Subliminal Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 10 results

  • Fatal Verse

    Fatal Verse


    “You are weak…. You know nothing of strength, Strength of mind, Strength of body, …Of conviction, You have no spirit… Alas there is nothing I can teach you..” ======================================= Synopsis:Will is reborn in a fantasy world like the ones in RPG’s he used to play.As an orphan ward of the monastery, Will spends years learning the way of his adopter’s traditions and disciplines honing both body and mind to prepare him for the outside world.But will he ever be truly ready?…Backstory: After his death, a young failure is reincarnated into a fantasy medieval world as “William Warson” a child left in a monastery by his parents shortly after his birth. The monastery is full of warrior monks who seek physical and mental strength through spiritual enlightenment, known as the monastic warrior priests of the Storm gods of yore. Several centuries after the calamity, these monks guard the Stormlord’s artifact… Will’s name was left embroidered on the blanket when he was a child, but his last name was given to him by his mentor Kyord.

  • Subliminal Mind Control in another world.

    Subliminal Mind Control in another world.


    Jack got transmigrated to a world of magic with the power of mind control. Join his journey as he conquers kings and queens, Demons and Demoness. .... Tag - Action, adventure, and some snu snu, Antihero MC

  • subliminal love

    subliminal love


    ...... an human girl shivli made an imaginary companion , and Marvel an spritual being watches over her but fall for her deeply . he show his love through subliminal ( affect anyone mind without their realisation ) way . but where it will lead ?? - her naive approch and Marvel deep love . will she realise the reality somehow . or Marvel have to live with memories and untold truth. ....

  • Denise and John

    Denise and John

    Humankind has only been known to use six to seven percent of their brain leaving ninety three to ninety four percent untouched. What happens if some individuals learn to ignore subliminal limitations set by mankind, and are able to do what others can't. This is the world of the subconscious mind, the part of humans that never sleeps, and always thinks. It is the part that can understand everything, and opens up to world of all new possibilities. This is the world of Denise and John....Denise is no ordinary high school girl, but that doesn't stop her from wanting an ordinary life. Because of her gifts she unwillingly gets pulled into the minds of victims to a terrible serial killer. John, her brother, soon awakens to gifts of his own, placing him in the mind of the killer. Unknowing who this killer might be she soon learns that she cannot see him, but, he can see her. Preparing for the fight of their young lives, and using only the small clues John can gather, with the aide of an usual ally who has secrets of his own, they set off to stop this threat before he finds them, in the ultimate game of cat and mouse.

  • Subliminal: A Backrooms Adventure

    Subliminal: A Backrooms Adventure

    Matt is a poor man living on the brim of homelessness when suddenly, he is transferred into this infinite maze with many different levels and creatures called the backrooms. Who will he meet, what challenges will he face, and most importantly, what will he learn?

  • Magni Nominis Umbra

    Magni Nominis Umbra


    Four Bloodlines of Immortality: Frigards, Mikaelsords, Parkersons, and Gerithons; are the last immortals existing in this modern world...or so they believe. The Frigards are highly regarded as the 'Majesty of All Immortals', but their reign ends tragically as the world changes into modernization. Astrid Frigard, the grandiose last successor of the Frigard bloodline, works for the Magni Nominis Umbra (MNU), an organization that hunts and kills stray immortals wandering in the human world. After losing her elder sister, Aster Frigard, in their "Last Duel", Astrid has become a lost cause for the last thousand years. The Frigards' ability to look into one's mind and alter one has become a subliminal burden to Astrid. The Mikaelsord family comprises of: Roux, Ezra, Keane, Rosaria, and Xavier. Their whole principle is to protect immortals at all costs. However, they seem to be in two minds as they owe Astrid Frigard an esteem and a huge favor. Lukai Parkerson and Adrianna Parkerson have always been regarded as the "aide-de-camp" of the Frigard bloodline. They are the ones they entrust to forewarn and foresee desirable future events. Manuel and Fenelle Gerithon are insurgents that duly believes in the freedom of all immortals, no matter the consequences. All of their principles, beliefs, and responsibilities will be turned into dust as it is revealed that Aster Frigard, the rightful heir of the Frigard bloodline, is alive...and is living the human life as the FBI Agent Fleur Christensen.

  • Into Illusions

    Into Illusions


    The land of Delford across the great Black sea is a land of freedom. Many travel it escape the persecution from the slave masters and war mongers in the western world. Our story follows many but at the center is Derelict That not his name but he doesn't know any other than what the masters of the west would call him.In this world major battles are not fought on the lands below instead most people have the ability to meditate and enter the illusions. The illusions is a land where you are not restricted by your body and instead choose your form any form that suits you weather is is a beast or just the wings of a beast allowing flight, but all choices are made subliminally and change compared to how you view of yourself changes throughout your life.All major battles are fought here because murder has been outlawed do to extremely low birthratesonly 1 in 1000 can have children.If someone is killed in the real all people see it as the worst thing that can be done and work together to find detain and imprison that person in a cell for life Do to the circumstances most choose to juat fight in the illusions if they have an argument or disagreements.

