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Chapter 173: Chapter 173: Charge

The Valiant now deeply regretted, incredibly so.

As a marshal adept at strategic planning from afar, wasting such a precious battlefield opportunity was utterly regrettable.

Had they launched not mini-cruise missiles, but stepped up to small nuclear warheads or medium-range wave annihilation cannons, it wouldn't have been the death of over a hundred thousand of the Amazon legion; it would've been their complete annihilation.

Lacking knowledge about the Amazons and magic.

It was just a probing attack. No one could've imagined that the Amazon legion would open its arms to welcome their mini-cruise missiles, resulting in over a hundred thousand casualties.

In the midst of their deep regret, after the Amazon legion was devastated, the Valiant-Class hurriedly launched another fifty thousand mini-cruise missiles from three thousand ports on each side, aiming for them.

Although there was a 99% probability of interception this time, what if they were truly devastated without any protection?

After all, right before their eyes, the Amazon legion had already executed a 'wise' operation.

They were a group beyond their tactical and strategic considerations—a band of savages.

"Why not use more powerful missiles to annihilate them?" Karu in the central command room within the Valiant-Class expressed regret as well. With more firepower, this wave could've wiped out the Amazons without concern.

Every warship of the general class or above had a space bridge portal for transporting soldiers, ammunition, and supplies, always connected to the Zero mother ship.

As long as logistics could keep up, warships of the general class or above were terrifying forces of unlimited firepower.

Upon receiving H'el's command, Karu was transported into the Valiant-Class through the space bridge.

"Just a routine probing attack." The Valiant was also feeling quite frustrated. If they had known the Amazons would welcome the missiles, they would've used small nuclear warheads and medium-range wave annihilation cannons much earlier.

Caru fell silent. Who would've thought they were this naive? "If Sacrifice Marshal attacked..."

Then, they'd be done for. Karu refrained from finishing the sentence because he knew he'd spoken inadvertently.

The Valiant-Marshal grinded its metallic particles together as if gritting its teeth.

Don't they know Sacrifice Marshal is no match for me?

How dare they mention that barbarian in my presence!

"General Karu! Accept the order!"

Karu instinctively straightened up, his eyes showing an expression of a blunder.

Even though the Valiant and Karu were conversing, it didn't delay the timing even a bit. The Valiant launched another fifty thousand mini-cruise missiles, trailing blue light rings behind them, covering the areas that hadn't been bombed yet.

But this supplementary attack wouldn't be effective this time.

Gritting her teeth, Diana endured a sorrowful and painful expression. Fury flashed in her eyes as she tightened her grip on the reins of a white horse adorned with golden trappings. With a slight tug, the steed leaped into the blue sky, its agile form gleaming under the sunlight.

Diana reached for the Lasso of Truth at her waist and twirled it around in circles, creating a vortex out of the lasso in the blink of an eye. The entire sky seemed to be encapsulated by the vortex formed from Diana's twirling Lasso.

The fifty thousand mini-cruise missiles that came flying were unable to break through the vortex of the Lasso. Instead, the vortex altered their flight paths, reduced their force, and eventually bundled them up into a large pile.

Holding the Lasso of Truth, Diana swung it towards the Valiant Marshal, emitting a thunderous noise, hurling the bundle of fifty thousand mini-cruise missiles towards it.

"Amazon warriors, maintain your positions!" The white horse adorned with golden trappings stood firm in the sky, Diana looked towards the exploding area, littered with bodies and debris, flames and thick black smoke rising. Shock and agony appeared on the faces of the Amazon warriors.

Green Lantern Hal quickly started extinguishing fires and aiding the wounded upon seeing this situation.

Encountering such a painful lesson right from the start was incredibly unbearable.

Diana had to forcibly endure her grief and quickly commanded the remaining Amazon warriors to regroup, protect the wounded, and prepare magical shields to resist the formidable enemy.

The bundle of fifty thousand mini-cruise missiles, moving at supersonic speed, was thrown back towards the Valiant. As they neared it, they automatically halted, split apart, and neatly lined up before returning from where they came, retreating from the ports.

The Valiant retrieved the fifty thousand mini-cruise missiles, then hovered over the Fortress of Solitude's airspace.


The raging blue battleship, three kilometers in length and two kilometers in diameter, began to split open, revealing countless varied and large black cannon mouths on its surface. These included more than a thousand types of weapon ports of the common transformation type, some of which were already emitting a shimmering light, gathering high-energy particles.

All the cannon mouths faced Diana and the Amazon Legion, ready for a sweeping barrage.

Green Lantern, seeing this terrifyingly dense array of cannon mouths resembling a fortress of war, felt a dry mouth and a numbing heart.

"Wonder Woman, he wants to redirect Superman," Green Lantern couldn't help but swiftly fly into the sky, aligning himself with Diana, and said sternly.

"I know!" Diana's eyes burned with fury. She returned the Lasso of Truth to her waist, drew her sword from her left waist, lifted it high, and with fiery eyes fixed on the Fortress, roared angrily, "Amazon Legion, prepare!"

Diana's roar echoed across the entire sky, dispersing the clouds in the distance.

"Amazon warriors, fear nothing!"

The military and mental resilience of the Amazon warriors was so immense that even the deaths of over a hundred and fifty thousand of their kin did not instill any fear or retreat.

Their comrades' deaths fueled their anger. Under Diana's command, they swiftly reassembled. The flames of fury rose from the faces of every Amazon warrior, their eyes ablaze with rage.

The renewed assembly of the Amazon Legion surged with anger, their golden-armored troops bursting forth with flames of wrath.

Green Lantern Hal, witnessing Diana's intent to lead an attack, was deeply alarmed. His face changed dramatically as he intervened, "Diana, stop! Leading an assault like this will only lead to death. Let me handle it; I still have other plans."

"The Amazonians do not fear death!" A commander of the Amazon Legion below heard Green Lantern's words and deemed it an insult to their bravery.

Eyes filled with fury turned toward Green Lantern, chilling him to the core.

"Get lost, Green Lantern!"

"Leave the task to the Amazons; we won't retreat!"

Diana raised her sword high, her seething fury unable to bury her rationality. Her body surged with heated blood, resonating with the war cries.

"The Amazonian blade is unmatched, their will unyielding like a rock. Amazons never retreat! Let the blade splash with the enemy's blood, upholding the eternal honor of the Amazons!

"Amazon Legion, charge!"


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