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Chapter 5: Training results

(3rd Person POV)

In the darkness that was Gremmy's prison, light entered for the first time, in nearly a millennium. The door was opened by His Majesty himself.

Standing next to the Quincy King was his second in command, his right-hand man, Jugram Haschwalth. Around them were some of the other Sternritters as well. Among them was Quilge Opie, who was the Executive Hunting Captain of the 1st Jagdarmee and trainer of the Sternritter, the four Bambies and their leader Bambietta Basterbine, Askin Le Vaar and Lille Barro, the first Quincy who received a Schrift.

"Are you certain of this, Your Majesty? Do we truly need him?", Haschwalth asked his liege.

"He will be useful during the next invasion. He can deal with one of the Special War Threats or keep them busy at least.", Yhwach answered as they waited.

Slow but heavy footsteps were heard from inside the prison. The tension seemingly rose among the Sternritters as they watched a tall figure slowly step into the light and reveal itself.

From the darkness of the prison, a tall man revealed himself. He was completely ripped, with muscles at places where there shouldn't even be any. Tattoos covered the man's upper body, leaving almost no room for regular skin, except his face.


The man had a passive face, revealing no emotion as he looked around the room at each of the Sternritters.



(Askin Nakk Le Vaar POV)

I was curious about this Quincy Sternritter that His Majesty had imprisoned centuries ago. What was so special that he had to be imprisoned? Did he go against His Majesty's wishes?

No, no one survives that. Or was he similar to me? Was he lazy? No one wanted to tell me anything, so I decided to observe this 'lunatic' for myself simply. He had to at least be strong, no?

I watched as His Majesty released the seal of the prison. Haschwalth was unsure about releasing this Quincy apparently. I have to say, I am truly interested to see this one. He has to be quite a character for everyone to act this way.

Slow and steady steps pull me out of my thoughts and I feel the tension rise suddenly. I don't know what it is ... until the figure becomes visible. A tall, powerful man comes out of the dark room, that was his prison. The feeling I have makes me want to run away as far as I can.

I am looking at a giant, a giant that looks down at me. My heart stops beating for a second and then ...

... everything stops. The feeling just disappeared like it was never there, to begin with. What was that? One moment I feel like an ant, that is about to be trampled over and the next it goes away.

"Oh? So many came to greet me? I'm about to blush due to all this attention.", I hear him say.

"Gremmy.", the deep voice of His Majesty is heard and 'Gremmy' turns towards him. The two speak with their eyes, it seems while everyone else doesn't say a word.

"Remember.", His Majesty says and then turns around, "Jugram holds absolute authority when I'm not around."

"~Jugram, old pal. What's poppin' my friend? Did you grow out of the stiff phase already?~", Gremmy asks Haschwalth and even puts an arm around him. He has guts, I'll give him that.

"We have never met. You will act like a Quincy Sternritter. Remember the honour to serve His Majesty and act according to your station. There will be a discussion tomorrow. The first part of the invasion has already happened. Prepare for it. Dismissed.", Haschwalth says and turns around.

"He's shy, hahaha. Now, who do we have here? Oh, to what do I owe the honour of having the first Quincy ever to receive a Schrift greet me?", Gremmy says and bows comically in front of Lille Barro.


"I like your outfit. I should also get one like that. Wait.", Gremmy says and suddenly he is wearing a similar outfit to Lille. The trousers are the same, but he only wears a tank top, showing off his ripped arms while also looking rather royal with the Sternritter outfit.


"There, much better. And it allows for good movement too. Not bad. So who else do we have?", Gremmy asks and looks around. His gaze completely passes over the ladies, like they aren't even worth his time until he lands on me. Now I'm nervous.

"Ah, I see. That's quite an impressive ability you have there. The Deathdealing ... it suits you.", he says, shocking me to the core. He saw the letter His Majesty bestowed on me. But then he can ... see into my soul and see what my power does. Wait!

"Oh? Why do you say it suits me?"

"Because you can act like the coward that you are and then deal the finishing blow when the enemy lets down his guard. You seem to like it rough, hehe."

"Oi oi, that's hurtful, you know."

"Truthful. Now, if you would excuse me. I have the place to check out. So ~toodles~"


"He didn't even look at us.", Candice Catnipp remarks.

"No, he did look at us. He just didn't think we were important.", Liltotto Lamperd says.

"We were probably too weak in his eyes.", Meninas McAllon says.

"I wonder what his blood tastes like. With a body like that ~oh~."

"Heh, as gross as always, Giselle.", I say and then walk away. There ought to be some interesting things that will happen soon, now that Gremmy is set free.



(Gremmy POV)

To think that today was the day I would be set 'free' from my 'prison'. If I didn't set an alarm clock, I would have completely forgotten about the fact, that I was supposed to be imprisoned. I was so very absorbed in my training.

Speaking of training. I have made monstrous progress.

