Sebastian_Clark - Profile



male LV 15

just a dude, reading books...

2020-01-14 Joined United States

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"Colonize me! Just like you have done the rest of Africa! Go on, breed me!" 

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister

Replied to Auguz

I don't think it is actually, having read IA it seems to be another timeline.

"I, Prince Hans von Kufstein, first of my name, hereby claim the moon for the German Reich!"

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister



"Go ahead and say it. I'm a jolly old fat fuck, aren't I? I just couldn't help myself. The food that we import from your country is just too delicious! Hopefully, your son will have more restraint than me. Because it would be a pity of my granddaughter had to deal with a spouse like me…" 

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister

Replied to Sebastian_Clark


"Verification code 12646A-K3... I hereby authorize a full-scale launch of our nation's arsenal of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. The target is the Emirate of Tlemcen..." 

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister



"Verification code 12646A-K3... I hereby authorize a full-scale launch of our nation's arsenal of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. The target is the Emirate of Tlemcen..." 

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister

Replied to Reginleif54

same and same

"No, but that's exactly how I raised him. Might is right, and if my son has the power to take a bunch of Arab and Berber princesses as his brides by force, then he might as well do so. I, for one, look forward to seeing just how beautiful this Princess Amara Al-Haqq is. Because no matter how pretty she might be, she's got nothing on my Yasmin!"

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister


he has no naughty relationships with his kids.

"You would like it if your daddy spanked you, wouldn't you?"

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister


I'm humored and confused. he lothes the Russians. but uses their equipment more than the equally venerable and effective German or American counterparts.

After watching the demonstration of both the SVD and RPK-74, Berengar was quite pleased with the prototype weapons that he had seen thus far, and gave a silent nod of approval towards the lead engineer, who kept looking back at the Kaiser to see what the man thought of the latest weapon designs. 

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister

Replied to DevouringAtom

he said he made monthly quick trips to the Reich. it was the chapter it mentions her pregnant in.

Zara had been too young to remember when Berengar would frequently march off to war for months at a time, and as a result, she had grown accustomed to her father being around nearly every day of the year. For Berengar to suddenly fuck off to Japan, and spend the majority of the year there, it was a mental blow that Zara couldn't easily handle.

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister



"Momo is going to eat that boy alive..." 

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister

Replied to akunax


"Brynhildr sends her regards..." 

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister



In fact, out of all Berengar's women, only you and I are currently not pregnant. Well, excluding Khorijin, that is, but she has yet to really embrace her part in the harem. And you just know our man is out there finding a new lover in Iceland. I wouldn't be surprised if he was in the arms of some blonde haired bimbo right now! You've got to step up your game while you're still young and fertile!"

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister


Not very fair if you're not gonna listen to Her

"You think that I will just let you pack up and abandon me after everything we have been through together? Oh, my sweet little sister, you are far too naïve. Whether it is victory or death that awaits me at the end of this journey, I'm afraid you will be by my side until the bitter end!"

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister



"Have you fulfilled Order 227 like I have asked? Have you attached members of the Kempeitai to every military unit to ensure that the men beneath my command are ideologically pure and have proper morale?" 

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister


forgot how in the feels this chapter was....

Hans looked off at Wulfgar one last time before nodding his head in silence and departing from the area with his family. The beast continued to gaze upon its former master until he was no longer present, only after Hans was gone did it turn its attention back to its family.

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister



However, he was a man, and as a man he had resolved himself never to cry, especially not in public. Perhaps, at three in the morning, he might take a smoke break and go bawl his eyes out on the patio by himself. But at this moment, he was as firm as a rock, even when everyone else was moved to tears. The lack of emotion on his face actually caused Linde to become a bit enraged. She balled up her fists and lightly pounded Berengar on the chest as he gazed coldly at the scene. 

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister



It shivered as it saw the ugly expression on Berengar's face. This was the look of a man who disregarded the notion that all life was valuable, or had any form of inherent meaning. This was the cold stare of man, determined to kill countless people to achieve his goals.

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister


way to go royal guards... total lack of situational awareness.

Aside from the noise caused by the tumble, not a single sound had escaped into the surroundings, allowing her to stealthily retreat to the trees above. She repeated this tactic until Berengar was all alone, returning to the bloody scene where the German Emperor inspected his surroundings. 

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister


poor Dalmatians

Berengar had commissioned this crown from Ludwig and designed it to be based upon the Crown of Wilhelm II from his past life. The primary difference being the red velvet liner was instead black, and the diamonds were replaced with black garnet. The only other major change was the adding of a dalmatian fur lining on the bottom rim of the crown. 

Tyranny of Steel

Tyranny of Steel

History · Zentmeister

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