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Chapter 7: Chapter 6


Chapter 6: Introductions And Weapons

Warning: I will be bullshiting a lot of info or just straight up changing something to better fit in with my version of The Novel's Extra. This means this will be not just a slight AU but a major one, sometimes I'll change events or add my own original content.

PS. I will be giving C2 a rather… let's say unorthodox weapon as his main one. He'll still be using Rhongomynaid and the spear every now and then. (I wonder if any of you have figured out what spear it is)


[Korea, Cube, 08:32, 2025, January, 15]

When the class calmed down the instructor started speaking.

"Since today is your first day, there won't be any special training, I do however hope you still do some morning training as the Magic Density is higher from 04:00 to 08:00. Remember, you can always improve. Never settle for anything less than your best." To this murmurs came from the cadets.

"Now then first let me do a self-introduction and after that, I have some information I'm required to tell you all as your Head-Instructor, then we'll do the 'Main Weapon Selection', and finally I'll be showing you all to the dorms along with giving your Cube-Issued Holo-Watches." The instructor finished and then cleared his throat. "High-Intermediate Grade 5, World Rank 9737, 3850 Ranking Points, my name is Kim Soohyuk. And I will be your Head-Instructor for this year." Shocked expressions could be seen on most of the cadet's faces, their Instructor was a top ranker after all. Rank 9737 out of the over 2 million Heros in the world is impressive after all. With a smirk on his face, Soohyuk continued.

"Let's see here… first, the Training Center is open from 16:00 to 08:00 every day of the week, inside you will find all the equipment you could want. In total, we have 500 Gravity Champers so unless you're unlucky or come at the wrong time of day you will most likely find an empty one, but if you want you can reserve one a week in advance. No one but you and the people you allow will be able to enter that Champer for the time you reserved it for." Pausing for a moment to breathe Sookhyuk continues.

"Second, your Cube ID, don't lose it or you won't be able to access your dorm room and all Cube facilities. Your ID works as a key for everything here in Cube. With it you also get 6 free portal trips per month so use them wisely, you don't want to get stranded in some unknown place because you don't have any trips left and have no money for a return trip. Also with this ID, you will be treated as an adult outside of Cube and Korea. That's all you need to know about the ID." Sookhyuk finished explaining the uses of the ID but left out one detail, that it tracks the Cadets allowing Cube to find a cadet should they go missing, this however is useless if the cadet leaves behind the ID.

"Third, your every action in class will affect your points, thus reducing how you rank. So be on your best behavior. Remember, here at Cube, the only indicator of success is your grades. Guilds will only look at you if you have good grades. Thus we grade accurately and strictly. If you underperform you will be held back a semester. And statistically less than 50% of Cadets graduate without being held back a semester. But don't be comfortable by thinking something like: 'Oh I'll be fine then, I still have a chance since I can just repeat.' You will only be able to repeat two years, after that, you get the boot. If you can't become a Hero, you become an Agent or Mercenary. But I take it that's not what you want since you're here at Cube to being with." Giving the Cadets a good scare with this Sookhyuk gave a small chuckle.

"And finally. You are here to hone your skills and learn new things. We, the instructors are not here to hold your hand and softly guide you, we are here to teach you about Dungeons, Monsters, and everything else you would need, and we'll not be kind when doing this. Now then, let's get going, we still need to go to the Armory to do the 'Main Weapon Selection' after all." Sookhyuk left no room for question and gestured for them all to follow him.

The Cadets stood up and followed after Sookhyuk, weaving through the long corridors of Cube and arriving at the Armory. Most Cadets looked around in amazement at the sheer scale of the Armory, it had nearly every weapon one could think of, nearly.

"I never gave you time to be amazed! Get to finding your weapon! " Sookhyuk shouted at the cadets and then pointed at C2. "And Cadet C.C. get over here!" Some of the cadets gave C2 a pitying look, while he just gave a slight shrug and walked over to Sookhyuk.

