/ Urban / Short, Light, Free

Short, Light, Free

Short, Light, Free

Urban Completed 208 Chapters 1.1M Views
Author: Let It GoTranslator: Irene_Editor: Perriemix

4.27 (79 ratings)

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A series of short stories, of different genres.
Simple yet thought-provoking reads.

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  2. xh_Janu1
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  3. Dreiko
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    • Translation Quality
    • Stability of Updates
    • Story Development
    • Character Design
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    LV 11 Badge

    Website: Qidian CN Views: ~400 Thousand Status: Finished Rating: 9.3/10 from 187 readers Recommendations: ~100 Thousand Chapters: 238 The above details are purely statistics available at the time of posting and not a review. Stars are an indication of my expectations from the novel and QI Team.

    View 59 Replies

    Short synopsis Short review

    View 36 Replies
    LV 13 Badge

    Why is everyone praising the synopsis? What's so special about it I don't get it at all. It just says short stories... This is a serious question is this a reference that I'm not getting or something? This is really weird.

    View 12 Replies

    Okay, I've read the first two chapters of the raws, and what can I say? The sypnosis perfectly summarizes the story. They are really short stories, each self-contained in one chapter, with a twist at the end. There is always a twist at the end. I've only read two chapters, but the twists were very... unexpected, to say the least. Now, I really want to read the rest... please vote for this book!

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    I upvoted it because of the cover image for 2 weeks before reading the synopsis. God dammit. Now we have to wait another week for a good one

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    If you like short novel, mystery, twisted plot, riddles, basically this one will satisfyingly read. Warning to reader that wanted to read a no brain story though. Most story I understand it once I read. Other I have to read it twice or more. Hopefully this book dont go premium. Thanks to translator and qidian for bring this book

    View 1 Replies

    I will not give a bad rating on this. Other people may prefer a Lonh Novel with onr thing but it doesn't mean this short story novel every chapter is not good, actually this kind of style to give a different stories in each chapter is a great idea. And I praise the author of this. It can help readers who are bored or tired in reading long novels to refreshed by eqch chapters of this novel. Also those who are making their own original novels can gain ideas and plots in making their own personal stories. So a Big THUMBS UP to this. 😉

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    Looks amazing simply from the sypnopsis. Really looking forward to this novel’s release!! Hmm i don’t know what to write anymore...................

    View 1 Replies

    I wish there was more to the synopsis to which I could then do a fair review that isn't a waste of time in exchange for exp.

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    This novel is great 👍🏼 but all of the first short stories that I read have endings that makes me feel very uncomfortable 😣 although the stories are interesting and one ☝️ of akind but they’re not the kind that I like.

    View 1 Replies

    Let’s get a F each time there is another novel that comes out and beats this novel, cause I actually wanna see what’s it about. F, and that 140 character

    View 2 Replies

    After reading up until the last chapter, I finally understand why the synopsis is like that. It is indeed ****** and thought provoking. It is a collection of mini stories that usually last for 1-3 chapters with different genres that's why it can't be generalized to make a synopsis about, afterall the stories are very different from each other. I was kind of laughing at the synopsis at first when this was still being voted but looking back, the synopsis really says it all... Give this novel a chance, it might just pick your interest like it did to me.

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    LV 5 Badge

    Short, Light, Free - Written by Let It Go and translated by _Irene This collection of short stories is a gem in the mud; by the dirt I mean the literary genre known as Chinese Web novel Translations. This is a format of writing in which novellas, novels and even meganovels are uploaded, some anonymously, are uploaded by ******* authors around the world. The sheer quantity of works that fall within this genre is overwhelming, so much so that the vast majority of them pertain a lacking quality in writing. This aspect of web novels may be even more applicable to Chinese web novels, in consideration that the Chinese language is so different from English that many of the textual nuances and literary techniques present in the raw version may be eliminated within a translation. It is because of these factors that 'Short, Light, Free' may be considered a true gem in the mud; it succeeds despite all odds. The stories are riveting, thought-provoking and awe-inspiring. The author succeeds in incorporating various cliches in most stories and turning them into a blast of fresh air for the reader. More impressive is that this isn't a one-man job, but in collaboration with the wonderful work of the translator that has shifted entire characters, settings and concepts from two completely different languages. The fact that these works are translated and yet convey such a powerful message make me wish more than ever that I knew how to read Mandarin. But I'm sure everyone has heard quite enough about how this work is translated, I'm sure you want to know what these stories are about. Right? But of course you do. I have noticed that throughout the stories the author appears to maintain a constant theme. All the stories are psychedelic in nature, exploring the limits of the human perspective and the morality of choices. The reason I would describe most of the stories as psychedelic is primarily that they all incorporate some element of shifting perspectives; I like to imagine them as some sort of warped and confusing version of the Aristotelian anagnorisis. The reason that this style of writing appeals to me is that it allows for the exploration of abstract concepts and it enables character development to noticeably take place extremely quickly; a feature that is critical for short stories. Obviously, they are not all completely psychedelic in nature. Even if it is thought-provoking and ingenious in its usage, anyone would get tired of watching the Matrix seven times in a row. This is why I love the other aspects explored in all the stories. I find that the author tends towards dystopian tragedies and romance stories every now and then, merging them with a wonderful but strange mixture of sci-fi and xianxia. In summary, the stories detailed in 'Short, Light, Free' are all wonderful (Except maybe for Mountain and Sea, you would require ample amounts of background knowledge on the xianxia genre and Chinese culture to get it, like a few hundred hours of reading them, or maybe watching a couple Kung Fu films). I would strongly suggest anyone to read them, they serve as great writing prompts (Or as mid-day snacks if your hobbies align with mine). However, the best thing about it is that it's uploaded in a web novel format; this means a story is uploaded every now and then. With all that said, I have provided the link to the website where it is posted right here: https://***.webnovel.com/book/9432183306002205/Short%2C-Light%2C-Free

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    tjisjmvj jjejkeov yhwal hujsnt uugsnr oiikwhvn yhnrkeo hujtyllau yggks oiiiejt t672jwkv huiksktb fdhiit syi jjisjem ujjekcii jmslw9rjt 5alallepkv jnenm k innenvknfkvimf kujtmlslal j hnrmviolr uiimw iugnanloe8 hnrovuosms u7jrmlalgnvh hjldlockrln a aifleo k jjr

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    Honestly one of the best books I've read. It's basically a collection of short stories that the author decided to share to the whole world. Each story has its own unique characters, setting, and plot. I recommend everyone to read it.

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    In the beginning - Short, heavy, free 50 Chapters later - Short, H E A V Y, free When only ten chapters are left - Short, HEEEVVVVVVVVYYYYYYYYYYY, premium 10/10

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    LV 5 Badge

    Love these short and intriguing stories! Can't wait for more! Job well done by the translator :) Will definitely continue to support this novel!

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    This book is very thought provoking and its a great refresher from all the other books on this website. The short storys always have an interesting ending that you never quite expect and its a joy to read. I would have to say thouh that a more fitting title would be short, dark and deep. :)

    View 0 Replies

    Everyone looking for a I-got-betrayed-and-reincarnated bull**** novel should leave right now. The short stories and chapters are quite good and has more plot than any of the 1000-chapters-recycled-every-50ch-plot novels right now.

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    Magical Realism, Short, Dark, Deep A series of short stories, of different genres. Simple yet thought-provoking reads. Good for philosophical problems and mused over before bed.

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    Author Let It Go

    Translator Irene_

    Editor Perriemix