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Write a reviewHere I am posting a review I never posted one usually I just comment but I am going because of two things First the potential and the quality of the story Second the talent of the Author So I will start with the positive points of the story As this is a fanfiction i will start with the world building or more precisely its consistency with the original story (DB) the author really paid homage to the original story how he described the world or how he organizes the arcs it's just extraordinary and not to mention the ki system one of the weak points of db the inconsistency in fights or how the ki works the author managed to make it coherent and the explanations are one of the best that I have seen in a fiction I can't give less than 5 for the world building Now for the writing like the world building it's really very good the author has real talent for that for me a good author is an author who can transmit the emotion he wants to the readers and he succeeded in doing that you feel the emotions and that the world is alive and the fights are beautiful you don't have a character that forget a move he has or don't know when to use it and you really feel the excitement during the fights some time there too many description it can annoy some but that all there just another thing i will explain in the end For me the writing deserved a 4,5 It's almost perfect not a 5 but that's normal it's the author's first fiction and with his talent I'm sure he'll improve For the Updates it's quite consistent I saw the author take a break between the arcs but normal maybe he thinks about the story or just rests a little but apart from that it's very consistent So 4,5 well deserved I would like to give a perfect score but I try to be as objective as possible Finally the Characters they are perfect the author managed to make them intelligent and transformers 1 dimensional characters into 3 dimensional characters you really understand their choice and he even managed to make even secondary characters memorable I have nothing to complain about even the main character is intelligent and has a cool character development (something I don't personally like but it won't influence my notation because I try to be as rational as possible I will explain at the end of the review of some want to know) Here is my review Those were the positive points, now let's move on to the negatives First thing it's about the writing and the second and last is something completely subjective it won't have any influence over my rating let's start the first thing is gags and the goofyness of the story there is too much especially at the beginning of the story but that's not really the problem as I said I try to be as objective as possible and the humor is subjective it's not something that should be taken intro account intro the rating so i will explain why it's too much (It decreases as the story progresses and the author improves) the gags and humor should never have an impact in the story and should never influence the characters an example in some parts of the story the mc did let picolo take Gohan and MC was charged to inform chichi naturally she was angry that the MC did let picolo take him and she threatened the MC to protect his son even if it cost him his life and the mc was so afraid he didn't say a word and nodded the gag that the angry chichi makes other characters afraid is normal it exists even in DB but it should never influence the course of the story the MC is stronger he shouldn't put his life in danger because of a gag he can promise to protect Gohan because of guilt or empathy but never because of a gag another thing mr.popo did train the mc the gag was that mr.popo is the strongest that a gag some may find it funny other not but that is not the problem at some point the narrator says that Mr po-po is stronger than zeno here is the problem first as i said a gag should never have an impact on the story and even less the power rankings of fiction and a narrator should be neutral it would be okay if The mc said that while thinking Because that would be just his opinion (maybe influenced by fear of the moment or just as a joke) but the narrator should stay neutral because in a story any thing the narrator says should be the True that was all I have to say about the humor let's go to the last thing my opinion about the mc (again my personal opinion and it has nothing to do with the quality of the story and it didn't influence my rankings) at the start I really liked the MC in the start Even when born as a human he did succeed in becoming stronger he was intelligent rational and would do anything to make the earth survive and would always make the most rational choice even if he had to sacrifice character (he didn't really sacrifice character just made sure that the story followed the canon an example made sure that goku was dead against Raditz so he can go to Kaio and lean kaioken for the fights against Vegeta later because he wasn't strong enough at that moment) i like his logical thinking not being blinded by his emotions (that was because he sees the characters just as characters not as real people) but as the story progressed he became more and more human and promised himself to never again sacrifice his friends even if he has to die The Characters development was amazing author i have nothing to say about it especially the confrontation with Picolo but I would have preferred his character was still the same i liked his rational manipulative personality that who did put the result before the process again that was just my preference Author good luck with the rest of the story you really have talent don't give up I tried to put my emotions out of the rating as much as possible and give the story the rating it deserves out of respect for the author
