Nora Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 236 results

  • ~Nora~



  • No-Ra


  • Volviéndose hermosa luego de la ruptura

    Volviéndose hermosa luego de la ruptura


    La gorda y fea Nora Smith fue el hazmerreír del pueblo cuando su prometido terminó su compromiso. —¡Solo ver tu enorme cara y tus muslos gigantes me repugna! No vuelvas a molestarme —le dijo. —Qué idiota —se burló Nora, dándose la vuelta con los labios curvados en una sonrisa. Más tarde, cuando consigue adelgazar, se convierte en una belleza asombrosa. Su ex prometido se acerca a ella con flores y le ruega: —Me equivoqué, Nora. Estoy dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa con tal de que vuelvas conmigo. Nora apoya la barbilla en las manos y sonríe mientras responde: —Los hombres de verdad no se quedan en el pasado. —No eres más que una estúpida cargado con tu pasado, Nora. Nadie te querrá excepto yo —amenaza él, enfadado. Pero después de eso... un joven y popular cantante tuitea: [¡Nora Smith es mi diosa!] Un cirujano de renombre internacional pregunta: —¿Estás libre esta noche, Nora? Incluso el rico e influyente galán al que todo el mundo teme interviene y dice: —Puedo cuidar yo mismo de mi mujer y mis hijos, muchas gracias.

  • She Becomes Glamorous After The Engagement Annulment

    She Becomes Glamorous After The Engagement Annulment



    The fat and ugly Nora Smith is the laughingstock of the town when her fiancé breaks off their engagement. He says, “The sight of your gigantic face and thunder thighs disgusts me! Don't ever pester me again!" “What an idiot.” Nora scoffs and turns around, her lips curling up into a smile. Later, when Nora successfully slims down, she returns as an astounding beauty. Her ex-fiancé comes to her bearing flowers and begs, "I was wrong, Nora. I’m willing to do anything as long as you come back to me.” Nora rests her chin in her hands and smiles as she replies, “Real men don’t dwell on the past.” Angered, he says, “You’re just a dimwit saddled with baggage that I dumped, Nora. No one will want you except me!" But following that… A young and popular singer tweets: “Nora Smith is my goddess!" An internationally renowned surgeon asks, “Are you free tonight, Nora?” Even the rich and influential hotshot whom everyone is scared of comes forward and says, ”I can take care of my wife and children myself, thank you very much.”

  • Husband With Benefits

    Husband With Benefits



    Nora is shattered a month before her wedding when she uncovers her fiancé's deceitful affair. As she manages this betrayal, she discovers a deep ploy to hinder her from claiming her rightful inheritance. Devastated but determined, Nora takes a daring step to regain control of her life. Enter Demetri 'The Demon' to those who know him, a formidable man barely known to her, who offers her protection and support in return for a contract marriage to satisfy him. In a twist of fate, Nora marries Demetri to claim her inheritance and fight those who plotted against her. But as she battles her own family and Demetri's many rivals, will she be able to keep from falling for the man known to crush people beneath his booted heel. Excerpt: She had forgotten that the man was intimidating and directly challenged him. Rather than speaking, Demetri rose from his seat and approached her deliberately. Although it was a mere few steps, time seemed to stretch for Nora. When he was almost within touching distance, his hand gently landed on her knee, moving it sideways. His touch moved with a hint of a caress, and he stepped between her open legs. Nora sat there in frozen silence, her eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. Catching her chin between his fingers, he tilted her face upwards and spoke unhurriedly," You are my wife." She nodded her head slowly in affirmation while his thumb slowly traced her lip. "I have given you time to gather your emotions." Another nod. Nora's nervousness made her lick her lips, acutely aware of his intense gaze fixed upon them. "Your reason for the marriage was to secure your inheritance and get away from under your mother's thumb." "Yes..." Nora whispered in confusion. Her confusion was not about his statement but about the bewildering sensations coursing through her. What was happening with her? "It's time for you to fulfil your end of the contract, yes?" He continued. "Yes," Nora whispered breathlessly. Why was she breathless? Had the oxygen level in the house dropped? Was the air suddenly thinning? Abruptly, his hand left her face, and she watched as he drew closer. It was then that Nora comprehended what was unfolding. All those tantalizing, heart-pounding kisses she had read about in novels were about to possibly become her reality. But the anticipated kiss didn't happen. Instead, he paused near her and commanded, "Kiss me."

