentagram flared up with a burst of malevolent power, accompanied by the pungent stench of sulfur and brimstone.

A gray skinned demon, wearing a loin cloth and holding a massive black sword, materialized before them at the middle of the Pentagram.

The demon who was subservient to Mephisto, sent the sorcerers behind Mordo and the Ancient One into a defensive stance.

The demon's wicked smile sent shivers down their spines as it waved its hand toward the portal behind it.

"His Evilness awaits ya,"

It sneered.

A dark red swirling portal appeared beside it.

The Ancient One steeled herself and, without hesitation, stepped into the portal.

Mordo locked eyes with the demon and issued a chilling warning,

"Heed my words, demon. Though it is in you and your Infernal master's nature to wreak havoc, harm her, and you shall regret it."

The demon scoffed and followed the Ancient One into the portal. The pentagram flared one final time before it stopped glowing.

Mordo, left standing on the outside, smiled.

"The warning was more for their benefit."

Then he turned around to the others.

"Okay, listen up. We have our orders, find the Weapon H facility and secure the target. I anticipate it will be heavily guarded. But this what we live and die for. This is our purpose. Move out."

Several portals were created. Then the over dozen sorcerers jumped through them.


Inside Hell, the portal opened up at the end a nightmarish hallway.

Tormented souls writhed in ceaseless agony to her sides, hellfire burning causing endless pain to the unlucky residents of Hell.

Their cries echoed through the infernal abyss.

The Ancient One moved through with a calm expression on her face. She knew what this was, a mind game.

The demon accompanying attempted to taunt her, but she remained quiet, her steps measured, her focus unwavering.

Finally it gave up and they arrived in a grand throne room, where Mephisto lounged like a king, attended to by none other than Marilyn Monroe, who fed him grapes.

"Ancient One, welcome to my home. Is it to your liking?"

Mephisto greeted with a sinister grin.


The Sorcerer Supreme gave a simple nod to the Hell Lord.

"That's enough. Can't you see I'm about to conduct business?"

He waved the blonde woman with glazed eyes, away.

"I apologize master."

Marilyn muttered, backing away with a bow. Mephisto's tail snaked out and tripped her feet.

Marilyn fell onto the ground, causing the plate of grapes to fall onto the ground. Mephisto glared down at her.

The former actress' eyes widened in fear. She porstrated herself on the ground.

"Forgive me Master! Please don't send me to-"

"Take her to the pit."

He cut off her pleas with a sadistic smirk.

The Demon next to the Ancient One walked forward with a similarly nasty smile.

"This is gonna be fun."

"No! Please! I can serve you better! I will do better!"

Marilyn cried out in despair as she was dragged away.

The Ancient One tightened her hands underneath the long sleeves of her robes.

"What a clumsy girl."

Mephisto snickered, turning his attention back to her as he grabbed the wine glass on the arm rest of his throne.

"Can you believe her manager bartered away her soul? All because she didn't read the contract. Turns out there was a little clause slipped in, and now she serves me in Hell."

He chuckled.

"You humans are quick to blame the devil for your problems. However, Hell has already migrated to Hollywood, with Las Vegas as a demon vacation spot."

The Ancient One breathed out,

"Cease with the mind games Mephisto. They won't work on me. What you're doing is wasting my time. As you said before, we have business to conduct. And as agreed, I've come to fulfill my end of the bargain."

She told him.

Mephisto nodded, rising off his throne.

"Can I atleast offer you refreshments before we begin?

The Ancient One declined with a firm,


"A pity," Mephisto sighed,

"The grapes that made this wine were grown from the Garden of Eden itself. The holy energy contained within is quite a treat for someone like me."

The Ancient One said nothing.

Mephisto finally nodded, understanding she wasn't going to take him up on the offer.

With a wave of his hand, the surroundings shifted dramatically.

The Ancient One found herself at the base of a foreboding staircase.

The staircase led to a small concrete island in the midst of a chamber dripping with dark blood from the walls. The blood flowed into a black pool surrounding the island.

Inscriptions in the devil's language adorned the walls, and she recognized the black pool as a repository of curses meant to assail any who dared set foot upon the island.

Undeterred, she ascended the staircase and found Mephisto waiting for her at the top, resplendent in his crimson attire.

On a pedestal beside him rested a radiant, rainbow-like sphere of energy, encased within a matrix of red energy.

"Please, Ancient One, do not be alarmed by the heavy security," Mephisto purred, his voice dripping with honeyed malice.

"Some of my... brethren have no respect for other's property. These curses have the power to instill untold horrors, even in a god."

He stared at the soul with greed.

"I cant let this...treasure fall in anyone else's hands. Shall we commence with the extraction?"

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