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I've stopped reading several novels and idk how to stop stopping please help me how do I stop being so picky

2020-07-06 Joined Global

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Moments 82


Ok, this is kinda cringe. Let's see if I got any better bouta rewrite the next chapter for the 3rd time!!!

This book has been deleted.

poor guy

The red pulse of the man's magic undulated like a whip, snapping the doomed one's body so its back folded in on itself in the wrong direction. The man turned his shining teeth toward the swarm as he dropped the dead one on the ground.

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

LGBT+ · LivChanin


Makai really isn't good at this secretly staring at Ocean gig is he?

It felt to me like Makai was glaring at me the entire time that we were walking down to the elevator. Once we were inside Makai moved so that he was standing behind me and to the side just a little. He was once again glaring at me. I even caught him in the reflection caused by the shiny doors.

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance


oh my

I couldn't move it though. I couldn't blow my cover. I couldn't let Makai know that I was basically sitting over here waiting for the next time that he would laugh so I could listen to how cute it was when he giggled.

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance


well it's true that "training" was probably all for nothing unless nearly killing yourself counts as "something"

For some reason I just felt like he was patronizing me. I don't know why, I just did. It was like he was telling me that I didn't put enough of an effort into trying to beat him until just recently. It felt like he was saying that I almost killed myself with training and then passed out and hit my head all for nothing.

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance

Replied to Nessy_Lock

"celibate as a monk" he said

Before I knew it I was imagining other things, things that went beyond what I had seen in my dreams. And all the while, I was stroking myself. I couldn't help it. It was a compulsion that was so strong, a need that had to be fulfilled.

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance


the collective consciousness of parents it is real after all

    Unfortunately, my parents knew exactly what I had done last night. How they knew, I couldn't tell. It was probably that weird parental know it all power that they seemed to have.

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance


man tip: squats are really effective at subduing the raging dragon of the south

"Dammit." I swore at him as I stood up awkwardly. "He fell asleep without even talking to me. Not to mention he kissed me and then fell asleep. That is so not fair." I sat myself on a large rock that was close to him as I waited for the excitement to pass from my body. If it didn't pass soon I might need to take a dip in the water. That should help with redirecting some of the blood flow away from a certain area. I didn't need someone walking up and seeing me like this.

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance



Before I could react, Ocean grabbed the back of my head with both hands. He pulled me down forcefully and pressed his lips to mine. He was kissing me. Ocean was kissing me.

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance



God dammit, why was I seeing him everywhere? Why was my mind making me look at him? What the hell was the matter with me? Looking at a guy when he was half dressed, or even when he was just wearing a tight speedo that left nothing to the imagination. That was just plain wrong of me. What was I doing?

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance

Replied to MXTXfan


Well, I guess they could be. My hair was black but when the light hit it just right you could see blue highlights in it. So it was completely possible that Makai would have those bright cherry red highlights when the light hit him just right.

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance

Replied to Muthoni_Murira

not everyone is that strong a lot of people just need a little push, a lil competition, a lil smack on the head or some other goal to drive you that's why schools exists most people can't do things alone no one is wrong to want help

Makai could be my rival. He could push me to do better. If it wasn't so clear that we couldn't be friends at all then I would say that he and I could hang out. That was impossible though. There was no getting around the way things were with us.

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance


🎵Ocean man, take me by the hand, lead me to the land that you understand🎵

I left school at the end of the day, avoiding everyone. I just wanted to drop my stuff at home and go stare at the ocean from the beach for several hours. That always made me feel better. I guess it comes with having the name Ocean but I always felt the most at home at the beach. I loved being in and near the salty waters. It just felt calming and safe to me.

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance


I'm starting to think ocean is dating a 10 year old like wow is she Ash Ketchum or smthn? is she gonna catch the very best? like no one ever did?

"You're just grasping at thin air, Ocean. You can never beat him. And if you're not the best then we can't be together. That's just how it is."

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance


im still not over his name the collect parental hivemind have decided he is just a merman man for some reason

Ocean was interesting though, and not just his name. I was also curious as to how we ended up in all the same classes and had lockers that were right by each other.

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance


im starting to think im ignorant of how people are training is this normal? im pretty sure no one does or thinks this way right? i have no idea

Then I turned to look at Makai's time. He finished at one minute fifty-four and three tenths of a second. If I had done my time that I had done last week. If I had done the best that I know I am capable of, then I would have beaten him. How? How did it come to this?

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance


why don't people give sleep and food the credit they deserve. it 100% does effects your performance in almost EVERYTHING AND BY A LOT

Still, at least I could beat him and the thugs over at St. Reece's all in one go. It would be worth the hard work and the dedication. And it would definitely be worth all the sleepless nights and skipped meals so that I had more time to practice.

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance



Or maybe it was the fact that he seemed to be glaring at me in every single class. What the hell was his problem? Every time I turned to look at him he was looking at me like there was some sort of problem. He seriously needed to stop doing that.

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance



"Hey guys and gals. We got a newbie this morning." Coach Dickson always had an odd way of talking but he was fun. He was in his late forties with short blond hair and brown eyes. He was still a swimmer himself so he was thin and fit and just a hair shorter than my six feet three inches. "This here is Makai Rivers, he just transferred here all the way from Florida. Why don't you say a few words about yourself Makai?" Coach Dickson handed over the imaginary microphone to the newcomer.

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance

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