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2019-10-10 Joined Global

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Replied to oOoAim

This is the extreme case on the original guy end, But I can kind of understand a bit, because I start out reading xianxia, and the people in those story are very processive, Which is more in line with traditional culture, as no one like to be cucked, but traditional culture take pride on being more conservative, and don't like their loved one to have impure thought on other. opposite of western culture where married couple can casually talk about which celebrity they want to f to each other, and really have a hate for virgin person and their value, because it the opposite of themselves and vise versa for the traditional one as well. I feel like webnovel should take note of this and create a separation for novel tag that use ancient culture and modern culture, because people have been spreading hate just because the story they read contain content that they don't like. especially nowadays when the novel using modern values really get into the ntr stuff, like the Milf, sometimes it netori mc cheating his own mother from his own father, sometimes, stealing wife from his enemy or just find the wife attractive and steal her. Those are sin, but people really enjoy it, and author will do anything to make the victim of the cheater as the one at false, like making the victim don't really like the wife, or being neglectful etc just to justify the mc coming in to cheat. then the netore part which is even worse, but author often play a plur it as free for all, no lover relationship what so ever, different world culture, etc. Now some of those line are enjoy by reader, but most if not all traditional person don't really want to read it, but there no way to know unless you read it, but most review are too extreme or bias, and do not provide any useful info unless we dig deeper. In this case, it was the girl having crush on other guy, despite being the mc childhood friend, now in a harem story, this feel like a red flag, as it will feel forced when the relationship happen between them, example: like she love mc all a long, or mc use trick to get her or whatever, it just feel like the plot forced it. And most reader prefer devoted girl compare to one that don't like you from the beginning, best example is sakura and hinata. anyway, too much ranting, sorry about that.

Replied to Avidfan

You just take thing to extreme end on both side? I don't mind story where mc fail sometimes, but some story just intentionally always make the MC braindead, act like a child, or having inconsistency with the character design itself, not all of MC have to be either mary sue or braindead. But author usually fail to develop an MC that are good, but not perfect, usually they go over the top and it just become too much. I have read story where mc have flaw, it usually the military novel author that done it right, reader can see the mc thought, and sometimes think the same as the mc only to find out that those thinking is not perfect. Some MC make great military leader, but fail as a family head, and create a spoil young master. When author create an MC that need time to do 1 thing, and he forgot about other important thing, he just doesn't have the time to do both at the same time. that mc is a good mc, not a mary sue, because that just mostly wishfulfilment novel, and not a braindead mc, because that a fail product. Back to the question I ask of you, I will make it clearer, I want to know weather your novel gonna be a fail imitation like intentionally change the mc IQ to be lower or higher depend on weather you want him to faceslap himself. Because that would just create inconsistency. Japanese author consistently write a mc that start out very bad, and develop over time. While most will view it as a bad mc, webnovel writer have made much worse mc because they want to create an anti mary sue mc, but just go too far. In fact, most mary sue mc hater, don't really hate the mary sue, but the fail imitation of mary sue which is the young master mc, which always go over the top because chinese author like to copy plot without putting soul into their story.

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