Reveal SpoilerDe las mejores historias referentes a dragon ball que veras en tu vida, ya que incluso tiene logica referente a como van haciendose mas fuerte los personajes con mejor calidad que el dragon ball clasico y z, con increibles referencias a contenidos adicionales como juegos y peliculas, e incluso el protagonista muestra indicios de ser una potencia a tener en cuenta siendo solo un humano con un poder de adaptaci贸n que no rompe las escalas de poder
Reveal SpoilerO que eu posso dizer no momento que eu estou escrevendo isso a hist贸ria j谩 est谩 na reta final para terminar a saga de nameki e com certeza Essa 茅 uma das melhores hist贸rias feita por f茫 de Dragon Ball j谩 feito ou a melhor o protagonista n茫o 茅 super roubado j谩 no in铆cio ele leva uma surra de radtiz ele s贸 consegue contribuir mesmo contra Vegeta e napa e na saga de nameki e onde est谩 agora ele 茅 um dos Guerreiros mais fortes s贸 estando atr谩s de Goku
amazing focus on making every character interesting and the mc is a smart guy overcoming the odds. just need more chapters regularly
This dragon ball in so many ways. Every single fight takes forever. Nearly the entire first 50 chapters is Z force vs Bappa & vageta. And since 65 we have not left namek id assume freeza arc would only end by chapter 200
Yo, it's your bro here to inform this fanfic is on fire. It may be the funniest yet still serious and believable depiction of Dragon Ball Z western media. No Frost Demon tail was eaten yet. (I lament for the icy one samurai tranformation) The MC was believable even when a plot point was he thinking too much he missed some points while acquiring his "cheat" so to speak. Pardon my bad english I'm just lazy enough to forgot how to write in this language (or mine own).
Me encant贸 el echo de c贸mo se desarrolla el personaje de ajax en el mundo de dragon ball, en este momento la mejor saga a sido sin duda la saga de frieza, el hecho de leer el impacto negativo que trajo el involucrar a un externo dentro de la trama a sido fascinante, las habilidades est谩n cuidadas y el MC no es OP y eso es un punto muy bueno
una magnifica obra de arte , posiblemente el mejor fanfic de dragon ball que hay sobretodo la mejora que hay en la mentalidad i profundidad de los personajes es lo mejor
I am currently on chapter 16. The novel started fantastic and progressed extremly well. Heart warming and good moments snd of course the bits of comedy and making goku into a dumbass. I also like the tfs references, but it slowly took a complete spin. The serious and wholesome vibe dissapeared and instead it became all comedy. Goku saying radish instead of raditz. Then Raditz sayin you named your son Rice. gohans name in japanese is a hint on breakfast (author made a mistake). I will continue reading and change and give a more detailed analysis of thr novel, because many praised it, I just hope it wont continue to be only jokes and drag the characters through the mud
Best dragon ball si fiction I have read. Main character is not a Mary Sue and author doesnot shyd away from making new plots and the writing is top notch.
Muy buen cap, espero que no se te sea complicado el crear todo esto. yo tambi茅n tengo ideas para fanfics, pero soy muy vago XD por eso me preguntaba como le haces para escribir con una fecha limite?
I not speack Ingles traductor XD El mejor Fanfic de dragon ball que halla le铆do!!!!! Pero tengo una duda, se supone que freezer empieza perder el control de su poder a partir del 70%? por lo tanto y sum谩ndole los da帽os freezer y Goku deber铆an tener un poder inferior en Ssj y el 100% de Freezer, 贸sea el 100% de freezer de freezer deber铆a ser inferior por culpa de los da帽os, lo mismo pasar铆a con Goku al tener el Ssj estando agotado. yo le pondr铆a alrededor de Goku: 120M - 130M Freezer: 110M - 100M esto justifica el porque ambos est谩n igualados en la pelea de Namek
The peak of dragon ball fan-fics. The story surrounds Ajax, a human in dragon ball. The plot line starts inbetween Gohan's birth and Raditz's arrival. What I really like is the complexity the author adds to the og DB cast. He takes obvious inspiration from dbza while incorporating more elements that enhance the comedic traits in dbz and dbza to be equally as serious as it is funny. Ajax has his own character flaws that he has to overcome so he too isn't a flat character. The world background has been updated to be more logical. Although Frieza may be the most talented in his race, it doesn't make sense for him to listen to King Cold if King Cold wasn't stronger than Frieza. There may be parental respect in play, but I really doubt it with Frieza's character, so the modifcations to make King Cold stronger is a change I like. The only flaw I must mention is the slow update pace, its about 2000 words a week or so, which for a mid novel is fine. But when it comes to peak, 2000 words a week doesn't cut it, I seriously feel like a traveler in a desert desperate for water, I cannot get enough of this. Plz update more and my soul is yours馃檹馃徎.
