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Chapter 6: Release the Dragon

Drake and Roxanne were in his Porsche driving toward the inner city. Vito's was a popular Club That humans frequented. It was popular enough that there would always be a line outside and only those who waited or knew someone who knew someone could get in. What the humans didn't know was that there was a special VIP club in the back for Vampires only. They used this club as a front to attract blood from the source or BFS for short. The setup was very simplistic and worked flawlessly. A Vampire would find someone they were interested in they could then either bring them to the VIP room themselves and rent a room to feed or they could have a staff member bring who they wanted to their room for an extra fee. Afterward they would have their bite wounds sealed with their saliva and hypnotized to forget this VIP room existed. The rules were simple don't drain the humans dry. Take your fill and let them leave if you aren't satisfied then get another human. The second rule was no unauthorized feeding. Feeding would only occur in a rented room and anyone caught feeding anywhere else would be banned. 

Pulling up to the club Drake of course parked on the sidewalk right at the entrance. The Staff knew exactly whose car that was and opened a path for them as soon as they stepped out. Drake had changed into some new clothes that were more appropriate for his status while among his own kind. Wearing a nice black Armani suit no tie black shirt open collar with dress pants and shoes to match. The Vampire Bouncers smelled like 4th Generation. They were as low on the totem pole as you could get. 5th Generation's existed as well but they were rare as there was a high chance of creating a ghoul instead. The bouncers looked towards the ground as they waved him in not wanting to look Drake in the eye. Some humans in line got upset seeing him just park in the middle of the sidewalk and head straight in. "Hey, I have been waiting for hours! Let me in too!" A man yelled out. Drake paid them no attention and held the door open for Roxanne to enter. Stepping in the music was incredibly loud reaching into his pocket he pulled out some earplugs from his inventory and handed a pair to Roxanne before putting two in his ears as well. Vampire super hearing didn't sit well with loud club music.

They quickly made their way to the VIP Club in the back not wanting to spend another moment in that crowded mess. Drake couldn't understand it. They were so packed in the club that there was barely any room to walk past people let alone dance. Looking at the line to the bar it was safe to assume that it would take forever to even order something to drink. Even as Ryan he would have never subjected himself to such a waste of time. They walked to the side of the stage where another bouncer stood. "Password?" He asked with a strict face looking straight ahead without looking at Drake at all. "Kneel" Drake Commanded. The man who smelled like a 3rd Generation instantly fell to his knees. His body obeyed Drake without question. The man looked at Drake terrified as he realized his mistake.

"Next time properly look at who is standing in front of you before opening your mouth," Drake said as he held Roxanne's hand and walked past without giving him a second glance. Drake wouldn't normally be that much of a dick it was fun to throw around your weight and power but he didn't want to end up a Jackass either. The problem was his status in the Vampire community he represented Vlad and Lilith. If he allowed anyone to mistreat him or talk down to him or even speak out of turn let alone a lower generation speak to him at all would be a sign of weakness. It was the same as if they were talking down to his parents he had to uphold their reputation whenever he dealt with other Vampires or they would think they had gotten soft and start breaking rules. 

Drake opened the hidden door behind the stage and allowed Roxanne to enter first before closing the door behind them. Inside was a large luxurious room with plenty of tables and booths. Waitresses walked around refilling glasses as needed while everyone relaxed and chatted with each other. Hypnotized human women were assigned to each table to take down any orders and accompany their customers during their stay to ensure they had a good time and someone to talk to. The walls were soundproof and didn't let any of the music from the regular club come in. 

Drake and Roxanne walked past everyone and made their way toward the finest table reserved for special guests. He could hear people whisper to each other in a voice so low even 1st Generation Vampires wouldn't have been able to hear them but Drake could. "Holy Shit! that's Drake Tepes." A 2nd generation Man said looking at him with awe and respect. Before they even reached the table the owner of the Club Vito himself had rushed over to greet them. Standing in front of them he bowed his head. "It is an honor to see you again My Lord. I hope that you are doing well these days. Please have a seat." He said while motioning his arm to the special quest table without raising his head.

Please Vito this is not our first meeting raise your head and join us. I have an announcement to make. Vito sighed in relief. Drake was likely here for pleasure and nothing life-ruining for him. He slowly raised his head. Drake may have eluded to him that he was allowed to speak casually with his Lordship but that was generosity to Vito's benefit to save face as the club owner. He was well aware of what would have happened if a lowly 2 Generation like himself dared to speak to Drake casually and without showing the proper respect. The only reason he allowed him to speak at all was because this was his establishment making Drake his guest.

"If you insist then I would humbly join you at your table Lord Tepes." Vito said as politely as he could. "I do insist," Drake said as he sat in the comfy booth with Roxanne sitting next to him, leaning on his shoulder to show affection. Vito waited for them to be fully seated first before sitting in the chair opposite to the booth. "Yo, I heard Drake and Roxanne came to visit where yall at!" Roxanne's face contorted to show her disgust for the voice she just heard. A man had exited a rental room while he wiped the residual blood from his mouth with a red cloth from his pocket. He walked right up to the Special guest table. My Lord may I sit with you he said bowing his head. 