The moment I walked out of the room, I had to reign in my natural aura, or the others would have fainted. To explain what happened, I have to think back to the training I went through.


At first, I wanted to have everything I learned to settle and make it truly mine. I wanted to 'gain experience'. Sure I could have simply imagined doing that, but now, I don't have to imagine that I have experience. Now, I simply do.

I created a 'perfect copy' of myself, with the exact same powers and abilities. I erected a barrier, to shield everything from my powers inside and allow me to go nuts while fighting.

We fought. It wasn't sparring or something along those lines. It was fighting. Fighting to the death. I wanted to feel threatened and to grow stronger. Because the only thing my 'perfect' clone didn't have, was the Meta Essence. I couldn't copy that. I'm not sure whether that will always stay like this, because it is a safety measure, or if I'm simply too weak, but it doesn't matter.

So we fought. At first, it was simply martial arts. Both armed and unarmed combat was allowed. Our fists clashed against each other and our swords as well. The longer we fought, the more I grew and the more I adapted to create my own fighting style.

For swordsmanship, I had two swords I preferred. The first one looked similar to Giyu Tomioka's Nichiring blade.


But mine shines white, instead of blue. It was my personal Nichirin Blade after all. The second one looked like Ichigo Kurosaki's true Zanpakuto when the guard was off.


I didn't use that one often, as it wasn't really necessary. Apart from those, I also recently came to enjoy using power weapons from Warhammer 40k. There just seemed to be something about the senseless butchering of Orks ... if you're powerful enough of course. Otherwise, it is hell ... eh, what am I saying, it is hell either way.

So I trained in martial arts in the beginning and had my 'perfect clones' try to really kill me. As soon as one clone was easy, I added another and then another and so on and so forth. This matter continued until I had the clones use the Visionary as well, in combination with martial arts.

This immediately made it nigh impossible, unless I used my powers as well.

That was what I did in the beginning years. I don't really get tired, if I don't want to, so we had many years of fighting this way. Until I had enough of this and decided that we would rank up the difficulty and fight using only the Visionary.


This really made the training chaotic, to say the least. I again started with one clone. Every time I create a clone, I delete the old ones, as I have already grown stronger than my clone. So by doing that, I have clones that are as strong as I am and can grow more powerful that way.

I created a separate clone, just to reinforce the barrier around us, so that we wouldn't destroy the 'prison'. After pushing beyond my limits, I reached the 5-C Moon Level, very fast and so I created a moon for us to fight on. I tried to keep the environment we were fighting on, active and as detailed as possible, to make it harder for me. I wanted to create more trains of thought to increase my battle efficiency.

I added more gravity, increased the air's density, just for me to make movement harder and increased or decreased the temperature to boiling or freezing heights.

It didn't take long and soon, I advanced from 5-C Moon Level to low 5-B Small Planet Level and then to 5-B Planet Level. I added little detail at the start, since creating a planet was not easy, in the slightest. I added more climates, ecosystems, flora and fauna and even life to the planet, to make it harder for me. The more I did this, the harder it became and the more my imagination grew.

I would go through the motions. First, I created the planet, then I faced my clones and we would throw continents and even moons at one another, which destroyed the planet and finally, I would either add more details to the new planet, or I would create a bigger one.


The fights with my clones grew harder and more chaotic. Imagine two reality warpers duking it out, without caring for their environment. One word; Pandemonium.

I can't lie. I came to really enjoy letting loose and coming up with new ways to fight. I went from sending out hundreds of wind slashes, to energy blasts, to playing with gravity and creating giant tennis rackets to shoot planets at one another.

I was thorough in my training and didn't advance if I thought there was more I could learn or train. But after decades of this training, I reached 5-A Large Planet Level and eventually even high 5-A Dwarf Star Level. That was the time, me and my clones would throw around planets with giant tennis rackets. Good times.

I dived a bit into science at that point. I wanted to learn things about physics and math, in order to increase my knowledge on the subjects. I imagined knowing everything I needed to know and then created my very first star, a white dwarf. It was a magnificent feeling. To hold my first star above my hands, was an amazing feeling and I will never forget it.

But that was only the first step. Creating a star had awoken the beast inside me. I wanted more. I wanted to go bigger and more complex. So I did.


From the white dwarf, I moved up the ladder to a red dwarf.

Red dwarf stars are the most common kind of stars in the Universe. At least in the universe where I was from originally. These are main sequence stars but they have such low mass that they're much cooler than stars like our Sun. Red dwarf stars can keep the hydrogen fuel mixing into their core, so they can conserve their fuel for much longer than other stars. Astronomers estimate that some red dwarf stars will burn for up to 10 trillion years. The smallest red dwarfs are 0.075 times the mass of the Sun, and they can have a mass of up to half of the Sun.

Then came the Neutron Stars.

