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Chapter 1: Reincarnation {1}

I Died…

My soul, which had accompanied me throughout the 25 years of my life was travelling thorough the cosmos.

There was no sound, I could only perceive and think through my consciousness. I didn't die while being killed by others, nor did I get into a traffic accident.

I had killed myself if I had remembered correctly...

Right now, I was just recollecting my memories of who I am and what I had done throughout my life.

Ah that's right, my name is August Zendriche, born in the year 2010 and died in the year 2035.

I had no father while I grew up, he had died during a war.

My mother was a single housewife, she was a scientist or researcher if you may, trying to find solutions to problems regarding the world.

Though she had passed away when I was 15 years old, it came out of nowhere and I didn't know what to do at the time it happened.

She had died of Failure of Organs, most of her body had been worn down, even though she never showed it.

I knew she was ill, but I didn't know it was that horrific, she always smiled at me.

Never even showing a single ounce of pain on her face…

I clearly remember crying at her funeral and grave, she was the person I loved the most and no one could even compare.

I spent a lot of time grieving after her death, struggling to cope with the situation.

People always say it gets better with time but it doesn't…

When you really love someone you will always remember them no matter how old you get, what type of situation your in or whatever is happening in your life.

I had no other relatives other than my Aunt who took me in after my mothers death.

She encouraged me to take over my mothers work and help others like just exactly as my mother did.

So I did exactly that, I worked really really hard.

My mothers projects concerned many of the major problems that the world needed to solve, such as diseases, scarcity of food, War, environmental pollution and the problem of human lifespan.

You could say she was more of a problem solver than a scientist, she just wanted to make the world a better place.

I had taken over most of her knowledge and work, and improved it. By the time I had turned 17, I had come up with numerous solutions most that would affect the world in a better way. 

I had developed artificial crops that developed faster, had more sustainability and could survive in most climates that would normally be unable to do so.

They would be able to survive pests and be unable to develop diseases that would affect humans.

All the new information that I had learnt was easy for me to further improve and develop, I never mentioned this to anyone but I knew I was different from everyone else.

I wouldn't call myself special but I would say I am Unique. I had developed certain innate abilities that I did not see in other humans.

I had Super Photographic memory, meaning I had remembered and learned everything I could understand since I was in my mothers womb.

I also had the ability to interact with my own soul, I know it sounds farfetched but it's true. 

My soul has the ability to send feedback to to my body and Vice Versa.

All my genes, Knowledge, Innate abilities that I had accumulated over my life would be stored inside my soul.

Over the years I had collected many genes from all kinds of species to store their genetic data and also from other humans as well.

My body was getting stronger everyday and its longevity biomass was increasing to the point where my body could recover from all Injuries and was healing faster than I would get injured. 

Calling myself Immortal wouldn't be exaggerated. 

But Inwardly I didn't feel satisfied, my mother was no longer with me. Even though I had my aunt, she couldn't replace my mother. 

My aunt was from my father's side, she was his younger sister. She was pretty stoic most of the time but I could tell she cared about me, she never let feel like I was alone and always made me smile. 

Her name was Mira Hardy, she became my assistant and helped me through various projects. 

What was weird was that she always use to rub my skin, kiss my neck and sleep with me on the same bed. 

Of course I had learnt about sexual education as a student, but I just thought this was her coping mechanism after she lost several family members. 

The only family member she had left was me as she was also my last family member. 

It wasn't until I had turned 18 that on my 18th Birthday she confessed to me her feelings. 

Incest was not banned and it was not illegal to marry relatives in this world, it was just frowned upon by others. 

I didn't really have anything against Incest, humans set the boundary for themselves but I don't have to enforce it just because society thinks otherwise. 

That night was one of the best in my entire life, the sex was amazing. I can't believe I missed something as good as sex for most of my life. 

Other than that I had no other hobbies except playing video games and my all time favourite games the Pokemon series. 

I had imagined living in another world like that free from most restraints, going on a journey and travelling through different regions and the best of all making new partners along the way. 

I wished my life was like that living happily with my mother and family and having no problems, but the next second reality shatters the dreams I had and wakes me up to the truth. 

That's why I had to do my best in this world, I know there are many others in this world who are suffering in much worser conditions than me both physically and mentally. 

7 years went by in a flash, Me and my aunt got married and I became the best Scientific researcher in the history of mankind. 

All kinds of diseases were cured, famine was prevented. Humans had a longer lifespan between 1000 - 5000 years and it would only get better in the future. War was no longer needed because all the Countries that were previously on different continents had Allied together to become 1 single country. 

Resources were no longer scarce and no one would ever have to go hungry again or starve to death. 

Of course there was still the poor and the rich, I don't think that would ever change. It is only human nature to want more. 

Also, women had become more modest and there was no longer a need for prostitution. Men could marry up to 4 wives provided that they could treat them the same both in wealth and emotionally. 

Me and Mira didn't have children as we were both so busy with our lives but that didn't diminish our love for each other. 

Other than this, I wasn't Idle as I had tapped into more of my abilities. For example, my soul had taken on the traits of my physical body which allowed my soul to to be immortal.

Another trait is that my soul could devour my body to become more complete and go further in my evolution. 

In a few days I did exactly that, along with Mira. I had already told her about my abilities and she had agreed. She would go wherever I go. 

So I used her physical body to strengthen her soul and place it inside my own as I travelled through the cosmos. You could say that we are both physically dead but our souls aren't.

Now this brings us to the current moment where I'm being guided by a white light...

It might be the time for Judgement...

One_Singularity One_Singularity

Hey guys, I haven't written for while and wanted to practice with a fanfic. So I chose pokemon as it gives me a lot of options to choose from.

If you think there's I can Improve please tell me and I'll try me best to change it.

Finally, Don't forget to give me a review to what you think about the novel.


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