Juvenil Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 114 results

  • The Beast's Virgin Claim

    The Beast's Virgin Claim


    WARNING: {R18+ ROMANCE}{Explicit sexual content}~~~"I only want you, Theia. Always have always will and this shall never change. How could I ever want another when I possess the one I solely exist for?""Phobos," I call his name fondly a need to hug him and breathe in his calming scent surfaces."I do not wish to treat you like you are made of glass because you aren't. Your body was made for me and it can handle everything I choose to give it. And this I will prove it to you." "When?" I ask breathlessly as he ultimately turns around to meet my curious eyes. Golden rings outline his irises his beast announcing his presence and they stand as one before me. A wicked smile paints his face with a flash of canine displayed to me. A promise he gives that I will be ruthlessly devoured."When I fuck you senseless." ~~~After years of excruciating loneliness, Phobos approached me. A frightening beast, my soulmate who emerged from within the bounds of a ruthless thundering storm. The male I yearned for. He caught me off guard and I was under the spell he cast through his ocean eyes. A spell I couldn't defeat and that very moment I knew I was in trouble. The second our eyes met I knew he would bring me endless heartache.We were childhood friends, him and I. Phobos the gentle and playful juvenile I grew up with and looked up to as a pup vanished and was replaced by a cold-hearted barbarian, he terrified me as he killed many with a blink of his eyes. No regret, no concern his beast often in control surging forward consuming his senses. They were equals.How can I connect with a beast like him? How could I make him call me his? How can I love my childhood friend who has become a merciless monster?~~~#TBVC is a childhood friends to lovers dark romance erotic series with an age gap of 9 years between the protagonists. It will be a rollercoaster ride of emotions but will also have tons of delicious spice to heat you up. I truly hope you enjoy it my little wolves!

  • Juvenile Delinquency

    Juvenile Delinquency


    Waktu telah mengubah keadaan selama 10 tahun lamanya akhirnya Aarun dan Hannah kembali di pertemukan, namun sayang Aarun bukan lagi pemuda hangat seperti saat masih remaja.Masa SMA menjadi mimpi buruknya ketika semua masalah berturut-turut menghampiri Aarun, kemiskinan, perceraian orang tua dan lingkungan yang buruk membuatnya perlahan menjadi sosok pemuda yang keras.Seorang pemuda yang tidak bersalah, selama hidupnya ia hanya mencari keadilan dan juga rumah untuk pulang.Hannah, gadis pendiam yang menjadi cinta pertama Aarun telah di miliki oleh Ian sahabat dekat Aarun sejak SMA, namun siapa sangka gadis itu masih terperangkap dalam kenangan indah masa lalu.Ini kisah tentang anak remaja yang belum mendapatkan keadilan hidup dan tentang bagaimana mereka berdua menemukan jalan menuju rumah yang seharusnya mereka tuju 10 tahun yang lalu.Keadaan menyuruh mereka untuk melewati jalan yang seharusnya tidak boleh di lewati, ketika Hannah dan Aarun terperangkap dalam hubungan gelap yang mereka sembunyikan.

  • Juvenile Fantasy

    Juvenile Fantasy

    Fantasy ROMANCE R18 HAREM

    After finishing off the cigarette in the corridor, Daniel took out the keys to open his house main door. Coincidentally his mother-in-law happens to come out of the bathroom at the same time. Donning a revealing black bareback satin sleep dress.

  • Chasing Luke

    Chasing Luke


    “Tell me you want me as badly as I want you,” his breath came out hot and heavy on my face was so close to mine. I could smell him. “No, I d-don’t want you. Leave me alone.” I tried to say but my voice came out choked and breathy. He pulled back and my eyes immediately flew open. His eyes bored into me with such intensity that I could feel it in my core. “I’ll make you admit it one day and then you will be mine,” he said huskily and then pulled himself back from me, turned on his heels and walked away. I fell to my knees, heart pounding as an unknown feeling washed over me. ****** Luke Walker is your definition of Mr. Popular and high school sweetheart. He has looks to die for and it’s no doubt why all the girls at Coldwater High want to be with him and the guys want to be him. He’s the Student Council president, debate and hockey captain and an honours student destined to get into the top universities. Heck, his life is perfect and his future already sealed but that is all until he meets new kid Elliot Grey. Meet Elliot, new kid in town and total hot sex God badboy. From his dark leather jacket to his black combat boots, piercings and tattoos all over, it’s no wonder why everyone is deathly terrified of him and also wants him at the same time. And the stories of his past paint him as a juvenile delinquent with no future. His looks are to die for and that body, gosh, nothing is left to the imagination. He likes that everyone is afraid of him, well everyone except Mr. Popular and all-time school sweetheart Luke. One chance encounter, that’s all it takes to get Elliot interested in Luke. But there is a problem, Luke has a girlfriend that he would never leave for anyone, or so he thought. One stolen kiss under the stars has Luke second guessing all his life choices and who he thought he was. Is one kiss all it takes to tame Luke? Can Elliot show Luke that life isn’t all about having good grades, following rules and being the all-time perfect boy, he was taught to be? Read to find out more.

