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Dragon Ball: We are... parents? Dragon Ball: We are... parents? original

Dragon Ball: We are... parents?

Author: OtakuSumit

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: We will be Parents? (1)

In a medical office, a beautiful girl with straight blue hair held a report looking at it with absolute skepticism, her face expressed disbelief and on her face was impregnated a grimace of frustration.

Beside her was sitting a young boy with messy hair, he wore an orange dogi and his face also expressed concern, his onyx-like eyes radiated innocence but this time the matter was serious.

Both were sitting in front of a middle-aged man, he had a robe and gave the impression of being a doctor.

A few minutes ago, he handed the ultrasound report to the young peliazul who was waiting with a worried face.

[E/N: Peliazul normally means blue-haired in English. here, it means blue-haired Youngster aka Bulma.]

The girl kindly returned the paper and the doctor took it without keeping it directly. Observing the faces of concern of both young people, he decided to say:

"Son, your wife Miss Briefs is pregnant," said the doctor. Goku looked at the paper and scratched his neck because he did not understand what the ultrasound represented, nor did he understand why the doctor told Bulma 'his wife', and much less what it meant to be pregnant.

Bulma unconsciously picked up Goku's hand and squeezed it gently, the young boy tilted his head to one side wondering why she did that, and when she saw her friend's folded face she decided not to say anything.

Bulma was in her third year of university studies, specifically studying two engineering subjects: network and telecommunications engineering and civil engineering in computer computing. She did not really need those studies but it was a condition that her father had put on. Her biggest dream was to be a famous inventor, and in the future became an independent woman and simultaneously president of an important technological company.

Bulma was the best of her kind obviously, her intelligence allowed her to excel like no other student and even several teachers.

Also, she already knew in advance the majority of things that were taught at the university and there was nothing more to expand the knowledge she already possessed.

Not for nothing, she was registered in one of the best universities in the world. Being the daughter of the world's best scientist had its advantages, she could miss class several times without a problem, however, Bulma knew that these studies were for her good, so she did her best even if it was not necessary.

However, now that she was pregnant, they would probably throw her out of college as several of her studies had been delayed, besides that, she would have to bear a great responsibility when her life has barely begun to take direction.

Goku did not understand the words that the doctor said, but he understood one thing: his first and best friend was very worried, so he decided to stay silent.

"T-thanks for all doctor," Bulma said smiling weakly, her lips trying to curve up trying to show joy.

She got up from her seat and Goku imitated the gesture, raising himself simultaneously and dedicating a look of incomprehension to the doctor, before leaving the consultation and the hospital.

Who would say that by a damn mistake their lives would take that unexpected course? The event that changed their lives dates back a week ago when Goku returned from his long training at the Kami-Sama watchtower and she organized a surprise party.

A week ago:

Above the blue sky floated the temple of the world's god: Kami-Sama. In a corner of the eccentric divine palace was a tousled, black-haired boy sitting cross-legged while his eyes remained closed in deep meditation.

The boy was still in the depths of his being to try to establish a balance between body and mind.

"I'm looking forward to seeing my friends again, and for the tournament to begin," said the boy, mentally smiling, as he was doing his last meditation exercises in a remote part of the watchtower, as Kami-Sama usually recommended.

In approximately ten months, the 23rd edition of the world martial arts tournament would take place, where Goku would face the son of his enemy Piccolo.

Sweat furrowed his face full of seriousness and then concentration, he felt that his inside was burning in flames but he had to keep meditating.

"Goku!!" shouted the Namekian protector of the earth, so Goku decided to postpone his meditation exercises for later and went where Kami-sama called him.

"Yes, Kami-Sama, I'm ready," said Goku, the boy was already with the pink backpack that contained all of his things on his back ready to descend back home

"You were a great student, I think I'll even miss you" Kami-Sama mockingly said those words, and the black-haired man smiled scratching the back of his neck. "You have your holy staff in the restroom there you can go and get it and leave," said the god, he retired to his chores, which were normally guarding the Earth.

Goku, on the other hand, went to that room to take his holy staff, he already had all his belongings in the backpack and only his staff was missing, the one that Grandpa Gohan gave him at a time extremely distant for him.

"I have you" Goku smiled when he had it in his hands and immediately, he adjusted it correctly on his back, left the room, and went to where Kami-sama was.

"Kami-Sama" the god turned at the mention of his name and slowly wrinkled his forehead when noticing the expression of his disciple. "Before leaving, could you give me something to eat?" Asked Goku scratching the back of his neck."I am starving"

Kami-Sama and his dark-skinned assistant fell to the ground in anime style and the black-haired boy looked at them with a bead of sweat falling on the back of his neck.

As soon as he recovered himself, Kami ordered his servant Mr. Popo to give him a 'farewell banquet' to which the young boy smiled satisfactorily.

Minutes later.

After that meal worthy of the gods, the black- haired boy chatted satisfactorily with his teacher, it was getting late and it would be dark soon.

"Goodbye Kami-same!" said Goku, jumping from the watchtower and then heading to earth with his magic cloud, the Namekian god as well as his servant Popo said goodbye to Goku.

"Probably the best student I've ever had," Kami-Sama stated, smiling nostalgically, remembering Goku's first training sessions and his evolution.

"I think the same sir, young Goku is very nice," said Mr. Popo returning to his chores which normally consisted of watering the plants.

'Now I will pay a little visit to the teacher Karin' Goku thought smiling, he really missed his old master, he jumped from his magic cloud and entered the temple where master Karin and rude Yajirobe were.

"Hi Goku, how long has it been since the last time we met?" said the teacher Karin smiling. "You have grown enough"

"Hahaha, three years master" Goku replied laughing nervously as he raised three of his fingers. Karin nodded in surprise, in just three years Goku had grown so much.

"It's incredible how much you have changed, I suppose you came to get seeds for the tournament, right?" asked the feline, receiving a nod from the black-haired man, after which he went to look for the seeds.

Yajirobe on his part was hallucinating because Goku doubled his size, when just three years ago he was a brat, without a doubt Kami-sama's training had caused a change in him.

"Goku, tell me, what did they give you up there to grow so much?" asked Yajirobe, surprised as he devoured a delicious pork leg. "Or did you do some trick?"

"Jijiji normal food, the usual" answered the boy scratching the back of his neck nervously, immediately the teacher Karin came with a bag of seeds.

"Here Goku, take good care of them" Karin mumbled, handing the Senzu seeds to the black-haired man, who took them smiling, "there are less than ten months until the tournament, so for now you can use them for your training sessions".

"Of course, I'll make it teacher," Goku said smiling while raising his right thumb. "I promise I'll do my best" he asserted and his teacher nodded. "Well teacher Karin, Yajirobe, I have to go tomorrow, and the rest of the time I'll train to perfect my technique," he said, jumping on his flying cloud. "I will also pay a visit to my friends jijiji, I have not seen them for a long time".

Master Karin was looking at him kindly, despite having changed so much physically, he was still the boy who climbed his tower three years ago.

"Uh?" Asks Yajirobe, picking his finger in his nose.

"BYE," Goku shouted, losing himself on the horizon with his flying cloud. "It's time to see my friends again, I hope they recognize me jijiji"

'A great future is coming to this boy' Karin thought watching Goku disappear over the horizon.

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