  • Ela Se Torna Glamorosa Após O Anulamento do Noivado

    Ela Se Torna Glamorosa Após O Anulamento do Noivado


    A gorda e feia Nora Smith é motivo de piada na cidade quando seu noivo rompe o noivado. Ele diz: “A visão do seu rosto gigante e coxas grossas me enoja! Nunca mais me aborreça!" “Que idiota.” Nora debocha e se vira, com um sorriso nos lábios. Mais tarde, quando Nora emagrece com sucesso, ela retorna como uma beleza surpreendente. Seu ex-noivo vem até ela com flores e implora: "Eu estava errado, Nora. Estou disposto a fazer qualquer coisa desde que você volte para mim.” Nora apoia o queixo nas mãos e sorri ao responder: “Homens de verdade não vivem do passado.” Irritado, ele diz: “Você é apenas uma idiota com bagagem que eu deixei para trás, Nora. Ninguém vai te querer além de mim!" Mas após isso... Um jovem e popular cantor tweet: “Nora Smith é minha deusa!" Um cirurgião de renome internacional pergunta: “Você está livre esta noite, Nora?” Até o rico e influente poderoso, de quem todos têm medo, se apresenta e diz: “Eu posso cuidar da minha esposa e filhos sozinho, muito obrigado.”

  • Nach der Aufhebung der Verlobung wird sie glamourös

    Nach der Aufhebung der Verlobung wird sie glamourös


    Die fette und hässliche Nora Smith wird zum Gespött der Stadt, als ihr Verlobter die Verlobung auflöst. Er sagt: "Der Anblick deines riesigen Gesichts und deiner dicken Schenkel ekelt mich an! Belästigen Sie mich nie wieder!" "Was für ein Idiot." Nora spottet und dreht sich um, wobei sich ihre Lippen zu einem Lächeln verziehen. Später, als Nora erfolgreich abgenommen hat, kehrt sie als verblüffende Schönheit zurück. Ihr Ex-Verlobter kommt mit Blumen zu ihr und bettelt: "Ich habe mich geirrt, Nora. Ich bin bereit, alles zu tun, solange du zu mir zurückkommst." Nora stützt ihr Kinn in die Hände und lächelt, als sie antwortet: "Echte Männer halten sich nicht mit der Vergangenheit auf." Verärgert sagt er: "Du bist nur ein Dummkopf, der mit Gepäck beladen ist, das ich weggeworfen habe, Nora. Niemand außer mir wird dich wollen!" Aber dann twittert eine junge und beliebte Sängerin: "Nora Smith ist meine Göttin!" Ein international renommierter Chirurg fragt: "Bist du heute Abend frei, Nora?" Selbst der reiche und einflussreiche Teufelskerl, vor dem alle Angst haben, meldet sich und sagt: "Ich kann mich selbst um meine Frau und meine Kinder kümmern, vielen Dank."

