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Universal adventures Universal adventures original

Universal adventures

Author: Anime_Discussion

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: New Life

somewhere very far and far away from earth

"it's been 20 years since i started fighting this guy. i will probably die at this rate no we will both die i have to win this fight or at least kill this old guy before i run out off energy and die in this endless space "

"ivos what are you thinking if you slack off during a fight you will die faster " kritanta was furious that this old guy who fought with him for this long was did't change at all even after knowing he may get killed faster if he slack off,

"i am thinking were to stub you to death" ivos told him what he was thinking .

"then come at me don't just stand there in daze " god of death ( kritanta ) told him and moved from his place as fast as lightning .ivos didn't wait for his death to approach him and teleported from his place and moved to another place and aimed his spear at kritanta the spear was tearing apert space itself as it approached its enemy, kritanta knew he cant face this spear head on, if he were to take this spear head on he would be blown into pieces,

he teleported from his place and appeared in the back of ivos, and stubbed him in the back,

ivos was shocked beyond words that this old guy used space principles he know him very well, that he only used time principles in his long fight, he also understand he may be learned space principles from him during their fight ,even so he asked.

" how "

"isn't is obvious, i learnt this move from you not now but 5 years ago i was just waiting for you to use all your energy and die by my hands my only friend,

" i guess my life ends here "

"you were a great fighter, i will spare atleast your daughter , think of this as an honor ,

"thank you and tell my wife that i fought until the end "ivos closed his eyes as his life was going to end,

"sure " kritanta pressed his sword against ivos neck as he was about to kill ivos. he stopped and muttered to himself,

" something is coming ,and its fast" he was certain that if he got hit by it he will die ,

"what " ivos asked he don't know what is coming not because he was weak and can't sense the incoming things that are far away from him, because he was not in a state to sense anything, but he was also so shocked that kritanta still has this much energy to scan the area,

A round white boll shapped object come at light speed and hit kritanta,

Kritanta used all his energy to block the round ball shapped object, but he was badly injured and he didn't even have energy to lift his finger if he was left alone he will die in a mare few hours,

"you survived that, monster" he saw the attack with his own eyes that was fast it was faster then any of his own attacks in his life long fight, even he was not sure if he could take that head on even at his full power,

"what are you looking at you idiot I saved your life you can't kill me" kritanta knew that he won't have a good end in his current state if he attacks him now,

"I know I will not kill you,

you will die in a few hours and I will survive this crisis and go home"

Ivos was lucky that he was saved by that strange ball like thing, he was so determined that he will take that strange thing home and worship it,

"hahaha crazy I survived at the last minute by that strange looking thing it got my respect it's my savior"

"don't lough you son of a b*tch or I will kill you again" He was so angry at himself that he can't kill that old fart even after saying that he was going to die by his hands all of that because of that Dmm ball,

"will you then come at me kill me if you have the guts, don't talk nonsense in your current state you can't even kill a bug but still dare to talk about killing me shut your mouth off or I will change my mind and stub you to death" ivos was so happy to see that undefeated guy in his current state,

But the only regret in his life was he can't beat that monster even after fighting with him for 20 years and only lucky to be saved by that strange looking white ball that came out of nowhere and saved his life,

"what if I self destroy myself and drag you with me" ivos was so shocked to hear that he didn't thought this old guy would go this far to kill him considering there past friendship,

"will you really do such a disgraceful thing to kill me" ivos asked

"don't worry I won't go that far I have no enemiety with you, you were just protecting that planet from me,

" well I have to do that you were going to destroy an entire planet after all "

Ivos was regrettable that he could not stop his genius friend from falling in the path of devil and trying to get energy from the core of the planet,

"so what are you going to do after this"

"Well its obvious I will take that great thing with me that killed the great demon of this era and go home to heal my wonds"

"it must be fate that didn't allow me to grow some more and reach the highest realm no no it's not fate that didn't allow me to grow but it's that round thing that hit me the final blow,

Wish I could go and smash that ball in to peaces,


"what are you laughing at "

"nothing its been so long that we talked with with each other like this"

"let's talk about the past in my last breath " kritanta asked,

"if that's your last wish then sure " the two friends talked about their past for a few hours,

"well it seems its about time for me to go now " kritanta said with a sad tone and closed his eyes.

