Armin Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 24 results

  • armin


  • Borrowing Just

    Borrowing Just

    Nonfiction writer Benry Noir is single and needs a date for a wedding. If he doesn't attend the fun-filled function, the two grooms (and his dearest life-long friends) will be offended. The wedding can't be missed, and Benry doesn’t want to go alone, so he places an ad online for the perfect date. When the advertisement fails, he decides to borrow his best friend’s lover Just for a few days.<br><br>Just’s boyfriend Armin loves his mate, but sometimes he seems to like work and travel more. When Benry first asks to borrow Just for the wedding, Armin refuses. But an opportunity to take a trip to Greece changes his mind. Still, Armin has strict rules the two men must follow, or there will be hell to pay.<br><br>When Benry and Just are alone together, they’re on their best behavior and act as complete gentlemen. As hard as it might be to resist Just’s charms, Benry manages to comply with Armin’s rules. But once the wedding is in full swing and alcohol flows freely, the rules are forgotten, unravel, and break.<br><br>Will their indiscretions ruin Benry’s friendship with Armin? He thinks he has found the perfect mate, but will things work out between them, or will Just disappear when the weekend ends?

  • Resident Evil La Leyenda de L.S.K

    Resident Evil La Leyenda de L.S.K


    Sinopsis: Willian Steel en su anteriormente vida, fue proclamado como el genio del siglo en el área de la bio-genética. Hizo su parte contribuyendo a la sociedad, ayudando a curar sus enfermedades y resolviendo el problema de la falta de alimentos a nivel mundial. Pero las personas nunca pueden estar satisfechas, en especial las que están en posiciones de poder. Utilizaron sus investigaciones para crear armas y esto dónde los llevo, a la destrucción de toda su civilización. Siendo él el único que queda, decide terminar con su vida. Después de haber muerto, conoce a un ser llamado "Spectre" el le ofrece una segunda oportunidad de rencarnar en mundo paralelo, que sea como su mundo anterior, dónde ocurra una catástrofe igual a la que le ocurrió a su mundo ya sea, que el mundo sea real o ficticio, le da 4 deseos para que no muera en el mundo que va rencarnar y para que pueda cumplir con sus fantasías que antes no creí posibles, 3 deseos por las contribuciones que hizo en su vida anterior, y 1 por ser el último en quedar en pie.Willian como el último humano en presenciar lo que las personas con hambre de poder pueden llegar a causar, se da cuenta, que si no quiere volver a quedar sólo en un mundo lleno de monstruos, decide que en su próxima vida se rencarnara en el mundo de los juegos de resident evil, como "León Scott Kennedy" desde su edad infantil, el con los deseos que le ofrece "Spectre" desea magias, habilidades, conocimiento y un seguro para su ambición futura. "Spectre" concede sus deseos y lo rencarna, pero no, sin antes, decirle que le espera una sorpresa en el mundo que pidió rencarnar, que lo considere un regalo por conseder uno de sus deseos, nunca cumplidos.William ahora rencarnado como L.S.K, vivirá su nueva vida como tal olvidando su pasado y su nombre.Ya que el Willian Steel murió en ese mundo ahora, como León Scott Kennedy, el conquistará todos los corazones de las mujeres que aparecieron en el juego, ya sean buenas o malas, a el no le importara ya que serán sus mujeres. Se volverá el más fuerte de ese mundo y protegerá a quienes ama y lo que le importa, con su poder que obtendra con su propio esfuerzo.Nota:Este es mi primer fanfiction, espero que sea de su agrado, la imagen no me pertenece es de Google, no tengo derechos de autor.Generos: Acción, Horror, Romance, Harem, Magia, Apocaliptico, R-18, Resident evil: juegos y películas de Alice, León S. Kennedy badass, fanfiction, Reencarnación.Nota:si aparece el capítulo en español con una mala gramática, no es culpa mia, aunque mi gramática no es perfecta aún así, es perfectamente legible en español.

  • Futa/GLReincarnated into AOT: As the daughter of the unknown 10thTitan

    Futa/GLReincarnated into AOT: As the daughter of the unknown 10thTitan


    This story is not going to be exactly like the anime it will follow the anime but it will be different. Mina was reincarnated into AOT one of her favorite animes as a childhood friend to Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. But her family has a secret that she doesn't know is that she is born to a special family. There are nine great titans known to a select few but to the people that lurk in the shadows there are 10. Mina is the daughter of the 10th great titans that rivals the founding titan or maybe stronger. The day of when her world is changed how will she use this power of hers when it is awakened?.

