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After exams are over. little daniel who was  jogging with big body  encounters vasco during one of their run. As vasco sees little daniel and System both running together. As after seeing them he approaches them.


  little daniel who was running with System thinks 'I never thought. I will do jogging, As first time i saw people looking at me with disgust looks. while some looked at me with sympathy. But no matters their looks. System always encouraged me. As now i am running with him. I am beside him. while i am tired he doesn't look like. He is tired As out of the corner of my eye i see vasco coming towards us'. 

As  vasco approaches both big and small daniel. As then he says "How are you little one. I see you jogging. How long have you been jogging? ". As then little daniel says " I stared jogging in a while back. As me and Big Daniel both exercise together". As then vasco looks at  "I might have lost back then. But now I will not lose to you ever again". As then System using big body is amused. And says " To find out if you will lose again. we might to fight again".

As then little daniel on the side lines can see lighting in both their glare. As they both glare at each other. while all this is happening little daniel hears a ding. As he looks over seeing a new quest





As then after bickering a while both vasco and System using big body stops. As then System using big body says "How about a race lets see who can cover the whole park the fastest first on here winner. loser gets to buy the winner milk". 


As the vasco agrees . little daniel who is thinking how to beat them both. ' Its not possible as i am sure both of them can easily out run us both. but i know 2 ways i can get vasco to stop. but how to stop System. I can't think of any possible weakness and i don't know much about it. Think daniel think. How can is stop System. their must be a way even for a sec if the System stops i can have a big chance of wining'. After a while little daniel gets the idea. 

While little daniel was thinking. Both vasco and System were arguing about who was going to win. They both stop and get ready to race.

System :ON your marks

vasco: GET SET

little daniel: IS that jace and crystal san their

After saying this little daniel takes off faster then he ever tried to run in his life. As both vasco and System using big body tires to find crystal and jace. They both ignore little daniel after minute of almost looking every where. they both turn to ask little daniel where is jace and crystal. 


As then System using big body says "where are they. huh little daniel". as vasco also nods on System words. seeing no response both look last place where little daniel was looking. As they see that their is no little daniel. while their both confused where little daniel went. Not seeing little daniel but they both hear crows in the back ground. As they both realize. looking up Seeing daniel running faster then ever.

As they take off after little daniel both cursing him. As System says " Come back here you stupid fat man. where is your pride". As then vasco also says "I didn't thought you will  cheat us little one". 


little daniel hearing both of them coming near him he thinks to him self. 'what else is their to slow them both down. now they will not fall for this trick another time think. what else can i do. I got it might not work for second time but still worth a shot '. 

As they both are about to cross little daniel says "LOOK IS THAT GIRL IS LOOKING AT VACSO. AND WHO IS THAT STRANGE MAN WITH GLASSES LOOKING AT BIG DANIEL". As they both stop vasco with hope. while System thinking this day being the worse of his life. 


As they both stop again but again seeing no one their. while vasco seeing no girl in the whole park. and System seeing no gun. As they both realize again after hearing crows again in the back ground.

As then they both swear they will not fall for it again. As they start running again. little daniel who is very near the finishing line. feels both vasco and System catching up on him. As now little daniel knows he has almost no chance of winning. 

as he thinks 'even after all that thinking. Am is still going to lose. As when he was almost about to give up on winning'.

As then he remembers s talk with System in which System using big body said 'remember Daniel everyone in their daily life has a time where they are given a choice. The choice can be between anything between good and bad or right or wrong .But what matters is will you stick on the side you choose to the end or will you leave it in the middle. Daniel you will also get many choice no matter what you choose i will always respect that decision. But if you ever think about giving half way. I will beat you'.

System was right as daniel thinks 'now am given choice to give-up or keep running. and i am sure if i give up System will know if i give up. But i will not i will keep running and win. I will prove everyone who ever doubted me wrong'. 

As little daniel with a new belief keeps running. As vasco and System are about to pass little daniel. they both see little daniel getting faster. As they both a puzzled and think 'was he not running his fastest in the beginning '. As now all are neck to neck all 3 trying to get first. As when all were close to finishing of the race. with vasco and System a little ahead of little daniel. 

As little daniel who knew he was about to lose. He thinks to himself 'if only my body was like second body'. unbeknownst to him System gives little ding.

  As then little daniel sees a screen in front of him with a y/n. He pressed Y. As then he feels he is no longer tired as before. As then he accelerate . 


As then they  see little daniel running pass both of them. As when he crosses finish line. As then both vasco and System seeing little one win both say at the same time "NOT FAIR YOU CHEATED REMATCH".

As little daniel phanting fell down as he smiles. and says " I beat you both. and says to System I did not give up. I will not give up on both my goals and beliefs as i believe I can achieve them both". As then both vasco and System stop what ever they were about to say.





As little daniel accepts rewards and as he looks at his stats.









As the next day all get ready for the school autumn camp or boot camp. As daniel using big body looks at everyone as he hears many people talking about his good looks. As the teachers gives a passionate speech. While students thinks teacher is boring them as they talk among themselves.


  As daniel in big body getting on the bus thinks 'I always had bad memories of the autumn camp. As he sits next to teacher'. As the teacher thinks daniel lost a bet and was told to sit next to teacher. As then daniel hear doo calling him " Hey! Daniel why are you sitting next to teacher your seat is next here". zoe and yui next seat also calls daniel to come to their seat. 

As daniel using big body is thinking "It's gonna be the best trip of my life. I wonder what System will do in the little body".