"goodbye" ivos was also sad but that's how it should end.

its been 10 days since the fight ended and kritanta dead, ivos was still healing himself from the fight that lasted 20 years ,

" i think i can move now since my physical injuries are healed thanks to the dragon fruit , i saved in case of emergancy" dragon fruit is a fruit that is rare to find and can heal any physical injuries in a really short amount of time, this fruit was given to ivos by dragon emperor. if he tried to recover by normal means it would be take him another ten years just to heal his physical injuries not mantion he even have to heal his soul that was badly dameged.

"now lets see what is that object "ivos come near the strange ball to check what the hell it is , to his surprise the ball shaped object become transparent as soon as he touched it , what actually surprised him even more was that he could see two children around the age of three months, sleeping peacefully they should be twins, just by looking at their faces he could at least tell that.

"what the heck. where did this kids come up from and who is that idiot who throws their children in deep space" ivos was not in a good mood after seeing this children in this endless universe roaming around in a tiny spacecraft, he put a space barrier around the spacecraft so when he opens it, the space radiations cant harm them.

ivos tried to open the spacecraft but to no worth he seems to cant open it , he was also afraid if he forcefully tried to break open it, he will couse harm to them.

"i should take them with me for now "

Ivos didn't waste any more time and stored the spacecraft in his space ring,

And started travelling in a direction where his home planet Kepler was located.

3 years later ivos was finally able to see his home planet, he soon entered the Kepler planet and landed on a mountain with full of wild life with huge trees and grass.

After some maditation ivos opened the spacecraft and placed it infront of him and observed carefully as to how to open it, but to his surprise the spacecraft actually opened itself.

Ivos understand that this should be set to open in a habitable area so that the children within it cannot suffer and die at an inhabitable place.

As soon as the spacecraft glass was removed, a child with blue eyes started to cry, ivos really got panicked at the sudden loud cry of the baby and tryed to stop the child from crying by picking her up and playing with her like an old grandpa, ivos gaze shifted to the other child who was staring at him with his dark black eyes as if he was looking at an intresting creature who was making funny faces to stop the child in his hand from crying,

"kid what are you starting at,

I am just trying to stop your sister from crying and what's up with you,

You are quite calm for your young age, forgot it it's not like you can understand my question and answer me"

Ivos suddenly noticed that their was a diary that he did not notice it before,

He picked up the dairy and started reading it,

"to the one who is reading this,

I may be dead by now, in some corner of this universe.

I am Stella the mother of this two children where you find this diary in.

We are called humens very far away from here properly 2-3 million of light year's.

It was year 4080 on earth, when a massive gamma radiation burst hit earth and destroyed our entire planet of course we were not dead in an instant but our ozone layer was destroyed by the GRB,

if by chance you don't know what is a Gamma radiation burst then let me explain you.

A GRB is a short lived burst of gamma-ray light, the most the most energetic type of light. A GRB shines at a levels of brightness impossible to comprehend with the human eye, a million trillion times as bright as our sun. Thay came from collapsing supernovas, although not every dying stars send one out, but we were not that lucky and one hit our earth.

As soon as The GRB hit our planet earth protected the billions of living creatures in it. With the help of earths ozone layer and atmosphere which were study enough to weather the initial blast, but the long term effects were disastrous. The gamma rays would rip apart the nitrogen and oxygen molecules in the atmosphere. Those molecules would begin to recombine into a variety of nitrogen oxides, kicking off the death of all life on the planet.

Nitric oxide jumpstarts the destruction of ozone molecules, eating away at that layer like humanity used to before the Montreal Protocols. These molecules could be in the atmosphere for a few years, which could be enough to cause massive global cooling, let deadly UV radiation shine through, and cause widespread nitric rain.

So we don't had a choice but to leave earth with 4 billion humans out of 7 billion humans because the other 3 billion peoples dead after the GRB incident. We had to leave our current home in order to search for a better place to live in.

