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2018-03-14 Joined Global

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Replied to RockzBarik

Though I don't think author will implement that, lol.

Internally, Shin wrestled with mixed feelings. On one hand, the shares' sudden bequeathal took him by surprise, adding another layer to his already complex relationship with his family. On the other, Shin's personal wealth, spread across numerous bank accounts to a degree he himself found overwhelming, made the financial aspect of his inheritance seem almost superfluous. The Suzuki Group shares, while undeniably valuable, were not something he had actively coveted.

Tycoon of Video Games

Tycoon of Video Games

Video Games · NewComer714


RIP Shin. IIRC Japan has the highest Inheritance Tax around 55% for the highest bracket.

Internally, Shin wrestled with mixed feelings. On one hand, the shares' sudden bequeathal took him by surprise, adding another layer to his already complex relationship with his family. On the other, Shin's personal wealth, spread across numerous bank accounts to a degree he himself found overwhelming, made the financial aspect of his inheritance seem almost superfluous. The Suzuki Group shares, while undeniably valuable, were not something he had actively coveted.

Tycoon of Video Games

Tycoon of Video Games

Video Games · NewComer714


bruh, it's NFS, it's basically street racing. Use some cool sounding names that matches the vibe of the game instead of the boring Gold, Platinum, Diamond etc.

"To help with this, we decided that just as Minecraft has rewards that can improve human bodies, Need For Speed ​​will also have rewards like these, but instead of rewarding people in each race, they will have a Ranking system where people will receive rewards. based on their Ranking at the end of each season. This way we will be able to set a limit on how much we can help, since our production of these resources is quite limited, so that you have a tangible reward to work on in the future." Notch said as he projected a hologram onto his hand showing the Elo Rankings, starting with Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster and Challenger.



Movies · NunuXD

Replied to OldDaoistTruly

I misunderstood. It was written in such a way that I thought Aizen was saying Isane was his Vice-Captain.

"You must be Kazuya Ishihara from the academy," Aizen interjected with a smile, eyes gleaming with interest. "I've heard a lot about you from my peers and Vice-Captain Isane."

Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Anime & Comics · GloriousMilfHunter


Wait, is there another Isane I don't remember?

"You must be Kazuya Ishihara from the academy," Aizen interjected with a smile, eyes gleaming with interest. "I've heard a lot about you from my peers and Vice-Captain Isane."

Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde

Anime & Comics · GloriousMilfHunter


huh? Isane is asking about herself?


brother, you can't open-source android and also sell licences for it. That's not how open-source works. You CAN sell licences of marketplace though, that's how play store works.

Shin was well aware that in the years to come, even if other companies succeeded in developing their own touchscreen smartphones, they would face a significant hurdle in entering the market. To truly compete, they would need to license and utilize KiShin's Android operating system. This was not merely a preference but a necessity if they hoped to stand toe-to-toe with KiShin's iPhone.

Tycoon of Video Games

Tycoon of Video Games

Video Games · NewComer714


Bruh, an outside third party would most likely to suspect kishin of the terror attack instead of trusting them, what with Shinro refusing to go to the world trade center meeting, his subsidiary researching aeroplane security and rescue team already ready for action.

KiShin Finance's foray into areas like advanced surveillance systems, biometric identification technologies, and the fortification of cockpit doors had not only caught the eye of the U.S. government but had also drawn global attention. Nations around the world, now acutely aware of the paramount importance of airline and aerospace security, began to take keen interest in the innovations spurred by KiShin Finance's investments. The landscape of global security was on the cusp of transformation, with KiShin at its heart.

Tycoon of Video Games

Tycoon of Video Games

Video Games · NewComer714


Personally I don't see it being cheap as curve body design are usually harder to make thus being more expensive, it's one of the reason tesla cybertruck being so boxy, to keep the cost down.