Drake smiled a gentle smile. "You may Blaine please have a seat by Vito. Blaine was a First Generation Vampire his father was pretty much as high-ranked as regular vampires could go. He had been a general to Vlad and was one of the first he had turned. If anyone could be considered Drake's equal among those in his age group it would be Blaine. But the gap in power between them was as vast as space itself. It was like comparing a Rat to an alien spaceship. Just being in near proximity to Drake allowed him to own Blaine's blood with a snap of his fingers he could make him explode. And seeing how he was staring at Roxanne, he was very tempted to do so. 

Not wanting to waste any more time Drake spoke up loud enough for the whole room to hear. "I am here to declare Roxanne as my future bride and to celebrate this occasion with my subordinates. Tonight you may drink your fill on my tab." Everyone cheered after hearing they were going to have a big party tonight on Drake's tab. Many shouted words of congratulations to the new couple. Roxanne had a deep blush on her face. She was doing her best to look composed and regal but she felt so happy and giddy to hear Drake announce his claim and love to her in front of such a large crowd, that she couldn't help but show a wide and beautiful smile on her face. 

Blaine however was not smiling. Drake had just claimed the woman he wanted to be with. Everyone knew that he wanted Roxanne to be his. Son of Vlad or not he wouldn't be undermined as a man. "You're Joking right, Drake? Man, you almost had me going there for a moment. With the way Roxanne is dressed tonight, she is more likely to prowl for a man than announce being engaged to one. Don't get me wrong Roxanne you look very beautiful tonight. If you require a dance partner later please let me know." As soon as he opened his mouth Roxanne knew he had sealed his fate. She completely ignored him as if he wasn't there. He couldn't be there he was already dead in her mind. 

Drake looked at Blaine with fury in his eyes. He actually went against him and challenged his claim. He did it in a roundabout way by pretending to act like it was a joke but the fact was Drake had announced their engagement and he challenged it by continuing to show his interest towards her. Vito was sweating bullets he knew damn well what Blaine just did and he did not want to be in the crossfire of whatever Drake would do next. He slowly tried to stand up and move however little away from Blaine as he could. "Sit Down!" Drake commanded the both of them restraining them to their chairs. No longer in control of his body Vito immediately sat down while Blaine no longer had the option to stand up. 

"Blaine please explain to me why you would think it appropriate to ask my future wife to dance with you. You even went so far as to ask if she required a dance partner. Why would she require a dance partner when I am present? Surely no one but myself could ever be her dance partner." Blaine balled his fists as he stared daggers into Drake. There was no honest answer he could give to Drake that wouldn't result in his death. Seeing him unwilling to answer, Drake began to lose his patience. "Answer my questions!" He commanded. Blaine's veins in his neck began to bulge as he struggled against the command with every fiber of his being but it was to no avail.

"She is MINE! She always was I claimed her the moment I saw her! She can only be mine! Are you not man enough to find your own woman that you have to steal someone else's?! He yelled out uncontrollably. His blood was boiling, he wasn't even compelled to say half of what came out of his mouth but he said it anyway. "A pity here I was planning to celebrate and have fun but now I have to bring the head of a foolish son to an old friend of my father. Drake looked at his left shoulder in particular a small slice of it. That slice disappeared and landed in his inventory causing the rest of his arm to fall to the ground. Blaine's blood splattered all over Vito who was shaking in terror unable to move from his chair. 

Drake was about to puke in disgust as Ryan's personality slightly came out. It was a gory scene but he had to make an example of Blaine. Vlad had taught him to never show mercy no matter how gruesome the act. He spent countless hours with Drake explaining the importance of always being the dominant figure in the room and never allowing someone to undermine him. The higher the offense the more gruesome of an example that had to be made. 

Blaine screamed in agony. no one had ever dared hurt him like this before. Seeing this made Drake remember a scene from an anime he had watched and decided to take inspiration from it as it was appropriate for the situation. "Regenerate your arm I'll wait." Drake said as if it was an easy thing for Blaine to do. Blaine looked at Drake confused. "I can't. I have to wait for it to grow back." He replied honestly as he was still being commanded to answer his questions. "You thought you could challenge me and undermine me so you must have the strength to back it up right? Go ahead regenerate your arm!" Drake yelled at Blaine. "Show me the Power that makes you believe to be my equal! I can't wait to see it. Show me! Drake said while laughing maniacally with a face that looked eager to take whatever Blaine could dish out.

Blaine tried to launch from his position to stand and attack him but no matter what he did he couldn't stand up from the chair he was locked in to place. His body would not allow him to stand up. Enraged Blaine roared with all his might trying to get off the damn chair. It just was not possible he couldn't break the command.