Year 4085, Earth is becoming more and more inhabitable, and ozone layer is also become so thin that

UV rays are reaching earth. HUMANS

Started living in underground the surface become a desert with no oxygen plant's are dieing, animals are going extinct. But our scientists and so meny peoples are working hard to make a spaceship that can travel in deep space for thousands of year's with so much speed and provide a habitable environment.

After less then 400 year's the spaceship was completed and it was  huge that can carry the whole world inside. Meny peaple are going on got on board in the greatest ship on history.

The boarding itself begin several years ago before the ship was even fully built to avoid a multi-billion crowd. An electronic schedule was organised sending individuals to those whose turn it was to board soon. Several millions people could board within a month the main rule was to travel light peaple can bring two sets of clothing personal hygiene items a phone and there fevorite book.

Peaple arrived at the boarding site and see huge arc the size of a large island twice the height as the empires state building around the ship there is a huge city clinging to it's walls.

Construction worker's and engineers

Have been living here for decades.

Access to the ship is granted to those who have valid I'd the I'd is linked to that persons resting area.

One person is given 20 square feet 

There is a bad and night stand inside.

Ofcourse there would be need to be much less space. If people would lay down and sleep in capsules and flew to a new planet.

but no planet suitable for living is found yet so the ship is going to be there home for a long time.

Much of the ships space is occupied by the engine room huge power generators and powefull engines will support the long term movement of the heavy ship in outer-space.

At last the settlement is over the engines are starting. A voice is coming from the speakers through out the ship counting down from 10

Thise are the last second on earth.

The arc takes off burning down the whole area it was standing on.

Peaple look down on the receding home with sadness But it replaced with hope as thay turn there gazes to the sky's.

The whole ship is devided into 200 sections each section is a country.

Despite the division the rules are the same for everyone generate energy keep the peace and help each other.

The energy is produced by exercise bikes, a person padals and generates kinetic energy fouls the engines

This is everyone's daily duty for at least an hour daily morning people take exercise bike and work out

Ensuring normal operation of the ship

Maintaining their physical activities

Then peaple eat and go to work here just like on earth, people pass by shops libraries and cinemas.

The currency is unified for everyone on board with the money thay earn people can move from a small cabin to a larger one and of course just like on on earth some people easily get a lot of money while others work 24/7

For a penny this inequality doesn't bother as it used to though

Peaple of the future have learnted to appreciate peace and quiet so no one risks to fight in the limited living space amidst the black void.

Through out the ship there are nature zones these are small botanical gardens that are grown with the help of artificial light plants give oxygen to the ship and help peaple feel more at home water reserves are large but still limited to help conserve it people prosse their bodily fluids thay're collected in special tanks filtered carefully purified and then send back to the drinking and technical water vessel, every person turns over 50 percent of their waste into water fresh water is replenished from space itself once every few years the ship approaches a plant with the help of scanners and x-rays geologist find underground rivers or lakes then that send drilling rig there pump out the

Necessary amount of water and pull it back to the ship unfortunately there is nothing useful on these planets except water most planets don't have an atmosphere and are unsuitable for human life people are looking for a place with ideal conditions that are looking for earths double.

With the help of modern food technology scientist have managed to replace natural vegetables fruits and meat with artificial ones real apples or potatoes are also available but they are rare and extremely pricey.

Peaple are used to there new ways of life. Children were born generation change the kids born and raised on the space arc listen wide eyed to the storyies of old people about how beautiful life was on earth.

But every passing year fewer and fewer of those who remamber their home are left on the ship.

The arc children are slowly coming to accept that the ship remain their home forever but thay still continues to search

Scientists use powerful telescope and equipment to explore space and every day they seek potentially habitable planets still nothings nearby

The most promising world's are thousands of away from the ship

Meanwhile the first generation of arc dwellers is gone peaple begin to break the rules and discontent is growing

Not every one peddles the bikes now

And power failures become more frequent social and inequality is a burning issue some parts of the ship have turned into slums while others have grown into abodes of luxury equipment gradually wears down making ot difficult to extract water and most plants and nature zone wither because clogged vantilation systems to save more energy some parts of the ship are cut off from air and electrical supply peaple who lived on those areas have to move to the central part of the ship the already cramped space becomes even stuffier

And with the lack of personal space comes growing irritation.