Wow! I鈥檓 certain this is the best dragon ball fanfiction ever made. I鈥檝e been a big fan of the dragon ball franchise, but the series feels a bit one-dimensional at times. This story completely redefines the dragon ball story in the best way possible. Epic arcs are more epic, emotions are more real, characters feel more real, and the stakes are raised. The main character鈥檚 progression is paced perfectly. Not too fast, but also not annoyingly slow. Finally, the changes made to each arc are great! I love to see the butterfly effects of the changed canon. Great job author!
Esta hisotria es la mejor que lei en mi vida es un 10 de 10 con todas las palabras de la palabra, una obra maestra en todo su esplendor la verdad me encanto.
Reveal Spoilercharacters are much more fleshed out and have reasons to act the way they do underrated and underutilized techniques once disregarded by the blatant power gap in the original story are put to use ajax's development regarding his morals feel somewhat realistic considering how calculative he seems to be. after all, things in dragon ball are usually a hair's breath away from being disastrous, which compels him to act according to canon the story isn't straying from canon completely, yet adds some fairly vast differences (this is in regards to the latest chapter) no random buffs or power ups from a system or a golden finger, an over saturated genre i find a little stale now. and i love underdog stories, which in terms of dragon ball, being a human is usually momentually more difficult considering canon. overall, i think the quality of this fanfic is phenomenal, and the only thing i would request is a faster uploading schedule, but i know that quality takes time. i'm patient. 10/10
Reveal Spoilerevery character in this is 3D and not just 1-dimensional , nappa, raditz, zarbon, even that frog from planet namek this story have the Weak to strong MC trope so if you want MC who have the planetary power level since he is a baby this is not for you,
Equuleus_Nox. If this story ever ends for some reason without making it to atleast dragon ball super. I will find you.
Una cosa que me e recordado revisando mi conocimiento de drag贸n ball e recordado de qu茅 me sonaba lo de la zona pues esto es un nombre que ya estaba en drag贸n ball por qu茅 tienes que saber que los 18 ahora 12 universos est谩 envuelto por la zona neutral un lugar de dimensiones superiores en expansi贸n sin fin que abarca sus Universos empeque帽eci茅ndolos hasta convertirlos en esferas , en ella existe una incontable cantidad de planetas por ejemplo en planeta donde se hizo el torneo de champa y bills a lo que quiero llegar todo lo que est谩 en la zona neutral se dice que est谩 " en la zona" todo lo que est谩 fuera de ella se llama "Fuera de la Zona"
the fic starts out kinda OK, but then the author keeps trying to replicate abridged comedy into the fic which gets tedious fast. also the author keeps making up reasons to preserve cannon which is dumb. if you could go ssj4 from day one and wipe everyone from the start why wouldn't you? if you want goku to keep training just show him that there is a higher power level.
Alright! I鈥檝e been reading this for a while and completely forgot to give it a review! {Writing Quality: 5/5 - Superb!} {Updating Stability: 5/5 - The Author used to update every 2 days, but it recently decreased because he has his own life, and now its slowly increasing back to the same schedule. He鈥檚 mentioned many times that he has planned this fanfic really far, so we can hope for it to not be forgotten or left on hiatus anytime soon.} {Story Development: 5/5 - The approach to the story and its battles are amazing and the direction the story heads as well as unexpected variables appearing. (Dont worry, it doesn鈥檛 stray from cannon)} {Character Design: 5/5 - The emotions, thoughts and feelings isn鈥檛 shown just for our MC, but for everyone.} {World Background: 5/5 - I鈥檓 not one to overly focus on world background itself, but the history and new takes are interesting, always keeping me on hook.} Now a lot of readers hated on this because the MC (Ajax) is a human, not a saiyan or anything. However, he has unique abilities that haven鈥檛 been properly explored in canon, but that鈥檚 what the author is doing here; - Adaptation & Ki - His adapting ability is as said, he can adapt to attacks he鈥檚 already been hit with before, but this doesn鈥檛 necessarily make him invulnerable. If a second attack is stronger than the first attack he had adapted to, then he will undoubtedly take some damage. Ajax鈥檚 mastery over Ki is phenomenal and they way it鈥檚 described and used in battle makes you wonder the endless possibilities with it. The way he has something called the zone, an area of which is under his control. The author also makes use of techniques that don鈥檛 have much of an appearance in the canon, such as the Multi-form technique. They also make use of telepathically speaking to one another during a fight. What鈥檚 more impressive is the MC鈥檚 cunningness and is regarded as a