Spanish Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 273 results

  • I transmigrated and got a husband and a son!

    I transmigrated and got a husband and a son!



    She was known by many names: Demoness, a wicked witch, an heiress born to rule hell, the baddest, and the most poisonous flower in the world of the underground. Little did everyone know, the heiress of the most mysterious assassination organization had a simple dream. A dream that many girls had: to have a peaceful life with a husband and a kid. That was why when this infamous leader of the assassin organization woke up in the body of Heaven Liu, she thought her lifelong dream had finally come true. But the reality was far from what she expected. Heaven Liu was a has-been actress; she disappeared from the limelight at the peak of stardom. The reason?An unwanted pregnancy. Forced to marry a man she didn’t love, the marriage easily fell apart — almost at the brink of no repair. With this reality she had to face, would she be able to mend the broken hearts of her husband and son? Or will the distance between them continue to widen? With this loveless marriage from the get-go, would there be a chance they could live happily as a family? Or was it too late?Most importantly, would she truly escape the chains she thought she had broken free from? Or would her own hell catch up to her to drag her back to the pits of hell where she belongs?*****EBOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE IN AMAZON. LINK: Translation is also available on Webnovel. Link:!_29071013600828005Portuguese Translation is also available on Webnovel!Link:!_29287259500602105###Disclaimer: The cover is not owned by me. All credits go to the artist. This is a part of the author’s Wild Series.Wild Miss Heiress: I reincarnated and got a husband and a son!JOIN MY DISCORD SERVER:

  • The Guardian [Spanish/Español]

    The Guardian [Spanish/Español]



    Viajaron a otro mundo a través de una máquina de realidad virtual creada por un Dios en el cual durante un gran tiempo creyeron que solo era un juego, pero termino siendo real.Pasaron por un 'Gran Cataclismo' que cambio el mundo a través de la energía mágica, logrando transformar el mundo de una forma impensable.Ha pasado treinta años desde que la humanidad se enfrentó a la máquina virtual y veinte años tras el 'Gran Cataclismo' que despertó habilidades y dio comienzo a un mundo mágico y maravilloso muy diferente al antiguo.Ahora una joven llega a una ciudad en medio del mar para asistir a una academia.¿Cuál es su objetivo? ¿Cuál es la razón de su llegada? Y principalmente... ¿Quién es ella?Sigue la aventura de Aurora cuya vida, valores y actitud irán conociendo a su debido tiempo junto a su pasado, secretos, virtudes y defectos.----Para aquellos que desean, pueden unirse al Discord:éneros: Fantasía, Acción, Aventura, Mundo Moderno, Magia.Frecuencia: Cinco capitulos a la semana.

  • Kidnapped by the Italian Mafia

    Kidnapped by the Italian Mafia



    Do you ever wonder what your life will be like when you cross paths with your arch nemesis? Yes? Well buckle up, it’s a wild ride. Katarina Montenegro is what everyone would simply call spoiled. She was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth and a custom Tiffany’s diamond tiara on her head. She was referred to as The Spanish Princess by everyone who knew of her existence, and she revelled in the nickname. She was young, cunning, and powerful. There was nothing Katarina wanted that she didn’t have. On the other hand, Marco DiBiancci was known by everyone as The Emperor Lynx, due to his ability to see through deception as easily as he could breathe. Unlike Katarina, who lived a mainly pampered life, Marco was raised by a strict father who wanted him to be in the front lines of the job since he was fourteen years old. He had spent his years getting his hands dirty and washing them again. He was young, strong, and powerful. There was nothing Marco wanted that he didn’t take for himself. The common ground? They were both set to inherit their father’s thrones as King and Queen of their respective organised crime kingdoms. The problem? Marco wanted Katarina, or more importantly, he wanted what she was set to lay claim on. Even though the two had never met, Marco was determined to get his hands on her by all means necessary, and that’s how we’re here. This is how I, Katarina Montenegro, was kidnapped by the Italian mafia. [WARNING: highly foul language and mature themes]

  • Godly Empress Doctor - [Spanish Version]

    Godly Empress Doctor - [Spanish Version]


    Ella, un genio abandonado por su clan. Él, un príncipe heredero imperial orgulloso, mimado y de dos caras, un gobernante supremo del mundo en desarrollo. Ella, engañándolo, se disfrazó de cerdo para comerse un tigre, reprimiéndolo, provocándolo. Cada vez, después de jugar con él y despertarlo, ella escapaba.¡Ningún hombre podría soportar esto! Solo podía cazarla, mimarla y complacerla, atraerla para que se enamorara de él, quien hubiera pensado que el primero en enamorarse resultaría ser élUn joven que sobresalía del mundo, una joven que dominaba el paisaje, igualaba a sus oponentes, igualaba el juego romántico de persecución y persecución.