Soon it becomes obvious there is no other way out but to create a faster then light engine or ftl it would require major refurbishment and changes to the ship structure the matter is up for vote and surprisingly not everyone agrees some people don't want to take any risks and already used to considering the ship their home thay want to use resources for global repairs people opinions are divided conflict in inevitable and humanity risks disappearing in the universe resolution comes unexpectedly from impending danger

It turns out the ship is heading towards wide and unusually dense astrot belt. the celestial bodies are packed so tight they leave hardly any space for maneuver a collision at the current speed is inevitable.

The only hope for humanity is to go all out on building the ftl engine the work takes months but it's united

Peaple wants more every one works around the clock and only sleeps as much as that need to regain strength

While half the people help build the engine the other half pedal the bikes to generate energy.

Their was once again hope that humanity will be able to find a new world with enough space for everyone the risks are sky high but there is no choice the energy is only enough for a single attempt to jump if it fails humenkind be stranded in outer space on a broken starship

a 10 seconds count down started from the speaker  through out the ship.

These are the 10 seconds that will deicide the survival of humankind

10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.


8000 year's after leaving the earth.

Somewhere in the universe.

"CAPTAIN Moon their was a wormhole up ahead I think you should take a look" Captain Moon was a middle aged men with a handsome face.

"alart all the scientist's that are working in engine room of the ship and tell Mr. Arthur  come see me immediately" captain moon told the men who come to report him with a series face.

"on command captain" there was a exitment in his face because thay were searching for a wormhole to travel far away through it and study it if possible with their current speed of spaceship which is traveling in the space at near light speed which is 3000000 km/sec and the spaceship is travelling at 2500000 Km/Sec.

Which can be considered a really fast speed for their ancestors who invented this spaceship 8000 year's ago but for them it is still not enough because even if thay travel at 3000000 km/sec it is not enough because the universe is to big and thay can't reach the next planet which thay found out 2000 years ago that is very similar to earth and  habitable to live in but it's 500 thousand light year away so you can imagine if even thay started travelling with the speed of light thay can't reach their destination for the next 500 thousand years.

So the humanity started searching for a wormhole for research purposes and if thay sacceded in undarstanding how the wormholes work that will be a huge step for humanity to reach there destination in a mere few years.

Because A wormhole is a special

that connects two distant points in space or time via a tunnel. Ideally, the length of this tunnel is shorter than the distance between those two points, making the wormhole a kind of shortcut. And if thay apply this to their spaceship thay can travel distant points in space in just a few years or months.

"Mr Arthur you, came we found what we are looking for" captain moon told

Mr Arthur who just came.

" yes captain I heard about it on the way here" Mr Arthur was a fine young men with black hair and fair white skin in his 30s.

The spaceship reached the location of  wormhole in just a few hours.

"captain we should stop here if we go any further we may be in real danger"

Mr Arthur told captain moon what he thought.

"I think you are right" captain moon agreed.

And so the spaceship stopped at a certain distance from the wormhole.

"the size is still much bigger than I we thought captain" a scientist named Kim dokja told capital moon who was looking at the massive size of the wormhole which was bigger then earth by 7000 time's.

"it is mister Kim, but that's not the biggest problem we have now.

the worm hole has a really strong pulling force then we imagined if by chance our spaceship engine were to go off now we are all doomed,

I am getting chills just by thinking about it" Assistant Ajith Singh spoke in response to Kim dokja.

"then you should not talk Negative about such dangerous things mister Ajith" captain moon told in a cold voice.

"I understand caption" Ajith responded in an apology manner.

Suddenly a men come rushing in and said.

"Mr Arthur your wife is about to give birth you should go she is in pains"

The men said to Arthur,

A warm smile appeared on Arthur's Face but the smile didn't lost longer as Arthur's face returned to his original series face"

"Sri can you take care of your sister while I am away" Arthur told his wife's brother to take care of her in a calm voice.

"wait... What,you are not thinking about going there personally at this time are you" Sri really got angry by hearing he will personally go near wormhole and risk his life.