tactician. Everyone will always look towards him for a plan of attack, where you can actually feel their lives are on the line in the midst of battle. In the beginning the MC views everyone as fictional characters, and doesn鈥檛 hesitate to sacrifice some of the Z fighters. However, the author makes great use of character development, where Ajax breaks down into a mess and cries into bulma鈥檚 shoulder, finally seeing everything and everyone as real. Also, his development of strength is not selfish as other fanfics would portray the MC as. It鈥檚 shown Ajax cares for his comrades to grow stronger along with him and he does so in the book. It鈥檚 only in the Frieza Arc now, but the direction the author decided to head in is absolutely amazing. The fanfic doesn鈥檛 just focus on Ajax himself, but also some chapters and definitely the fights are dedicated to other Z fighters. Another major thing to note, is this book also has comedic attrributes, so its not serious 24/7, there鈥檇 be moments of laughter in between or during fights, conversations and during training. Especially the way Ajax mocks the enemies. I鈥檝e said all I can think of right now, but there鈥檚 still a lot more great things to be said about this book and the author. READ IT!
Best dragon ball fanfic hands down, not just on this app, but ever. Hope it goes all the way through, becuase it鈥檚 been amazing to experience so far.
This is just a gorgeous tribute to the I.P.! Haven鈥檛 read fanfiction since my teens and let me just say that i wish i鈥檇 have this quality in the actual show and manga. Chef鈥檚 kiss. I won鈥檛 say I was liking how it was early on, in the saiyan saga. Stuck around mainly because the mechanics for the application of ki and such special moves within the world of dragonball were very insightful. But i figured the story would just be a power fantasy, till you know picollo drops some no F鈥檚 aura on the OC insert. I think the author is more madly respectful of he DB characters than the goated akira was XD. Not a fan of the Poronga wish, but i get it. Loving the amped dificulty for your adaption though.
Someone can tell me who is the waifu? please i need to know this . is Bulma ? number 18? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
good story by far the best in terms of Dragon Ball Fan Fics. 1. The main character of this story is a human and I think that's amazing,I'm tired of watching drgaon ball fanfics have the same trope of an overpowered sayain blah blah blah.Its very predictable and this is a new way of going about it and so far so good. 2.Some of you may be worried about him being human because if the fact its dragon ball and their are bigger forces at play like Frieza ect,Yes the Main character knows this and he wishes for an amazing ability throught the earthly dragonballs.Do not believe anyone telling you that the ability is nerfed or underwhelming,They are the same people expecting a fast paced story where the Mc becomes an "ancient legendary God baby big boy sayain" like grow up. 3.The writing quality is amazing so far so good,My only problem with this is the updating schedule, It's very slow but that's just my opinion it's steady I think it's like 1 chapter per week..I'm just addicted and want more...but yeah I did end up giving the updating stability 3 stars it should be 4 stars but I just want more chapters.. 4.World background not much to say on this end, It's a DragonBall fanfic everything is described well so like...idk bro it's DragonBall we know what everything looks like already bit the descriptions are great as well. 5.Story development is amazing.I love how it develops in such a nice pace.Not everything is happening fast and oh my God,The way characters react to his actions is amazing for example when he killed ___ person to forward the plot, Piccolo was questioning him and others looking at him suspiciously or when he let _____ person die,That also raised a few eye brows.His actions affect the reactions if those around him and I think that's great because UT brings more life to the side characters around him. 6.Overall this story is a 4.0 at least for me and I would give it a higher rating If the author just dropped more chapters 馃槶. The development is nicely done,Writing quality amazing,Sidr characters feel real and not just there for convenience,World background is great but I've already watched the show so I know what things look like but the descriptions can help you picture them better as well. 7.Advice, Moving forward I would like if the author posted images of what he was describing and what the main character did look like, I've seen other novels and fan fics do this and I think it would be a great addition if you just add a text that says image and then posted a picture of what you want us to see as readers by commenting on the image.That would be amazing as well.Please do update more if you can, I think this will help your fanfic grow faster because by all means I think this fanfic is the DragonBall version of Naruto faint smile both stories are peak.