  • The Spanish Love Deception

    The Spanish Love Deception


    A wedding. A trip to Spain. The most infuriating man. And three days of pretending. Or in other words, a plan that will never work. Catalina Martín, finally, not single. Her family is happy to announce that she will bring her American boyfriend to her sister's wedding. Everyone is invited to come and witness the most magical event of the year. That would certainly be tomorrow's headline in the local newspaper of the small Spanish town I came from. Or the epitaph on my tombstone, seeing the turn my life had taken in the span of a phone call. Four weeks wasn't a lot of time to find someone willing to cross the Atlantic-from NYC and all the way to Spain-for a wedding. Let alone, someone eager to play along my charade. But that didn't mean I was desperate enough to bring the 6'4 blue eyed pain in my ass standing before me. Aaron Blackford. The man whose main occupation was making my blood boil had just offered himself to be my date. Right after inserting his nose in my business, calling me delusional, and calling himself my best option. See? Outrageous. Aggravating. Blood boiling. And much to my total despair, also right. Which left me with a surly and extra large dilemma in my hands. Was it worth the suffering to bring my colleague and bane of my existence as my fake boyfriend to my sister's wedding? Or was I better off coming clean and facing the consequences of my panic induced lie? Like my abuela would say, que dios nos pille confesados. The Spanish Love Deception is an enemies-to-lovers, fake-dating, SLOW-BURN romance. Perfect for those looking for a steamy slow-burn with the sweetest Happily Ever After.

  • Arkhé (Spanish)

    Arkhé (Spanish)


    ……Arkhé…Una búsqueda interminable, un camino sin meta, un horizonte que no puedes alcanzar sin importar cuánto camines.Para muchos, esta es la definición de la pasión por el conocimiento, el significado de filosofía, pues cada respuesta obtenida es la causa de preguntas de mayor complejidad y profundidad.Para algunos, esta es una búsqueda sin sentido, para otros esto es el objetivo que da sentido a su existencia.Tras una vida de dificultades, una persona, como cualquier otra, mortal y caduco, con su muerte ya sentenciada incluso antes de ser otorgado la vida, como cualquier otro, logró una oportunidad más.Un fiel seguidor del saber, pues conocimiento es poder, mientras que poder es conocimiento.Con esta nueva oportunidad que el mismo tejió en la realidad, avanzará por su camino sin descanso, ni ante montañas, océanos e imperios, no se detendrá, ni ante los cielos, tierra y muerte, no titubeará.Pues el propósito de la vida es aquel que te satisfaga, aquel que te permita irte sin remordimientos.En su caso, un objetivo brillaba, sobre todo, una vida que le divertía seguir: entender la realidad y volverse inmortal.Aunque dos objetivos a ojos de muchos, ambos van de la mano. El omnisciente puede y debe obtener la omnipotencia para llegar a esa altura, mientras que el omnipotente puede y debe obtener la omnipotencia para ello, al igual que no hay resultado sin causa.Moral, legalidad y relaciones humanas, clasificaciones y disciplinas de la sociedad por las que él dejó de regirse desde hace tiempo, pues como herramientas, solo están allí para ser utilizadas y descartadas una vez pierdan su utilidad.Pero, al fin y al cabo, él es solo un mortal, como cualquier otro… Este es un camino sin futuro alguno, las posibilidades de morir, siendo olvidado con el paso del tiempo, eran iguales que las de cualquier otro mortal que había muerto a sus manos, directa o indirectamente.Sin embargo, ya acabe en su meta inalcanzable, en una muerte épica o en una muerte miserable, ningún remordimiento quedará atrás, pues vivió su vida tal y como la quiso y, verdaderamente, es el camino, la misma vida, lo que da la felicidad………

  • The Tempestuous Consort - [Spanish Version]

    The Tempestuous Consort - [Spanish Version]


