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Floating in fantasy

2019-03-06 Joined Global

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another pathetic cliche found on this app, evil Dumbledore. this author probably hates life. lol

[Description: In the parallel world of the member "Hermione Granger," things are not going as brightly as anyone might think. The Great Light Wizard turns out to not be as bright as others believe. He has twisted around the Chosen One a web of lies, deceit, and betrayal from which the sixteen-year-old boy cannot escape on his own. A lot of them got caught in this web, and the spider ate almost all of them in the end. Help save the Chosen One of that World by all available means.]

DC: Dimensional Luck

DC: Dimensional Luck

Anime & Comics · Sothisq


she didn't answer the question.

"Since you want to become a ninja, I am helping you, and these are the first steps. There will be more difficulties and hardships waiting for you in the future."

Naruto : Transmigrated as an Uchiha

Naruto : Transmigrated as an Uchiha

Anime & Comics · jp777


another cliche death of the parents. nothing new to see here sadly.

Mei felt a twinge of sympathy and relief as she saw the boy calm down in her arms. Toshiro, the son of her sister and an elite jounin of the clan, was supposed to have been raised by his parents. However, her brother-in-law passed away on a mission less than six months after her sister became pregnant. That was four years ago. After giving birth to Toshiro, her sister fell ill, and her condition worsened significantly. Tragically, she passed away when Toshiro was just four years old.

Naruto : Transmigrated as an Uchiha

Naruto : Transmigrated as an Uchiha

Anime & Comics · jp777


a detachment after just drawing on your face? lol come on man

Henna in hand, I painstakingly dotted my face with freckles, each one adding to the illusion of a completely different person staring back at me. As I surveyed my reflection, I couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment from the familiar features I had known all my life.

Second Chance for a Villain

Second Chance for a Villain

TV · Anonymoussammy


you already had apprehension two or 3 paragraphs ago. you're too descriptive or you don't use enough synonyms. repetitive words, gazes, feelings its all overstated, over and over again. no real value just fluffery. I hope this isn't how the whole story goes. the 1st chapter was filled with it.

As I watched the man with the tattoo, a flicker of apprehension danced at the edges of my consciousness. He exuded an air of confidence and capability, his movements fluid and purposeful. There was no doubt in my mind that he was a formidable opponent—one not to be underestimated.

Second Chance for a Villain

Second Chance for a Villain

TV · Anonymoussammy


The author makes OP characters but nerfs them to create drama. uses shock factor to try and keep readers interests instead of focusing on the story. plots are well written but the MC chooses to take roundabout methods to solving his problems which usually lead to shocking deaths of children and mothers. Tries to justify these holes with bull we are just forced to accept. He usually explains how he could of handled a situation but decided not to after taking an action thats illogical. He volunteered to get tortured and r*ped by team rocket. he doesn't say it openly but let's be real, he wasn't excused or treated differently, slapping his butt every night lol. his legendary pokemon just watching his take it. lol but seriously I honestly like the core of the author's stories but he feels necessary to spam every thing with what I assume he believes is "realistic" lol even tho applying our realities rules or our humanity/morality to a magical world is possibly the most misguided attempt at realism ever. but its a fanfic and folk love attempting to give their version of it. I dont mind killing children but the author has an almost fetish at making sure theirs a shocking death every other chapter, which you become numb to after reading it for the 40th time. sad and lazy writing tool. they could of just cut off heads when Agatha met with the conspirators but they just wanted info to plan a defensive. which lead to legendary pokemon rampaging and killing their own people. This author is talented but stuck in his ways. if you like unnecessary death that holds no value and little children getting r*ped then you'll love this!


care about them? you known em for a moment. lol let's at least be truthful. Finn is a threat to his harem *

Damon wouldn't lie to himself and say that he didn't have feelings for Clarke, Octavia, and Raven because he did but it wasn't just feelings of lust, no he did care about them, and he wouldn't let someone as weak as Finn be with someone as badass as Raven.

The 100: Sky King

The 100: Sky King

TV · Iseeyou


im sorry that wasn't relentless battle.

Victor, watching the carnage unfold, decided not to stray from his effective tactics. He dropped the entire carriage from his inventory onto the remaining battlemage, crushing him instantly under the sudden weight. As the dust settled, Victor felt a pang of exhaustion—his breaths heavy, his legs trembling slightly. He realized his stamina was severely depleted, a stark reminder of the physical demands of this relentless combat.

Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension

Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension

Video Games · Kuroganne


why? why did he pass out?

Baffled glances passed between the Imperials. But their lack of reaction was hardly a match for the sheer terror coursing through Victor's veins. As he opened his mouth to speak, he caught sight of Sarah's pupils dilating and her hand reaching for her bow. Before he could even process what was happening, he fell to his knees, a wave of darkness engulfing him as his consciousness slipped away.

Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension

Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension

Video Games · Kuroganne


breathing heavily? he only swung once....

Breathing heavily, Victor stood back as Sarah finished the fight with a swift, precise shot from her bow. The battlefield fell silent except for the rustle of leaves and their laboured breathing. She turned to Victor, her eyes narrowing as she assessed this unknown ally.

Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension

Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension

Video Games · Kuroganne

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