Amidst the anticipation and visual appeal, there was widespread speculation about the Alpha 01's market positioning. Potential buyers and industry observers alike were curious about whether KiShin's foray into the automotive sector would cater to the luxury market, with a price tag to match its cutting-edge design and technology, or if the company would take a more accessible approach, offering the Alpha 01 at a price point that could disrupt the market. The debate over the car's affordability versus its premium features underscored the wider curiosity about KiShin's strategic ambitions in the automotive industry.

Tycoon of Video Games

Tycoon of Video Games

Video Games · NewComer714


Bruh, the entire speech was a whole bunch of nothing burger, he didn't give any details; the audience don't even know if the car is petrol, diesel or electric powered.

Concluding his speech, Shin stated, "The KiShin Alpha 2001 stands as a declaration of our ambition to not just participate in the automotive world but to redefine it. It embodies our vision for a sustainable, technologically advanced future of transportation. This is merely the beginning of KiShin's journey in the automotive sector, and we're excited about the road ahead."

Tycoon of Video Games

Tycoon of Video Games

Video Games · NewComer714


Bruh, you skipped like 20 years of progression in 5 chapters.

The KiShin Global eSports event sparked conversations and discussions across generations. Parents started engaging with their children's gaming interests, grandparents inquired about the intricacies of certain games, and even casual observers found themselves drawn into the online communities surrounding the tournament.

Tycoon of Video Games

Tycoon of Video Games

Video Games · NewComer714


isn't kishin the producer of the game? how can it be indie?

Meanwhile, a different kind of inspiration took root. The unexpected success of "Undertale," a charming yet deceptively simple 8-bit indie game, proved that captivating storytelling and innovative gameplay could thrive outside the realm of high-end graphics.

Tycoon of Video Games

Tycoon of Video Games

Video Games · NewComer714


ah yes, how can i forgot the greatest chess player of our time, Cagnus Marlsen.


Behind the carefully curated facade, however, Shin was a chess player, imitating Cagnus Marlsen. He had recognized the addictive potential of "Flappy Bird" early on, subtly nudging its placement in the pre-installed library. He knew the frustration it would generate, the rage that would lead to broken screens and frantic calls to customer service.

Tycoon of Video Games

Tycoon of Video Games

Video Games · NewComer714


Walking very close to antitrust lawsuit.

The rationale behind this bold move was multifaceted. Shin envisioned KAGE as a platform tailored specifically to KiShin's unique needs and creative aspirations. This bespoke approach, he believed, would allow for deeper optimization, seamless integration with KiShin's development workflows, and the potential for groundbreaking features not readily achievable within the confines of a widely-used engine.

Tycoon of Video Games

Tycoon of Video Games

Video Games · NewComer714


not gonna lie, this feels way too big of a technological jump.

Furthermore, iTunes' "Smart Playlists" feature surprised and delighted users. With user-defined criteria like genre, artist, or play count, playlists practically built themselves, offering personalized listening experiences without manual fuss.

Tycoon of Video Games

Tycoon of Video Games

Video Games · NewComer714


what you on about? The original iPod had an miniature hard drive, it was called MDD or something iirc.

Regarding the iPod, from Shin's memory, it utilized NAND Flash Memory. The small size and lightweight nature of NAND Flash Memory made it perfect for the sleek and portable design of the iPod.

Tycoon of Video Games

Tycoon of Video Games

Video Games · NewComer714


I would actually be surprised if it could catch up with 30 years of game development progress with limited hardware in couple of years.

With Shin providing guidance, the KiShin video game developers utilized the Unreal Engine to create "Metal Gear Solid I," incorporating valuable data from video game entertainment companies and Tora-Suzuki. The game development software underwent significant improvement, impressing even Shin, though it still fell short of his previous life's Unreal Engine. Nevertheless, the current KiShin Unreal Engine is remarkably advanced, even surpassing the standards of 1995.

Tycoon of Video Games

Tycoon of Video Games

Video Games · NewComer714


First PC Master Race member on his world 😂. Welcome brother!

Not to mention, the KP Software that offers video games a way for online multiplayer. People felt that PC gaming was much more superior than console gaming with its online capabilities.

Tycoon of Video Games

Tycoon of Video Games

Video Games · NewComer714

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