  • The life I hoped for; mafia loved

    The life I hoped for; mafia loved

    [WARNING: THERE ARE SOME MATURE PARTS IN THIS STORY!!!]The darkest deceptions comes from the closest acquaintances. Armin is an architect and an honorary police woman, her past wasn't so bright but then in a complex situation she meets Adrian. A rich, good looking, ambitious, kind and caring man who starts to like Armin after she saved his life. Adrian seems like a noble man but is actually a cruel mafia leader who can never tolerate breach of trust. As long as you don't go against him, he is the best companion you can have; but do anything to hurt him, he will make sure that you suffers even in your grave after death. Adrian grew fond of Armin when he realizes that no matter what happens, she never thinks negative, additionally her point of views and way of life is quite remarkable. Both of them from different worlds of their own, are brought together by nature. will they overcome the boundaries or will end up in misery? Or is there really any difference between their 'worlds'?NOTE! EVERY SINGLE LOCATION IS FICTIONAL! THIS STORY IS SET IN A SIMILAR BUT FICTIONAL WORLD!

  • Last Love || Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert

    Last Love || Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert

  • Boxing Without Sight

    Boxing Without Sight


    Armin Justice lived most of his life without his sight. Though his eyes no longer functioned, Armin could “see” through other means. Using his four remaining senses, Armin dedicated his life to becoming a student of boxing. With just his smell, hearing, and touch, Armin could tell you exactly what was happening in the ring with such accuracy, even those with eyes missed the details he’d catch.However, when tragedy struck one faithful night, it was Armin’s turn to enter the ring.Only uploaded under the SurelyNotEli name on and

  • cinta penawar duka

    cinta penawar duka


    pada akhirnya apa yang kita sembunyikan akan terbongkar juga, seperti apapun kita berusaha menutupi, menyembunyikan bahkan berbohong tentang sesuatu hal yang membuat sesorang mencurigai kita pasti akan terungkap dengan sendirinya.sama seperti lala pada saat akan berusaha, menjatuhkan teman adalah langkah awal menuju pada penyesalan dan sakit hati yang mendalam.steven yang akhirnya tahu maksud buruk dari lala beranjak bangun dari tempat duduknya tanpa setahu mereka, steven melihat kanan kiri memperhatikan orang-orang yang berlalu lalang melewati meja lala tadi dan pikir steven aman lantas dia menukarkan minuman sari dengan lala.setelah itu steven dengan gaya yang nyentrik saat itu masa bodoh dengan kelakuannya yang menurut dia bagus dan tersenyum, dengan langkah yang santai dan senyum-senyum sambil berjalan meninggalkan ruangan diskotek.tak berapa lama kemudian sari, aryan, dan lala berjalan melintasi para pengunjung dan memapah sari yang kakinya sedang keseleo, tersaruk langkah kaki sari sebab rasa ngilu masih dirasakannya."masih sakit?" tanya lala."sudah berkurang" mereka duduk mengelilingi meja seperti tadi lalu lala memberi minum kepada sari dan aryan untuk mengajak tos bersama."kita rayakan malam persahabatan kita ini  semoga kekal abadi dan tidak ada yang namanya musuh dalam selimut" ujar lala sambil meneguk minumannya sampai habis begitu pula dengan sari dan aryan yang tanpa mencurigai minuman apa yang sedang mereka minum barusan."seharusnya bukan begitu semboyan kita" sergah aryan."terus, apa dong?""begini bunyi semboyannya, hmm semoga antara lala dan aryan menjadi pasangan merpati yang rukun dan bahagia selamanya" kata aryan sambil tertawa" ahhhh, kamu ada-ada aja" gerutu lala manja.sari cuma tersenyum memperhatikan aryan dan lala yang berada didepannya didalam hatinya turut mendoakan seperti apa yang diinginkan lelaki itu , dan semoga saja sama dengan anita yang akan menaruh perasaannya kepada aryan, seperti apa yang dialami aryan juga  sebab sari tahu kalau aryan sudah menaruh hati kepada lala."kalau kakimu masih sakit sebaiknya kita tidak usah pulang dulu sar, kita nginap saja dihotel aku juga lagi malas pulang ke kemah begitukan baiknya yan?" kata lala yang sudah mulai teler ditempat duduknya dan pikirannya sudah mulai kosong dan melayang-layang.aryan hanya mengangguk sama seperti lala, aryan juga merasakan melayang-layang,kepalanya sakit dan sebentar lagi akan tumbang."tapi la, aku takut armin akan mencari kita" sahut sari dengan perasaan  gelisah apalagi dilihatnya lala sudah semakin lesu,matanya tambah sayu."tenang, mala tenang semua itu bisa diatur" balas lala asal mengucap saja, lalu gadis itu merebahkan kepalanya dibahu aryan."aryan..aku ingin tidur..," desah lala."nanti saja" ucap aryan melihat aneh tingkah lala."sekarang aryan, sekarang.." ucap lala keras."bagaimana dengan mala,laa?""terserah dia mau ikut atau tidak" suara lala tambah melemah  dan dalam keadaan yang setengah sadar  dia mencoba mengontrol dirinya, namun reaksi obat perangsang itu sangat dasyat bagi tubunya  dan obat tidur itu dapat melemahkan benaknya bahkan sarafnya tidak segampang dia bangun untuk dituruti, untuk sesaat dia merasa jiwanya terombang-ambing dan sentuhan-sentuhan jari tangan aryan yang pada saat memegang pergelangan tangannya dengan mudah membakar pijar-pijar nafsu birahi dalam tubuhnya."mala, kau tunggu di sini sebentar ya?" kata aryan kepada sari."kau mau kemana?""mengantar lala kehotel dulu atau kau mau sekalian ikut?" "aku takut sendirian disini" keluh sari."ayo ikut saja mala, ayo...,"ajak lala sudah tak sabr lagi." ngak deh aku mau pulang saja" sari berdiri lalu berjalan deluan meninggalkan ruang diskotik itu, perasaannya jadi kesal karena lala cuma mementingkan kesenangannya sendiri.pada saat sari berdiri tadi aryan memperhatikan wajah sari yang sedang menahan amarah terhadap lala."sari, tunggu!" teriak aryan tapi sari bejalan dan tidak peduli denngan aryan.