"Arthur I am not saying this as captain moon but as a father for my daughter

The risks are greater then we thought

And I ask you to step back we can look for an alternative" captain moon said to Arthur.

"you also know that the chances of success are higher if I go captain moon" Arthur said to captain moon in a calm voice with an expression less face.

"captain we are ready to depart"

A 30 year woman came in, and said this word's to captain moon.

"Sri it's my first and last request.... Make sure my wife give birth to a healthy baby safely" Arthur said those words to Sri as he stared walking towards the exit of the main cabin.

"I will.... Just come back alive if you die. I won't forgive you"  Sri said in a sad voice .

"Emergency Emergency a space whale is detected" a voice came from the speakers of the ship.

"we got a new problems ha" Kim dokja muttered to himself

Captain moon come near the control center of the spaceship and checked the Rader.

"change of plans the spacewhale is not far away it will only take 20 minutes  to came near the spaceship"

Captain moon said in a laud voice so that everyone can hear him.

The spacewhale is a monster that looks like whale on earth and it is as big as earth it can also travel at the speed of light which is 3000000 km/sec this monster is rarely seen in the universe the last time thay encountered one was 4000 years ago at that time it did not harm them and passed like it did not see the spaceship at all. But the unknown is still  dangerous the humanity did not have much data about this monster nor anyone saw it with their own Eye's in this generation so it's best to avoid it.

"I heard the that true"

Mr Arthur came back running after hearing the alert signal.

"we only have 10 minutes left until it reaches us what should we do Mr Arthur I want your advice" caption moon asked Mr Arthur who just came back.

"captain I think we should go to the other side of the wormhole to avoid danger" Kim dokja said

we will do as

Sub assistant Kim dokja said alarm the people and tell them to move to their homes"

Mr Arthur said and moved near the control centre and made an announcement for the billions of peaple to move inside their homes.

"are you sure" captain moon asked

"yes captain"

The spaceship started moving towards the big wormhole as it entered  without any problems the inside of the wormhole

"we are inside the worm hole on the 407th engine " Kim dokja ordered to his assistants

The spaceship suddenly moved at an incredibly fast speed of 1000000


"phew we should be safe now" Kim dokja said those words to himself in a relief manner but as soon as he said

Those words, the emergency alarm rang.

"danger there is an unknown object near the spaceship" the voice came from the speakers of alarm system.

"captain there is something coming our way from the front and it will reach us in 59 seconds"  Mr Arthur said those words in a serious voice.

"slow the speed and drive carefully"

Captian moon said and moved for center.

The spaceship got slow as it now only traveled only 5000 km/sec. Suddenly a

Big astroid came in view in front of the spaceship and boom it hit at the one side of the engine.

"alart the main engines dameged and the space sheald is being turned of"

The voice came out though the speakers of the ship

15 hours later

"I am sad to say that our 8000 year journey in search of an new home is about to end here" the voice came through the ship

Before the ship will get destroyed by the incoming astroid people send a capsule with information about humanity into space thay upload videos movies music and the entire history of the humankind onto several massive hard drives this is a only chance to leave a small footprint in the universe if they can't survive

Peaple lie down in small capsules and put on oxygen masks there is a single desire to wake up in a new world or not at all.

No one's ready to watch the fall of humanity capsules are locked people close their eye's the engine is destroyed the Count down begins

This sight was the same when the ftl engines were made but this time it ends here

" warning.  multiple astroids are coming near spaceship remaining time 15 minutes"

There is no chance to move the spaceship and thay don't even have the time to do so

This are the last 15 minutes the humanity all have

While all the humanity is sleeping in their capsules only I and  my husband Arthur with my father and brother and some scientists are preparing to send a high level capsul  with my two children in it

Sirius and sol the last surviving human to save themselves.

(its a massage to those people who read this till the end.

First of all thank you

It was my first novel and it took me 7 days to complete the first chapter but I really enjoyed my time writing everyday and I will continue posting for a couple of months and see if I get any response here and there if it's a no then I will also consider dropping it after updating it for like 6 months so please say something in the comments and give me a response so I get motivated don't.

See on next Monday)

There are a lot of spelling mistakes so please let me know so I can correct them

( New chapter every Monday)

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