Here I am posting a review I never posted one usually I just comment but I am going because of two things First the potential and the quality of the story Second the talent of the Author So I will start with the positive points of the story As this is a fanfiction i will start with the world building or more precisely its consistency with the original story (DB) the author really paid homage to the original story how he described the world or how he organizes the arcs it's just extraordinary and not to mention the ki system one of the weak points of db the inconsistency in fights or how the ki works the author managed to make it coherent and the explanations are one of the best that I have seen in a fiction I can't give less than 5 for the world building Now for the writing like the world building it's really very good the author has real talent for that for me a good author is an author who can transmit the emotion he wants to the readers and he succeeded in doing that you feel the emotions and that the world is alive and the fights are beautiful you don't have a character that forget a move he has or don't know when to use it and you really feel the excitement during the fights some time there too many description it can annoy some but that all there just another thing i will explain in the end For me the writing deserved a 4,5 It's almost perfect not a 5 but that's normal it's the author's first fiction and with his talent I'm sure he'll improve For the Updates it's quite consistent I saw the author take a break between the arcs but normal maybe he thinks about the story or just rests a little but apart from that it's very consistent So 4,5 well deserved I would like to give a perfect score but I try to be as objective as possible Finally the Characters they are perfect the author managed to make them intelligent and transformers 1 dimensional characters into 3 dimensional characters you really understand their choice and he even managed to make even secondary characters memorable I have nothing to complain about even the main character is intelligent and has a cool character development (something I don't personally like but it won't influence my notation because I try to be as rational as possible I will explain at the end of the review of some want to know) Here is my review Those were the positive points, now let's move on to the negatives First thing it's about the writing and the second and last is something completely subjective it won't have any influence over my rating let's start the first thing is gags and the goofyness of the story there is too much especially at the beginning of the story but that's not really the problem as I said I try to be as objective as possible and the humor is subjective it's not something that should be taken intro account intro the rating so i will explain why it's too much (It decreases as the story progresses and the author improves) the gags and humor should never have an impact in the story and should never influence the characters an example in some parts of the story the mc did let picolo take Gohan and MC was charged to inform chichi naturally she was angry that the MC did let picolo take him and she threatened the MC to protect his son even if it cost him his life and the mc was so afraid he didn't say a word and nodded the gag that the angry chichi makes other characters afraid is normal it exists even in DB but it should never influence the course of the story the MC is stronger he shouldn't put his life in danger because of a gag he can promise to protect Gohan because of guilt or empathy but never because of a gag another thing mr.popo did train the mc the gag was that mr.popo is the strongest that a gag some may find it funny other not but that is not the problem at some point the narrator says that Mr po-po is stronger than zeno here is the problem first as i said a gag should never have an impact on the story and even less the power rankings of fiction and a narrator should be neutral it would be okay if The mc said that while thinking Because that would be just his opinion (maybe influenced by fear of the moment or just as a joke) but the narrator should stay neutral because in a story any thing the narrator says should be the True that was all I have to say about the humor let's go to the last thing my opinion about the mc (again my personal opinion and it has nothing to do with the quality of the story and it didn't influence my rankings) at the start I really liked the MC in the start Even when born as a human he did succeed in becoming stronger he was intelligent rational and would do anything to make the earth survive and would always make the most rational choice even if he had to sacrifice character (he didn't really sacrifice character just made sure that the story followed the canon an example made sure that goku was dead against Raditz so he can go to Kaio and lean kaioken for the fights against Vegeta later because he wasn't strong enough at that moment) i like his logical thinking not being blinded by his emotions (that was because he sees the characters just as characters not as real people) but as the story progressed he became more and more human and promised himself to never again sacrifice his friends even if he has to die The Characters development was amazing author i have nothing to say about it especially the confrontation with Picolo but I would have preferred his character was still the same i liked his rational manipulative personality that who did put the result before the process again that was just my preference Author good luck with the rest of the story you really have talent don't give up I tried to put my emotions out of the rating as much as possible and give the story the rating it deserves out of respect for the author