  • Esposo con Beneficios

    Esposo con Beneficios



    "Nora está destrozada un mes antes de su boda cuando descubre la engañosa aventura de su prometido. Mientras maneja esta traición, descubre una profunda trama para impedirle reclamar su legítima herencia. Devastada pero decidida, Nora da un paso audaz para recuperar el control de su vida. Llega Demetri, —El Demonio para aquellos que lo conocen, un hombre formidable apenas conocido para ella, que le ofrece protección y apoyo a cambio de un matrimonio de contrato para satisfacerlo. Como un giro del destino, Nora se casa con Demetri para reclamar su herencia y luchar contra quienes conspiraron contra ella. Pero mientras lucha contra su propia familia y los muchos rivales de Demetri, ¿podrá evitar enamorarse del hombre conocido por aplastar a la gente bajo su talón enguatado? Extracto: El museo ha olvidado que el hombre era intimidante y lo desafió directamente. Más que hablar, Demetri se levantó de su asientos y se acercó a ella deliberadamente. Aunque solo eran unos pocos pasos, el tiempo parecía alargarse para Nora. Cuando casi estaba a distancia de tocar, su mano aterrizó suavemente sobre su rodilla, moviéndola de lado. Su toque se movió con un atisbo de caricia, y se colocó entre sus piernas abiertas. Nora se sentó allí en silencio congelado, sus ojos abiertos como un ciervo atrapado en las luces delanteras. Atrapando su barbilla entre sus dedos, inclinó su cara hacia arriba y habló sin prisa —Tú eres mi esposa —ArGó Demetri. Ella asintió lentamente con su cabeza en afirmación mientras su pulgar trazaba lentamente su labio—. Te he dado tiempo para reunir tus emociones —le dijo él. Otro asentimiento. El nerviosismo de Nora la hizo lamerse los labios, consciente de su intensa mirada fija en ellos. —Tu razón para el matrimonio era asegurar tu herencia y liberarte del dominio de tu madre. —Sí —Nora susurró confundida. Su confusión no era acerca de su declaración, sino acerca de las desconcertantes sensaciones que le recorrían. ¿Qué le estaba pasando? —Es hora de que cumplas tu parte del contrato, ¿sí? —Continuó él. —Sí —susurró Nora sin aliento. ¿Por qué le faltaba el aliento? ¿Había descendido el nivel de oxígeno en la casa? ¿Se estaba adelgazando repentinamente el aire? De repente, su mano dejó su cara, y ella lo vio acercarse más. Fue entonces cuando Nora comprendió lo que estaba sucediendo. Todos esos besos tentadores y emocionantes que había leído en novelas estaban a punto de convertirse posiblemente en su realidad. Pero el beso anticipado no sucedió. En cambio, se detuvo cerca de ella y ordenó —Bésame."

  • Elle Devient Glamour Après L'Annulation Des Fiançailles

    Elle Devient Glamour Après L'Annulation Des Fiançailles


    La grosse et laide Nora Smith est la risée de la ville lorsque son fiancé rompt leurs fiançailles. Il dit : "La vue de ton visage gigantesque et de tes cuisses énormes me dégoûte ! Ne me dérange plus jamais !" “Quel idiot.” Nora se moque et se retourne, ses lèvres se courbent en un sourire. Plus tard, lorsque Nora réussit à mincir, elle revient en tant que beauté stupéfiante. Son ex-fiancé vient à elle avec des fleurs et supplie, "J'ai eu tort, Nora. Je suis prêt à tout tant que tu reviens vers moi." Nora pose son menton dans ses mains et sourit en répondant, “Les vrais hommes ne vivent pas dans le passé.” Enervé, il dit, “Tu n'es qu'une idiote chargée de bagages que j'ai jetée, Nora. Personne ne te voudra sauf moi!" Mais après ça... Un jeune chanteur populaire tweete : "Nora Smith est ma déesse!" Un chirurgien de renommée internationale demande, "Es-tu libre ce soir, Nora ?" Même le riche et influent homme d'affaires dont tout le monde a peur s'avance et dit: ”Je peux m'occuper de ma femme et de mes enfants moi-même, merci beaucoup.”




    Nora Smith a fat ugly teenage girl that has never been intimate all her life, but suddenly got pregnant. After been betrothed to a rich family by her father out of her own will.Would she give in to her father's will?What was life like after some years for Nora?Find out how in this thrilling and interesting novel!!!Please vote and share...