  • Denise and John

    Denise and John


    Humankind has only been known to use six to seven percent of their brain leaving ninety three to ninety four percent untouched. What happens if some individuals learn to ignore subliminal limitations set by mankind, and are able to do what others can't. This is the world of the subconscious mind, the part of humans that never sleeps, and always thinks. It is the part that can understand everything, and opens up to world of all new possibilities. This is the world of Denise and John....Denise is no ordinary high school girl, but that doesn't stop her from wanting an ordinary life. Because of her gifts she unwillingly gets pulled into the minds of victims to a terrible serial killer. John, her brother, soon awakens to gifts of his own, placing him in the mind of the killer. Unknowing who this killer might be she soon learns that she cannot see him, but, he can see her. Preparing for the fight of their young lives, and using only the small clues John can gather, with the aide of an usual ally who has secrets of his own, they set off to stop this threat before he finds them, in the ultimate game of cat and mouse.



    Urban R18

    That accursed book had the ability not only to pervert and warp the fabric of space and time but to bend the very mind itself, to twist the psyche to breaking point and then go beyond. It was something not meant for this world. Exiting the motorway we quickly came to the large town of Dungannon, a town that had grown rapidly over the last decade as it had seen an influx of foreign nationals disproportionate to the rest of the country, who brought with them a diverse range of strange theologies and mysticisms. Some of these I knew as off-shoots of more mainstream theologies, others I knew to be cults new or old that barely clung to existence in the world as we know it, and one or two I had heard of only in legend and existed here as anywhere else in rumour. Parapsychology bore little interest to my erstwhile driver who guided us into the car park of some quaint local shopping mall that had served as a linen mill during the industrial revolution an age ago. A surprisingly modern bistro sat on a corner unit of the mall, all glass front with trendy chrome chairs and dark wood throughout and soon we were guided to a table and upon ordering we returned to our conversation about the unusual Valjean. That conversation did not last a great deal of time however as we had discussed at length during the journey the details of my entire communication with the musician and changing tact Professor Davids enquired as to how I was adjusting to life in Belfast after my time spent in Arkham. I confessed that at times I was still caught out by the quirks of European life compared to those of Americans, in the United States life and people were generally simpler in manner but at a faster pace than in European nations. The best descriptor I could think of was that in America politics was an occupation, in Europe it was a lifestyle choice. As the waitress arrived with our food I came to realise that I no longer had the attention of Professor Davids, indeed nothing seemed to be holding his gaze, as if his mind were absent from his body. “It’s the music, ” explained the waitress in answer to the question I had not asked and I then noticed the crackling warble filtering in that I had come to recognise as the work of my reclusive penpal, “AJ Valjean, some people seem to space out listening to his stuff, it really speaks to them.” “That could prove dangerous, ” I said snapping my fingers in the face of my colleague breaking his trance, “it’s like some form of hypnosis.” “I’ve never seen the harm in it, ” the waitress left our food and returned to the kitchen area, passing a waiter who I saw to be moving in an almost robotic fashion, and after that had caught my eye I came to realise that maybe half a dozen of the thirty or so in the room also behaved in the same trance state. “That was quite an unusual experience, ” the Professor spoke, “I felt as though my mind were slowly draining, it was peaceful, very calming. Your friend certainly makes music for the soul.” “It certainly is strange, ” I commented, I found it unsettling how powerful an effect such music could have on a receptive psyche. Clearly there was some subliminal waveform or message in the music that whether intentional or not was at the very least a hazard to drivers and pedestrians, at the worst I would dread to think. I ate my meal in uncomfortable silence, knowing what I know of the interests of AJ Valjean I doubted that the trance state was unintentional and could only hope that it did not exist to serve some hitherto unknown malign purpose. My eyes followed those who had been under the effect, watching to see any peculiarities or behavioural quirks beyond the generally accepted norm of human activity, indeed I kept one eye on my companion for having known academically for some time now he could best serve as a control group.

  • Jazz Jacknationalist - Hellscape of Mission Impossible

    Jazz Jacknationalist - Hellscape of Mission Impossible


    In the wake of creating another Mission Impossible sequel, Tom Cruise sold to Brad Pitt rights to star and produce the sequel, creating an movie filled with subliminal messages about the state of Hollywood and its future. When the day of reckoning happens, Serbian furry hero named Zdenko Kotromanić finds himself trapped in Ćele Kula with a mission from the mighty God Himself, to prevent Brad Pitt from commencing the making of this sequel. All alone and together with some other equally challenged people, he will be facing many mental amalgamations of non-human proportions to save the Hollywood from itself, and rescue all actresses that are getting constantly sexually harassed.

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