Reveal SpoilerDe las mejores historias referentes a dragon ball que veras en tu vida, ya que incluso tiene logica referente a como van haciendose mas fuerte los personajes con mejor calidad que el dragon ball clasico y z, con increibles referencias a contenidos adicionales como juegos y peliculas, e incluso el protagonista muestra indicios de ser una potencia a tener en cuenta siendo solo un humano con un poder de adaptaci贸n que no rompe las escalas de poder
Reveal SpoilerO que eu posso dizer no momento que eu estou escrevendo isso a hist贸ria j谩 est谩 na reta final para terminar a saga de nameki e com certeza Essa 茅 uma das melhores hist贸rias feita por f茫 de Dragon Ball j谩 feito ou a melhor o protagonista n茫o 茅 super roubado j谩 no in铆cio ele leva uma surra de radtiz ele s贸 consegue contribuir mesmo contra Vegeta e napa e na saga de nameki e onde est谩 agora ele 茅 um dos Guerreiros mais fortes s贸 estando atr谩s de Goku
amazing focus on making every character interesting and the mc is a smart guy overcoming the odds. just need more chapters regularly
This dragon ball in so many ways. Every single fight takes forever. Nearly the entire first 50 chapters is Z force vs Bappa & vageta. And since 65 we have not left namek id assume freeza arc would only end by chapter 200
Yo, it's your bro here to inform this fanfic is on fire. It may be the funniest yet still serious and believable depiction of Dragon Ball Z western media. No Frost Demon tail was eaten yet. (I lament for the icy one samurai tranformation) The MC was believable even when a plot point was he thinking too much he missed some points while acquiring his "cheat" so to speak. Pardon my bad english I'm just lazy enough to forgot how to write in this language (or mine own).
Me encant贸 el echo de c贸mo se desarrolla el personaje de ajax en el mundo de dragon ball, en este momento la mejor saga a sido sin duda la saga de frieza, el hecho de leer el impacto negativo que trajo el involucrar a un externo dentro de la trama a sido fascinante, las habilidades est谩n cuidadas y el MC no es OP y eso es un punto muy bueno
una magnifica obra de arte , posiblemente el mejor fanfic de dragon ball que hay sobretodo la mejora que hay en la mentalidad i profundidad de los personajes es lo mejor
I am currently on chapter 16. The novel started fantastic and progressed extremly well. Heart warming and good moments snd of course the bits of comedy and making goku into a dumbass. I also like the tfs references, but it slowly took a complete spin. The serious and wholesome vibe dissapeared and instead it became all comedy. Goku saying radish instead of raditz. Then Raditz sayin you named your son Rice. gohans name in japanese is a hint on breakfast (author made a mistake). I will continue reading and change and give a more detailed analysis of thr novel, because many praised it, I just hope it wont continue to be only jokes and drag the characters through the mud
Best dragon ball si fiction I have read. Main character is not a Mary Sue and author doesnot shyd away from making new plots and the writing is top notch.
Muy buen cap, espero que no se te sea complicado el crear todo esto. yo tambi茅n tengo ideas para fanfics, pero soy muy vago XD por eso me preguntaba como le haces para escribir con una fecha limite?
I not speack Ingles traductor XD El mejor Fanfic de dragon ball que halla le铆do!!!!! Pero tengo una duda, se supone que freezer empieza perder el control de su poder a partir del 70%? por lo tanto y sum谩ndole los da帽os freezer y Goku deber铆an tener un poder inferior en Ssj y el 100% de Freezer, 贸sea el 100% de freezer de freezer deber铆a ser inferior por culpa de los da帽os, lo mismo pasar铆a con Goku al tener el Ssj estando agotado. yo le pondr铆a alrededor de Goku: 120M - 130M Freezer: 110M - 100M esto justifica el porque ambos est谩n igualados en la pelea de Namek
The peak of dragon ball fan-fics. The story surrounds Ajax, a human in dragon ball. The plot line starts inbetween Gohan's birth and Raditz's arrival. What I really like is the complexity the author adds to the og DB cast. He takes obvious inspiration from dbza while incorporating more elements that enhance the comedic traits in dbz and dbza to be equally as serious as it is funny. Ajax has his own character flaws that he has to overcome so he too isn't a flat character. The world background has been updated to be more logical. Although Frieza may be the most talented in his race, it doesn't make sense for him to listen to King Cold if King Cold wasn't stronger than Frieza. There may be parental respect in play, but I really doubt it with Frieza's character, so the modifcations to make King Cold stronger is a change I like. The only flaw I must mention is the slow update pace, its about 2000 words a week or so, which for a mid novel is fine. But when it comes to peak, 2000 words a week doesn't cut it, I seriously feel like a traveler in a desert desperate for water, I cannot get enough of this. Plz update more and my soul is yours馃檹馃徎.