If a star has between 1.35 and 2.1 times the mass of the Sun, it doesn't form a white dwarf when it dies. Instead, the star dies in a catastrophic supernova explosion, and the remaining core becomes a neutron star. As its name implies, a neutron star is an exotic type of star that is composed entirely of neutrons. This is because the intense gravity of the neutron star crushes protons and electrons together to form neutrons. If stars are even more massive, they will become black holes instead of neutron stars after the supernova goes off.

I had quite a bit of fun playing around with Neutron Stars. I would imagine myself to be Superman and bathe in the heat of the stars, while my power grew passively. Ironically, when I stopped imagining being Superman, the power I gained ... didn't disappear. That was a very VERY interesting discovery. It was the effect of the Essence of the Blank. Granted the increase in power wasn't groundbreaking, but I didn't imagine being Superman for long, so that was something to consider.

Finally, there were Supergiant Stars.

The largest stars in the Universe are supergiant stars. These are monsters with dozens of times the mass of the Sun. Unlike a relatively stable star like the Sun, supergiants are consuming hydrogen fuel at an enormous rate and will consume all the fuel in their cores within just a few million years. Supergiant stars live fast and die young, detonating as supernovae; completely disintegrating themselves in the process.

I am honest here and confess that I created hundreds of these Supergiant Stars, simply to watch them go boom in a supernova. Who can truly say he or she saw something like that? I can ... multiple times.


After reaching the highest form of 4-C, Large Star Level, I concentrated on creating solar systems. But not only that, I made sure to create them as fast as possible, so that it would only take one thought to create a new solar system. I took my time with this, because ... why not? I was not in a hurry.

I had created a boredom immunity skill at the beginning of the training and that was paying off nicely.

I came to understand that there would have been a natural limit to what the Visionary could do. Originally, the Visionary would not have been able to reach higher than the high 5-A Dwarf Star Level. But thanks to the Essence of the Blank, I could go way beyond that without even feeling a limit. There simply was none anymore. I was very happy about that.

I continued to grow more and more until I eventually reached the 3-C Galaxy Level. That was a bonkers moment for me. I recreated my old friends the Stickmen, because I didn't have any others and we partied for a long time. Because I knew what this milestone meant for me. I had planned something out of this world ... literally for when I reached Galaxy Level.


As a man who only had fictional stories, manga and books, I knew of a 'fictional' story, called Warhammer 40'000. At first, I didn't really like it and my friend told me to wait with that one until I had more 'experience'. It was chaotic, to sum it up with one word. Warhammer 40k fans are probably one of the very few fans, that would never want to reincarnate in that universe and I can understand that.

There are so many different factions, armies, troops, fights, wars, gods and more that it can make a noob's head explode. And that was what I used. I imagined the galaxy of Warhammer 40k and focused on the millions of planets and solar systems that I read about in books. I recreated different fights.

I started with the Unification Wars.

The Unification Wars, also known as the Wars of Unification, is the name of an ancient number of conflicts fought at the end of the Age of Strife. They were spearheaded by The Emperor in his attempt at reunifying the shattered tribes and nations of Terra, now ruled largely by Techno-Barbarian lords. He intended to reforge the shattered remnants of Man and create an Imperium that would bring about a Great Crusade to bring order to the galaxy.

Since the Unification Wars took place on Terra, which was what Earth was called then, I started with that. But I kept the entire Galaxy 'active', so to speak. I simply didn't 'spawn' anything else except humans on Terra. This made things easier at the beginning.

I didn't create the Warp, that might have to be said here. I didn't want to screw me over and maybe create some dangerous things before I am ready. I simply gave the Emperor the powers he had shown during that time. I didn't want my own creation to kill me. That would be counterproductive. But, I knew that wouldn't ever happen anyway. I had made sure of that.


So I observed as the Earth or Terra drowned in wars and the Emperor finally came out victorious to found the Imperium of Man. So that's what I did. I recreated battles and entire wars, which spanned across solar systems and even multiple solar systems.

Finally, at the end, I recreated the War of the Beast.

The War of the Beast, also known as 'WAAAGH! The Beast', was a massive Ork WAAAGH! of extraordinary size that threatened Terra itself in the mid-32nd Millennium and brought an end to the prosperous period of Imperial history remembered as the "Time of Rebirth." It was led by the mysterious Warboss known only as "The Beast."

I didn't create all the life in the entire galaxy and only where the Orks and important human worlds were located. That made it a bit simpler. In the middle of the war, I decided to simply also fight in the war and imagined myself wearing Astartes armour with Astartes weaponry, and then ... I went absolutely ham on those Orks.

I slaughtered them to the thousands and even rose in the ranks. It was honestly good fun. I couldn't help but notice that I changed throughout the war. I adapted to the violence and death of the war. Everything I imagined was alive and I was killing real things. I watched humans die, while I slaughtered the Orks.

It was a good experience. It made me mature quite a bit and I turned into a living weapon.


Now, the Quincy War is in full swing. This ought to be fun.


I would like some feedback.

Next chapter we'll jump right into the Quincy War.

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