"How could you think yourself my equal? You can't even break a command telling you to sit like a dog. How can you think you can lay claim to what is mine?" Drake continued to shout. Drake looked at Blaine's other arm while controlling the blood in his shoulder to form a blade that severed it from his body. "Regenerate your arms or you will end up as a talking head and torso!" Drake Roared throughout the hall. Blaine screamed in pain again he couldn't take it anymore it hurt so much. "I CANT FUCKING REGENERATE MY ARMS! he screamed out in pain. He looked over to his bodyguards and friends. With a look of desperation, he screamed out to them. "Help me he's gone Crazy! Attack him he is not Vlad he is only his newborn Spawn!"

Blaine's friends had no intention of stepping foot anywhere near him. This was the result of his own mistakes. His bodyguards however were under contract and could not disobey a direct command no matter who their opponent was. They were ordered to only engage in combat if commanded, so they hadn't moved until now. But as soon as they stepped forward they knew that today was their last day on earth. There was no defeating Drake. Bound by their contract they rushed forward with all their might and speed. One slashed at Drake's arm that he freely stretched out to them. While another went to pierce his heart. Drake decided to prevent the blow to his heart he wanted to prove a point and not suffer the pain of his heart being stabbed. He commanded the blood of his opponent to form into spikes that shot out in all directions through his body piercing his heart, brain, and all other internal organs.

Meanwhile, he allowed his left arm to be sliced off. "Drake!" Roxanne screamed in despair seeing him injured. She was about to attack as the concern in her eyes turned to fury. But Drake held her with his right arm in place and smiled a sinister grin she hadn't seen from him yet. Drake looked at the man and sent exactly half of his body into his inventory split right down the middle. The other half collapsed in a pool of blood. Drake then extracted the second half and let it fall on top of the first. He turned around to face Blaine who was smiling in glee to see that Drake was injured and if nothing else he at least knew Drake wouldn't walk away unscathed. 

Drake then sent his severed arm flying towards Blaine punching him in the face with great force. "Smiling doesn't suit you," He said as he used the blood that was pouring out of him and on the ground to rush towards the wound to where his arm used to be. He then changed the shape of the blood until the head of a Dragon sprouted out of his wound. The Blood Dragon moved independently of Drake as it turned and looked at Blaine showing him its sharp teeth. Blaine had a look of pure terror on his face he had never been as scared as he was at this moment as a Dragon stared him down. "That face suits you much better. Do you see the difference between the two of us now? You are not my equal you never were. I simply allowed you to breathe in my presence but not anymore." Drake said as he let the Dragon loose. It rushed forward and opened its jaw wide open. It engulfed Blain's upper body before slamming its jaw shut and swallowing. Leaving nothing but a pair of legs attached to a pelvis behind. 

Drake absorbed Blaine's blood through the Dragon seeing bits and pieces of his memories. They were all useless to him Blaine never learned to do anything besides drink and indulge himself. Drake then compacted and reformed the dragon into a new arm that sealed the wound cleanly without leaving a single mark behind. Drake then performed some stretches with his new arm until he was satisfied that it was just as good as the old one.

Roxanne was in total shock, she had no idea Drake was capable of such power. Thinking about how he did all that for her made her heart beat wildly. Looking around there wasn't a man in the room that wasn't terrified of her future husband. Seeing their faces of terror when they looked at him made her want to jump on him and let him have his way with her right there on the table. He showed a power no one had ever seen before he had a fucking dragon come out of his severed arm that was so cool! She squealed out loud while grabbing his arm in delight. She couldn't wait to tell her mom about all this. 

Looking at how happy Roxanne seemed really outlined the difference between humans and vampires. Savage acts like this were very common. They just weren't this flashy but he was certain his act tonight wouldn't even break the top 100 cruelest in such situations. A human woman would have been traumatized beyond repair after witnessing something like this but Roxanne on the other hand might be getting off on it Drake thought. Vito was still seated in his chair unable to move covered in Blaine's blood he was trembling. Even without the command, he would be unable to move away at this moment. "Vito do something to lighten the mood this is not enjoyable at all," he said releasing his command for him to stay seated. "Of course, right away Lord Tepes. Vito shakingly clapped his hands to signal the music to continue. Drake took off his suit jacket as one of the arms was ruined. He then waived his arm and a portal appeared. He then sent all the body parts that littered the floor through the portal while absorbing the blood until the area was once again spotless.

Vito quickly called for waitresses to bring Drake and Roxanne drinks only the finest bottles of wine would do. He would do anything to brighten Drake's mood right now. Drake graciously accepted the wine glasses handed to him and passed one to Roxanne. "To our future he said looking into her eyes. "For all eternity." She replied with hearts in her eyes. After the both took a sip Roxanne leaned over and passionately kissed him keeping it short but sweet. "That wasn't the massacre you promised but who would dare lay claim to something belonging to you after that display?" She said winking at him. 

"I love you! Thanks for making me feel so special my Dragon." She said with eyes full of love. "...No that's not it either... it sounded cooler in my head." She thought while smiling at the love of her life who was struggling not to laugh at her. 

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