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Chapter 8: chapter 8

The officer led me to a small bathroom filled with all the necessities needed to have a decent bath. once we reached there, I nodded in thanks. And closed the door.


'hmmm..... have I gotten more handsome?'

I was currently checking myself out in the bathroom mirror. Naked. My body has more pronounced muscles now, and its more filled with fat. Not like the frail, Pale figure I once was. No more of people looking at me and thinking 'An outskirts rat.'

".....Guess that's an upgrade."

I shrugged, instead looking down at the behemoth between my legs....

"Heh.... Now that's something I'm proud of." 

I laughed at myself as I submerged my body into the bathtub full of warm comfortable water. Prompting me to let out a sigh of bliss. inturn I closed my eyes and tuned out everything, And just... rested. A rest I wholeheartedly deserve for all the bullshit I've been through. 

After ten minutes of just laying in the bath like a corpse. A knock sounded out from the door. Bringing me back to the present from wherever my mind drifted to.

What a shame, I sighed in resignation. Calling out to the person knocking on the door.....

"I'll be there! Just give me a minute."

I hesitatingly got out. And started to wipe myself down with a towel. After that I wore the police tracksuit they gave me, Cause I was literally in torn rags when I came here the first time. 

I was then brought to the entrance of the station by the same officer, Where people were going in out in a hurry. Likely due to the never ending casualties That was occuring every damn second because of the spell.

There, Master jet was conversing with a few high rank dressed officers with a professional calmness. That was completely unlike her previous behaviour.

'Professional women.... Love them ones.'

She immediately noticed me and with a smile she concluded her discussion. Before Walking hurriedly towards me.

"Now that you've freshened up, let's talk about your situation, Shall we?"

I nodded in response, As she began walking through the crowd of people. splitting them apart like moses. While I followed behind her Without getting flustered by the amount of eyes on me.

we eventually ended up in front of a PTV. That most people couldn't even dream of getting one. Even if they have a license. It was a fully armored car that was built to easily fight nightmare creatures and advancing in the rough terrains.

It was my first time riding one, So I cemented the experience in my head. So that one day, I would have one all to myself. And believe me I will.

As I was watching the city through the window. Jet cleared her throat to get my attention.

"You really like blanking out don't ya?"

I smiled at her question "well..... It keeps the uncertainties of the future out of my head. also it's a good way to rest."

She had a small smile on her face, Listening to my answer. Making me feel uncomfortable.

"What?" I asked out.

She chuckled in reply...


She waved her hands a second later, To get rid of the awkward silence that settled in "Alright let's talk about the serious stuff. The winter solstice is encroaching upon us, Which means you have almost 4 weeks until you will venture into the dream realm for your first official nightmare. So listen carefully....."

I hardened my expression as she continued "You're in luck. Because there will be an induction at the academy for sleepers. Your best chance at survival is the academy, Where you'll be given free lodging, Free food, And more importantly. Training. To get you ready for your venture into the dream realm."

I nodded while thinking in my head 'That's where I was planning to go all along miss.'

But I didn't break my serious facade and listened even more attentively...

"So for you to get through that 4 weeks of time perfectly. I have three tips for you...."

She held up her hand as she raised a finger "One. Once you get there you'll be interviewed, To talk about your nightmare, experience. and especially your aspect. They will throw in sweet nothings in your face. Just to have an idea about your aspect. Just Give them enough to satisfy them, But under no circumstances should you tell them your flaw, A flaw is an awakened weakness. It can be used against them. So don't be eager to prove yourself. because in the end, all that matters is your survival and nothing else. I'm speaking from personal experience."

I raised my eyebrows at her last line, Which prompted her to wryly smile before saying in a bitter tone "Yes, I was a victim to my own stupidness. Just Imagine an outskirt rat finishing their nightmare and receiving a powerful aspect in return. With me having lived all my life in the outskirts. I wasn't really prepared for the real awakened world. and eager to prove myself. I did everything to be recognized. which brought me here. Working as a government agent, The irony...."