  • Juvenile justice

    Juvenile justice

    A group of negatively influenced teenagers are lead by a distracted nerd,what is their objective and what is the justice that would be read upon them.

  • Nusantara Juvenile War [AU]

    Nusantara Juvenile War [AU]

    Indonesia mendapat posisi sebagai negara berisi anak-anak petarung nomor satu. Tak terlihat diluar, anak-anak itu menggunakan teknik bertarung secara melencengUntuk itu pihak pemerintah mengadakan sebuah pertandingan fisik untuk anak-anak itu. Siapapun yang berhasil sampai ke puncak maka akan mendapatkan hadiah uang dalam jumlah miliar. Tentu saja banyak anak muda yang tergiurIni adalah kisah Lya yang terpaksa masuk hanya karena rasa penasarannya. Tak disangka dia bertahan hingga ke garis akhir. Tapi dia tak sendiri, ada banyak anggota lainnya juga yang kemudian menjadi teman seperjuangannya'That's one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind' ~ Nile Armstrong

  • Juvenile's 1st Choice

    Juvenile's 1st Choice

    Juvenile, youth, youngsters, minor.

  • Juvenile girl struggling

    Juvenile girl struggling

  • The Juvenile Calaboose
Part 1: The South Paws

    The Juvenile Calaboose Part 1: The South Paws


    Alex, a young boy who's just completed his school is going for college. Before his arrival to the new world he misses all the moments of his school which he couldn't forget and was drowned in the sweet memories of school. Though everyone has to go through the realistic world but childhood never comes back, it is just converted into memories.

  • Teach Yourself Catfish Hatching, Fingerlings And Juveniles Management

    Teach Yourself Catfish Hatching, Fingerlings And Juveniles Management

  • Hasta el final

    Hasta el final


    Una historia de amor de unos jóvenes llamados Bonnie y Jayden- 12 caps de larga expansión





    Imagina tener todo lo que te hace feliz... Una madre amorosa, amigos que te apoyan y cuidan, vecinos que te tratan con amabilidad. Es una vida de ensueño que la mayoría puede envidiar, ¿cierto?... Pero, ¿Qué pasaría si un día tu madre decide presentarte a tu padre después de 18 años?. Ella se encuentra emocionada y no puedes negarte, rumbo a la reunión con aquel hombre algo golpea su auto y en cuestión de unas horas pierdes a la única persona que estuvo a tu lado y que puedes llamar "familia". Quedas sola con una biblioteca que atender y al cuidado de los padres de tu mejor amiga. Conforme vas creciendo tu vida se vuelve rutinaria y algo aburrida, estas limitada a hacer cosas porque puede que aquellas personas que dañaron a tu madre regresen por ti. Todo te resulta monótono... O por lo menos así es hasta que le conoces a él, pero para poder ser feliz y proteger a tus seres queridos deberás descubrir que hay detrás del pasado de tu madre. Esta es la historia de Sasha Aráoz, ¿Estas listo para conocerla?

  • My feelings are important to someone?

    My feelings are important to someone?


    Being mature isn't synonymous with being able to face everything alone. At some point, you want the simple question of "Are you okay?" or even a little bit of concern. That's a common question but, at the same time, it's significant. That's a question wished by many though it may not seem like it.Cassiopeia talks about her feelings and thoughts in a different way than usual.Although this type of feeling isn't rare in a person, it does feel unique to each person, and she wants to talk about it without fear. Maybe in the process, she and you can discover something.Would you like to listen to her? Her feelings? Her thoughts?

  • Querido diario

    Querido diario


    Sara es una adolescente de 15 años, vive y estudia en un internado catolico (extremadamente conservador), hay muchas cosas que ella piensa pero que no puede decir por temor a ser duramente castigada. En su cumpleaños le regalaron un diario, desde ahí el diario contiene todos sus pensamientos

  • † IMPERIUM †

    † IMPERIUM †


    Un complot, una apuesta, una venganza, un retorcido juego hacia una víctima que terminará en un fatídico desenlace. Amor, desamor, odio, mentiras, traición, vicios, amistad y discriminación envolverán a Imperium hasta convertirlo en la tumba de alguien, que inocente o culpable pagará con su vida el odio de los demás.