  • A Herdeira Contra-Ataca

    A Herdeira Contra-Ataca


    Sharon era uma pessoa comum, enquanto seu marido, Wallace Harris, era um homem promissor e bonito. Sua família era uma das mais prestigiosas e ricas de Nova York. Casar-se com Wallace foi um acidente. Ao longo de seus três anos de casamento, Wallace nunca havia dormido com Sharon. Sua família também continuava persuadindo-o a se divorciar de Sharon. Era a festa de aniversário da velha matriarca da família Harris, e todos os jovens da família Harris haviam dado os presentes mais caros possíveis para agradar a velha senhora - exceto Sharon. Ela pediu para pegar dinheiro emprestado com a Madame Harris para a antiga empregada doméstica, Tio Smith, pois ele não tinha dinheiro para pagar seu tratamento médico. Mas, como esperado, a família Harris a humilhou quando ela pediu. "A família Harris nunca teve um parente pobre como você. Não ouse aparecer na minha frente novamente! Wallace deveria ter se casado com Crystal. Ela é certamente uma jovem senhora digna de se casar com nossa família!", disse Madame Harris. "Por favor saiba o seu lugar e saia daqui. Não fique mais em nossa casa. Como pode o avô de Wallace ser tão tolo a ponto de casar uma mulher pobre e inútil como você com meu filho?!", disse June, a mãe de Wallace. "São apenas alguns milhões de dólares, mas você é tão pobre que precisa pedir emprestado à nossa família. Como uma mulher como você merece estar com Wallace? Se fosse Crystal, ela definitivamente não nos teria envergonhado tanto!" Naquela noite, Wallace entregou a Sharon um cartão bancário, que continha milhões de dólares. "A empresa está se desenvolvendo, então não tenho muito dinheiro. Você pode usar isso para ajudar o Tio Smith." Diante da hostilidade da família Harris, Wallace declarou: "Desde que me casei com ela, ela é minha responsabilidade. A riqueza, ou a falta dela, não importa; Sharon é minha esposa." Foi somente quando um estranho se aproximou de Sharon um dia. Só então Sharon soube que era filha de uma família prestigiosa, que tinha direito a receber ativos no valor de pelo menos dez bilhões. De repente, ela se tornou dona da maior empresa de Nova York e de um cartão bancário que continha centenas de milhões em 'dinheiro de bolso'. Num piscar de olhos, sua identidade mudou. Ela não era mais a nora pobre e desfavorecida pela família Harris. Em vez disso, ela se tornara a pessoa mais prestigiosa de Nova York!

  • Dia Menjadi Glamor Setelah Pembatalan Pertunangan

    Dia Menjadi Glamor Setelah Pembatalan Pertunangan

    Nora Smith yang gemuk dan jelek menjadi bahan tertawaan kota ketika tunangannya memutuskan pertunangan mereka. Dia berkata, “Pemandangan wajah mu yang besar dan paha mu yang seperti geledek membuatku jijik! Jangan pernah ganggu aku lagi!” “Dasar idiot.” Nora mengejek dan berbalik, bibirnya terangkat membentuk senyum. Kemudian, ketika Nora berhasil langsing, dia kembali sebagai kecantikan yang menakjubkan. Mantan tunangannya datang kepadanya membawa bunga dan memohon, “Aku salah, Nora. Aku rela melakukan apa saja asalkan kamu kembali padaku.” Nora menopang dagu dengan tangan dan tersenyum saat menjawab, “Pria sejati tidak terpaku pada masa lalu.” Dengan marah, dia berkata, “Kamu hanya orang bodoh yang membebani yang sudah aku buang, Nora. Tidak ada yang akan menginginkanmu selain aku!” Tapi setelah itu... Seorang penyanyi muda dan populer mentweet: “Nora Smith adalah dewi ku!” Seorang ahli bedah terkenal secara internasional bertanya, “Apa kamu senggang malam ini, Nora?” Bahkan orang kaya dan berpengaruh yang ditakuti semua orang datang dan berkata, “Saya bisa mengurus istri dan anak-anak saya sendiri, terima kasih banyak.”