  • Easier Than Lying

    Easier Than Lying


    “This is not what you want, is it?” No, it never was, all Eren ever wanted was to see the ocean with Armin and Mikasa. To witness all those things that the world offered in the books Armin use to read. “You wanted freedom, didn’t you?” He swallows because he knows that this was always the path, regardless of whether Eren did it alone or not. The silence answers Ymir’s question, as she turns back to him, forcing Eren to follow her. Their footsteps echo in the Paths, following each other. “If you want to change your mistakes, change the past, there is a cost to this. Just like the other many things you have achieved for freedom.” Or: Eren goes back in time and changes a few things.

  • Mafia loved [published on a new link]

    Mafia loved [published on a new link]


    [MOVED to link below] [WARNING: THERE ARE SOME MATURE PARTS IN THIS STORY!!!] The darkest deceptions comes from the closest acquaintances. Armin is an architect and an honorary police woman, her past wasn't so bright but then in a complex situation she meets Adrian. A rich, good looking, ambitious, kind and caring man who starts to like Armin after she saved his life. Adrian seems like a noble man but is actually a cruel mafia leader who can never tolerate breach of trust. As long as you don't go against him, he is the best companion you can have; but do anything to hurt him, he will make sure that you suffers even in your grave after death. Adrian grew fond of Armin when he realizes that no matter what happens, she never thinks negative, additionally her point of views and way of life is quite remarkable. Both of them from different worlds of their own, are brought together by nature. will they overcome the boundaries or will end up in misery? Or is there really any difference between their 'worlds'? NOTE! EVERY SINGLE LOCATION IS FICTIONAL! THIS STORY IS SET IN A SIMILAR BUT FICTIONAL WORLD!

  • Depths Of disappear

    Depths Of disappear


    This Novel is presented by @Mangrove_Vibes (Me) as a Fan Fiction of the popular manga "Attack on Titan" written by the honourable Japanese Writer Hajimé Isayama. As an Attack on Titan fan, I was too much saddened after reading the whole manga. The ending of the manga left a spot as a message from the future or maybe an ending(maybe). I wanted to complete one more round of the cycle of the Titan theory in AOT like... Ymir(The Founder of Titan's) became the first Titan by being attached to a Prehistoric being known as "Hallucigenia"(source of all Life as They say). It was living under an unusually big tree. so after Eren died in the manga, His Severed head was buried under the tree that He use to nap and hangout with Mikasa and Armin. After a lot of time,The tree grows larger and larger to match the tree that Ymir's Hallucigenia lived under. Then a Kid and His pet Dog comes to investigate. That's how the manga ended... I started the next round of the Founding Titan and Titans from that ending with the help of Time loop and the paths.