  • El Tormento de Jamie

    El Tormento de Jamie


    La vida de Jamie había terminado. No obstante; por algún motivo, el dolor continuaba intacto. Matándola día a día, cada vez un poco más, hasta que terminó en ese insano agujero negro que la alejó de Oliver Witter, el amor de su vida.Y de Kennedy Jhensen... ¡Dios!Él la había salvado de la vida. La había alejado de su tormento.

  • Wish


    In a long-anticipated new vampire series by Morgan Rice, #1 bestselling author of The Vampire Journals (1,500 five star reviews), 17 year old Taylor Night, exiled from her trailer park in Texas to a juvenile detention camp in the rainy Northwest, tries to understand her mysterious power while surviving on an island of misfits. But when she finds herself having a crush on a mysterious boy, Taylor realizes he is not what he seems—and that her own destiny may be far greater than she imagined. "TURNED is a book to rival TWILIGHT and VAMPIRE DIARIES, and one that will have you wanting to keep reading until the very last page! If you are into adventure, love and vampires this book is the one for you!" --Vampirebooksite.com ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ WISH is book #1 in a new series by #1 bestselling author Morgan Rice, a USA Today bestseller and critically acclaimed author of the fantasy series The Sorcerer’s Ring (over 3,000 five star reviews) and the vampire fantasy series The Vampire Journals (over 1,500 five star reviews). Mistfalls Wilderness Camp is an awful place, a series of islands in the rainy Northwest, populated by delinquents and outcasts from their families. It is supposed to be a remedial place—but Taylor soon learns something else is happening here. They are training the kids here for something. But what? These kids are all different, not normal somehow. And as Taylor herself goes through changes she doesn’t understand, she can’t help but wonder: is she different, too? But when a mysterious boy comes along, unlike anyone she’s ever met, Taylor is shocked at the power of her crush, and ready to risk it all for him. But will their forbidden love take them both down for good? Weaving a world of fantasy, love, destiny and sacrifice, WISH is a page-turning vampire saga, one that will whisk you away to another place and make you fall in love with a bold new heroine as you turn pages late into the night. With shocking twists and turns at every corner, you will not put it down. Fans of books such as Crush, Twilight and Vampire Academy are sure to fall in love! Future books in the series are also available. “TURNED grabbed my attention from the beginning and did not let go….This story is an amazing adventure that is fast paced and action packed from the very beginning.” --Paranormal Romance Guild ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “An action packed fantasy sure to please fans of Morgan Rice’s previous novels, along with fans of works such as The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini…. Fans of Young Adult Fiction will devour this latest work by Rice and beg for more.” --The Wanderer, A Literary Journal (regarding Rise of the Dragons) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “If you thought that there was no reason left for living after the end of the Sorcerer’s Ring series, you were wrong. Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series….” --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (regarding Rise of the Dragons) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐




    Cuando tenemos diecinueve en lo único que nos preocupamos es en pasar toda las materias, tratar de llevar una vida normal siendo estudiante universitario y evitar a toda costa tener una sorpresa en nueve meses, a menos que seas Emma Stone, claro está, y debas irte a otro continente con una persona que jamás en tu vida has visto y que reclama que eres tuya. Tal vez no sería un problema tan grande, si a raíz de esto, empieces a saber lo que realmente eres, a descubrir secretos ocultos, pactos de sangre de mil años que te incluyen, personas que dicen ser tu pareja eterna y mil cantidades de cosas más, que solo te llevaran a tu limite.Todos sabemos que cuando la copa se rebosa, nada bueno puede traer con ello, y... esta no será la excepción con Emma Stone.



    Harlem Rahim. A girl from the hood. From Brownsville, Brooklyn.Born of an Israelite father and an afro american mother. Quite a juvenile delinquent and not ashamed to be.If you grew up the way I did, you'd probably be one too. Just turned eighteen years old. Poor but not stupid.I'm gonna go all the way to get out of this mess.To get 'us' outta this. Even discover a world out of the hood life.But never forget where I come from. Where I belong.

  • Noches de un poeta acompañadas de un cafe

    Noches de un poeta acompañadas de un cafe


    Este libro fue creado por mi totalmente,son partes de mi vida e inspiracion.Esperando sea 100% de vuestro agradoy soy nuevo en esto