"Here you go Cadet C.C.," Sookhyuk said handing over a pair of red gloves with a disk-like object on top of it that had wires running out each of the fingers. (Basically Cross Tail from AGK)

"It's very rare, but sometimes we get Cadets like you who use self-designed weapons as a main weapon. But have to say it is quite an ingenious design you have here. Being able to make wire with this little disk that's 50 times stronger than spider silk using just Magic Power." He said with a smile and patted C2's shoulder.

{}{Quick change in PoV lol}{}

To say Yoo Yeonha was shocked right now would be an understatement. She had found her weapon of choice, a whip, quickly, and when she heard that the Special Admission Cadet C.C. if that was even his real name was called over by the Instructor she stood a little ways away from them to try and get some information about this 'C.C.' person as her tries to find anything more than basic information on him had proven fruitless.

She knew only a couple of things about him before this. One he was a Special Admission Cadet because of his talent, second he somehow without any formal training in the Military Academy got Rank 5, third and the most basic among basic things, he was androgynous in appearance with long Lime Green hair and Golden eyes. But now she had to add genius inventor to that list as well if what Instructor Sookhyuk said was true.

"Hmmm, I guess so. But you don't know how this works if you talk like that about this beauty, right Instructor?" She was once again surprised by C2 as he implied there was more to those gloves than what Instructor Sookhyuk had said.

"Haha, I don't know much about it yes." And Instructor Sookhyuk just laughed it off.

"How about I tell you about it then?" Surprisingly he offered to tell how it worked which made Yeonha listen even more intently.

"I'd like to yes but we don't have time for it." Instructor Sookhyuk said while Yeonha gave a dejected look at this since she wanted to hear how it worked to better understand just how C2's genius went. But what C2 did next truly surprised her… he turned around and stared directly into her eyes with those golden eyes of his.

"Kim Chundong why are you still standing there!" She couldn't be bothered by whatever the instructor was saying to Kim Chundong because of C2. He just stood there with his eyes locked on her, and then… he walked forward, she unconsciously took a step back each time he moved forward, until… she hit a wall. C2 continued getting closer stopping just a meter from her, and then with a smirk he mouthed a question. 'Do you want to know?' was what she interpreted and she nodded at his question. He then grabbed her wrist, frightening her, placing a piece of paper in her hand he then let go and walked away like nothing happened while Yeonha felt like her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

The rest of the day passed like a blur for Yeonha, she couldn't get what happened at the Armory out of her head. This was not, like her. She doesn't get flustered that easily normally, but it was like he knew exactly what to do to get her that flustered. Finally having the nerve to read the paper he handed to her she pulled it out of her pocket.

[If you want to know solve my riddle:). 

Time's oracle, I unveil destiny's chore,

A roadmap etched, a prophecy to explore.

What am I, revealing the path that's sure?

Ps. you already know, kinda.] Yeonha was puzzled by this. What did he mean she already knew…


Yes, yes I'm back rejoice peons. (joke obviously)

I will have an actual schedule from now on. Three chapters per week, one on Monday, one on Wednesday, and one on Friday, at 15:00(3 pm) GMT+1 or 22:00(10 pm) GMT+8. Now the question is if I can keep this up… we'll see.

Also here's just a quick suggestion to anyone who reads these notes(rants) I make here at the end of a chapter. Go write a fanfic about a fandom you're obsessed with, it gives that good 'slow dopamine' instead of the more unhealthy one 'fast dopamine'. When you consume media you only get the fast kind, and it gets unhealthy. Instead, go create something about it, be it a fanfic, fanart, or maybe a video about it. It doesn't have to be 'perfect' or good, hell you don't even need to post it for the world to see, just keep it to yourself. If you enjoy doing then do it! You see we only get the slow variant of dopamine when we're actively doing it.

Ah, right… I think I did a decent job with this character interaction in this chapter. I can still improve yes, but I won't strive to be 'perfect' as that's a never-ending abyss that you get stuck in and may never escape. Now, CIAO! I'll see you 29th. Go listen to "WUWAHAHAHA" sung by Franny, she links the original which is the way I hear the WUWAHAHAHA every time I write it, not the way she does it. Still a great cover of it tho. CIAO! frfr this time lol.


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