  • The Alpha and His Rapunzel

    The Alpha and His Rapunzel


    Unpopular and unnoticed, Nora had no desire to go to her high school prom. But little did she know that it would be where her journey would really begin. A sexy stranger, and a haircut lead to the biggest revelation of Nora's life, which only brings her more questions. What will Nora learn about herself? What does her being mated to a werewolf have to do with the fate of the Supernatural world as they know it? And what lengths will Nora go to in order to figure it out? The Alpha and His Rapunzel is created by Piniña Malagon, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

  • Mrs. Hawn, your disguise was penetrated

    Mrs. Hawn, your disguise was penetrated


    At night, it was already midnight when Asher came home from dinner.He knew that Nora would come to The Howe family today. His grandpa Howard had asked Asher to meet Nora, but he refused on the grounds of work. He was not interested in this fiancee at all, and the engagement would be broken sooner or laterAfter returning to the room, Asher took a bath and went to sleep.Probably because he drank a little too much tonight, Asher didn't realize there were other women in the room until he lay down.He was slightly stunned. In the darkness, Asher could not see the woman's face. She turned over and hugged him. The girl murmured, "Good bear, don't make any noise. Just sleep."Asher was frozen.The woman had a very familiar smell, the same as that person...Probably because of the alcohol, Asher didn't move, lying down with Nora and falling asleep.

  • Cassia Nora

    Cassia Nora




    * Watty's 2019 Fantasy Winner * T'Ill take pride over power and guts over greed '. The five nations of Schamaria have been in conflict for many years now. With a war breaking out and the continent being divided into two sides, irreversible damage and stigmas on the earth and the people are inevitable. But when a royal heirloom - which happens to contain the secret to growing magical and elemental abilities - is stolen from the Seyali Palace, the raging flame of the battle is only fueled. A gang leader, a thief, a magic manipulator, a spy, a traitor to the crown; they know nothing about each other, yet they must come together to find the Kingfisher before everyone else. When dark secrets and unseen connections are revealed, when greed lays its golden claws on the adventurers' hearts, and when it all becomes a game of power and deception, will they be able to reach their goal? Five strangers. Five motives. One target. Long chapters ahead! Word count - 81,549

  • Nora bontot baik

    Nora bontot baik

  • Nora and Mila

    Nora and Mila

    Realistic ROMANCE

    Joseph has finally achieved everything he has ever dreamed of in his life. He’s flourishing in his dream career, he’s married to the woman of his dreams, he finally bought his dream house... all he’s missing now is some children of his own, and he would have the perfect life he always wanted. That was, until he met Leonora again, seven years after they had split. To him, Leonora was a bit of a dark spot in his past, one that barely anyone knew of. After all, who would guess that someone with a life as perfect as his was now had once married and divorced a woman like Leonora? And yet, when he met her again, a strange sense of nostalgia drew him to keep in touch with her. Who knew, this one chance reunion, this one decision to rekindle their friendship, would lead to a slow unraveling of everything he ever thought was finally settled in his life...

  • The dream of Nora

    The dream of Nora






    WARNING: MATURE CONTENT! What's behind the mask? She always thought she was a normal girl, living in a boring world, full of greed for power and money people, where vampires and werewolves are creatures from myths and legends, that people consider to never exist before. She was a young police detective, who trapped in a repetitive circle of events, where work, she always dreamt to have, transforms in vain attempts to run away from greedy for female bodies boss without any chances of getting a good case to investigate and get out of the old dusty police station. One day, her life changes when she met a dangerously handsome man, who is the unwritten king of the world. She now finds herself trapped in his charm and his world, which she never believed could exist, and her main task for now, is to stay alive in his dangerous world. Join discord to see more information about this work -