'Right, in the novel, her aspect was one of the rare and stronger ones, If i remember correctly. It was a supreme ranked aspect, Just two levels below divine. If there weren't people like sunny and nephis or me who shattered the normalcy of the world with our aspects, She is a bonafide powerhouse. And as for her aspect's ability. she can bypass defenses with ease and do soul damage. Soul damage is very rare even for a memory so having it as an aspect is even more rarer....'

'But unfortunately her flaw is equally terrible. Basically it makes her soul core which is the most important thing to an awakened, Decay.... That's If and I mean a big if, She doesn't kill nightmare creatures everyday. because once she kills an enemy their soul essence will be absorbed by her core which in return keeps her alive. That's why she will die slowly if she doesn't Absorb enough energy. Her flaw is called [Undead].'

'But that's what makes her so special!, She can fight tirelessly, As long as she has energy to absorb. And she had a cool nickname too, It was soul reaper. That's why she's working for the government. The government are the face of humanity against the nightmare creatures besides the three big clans. and given her aspect's rank. It means she's fighting at the frontlines everytime. No wonder she hasn't died all this time.'

I realized once again. I have gone into a trance, Receiving a blank look from jet as she sighed and continued speaking...

"Secondly, You have to work hard, Really hard these four weeks. Otherwise you can say bye-bye to you ever surviving. that's why you have to take on a course I will recommend you to, It's for the best trust me."

I nodded for her to continue "go on, I'm listening."

"there are various courses you can apply to. combat oriented ones. Or courses about studying different types of nightmare creatures, What to expect from the dream realm. And a whole lot of other shit. You get what i'm saying."

I mused about which course to pick 'Of Course I was not thinking about choosing a combat course, If my true name is really as it was described, Then I won't need any combat training. And I know how to swim in case I ended up in a region where I was in need of swimming.'

Jet then gave me a serious look "But I'm telling you to disregard all of that, And attend the only useful one there is... Wilderness survival. You see we aren't like the legacies or the normal populace who have tutors, Teaching them everything since childhood up to now. answer me Ariel. what was your biggest determent in the nightmare?"

I knew where she was going with this question, But nonetheless, I answered with a half truth after pretending to think "The heat and having no clothes on."

She nodded contendly as she spoke up "see? The most important thing is knowing what to do in a difficult situation, Having power and not knowing how to use it efficiently is a very dangerous thing. So make sure to learn everything you could about the dream realm and how to better use your arsenal."

I agreed with this readily, The most important thing is control and I bet on my life that my true name's description isn't as easy as it sounds. Another thing to be aware of.

"And finally, Be careful of who you make acquaintance with. In the dream realm, The nightmare creatures aren't your only enemy, Any kindness that people show off are nothing when it comes to their survival. It is the instincts of every human. So make sure who you talk to is dependable, Because once you place your trust in someone there is no going back when that said person stabs you in the back.... Ariel my last advice to you is, be careful of humans cause they are much more terrifying than nightmare creatures."

I gave a solemn nod in response "don't worry, Surviving all those years in the outskirts taught me alot."

"Good, I hope for your safe return, Sleeper Ariel." As she said this. The PTV stopped and the doors slid open smoothly....

When I got out of the car, I turned to jet and bowed deeply to get my gratefulness across "Thank you Master Jet, I too hope to meet you again in the future, As a powerful awakened."

Jet smiled brightly hearing my words, Nodding firmly as the door closed before the armored behemoth went off into the distance....

I stared at the PTV until it disappeared from the periphery of my vision. I then focused on the tall steel walls that were shining in the radiance of the sun. Before looking at The red intricately designed humongous gate that radiated an ancient aura.

This was the awakened academy, Not even colossal titans can break through these walls, At least that's what they say. It was a city within a city. A fortress. Built by the government to house the thousands of sleepers that come here every day from all over the world, To nurture and ready them for their first venture. 

'Here I go, Wish me luck. Readers.'

A/N: phew! finally done, I know it's a bit of a info dump but this is all I can do for those that haven't read shadow slave previously so I hope that was understandable and if you're confused about something, just ask and I will do my best to answer anyway send some stones fi you like it. 



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