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2020-06-23 Joined Global

Badges 1

Moments 3206



"You would give no weight to the lives of monsters, and then expect them to treat you differently?" Enid countered.



Fantasy ยท RinoZ

Replied to twoofeachanimal

I mean, it takes a lot of time and energy to compress one, it isn't like it's a easy to spam skill or anything. Plus, there's the risk of constant friendly fire, as the bomb sucks in air and matter from its surroundings.

When the gravity bomb is ready, I unleash it upon them, the horrifying darkness and screaming of the air driving away all thought of anything else the moment it appears. The enemy responds smoothly to the appearance of the magic, doing everything they can to weaken it from the second I unleash it. Even with Invidia helping to distract them by unleashing all the magic he can, the soldiers stand firm and manage to disperse the spell by combining their efforts. Still, I can see the toll it takes on them. Several mages are forced to retire to the rear of the Legion forces, totally spent by the mental effort of resisting the bomb.



Fantasy ยท RinoZ

Replied to Minarique

Aw, it okay. You have time to fix it. (Covid suck)

[You're so squishy, you probably didn't lose any hp.]



Fantasy ยท RinoZ

Replied to Castle_Gate

That armor was designed to be useful to the thing useful against it.

The three new additions were the acid nozzle, which gives me more flexible aim, the acid concentration gland, for thickening the acid, and the stimulation gland, which speed up the process of reloading. So far, most of my mutations have concentrated on improving the organs at doing their core job, but I feel like I want to be a little more creative this time.



Fantasy ยท RinoZ


"Those who treat me with kindness, I shall repay that tenfold... But those, that hunt me down and hurt my friends! I shall repay that injustice one thousand times over."

Our name became a byword for fairness, but also for a disproportionate response. Give the Colony a kindness, and they will repay it tenfold, do them a disservice, and they will do the same.



Fantasy ยท RinoZ

Replied to Arg

The younger one, I think?

[Did they say anything about us?] Biritite Cryslas perks up.



Fantasy ยท RinoZ

Replied to Sarbatche

I read it, like, 1 week ago? Plus sleep. And time for Youtube.

It takes a long time to traverse the vast web back down to the ground. It's taken a full week of campaigning to get to this point, but the expanse has been basically conquered. Obviously, we did discover the presence of a powerful spider who was laying eggs in here, but it took a long time before we were able to pin down the location of her lair. It was also quite a project to neutralise the blasted webs. Once we worked out that we could treat the webs much the same as I treated that damn slug's goo all that time ago, it was a lot of work to haul the dirt and soil necessary to create our superhighway through the ridiculous net of mega-webs that cover this expanse top to bottom.



Fantasy ยท RinoZ

Replied to Robert_Hay

I think he just got the core at the time, he didn't even have the skill at that point.

It takes a long time to traverse the vast web back down to the ground. It's taken a full week of campaigning to get to this point, but the expanse has been basically conquered. Obviously, we did discover the presence of a powerful spider who was laying eggs in here, but it took a long time before we were able to pin down the location of her lair. It was also quite a project to neutralise the blasted webs. Once we worked out that we could treat the webs much the same as I treated that damn slug's goo all that time ago, it was a lot of work to haul the dirt and soil necessary to create our superhighway through the ridiculous net of mega-webs that cover this expanse top to bottom.



Fantasy ยท RinoZ

Replied to Immortal_Roach

*Megalovania intensifies*

"She insulted our mother!" I roar back.



Fantasy ยท RinoZ



[But the Queen is not royalty, she is the Queen.]



Fantasy ยท RinoZ



When Beyn heard those words, a piercing shrill escaped his mouth, like the scream of a dying eagle, which caused him to clamp down on his throat even more vigorously, cutting off that noise and strangling it down to a low croak. By this time his eyes were completely bloodshot and his face had begun to darken its shade of red to verge on purple. He desperately needed oxygen but he wasn't willing to risk it. He couldn't! What if he disturbed the Queen?! What if he were to startle the larvae as they grew?! No, better that he do what he must to prevent such a travesty from taking place. Better he were dead!



Fantasy ยท RinoZ

Replied to Feniz


To properly depict the Eldest, one must acknowledge the creature they truly are. The humans, the golgari and the other sapients, even many amongst the Colony, close their eyes to those aspects of their subject that they are not capable of comprehending. The Eldest is powerful, yes. The Eldest is mighty, of course. The Eldest is wise and generous and caring and brave and clever and joyful and frequently inscrutable, all know this. But first and foremost, the Eldest is an individual who contains and has experienced great pain. To me, the magnificent dignity of the Eldest is made even more impressive because of its source. Everything that they are, and everything that they accomplish springs from a bottomless well of suffering that most do not know exists and none can name the origin.



Fantasy ยท RinoZ

Replied to SapphireMidnight

Replace stars with lightning.

[Don't do it, Master! You'll get sucked through a portal, or challenged by a mega-monster, or slip and fall down a pit and land in the fifth strata, or an ancient will rise from the depths and swallow you, forcing you to live as a parasite in its gullet, or a great confluence of stars will smite you down the moment you set foot out of the tunnels! Take me with you!]



Fantasy ยท RinoZ

Replied to Damian0481

Well, there's a cavern in, like, Korea or Vietnam that could fit a skyscraper, forgot the name of it.

This chapter has been deleted.


Fantasy ยท RinoZ

Replied to Alcibiades

No, you.

More tunnels layered with obstacles for foes needed to be traversed before they came to another gate, this one double layered and even more impressive. Once navigated, they at last reached the inner sanctum, the nest. The Queen welcomed the sight with a warm heart as her children bustled energetically around her. Of course, not all of these ants were her children, not anymore, but she still thought of them that way, and they all still called her 'mother', which is all that mattered really. There were many smaller tunnels within the nest, but the Queen stuck to the main, larger thoroughfares as she made her way to the brood chambers.



Fantasy ยท RinoZ

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