    "¡Monta esto, mi amada consorte!" Recompensada al instante con un puñetazo en su rostro encantador. Parecía herido, "¡Solo quería que probaras la mítica bestia montada!"Habiendo experimentado una muerte cruel e insoportable en su encarnación pasada, renació en un cuerpo imbuido de un talento impecable para el cultivo. ¿Una buena para nada? Fuego, agua, hielo, viento, truenos y naturaleza; cambiar entre los seis elementos es fácil como un pastel. ¿Píldoras de grado supremo? Ella los dispersa en el aire como dulces. ¿Bestias legendarias? Le están rogando que forme un contrato. Ella es la arrogante reina todopoderosa! ¿Dices que el cielo es indefinible? ¡Entonces ella lo desafiará!"¡Malas noticias, mi Señor! ¡La consorte ha golpeado a la Emperatriz de la Nación del Fénix Celestial en una pulpa!"Levantó una ceja y se llenó de orgullo. "No es nada. Envía un millón de tropas para respaldar a mi amada consorte. ¡Diles que soy yo quien la mima!"

  • The Spanish Spotlight

    The Spanish Spotlight


    The world is in danger. There is a war going on in the Middle East. Innocent people are dying. The only man with enough power to stop the bombing is Mr Johnsson, the Secretary of Defence of the USA. Right now, he's on a short vacation in Marbella, a perfect chance for #3, The Diplomat, to talk with him. Mr Johnsson doesn't want to talk. He wants to spend time with his teenage daughter. The LSD doesn't give up: "What if we give your little girl the best day ever?" After his success in Brest, #5, The Runner, finally gets the chance to do some real spy-work: babysitting. Child's play? A Miss mission is as good as a mile.

  • Spanish Kidnapped

    Spanish Kidnapped

  • The Spanish Holiday

    The Spanish Holiday

    Teen CRUSH

    "Hey, Lennon, tell us about Spain!"Bob Wooler ended beaten after asking. What happened there?It is well known among the Beatles fans, that on the 28th April 1963 flew Brian Epstein with John Lennon to Spain. Many "queer" rumours were spread about this holiday and we're gonna never know the truth, because they're both dead. But you can read my version about what happened day by day here.Please, if you find a grammatical mistake write it in comments. English is not my native language and I want to improve. Thank you.

  • Sonar (Spanish)

    Sonar (Spanish)

    La rosa blanca necesita un trabajo y Cross es el primero en intentarlo, siendo viejo lobo de mar no tiene inconvenientes con la misión, pero sí con las reglas. Eso no evitará de hacer las cosas a su manera y aunque tenga que acatar las regla de que necesita tripulación, el terminara la misión con el lastre de su tripulación o sin ellos.

  • Ghost  Emperor Wild Wife  [Spanish Version]

    Ghost Emperor Wild Wife [Spanish Version]


    Yun Luofeng, el genio de la Escuela Médica de Huaxia, murió a causa de un accidente y su alma se unió a la inútil Señorita Mayor del Patrimonio General en el continente Longxia. Esta basura no solo no tenía talento en las artes literarias y las artes marciales, sino que también tenía un gran pecho sin cerebro, arrogante y obstinada. No era suficiente para ella tener un prometido perfecto como el Príncipe Heredero. De hecho, ella arrebató a la fuerza a un niño bonito en público, lo que llevó al Príncipe Heredero a anular su compromiso. Sin embargo, el desperdicio no pudo resistir este impacto, por lo que en realidad se ahorcó para terminar con su vida. Al abrir los ojos de nuevo, ya no era la anterior señorita mayor inútil. Con un contrato con el Código de Dios Médico, la posesión de un espacio vegetal espiritual y manos milagrosas que pueden devolver la vida a los muertos, ¡sus habilidades médicas asombrarán al mundo! Desde la realeza y los nobles en la parte superior hasta los comerciantes y las familias antiguas e influyentes de abajo, todos competirán para ganarse su favor. ¿Incluso Su Alteza el Príncipe Heredero, que previamente rompió el compromiso, llamó a la puerta con el deseo de reconciliarse? Al respecto, cierto hombre misterioso finalmente no pudo soportarlo más y proclamó: “¡Quien se atreva a venir y acosar a mi mujer, que venga pero no regrese nunca!”.

  • The Spanish Princess

    The Spanish Princess


  • gasp in spanish

    gasp in spanish

  • Chaotic Creator (spanish)

    Chaotic Creator (spanish)


    Mikel Belov tiene que vivir en aquel mundo fantástico que creo en su doloroso sueño, las grandes dudas que invaden su mente, la razón de su creación y de su propia existencia se desenvuelven en una historia que narra la dicótoma de un Dios que debe sentir como su obra se transforma de maneras ajenas a sus pensamientos.Con esta historia el autor busca expresar las emociones de un ser en su viaje por las calles de su propio imaginario, complementando con giros y arcos argumentales que premian la fidelidad del lector.

