DaoistuFSwDO - Profile



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2022-10-31 Joined Global

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Hello. Well, to be honest, I don't recommend this book to anyone. It's terribly boring as the characters keep repeating the same sentences for hundreds of chapters. The characters are so fucked up that it's art. No one has an iota of personality, not even the main character. The characters only speak when the main character asks, the other characters do not interact with each other at all, not even for a sentence. I have read 300 chapters and there is not a single dialogue between two side characters. This is really ridiculous. No one has a normal backstory. The main character has no real goal, we just move forward aimlessly in the novel. Somehow, immediately after being transferred to the other world, our main character becomes a genius both from a strategic point of view and from a ruling point of view. Coincidentally, everything always comes at the right time. Do you need a special material? Oops, just as much is falling from the sky here. In addition, we can almost say that the main character has an ultra-death phobia. He goes almost everywhere with an army, even in his own city, with a huge amount of survival equipment that could easily supply an army for a whole year. They really made him a pathetic character. To be honest, I don't really like harem books, but I wish there was something like that here. The main character is such an incompetent man that I have never seen before. I just feel like shit when I read it. It's like he's never seen a woman alive before and now he doesn't know how to deal with them. All in all, this is a terrible novel that is really not worth reading, it only takes your precious time and melts your brain cells.


Hello. Let's start by saying that I wouldn't recommend this shitty novel even to my enemies and definitely not to other innocent readers. This novel is so controversial that every second word contradicts the first. First, they talk about how the tower opened half a year ago, but somehow the development looks as if they have been in this situation for a thousand years. There are even ancient heirlooms in the tower. But what the hell if the first person entered half a year ago. I can't understand. The way people think is simply fantastic. The 18-year-olds who had half a year to adapt to everything even fuck that one of their close friends died before them. I really don't understand the mindset of the people in the novel. In principle, A-level talent was the highest so far, but suddenly 2 people who have S-level talent start running around our main character and apparently people are not very interested in this. In this book, the main character's fights are always bullshit. He doesn't act logically at all during combat. He doesn't even want to maintain the semblance of common sense, let alone try something smarter. A fast enemy is coming who never lets go of his target, and instead of using his ability to disrupt his vision and slow down the enemy, he says that then I will attack him head-on. Why isn't he right? Our main character is always very lucky, despite the fact that his luck stat points are completely average. Somehow everything always falls into his hands. The writer forgets a lot of things he describes. Somehow the valuable fruits that improve the statistics or the teleportation ring that could be used to escape disappeared in the book. Not to mention that all the characters are terribly boring and have almost no meaning. We don't know anything about the main character, we don't know why something like this wants to get stronger. There is no reason for the story. But the most pointless thing of all is the stat points. In principle, the main character can extract the statistics from the corpses and thus his statistics are very high compared to this. He already has thousands of statistics points, but he still doesn't want to fight with 10-20 players because he's afraid of them and that more people will come. But if we do a little math, it turns out that their highest statistic value can be a maximum of 200 and, in addition, a maximum of 2 abilities, while the main character has all statistics over a thousand and has about 15 abilities. I really don't understand this. I don't even want to mention the level of abilities, because there the differences are even bigger. In sum, everything here is a big piece of shit with no beginning, no end, no meaning, no reason.


Honestly, I think the idea itself is brilliant. A war of men and gods could have been presented, we could have seen how the gods handle the management of the country and how the gods relate to each other, either from their own mythology or from another mythology. BUT! We happen to see none of that here. The characters have no depth. I have not read a single dialogue between two gods. In principle, these gods have personalities and living people who are only loyal to the main character, but to me they seem more like robots. The main character is actually a useless person who doesn't understand anything, who blames everything on the creatures he quotes, and he can only say a couple of standard texts in a day. The strategy consists of a surprise attack and a frontal attack. Sometimes the main character will help you with the op stuff he got and that's it. The main character's luck is off the list, as he gets exactly what he needs every time. If you need a god of war, there are two here. If you need a civil servant, he's here. I know almost nothing about the world, despite the fact that the protagonist has almost plowed through it all. There isn't an iota of emotion in it. I don't understand how it is possible to write such crap, but if someone is going to do it, they shouldn't do it in such a tongue-in-cheek manner. Why do you have to say the same thing thirty times in one chapter? I really feel like I'm disabled while reading and I have to say the same thing many times to finally understand. Of course, it could be that it was really made for the faint of heart and then I'm in the wrong place, so then I would understand why the quality of the work is such. All in all, I find it unreadable and do not recommend it to anyone.


Hello. I have already read 100 chapters of the book and although compared to the whole book it is few, but I still feel that after so many chapters an opinion is formed in the person. In my opinion, this book is terrible. I am unable to grasp the main character's way of thinking and the logic behind his actions. Sometimes he acts like he's the strongest here when he's just a weak kid who can easily be killed by almost any monster. The incomprehensible way of thinking that random takes pity on a few people for no reason and just casually shows his secrets as if what he is doing is completely normal, and when random picks up the bag in the wild because it looks cute... Well, that's not why he knows and whether he will just play dumb and trick them into robbing the group or not. Such a thought would never cross his mind, but he feels that he is capable of controlling thousands of lives in a city. Interesting I must say. And the personality of this great savior is terrible. I honestly don't understand what logic he uses to save all the people in the world. Pure stupid. When the development of the character starts, it suddenly stops, as if the author has forgotten, and even regresses to where it was. Although the way of thinking in the first chapter is as stupid as in the last. Overall, the story is not bad, but the stupid main character completely spoils the story. I'm sorry, but it could have been a good work.

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