As then we see System using little body working in the convince store. As then he sneezes. As owner asks "Hey are you ok or are you sick ". As then System using little body replies "nothing just a random sneeze ". 

As they all arrive at  at the camp when they all get off the buss. everyone were talking among them selves. As then they all hear a whistle and hear some one say loudly " Everyone line up. you are at the autumn camp. As we all know j high reputation is not good. now that everyone is lined up time to introduction. MY name is Zeus. and my partner here name is woobin".

As then after seeing both they see handsome man and a little fat man. As many girls after seeing Zeus is a handsome man they all think zeus is a good man. but seeing woobin looks he is shorter and fat. so all girls thinks he is a pervert. and start talking bad things about woobin.

  As then instructor starts checking students belongs for cigraettes and alcohol. And finding many things the instructor gives punishments' to those form belongings were things were found.

While the instructor are punishing those form which alochol and cigraettes were discovered. We see daniel looking at the zeus and say to System in his head "hey System he gives me a bad vibe even with his looks". As then System using little body working in the store after hearing what daniel said replies after looking at the wanted poster pasted on the wall outside replies back.

  "daniel listen humans are a being of emotion sometimes. We judge people and things on thier look even if copper painted in gold is liked by everyone. but not all gold painted things are good. remember one thing daniel always do what you think is right. now i need to work you enjoy autumn camp".

As then System thinks to him self  'I hope you forgive me daniel. but this is for your own growth only after seeing what dark emotions and feelings people hide and are capable of only then you can grow. My task is to make sure we both live well and happy. Consider this only the first step to your growth'. 

As then we see System and other fashion department playing little games. As then jace seeing everyone playing like kids he thinks "tch look at them acting like kids what are you a 5 year old".

As then jace looks at his left side looking at vasco who's eyes are twinkling. As then jace and architecture department also start playing. As jace seeing vasco is having fun. after all the outside activities. As then at night hair style department does a dance performance. 

As form vocal department duke performs a song. while everyone is having fun. daniel using big body thinks 'duke is getting the attention he deserve. am happy for him but what is this strange feeling. I don't understand it. But i feel something is not right '.

As then after the show is over everyone is leaving for their rooms with a smile on their. As then daniel and zack  who were also ready to leave. Their both stopped by doolee saying "come with me i got something fun to show you all. It was arranging it all".

  As then zack getting impatient says "what is it. if it is something useless don't blame me for punching you". As doolee seeing zack is getting annoyed says "here we are clam down will you huh". As then doo opens door. both daniel and zack takes a look inside seeing all 4 girls form hairstyle department. As then zack understands what doo and his friends did.

As zack can tell after looking at all the girls face that they were here for him and daniel. If They both were not pulled here by doo the girls would have been disappointed. As then girls also seeing zack and Daniel they speak up "Hey daniel hey zack we always wanted to know more about you". 

  As then they also think ' we are only here due to zack and daniel being here. As they also on par with elijhang in our hairstyle department' .As then zack says "i am sorry but i have meeting with someone else hope you excuse me". As then seeing zack leave daniel also says "I am also sorry but i also have a meeting ". As then daniel who was about to leave.

Zack speaks "Hey daniel can you come with me". As then daniel follows zack seeing zack knocks on door. daniel sees mira open the door as then zack says "mira wanna have some snacks with us " As then mira calls them to sit in the room as they both go and sit in the room.

  As they all sit in the room. "Zack, mira, daniel, zoe, yui, jinhoo, sitting together. As they all make a green light by putting mobile flash light with a green bottle.

As while daniel is happy to hang out with friends. while jinhoo wonders why is he here. meanwhile yui is happy with zack being here. As they all make a little talk. then we see zack put down snacks in which he also puts down a couple of bottles of alcohol.

As mira seeing bottles scolds zack. Then Yui  says "chill mira just a little drink will not hurt anyone". As they zoe also speaks up "yeah mira you have not seen daniel drinking capacity. he is like an old alcoholic". As then after hearing zoe. she turns to daniel and says " I never thought you will be like this". 

As then after hearing mira speak daniel thinks what to say. But cannot find words. As an attempt he says "That was only one time i never thought that i can drink that much. As it was also my first time to go somewhere to eat with friends". As at the end of sentence daniel voice slowly gets low.

As after hearing daniel response they all understand to not ask about his past. As it can be painful for someone. As zack pours a small glass for everyone. As mira refuses to touch the glass. while zoe and yui picks up. After seeing mira begin too strict. she tells mira "Light up. It will be only a single glass". 

As they starts talking. As then we see jinhoo drinking alcohol like water. As he thinks 'I must look cool. if i drink more i will look cooler then daniel and zack '. As after seeing this all daniel thinks 'This is the best moment of my school life. i hope nothing ruins this moment'.

story ends here

so what reward did daniel used to win the race.


These were the teachers choice given. and james lee won out of them all.

Madara Uchiha form Naruto

Bang s class hero form one punch man

Monkey D Grap form one peice

master roshi from dragon ball z

James lee form lookism past 

yujiro hanma form baki 

might gai form naruto 

hatake kakashi anbu form naruto 

yujiro hanma form baki

sliver rayglieh form onepeice 

jin taijin form god of highschool 

Jigoro form demon salyer 

jameslees form past of lookism.

azien form bleach

Yoriichi Tsugikuni form demon slayer

These were the choices of the teachers and james won. 

Have a good day or night

i am sick so thats is why i could not make any changes in it due to my brain not thinking of may ways, runny nose and fever. sorry if the chapter is not to your liking will try to make up in the upcoming chapters.


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