  • Drakontos [Spanish Version]

    Drakontos [Spanish Version]

    Tras perecer bajo los escombros de un terremoto, experimenté un renacimiento asombroso como un majestuoso drakonte en un mundo inmerso en la guerra, donde conviven humanos, oregates y otras criaturas mágicas. ¿lograré regresar a mi antigua realidad, o estaré destinado a permanecer en este nuevo mundo hasta el último de mis días?

  • Italians of your Spanish

    Italians of your Spanish



    Abdul Malik is a girl wanted by the galactic police for assassinating the president of the entire galaxy Abdul Malik will stop at nothing to kill whoever stands in his way no matter who, will Abdul Malik manage to evade the police or be arrested for his crimes

  • Spanish love Deception

    Spanish love Deception

    Realistic ROMANCE

    In the heart of bustling Madrid, a city steeped in history and passion, a tale of love and deception unfolds. It is a story that intertwines the lives of two individuals, entangling their hearts and challenging their very notions of truth and trust.Meet Isabella, a fiery and independent Spanish beauty with a flair for adventure. With her captivating eyes and a spirit as untamed as the wind, she moves through life with grace and confidence. Isabella's heart yearns for a love that matches the intensity of her spirit, a love that will sweep her off her feet and carry her to new heights.And then there is Alejandro, a suave and enigmatic gentleman, with a mysterious past that he guards fiercely. With his dark, brooding looks and a charm that could melt the coldest of hearts, he possesses an allure that is hard to resist. Alejandro is a man who knows how to navigate the intricacies of the world, his every move calculated and precise.Fate brings Isabella and Alejandro together in a chance encounter, igniting a spark that neither can ignore. As they embark on a whirlwind romance, their lives become entangled in a web of secrets and lies. Isabella finds herself questioning Alejandro's true intentions, wondering if his love is genuine or merely a facade.Amidst the grandeur of Spanish architecture and the allure of Madrid's vibrant nightlife, Isabella and Alejandro's love story unfolds. As they dance between passion and betrayal, they must navigate a treacherous path, where trust is a fragile thread and the truth is a double-edged sword.Spanish Love Deception is a captivating tale of love, passion, and the lengths we will go to protect our hearts. It explores the complexities of human relationships and the power of self-discovery. Set against the backdrop of a city that breathes romance, this story will take you on a thrilling journey, where love and deception dance hand in hand, and nothing is quite as it seems.Join Isabella and Alejandro as they navigate the labyrinth of their emotions, testing the boundaries of their love and unraveling the truth that lies beneath the surface. In the world of Spanish Love Deception, where passion burns bright and secrets lurk in the shadows, will love conquer all, or will deception tear them apart?

  • A Spanish Tutor for the Billionaire

    A Spanish Tutor for the Billionaire

    “I really appreciate you coming tonight.” She said, nervously fidgeting with her keys. “It was my pleasure.” I said, refusing to break eye contact with her. I took a step closer to her. She blushed and her breathing became shallow. “So, class tomorrow?” She asked, nervousness in her eyes. “Mmhm.” I said, leaning into her. She didn’t stop me. I kissed her. She pulled away for a moment. I could tell she was considering the pros and cons. She came right back and kissed me again. Fire was alive in my bones. - Luna is a Spanish woman who is passionate about teaching her native language. Lucas, the CEO of an energy company that wants to invest in a latin american country. He never expected to feel attracted to his Spanish tutor, she feels confused by the feeling he provoques in her, and the worst part of it all is that she can't stop thinking of him. A Spanish Tutor for the Billionaire is written by Amelie Bergen, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.




    Nuestro protagonista se despierta en un nuevo cuerpo, en un cuarto oscuro sin saber donde esta y que esta pasando. inspirado en el mundo de "dungeon dragón" y "brujo del mundo de magos", un mundo cruel. Empieza con humor y misterio, voy tratar de mantener un poco de misterio y el humor bueno... no prometo mucho, se supone que va haber humor o intento de humor que es por el contexto de que el protagonista se adapta con su sentido común en un nuevo entorno. pueden comentar si creen que deba cambiar algo, tengo una idea de lo que voy escribiendo (trato que este en un español neutro avisen si debo cambiar algo pero si veo que algo pase o me equivoco, o una recomendación es bien venida. Ahh casi se me olvidó... estoy escribiendo en un celular... por ello, ahí algunos errores que se me pasan por alto y estoy familizandome con la app, una disculpa adelantada.