  • Daughter of Titan

    Daughter of Titan


    Mikasa is singel mother with her new daughter Carla Ackerman she's top class solider and vary carrying parson after few years of carrying for her baby daughter she notices someone is watching her from afairand then one night, when she was going to pick up her daughter from Armin, someone put hand over her mouth and kidnapped her when she woke up in dark room she find out the person who kidnapped her is her lover and father of baby Armin of course knew she was kidnapped and squad was searching for her but no lack Carla was growing up with out mother and when she find out the true about her mother she throws herself into action immediately but she throwing others in danger too will she find her parents and have happy ending or she will considering her father as enemy read to find out

  • Below ZERO

    Below ZERO


    In the world of Eril, a small boy could be seen running, normally children run on joyous occasions, but this was not the case, Armin was frantically screaming and crying for help. The reason; soldiers that were supposed to protect the small village had found his mother attractive and decided to barge into their house and so this is where his and our story begins...(I do not own the cover)(this is my first book I'm not an author, I hope it's not too bad)




    Hi. Please be wise, do not make the same mistake I had made in the past, I was a victim of bitcoin scam, I saw a glamorous review showering praises and marketing an investment firm, I reached out to them on what their contracts are, and I invested $55,000, which I was promised to get my first 15% profit in weeks, when it’s time to get my profits, I got to know the company was bogus, they kept asking me to invest more and I ran out of patience then requested to have my money back, they refused to answer nor refund my funds, not until a friend of mine introduced me to Recovery Masters, so I reached out and after tabling my complaints, they were swift to action and within 36 hours I got back my funds with the due profit. I couldn’t contain the joy in me. I urge you guys to reach out to Recovery Masters on their support email: ( or WhatsAp +1(551) 202-23-35 ) and don"t forget to say Armin Waltz Recommended you

  • my omega consanguine

    my omega consanguine

  • [Cam] Boy | Man x Boy | Vol. 1

    [Cam] Boy | Man x Boy | Vol. 1

    LGBT+ R18

    Cameron Adair had lived the past almost two years of his life being a cam model after his father sent him to college and lowered his allowance significantly. He and his two best friends had come up with the idea after struggling for a few weeks to manage having a lower amount of money to work with. They all agreed they'd all make accounts and do it, and they'd all keep their identities hidden using masks. It had worked out when Cameron gets a really big tip during one of his shows, in his haste to say thank you he managed to pull of his mask. He was quick to correct the mistake, and it didn't seem like anyone had noticed... but he couldn't shake the feeling someone had seen him.[Copyright © 2022 by Prince Anonomous (Alexander)]{All rights reserved}

  • Golden Player

    Golden Player


    Armin high :when it comes to sports it's considered a powerhouse school .They excel in athletic abilities and find pride in it.they all are great, except one: boy's basketball team- Armin highs was bad to the point that they were now called: "flightless birds ones without wings or height". Now what happened when we add a new factor to this pitful story? Enter in small, not so strong, and timid Akira johnson who has enrolled into this place just to attend and graduate with one ordeal: not to become a pet boy to any of the upperclassmen and to live a quiet high school life.But it is highschool and you never know what happens...

  • Aether Skies

    Aether Skies


    Can Aether, who has been orphaned his entire life, discover his calling? Can he ascend to the tower's peak and reach the Aether Skies? Will he be able to escape the hollowness in his heart?

  • Apocalypse of Love

    Apocalypse of Love


    " I am not from this place" Kovacs 9.9 explained." I am from another world, and we need your help.""No shit." Levi growled.Levi Ackerman, Connie, Jean, Mikasa, Armin, Annie, Reiner and Pieck happened to come across a blue haired person who piped an interest in them with their request for help.When Astridye, a world in a different dimension, is plunged into peril by the titans that emerged from the depths of the earth, Kovacs 9.9, am envoy is sent to the attack on Titan dimensions to instill help from the only survivors of the disbanded survey corps.Join them on the way as they are thrown into a newfound apocalypse and a combination of romance and love.

  • Attact on Titan: Paradis' General Secretary

    Attact on Titan: Paradis' General Secretary


    There were no giants in history, but there was a powerless and furious Eren, a 145th Fritz king who ran to the paradise and refused to seek revenge against Marley, the Marleyans who slaughtered the Eldians and claimed that the Eldians were cannibals and needed to be redeemed, the Survey Corps who lived on Paradis Island and had everything they needed but still chose to embrace the world, the Survey Corps' Commander Armin who honored Annie, who killed her own teammates, as a guest of honor, the Survey Corps' Commander Hanji who humbled themselves and sought cooperation with Marleyan officers for the greater good, and the Survey Corps' Commander Zackly who sacrificed themselves alongside Marleyan officers for a higher cause. On the island of Paradis, there were no unburned houses, no trees left standing, no chickens or dogs left alive, no able-bodied men left behind, and no smoke rising from the chimneys. All that could be heard was the wailing of ghosts in the wilderness.