Wow! I鈥檓 certain this is the best dragon ball fanfiction ever made. I鈥檝e been a big fan of the dragon ball franchise, but the series feels a bit one-dimensional at times. This story completely redefines the dragon ball story in the best way possible. Epic arcs are more epic, emotions are more real, characters feel more real, and the stakes are raised. The main character鈥檚 progression is paced perfectly. Not too fast, but also not annoyingly slow. Finally, the changes made to each arc are great! I love to see the butterfly effects of the changed canon. Great job author!
Esta hisotria es la mejor que lei en mi vida es un 10 de 10 con todas las palabras de la palabra, una obra maestra en todo su esplendor la verdad me encanto.
Reveal Spoilercharacters are much more fleshed out and have reasons to act the way they do underrated and underutilized techniques once disregarded by the blatant power gap in the original story are put to use ajax's development regarding his morals feel somewhat realistic considering how calculative he seems to be. after all, things in dragon ball are usually a hair's breath away from being disastrous, which compels him to act according to canon the story isn't straying from canon completely, yet adds some fairly vast differences (this is in regards to the latest chapter) no random buffs or power ups from a system or a golden finger, an over saturated genre i find a little stale now. and i love underdog stories, which in terms of dragon ball, being a human is usually momentually more difficult considering canon. overall, i think the quality of this fanfic is phenomenal, and the only thing i would request is a faster uploading schedule, but i know that quality takes time. i'm patient. 10/10
Reveal Spoilerevery character in this is 3D and not just 1-dimensional , nappa, raditz, zarbon, even that frog from planet namek this story have the Weak to strong MC trope so if you want MC who have the planetary power level since he is a baby this is not for you,
Equuleus_Nox. If this story ever ends for some reason without making it to atleast dragon ball super. I will find you.
Una cosa que me e recordado revisando mi conocimiento de drag贸n ball e recordado de qu茅 me sonaba lo de la zona pues esto es un nombre que ya estaba en drag贸n ball por qu茅 tienes que saber que los 18 ahora 12 universos est谩 envuelto por la zona neutral un lugar de dimensiones superiores en expansi贸n sin fin que abarca sus Universos empeque帽eci茅ndolos hasta convertirlos en esferas , en ella existe una incontable cantidad de planetas por ejemplo en planeta donde se hizo el torneo de champa y bills a lo que quiero llegar todo lo que est谩 en la zona neutral se dice que est谩 " en la zona" todo lo que est谩 fuera de ella se llama "Fuera de la Zona"
the fic starts out kinda OK, but then the author keeps trying to replicate abridged comedy into the fic which gets tedious fast. also the author keeps making up reasons to preserve cannon which is dumb. if you could go ssj4 from day one and wipe everyone from the start why wouldn't you? if you want goku to keep training just show him that there is a higher power level.
Alright! I鈥檝e been reading this for a while and completely forgot to give it a review! {Writing Quality: 5/5 - Superb!} {Updating Stability: 5/5 - The Author used to update every 2 days, but it recently decreased because he has his own life, and now its slowly increasing back to the same schedule. He鈥檚 mentioned many times that he has planned this fanfic really far, so we can hope for it to not be forgotten or left on hiatus anytime soon.} {Story Development: 5/5 - The approach to the story and its battles are amazing and the direction the story heads as well as unexpected variables appearing. (Dont worry, it doesn鈥檛 stray from cannon)} {Character Design: 5/5 - The emotions, thoughts and feelings isn鈥檛 shown just for our MC, but for everyone.} {World Background: 5/5 - I鈥檓 not one to overly focus on world background itself, but the history and new takes are interesting, always keeping me on hook.} Now a lot of readers hated on this because the MC (Ajax) is a human, not a saiyan or anything. However, he has unique abilities that haven鈥檛 been properly explored in canon, but that鈥檚 what the author is doing here; - Adaptation & Ki - His adapting ability is as said, he can adapt to attacks he鈥檚 already been hit with before, but this doesn鈥檛 necessarily make him invulnerable. If a second attack is stronger than the first attack he had adapted to, then he will undoubtedly take some damage. Ajax鈥檚 mastery over Ki is phenomenal and they way it鈥檚 described and used in battle makes you wonder the endless possibilities with it. The way he has something called the zone, an area of which is under his control. The author also makes use of techniques that don鈥檛 have much of an appearance in the canon, such as the Multi-form technique. They also make use of telepathically speaking to one another during a fight. What鈥檚 more impressive is the MC鈥檚 cunningness and is regarded as a tactician. Everyone will always look towards him for a plan of attack, where you can actually feel their lives are on the line in the midst of battle. In the beginning the MC views everyone as fictional characters, and doesn鈥檛 hesitate to sacrifice some of the Z fighters. However, the author makes great use of character development, where Ajax breaks down into a mess and cries into bulma鈥檚 shoulder, finally seeing everything and everyone as real. Also, his development of strength is not selfish as other fanfics would portray the MC as. It鈥檚 shown Ajax cares for his comrades to grow stronger along with him and he does so in the book. It鈥檚 only in the Frieza Arc now, but the direction the author decided to head in is absolutely amazing. The fanfic doesn鈥檛 just focus on Ajax himself, but also some chapters and definitely the fights are dedicated to other Z fighters. Another major thing to note, is this book also has comedic attrributes, so its not serious 24/7, there鈥檇 be moments of laughter in between or during fights, conversations and during training. Especially the way Ajax mocks the enemies. I鈥檝e said all I can think of right now, but there鈥檚 still a lot more great things to be said about this book and the author. READ IT!
Best dragon ball fanfic hands down, not just on this app, but ever. Hope it goes all the way through, becuase it鈥檚 been amazing to experience so far.
This is just a gorgeous tribute to the I.P.! Haven鈥檛 read fanfiction since my teens and let me just say that i wish i鈥檇 have this quality in the actual show and manga. Chef鈥檚 kiss. I won鈥檛 say I was liking how it was early on, in the saiyan saga. Stuck around mainly because the mechanics for the application of ki and such special moves within the world of dragonball were very insightful. But i figured the story would just be a power fantasy, till you know picollo drops some no F鈥檚 aura on the OC insert. I think the author is more madly respectful of he DB characters than the goated akira was XD. Not a fan of the Poronga wish, but i get it. Loving the amped dificulty for your adaption though.
Someone can tell me who is the waifu? please i need to know this . is Bulma ? number 18? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
good story by far the best in terms of Dragon Ball Fan Fics. 1. The main character of this story is a human and I think that's amazing,I'm tired of watching drgaon ball fanfics have the same trope of an overpowered sayain blah blah blah.Its very predictable and this is a new way of going about it and so far so good. 2.Some of you may be worried about him being human because if the fact its dragon ball and their are bigger forces at play like Frieza ect,Yes the Main character knows this and he wishes for an amazing ability throught the earthly dragonballs.Do not believe anyone telling you that the ability is nerfed or underwhelming,They are the same people expecting a fast paced story where the Mc becomes an "ancient legendary God baby big boy sayain" like grow up. 3.The writing quality is amazing so far so good,My only problem with this is the updating schedule, It's very slow but that's just my opinion it's steady I think it's like 1 chapter per week..I'm just addicted and want more...but yeah I did end up giving the updating stability 3 stars it should be 4 stars but I just want more chapters.. 4.World background not much to say on this end, It's a DragonBall fanfic everything is described well so like...idk bro it's DragonBall we know what everything looks like already bit the descriptions are great as well. 5.Story development is amazing.I love how it develops in such a nice pace.Not everything is happening fast and oh my God,The way characters react to his actions is amazing for example when he killed ___ person to forward the plot, Piccolo was questioning him and others looking at him suspiciously or when he let _____ person die,That also raised a few eye brows.His actions affect the reactions if those around him and I think that's great because UT brings more life to the side characters around him. 6.Overall this story is a 4.0 at least for me and I would give it a higher rating If the author just dropped more chapters 馃槶. The development is nicely done,Writing quality amazing,Sidr characters feel real and not just there for convenience,World background is great but I've already watched the show so I know what things look like but the descriptions can help you picture them better as well. 7.Advice, Moving forward I would like if the author posted images of what he was describing and what the main character did look like, I've seen other novels and fan fics do this and I think it would be a great addition if you just add a text that says image and then posted a picture of what you want us to see as readers by commenting on the image.That would be amazing as well.Please do update more if you can, I think this will help your fanfic grow faster because by all means I think this fanfic is the DragonBall version of Naruto faint smile both stories are peak.