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59.34% Alexander Benjamin Tennyson (Ben 10 Fanfic) / Chapter 108: 107. Second Eternal Knight Heist: Stage Three

Chapter 108: 107. Second Eternal Knight Heist: Stage Three



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Tsul 'Kalu, also known as the Cherokee Devil, is a legendary figure in Cherokee mythology who plays the role of the «great lord of the game» and as such is often used in hunting rites and rituals. In the same world, it is a legendary cryptid. He is called the «Great Hunter» and is held in high esteem and respect by hunters.

He appeared in «The Secret Saturdays» and was the one who caused Doc to lose his eye and turn his hair gray. Also, it was Tsul 'Kalu who gave the Saturdays an artifact in the form of a thunderbird claw, which Zak later used as his weapon and concentrator to help him control Kur's abilities.

But, like I said, in my universe, Doc never lost his eye, and Zak never got the Claw, and it looks like I found the answer to why that happened.

Apparently, the Forever Knights were able to catch the "great hunter" a few years ago, and he never met the Saturdays. And this is actually very bad, because Tsul 'Kalu played a significant role in Zak's victory over Argost, not to mention the usefulness of the Claw itself, which Zak used throughout the story.

It's good that I still found the cryptid, although of course it was not without my great luck. I love my tattoo.

Frankly, I feel sorry for the poor creature that the Knights experimented on for several years. Nobody deserves such a fate. Especially if it is a reasonable cryptid, with nobility and principles that many people would envy.

- Do you know what this creature is? - Lee asked, examining the anthropomorphic panther with glowing eyes.

- Raarr - growled Tsul 'Kalu. He obviously didn't like being called a creature.

- He is a cryptid named Tsul 'Kalu. A legendary hunter who never misses his prey. If he sets his sights on you, sooner or later, he will come after you and you will become his trophy. - I told the general information, while noticing that the Hunter puffed out his chest a little with pride. He seemed to like the way I described him.

- And why did the Forever Knights catch him? - I thought they were only interested in aliens. Lee asked thoughtfully.

- I'm not sure, but I've heard that Tsul 'Kalu has a mysterious power, similar to magic, that helps him in combat, and most importantly, helps him track his prey in any part of the world. Perhaps the Knights wanted to learn this ability and use it for their own nefarious purposes. Or perhaps they wanted to use Tsul 'Kala himself as a hunting dog. - I suggested.

- RRAARRRR - the Hunter growled angrily, apparently thereby confirming my words.

- Basically, they caught him, for the same reason they want to catch me now. - Lee said, clenching his fists in anger.

- That's right, which means that we didn't come here in vain. Step back a little, please. - I said, and then turned to Tsul 'Kalu.

The hunter obeyed me and moved back into the cell, so I ripped out the cell door with telekinesis without any problems. Coming out of the cell, Tzul 'Kalu looked at me gratefully, roared, apparently gratitude, then jumped down and ran in an unknown direction, taking the sword with which I fought in a duel.

- Is it okay that he left alone? - Lee asked as the Hunter disappeared from the prison facility.

- Everything will be fine, I'm sure he'll manage on his own. It is surprising that he was caught at all, given his skills. Most likely they set a trap for him, as almost happened to you. - I said as I walked down the stairs.

- Since you say so. What did they do with him here? - Lee inquired as he followed me.

- Chadwick researched Tsul 'Kalu's body and abilities, but nothing came of it in the end. In addition, Tsul 'Kalu was constantly on the rampage and would not allow himself to be tested, so after a while they stopped disturbing him and simply locked him in a cage where he spent almost six years. They did not let him go because they were afraid that he would start hunting down members of the order and exterminate them all. Needless to say, they were afraid not in vain. Now I even feel a little sorry for the Knights, since soon their staff will be drastically reduced. - I said with a smirk what I had seen in Tsul'Kalu's mind.

- I understand him very well, I myself would have done the same if I had been locked up for six years. But I wonder why the Knights didn't kill him? It is very risky to leave such an enemy alive. - Lee asked.

- Apparently, Chadwick still wanted to subdue such a powerful cryptid, and was just waiting for the opportunity to do so. I think he was hoping to find an artifact or technology that would allow him to do this. Although, now he is worth it, he hopes that the hunter will not come for him, which is unlikely. - I honestly expressed my thoughts.

- Understandably. Well, here we are. Now down? - Lee asked.

- Yes. Get ready, we're in for a fight. - I said seriously, turning into the EarthLord and breaking through the floor.

By sheer coincidence, the prison was right under the room we needed, so we fell right into the thick of things. We were already waiting for about two hundred and fifty knights armed with alien weapons, led by Dr. Chadwick himself. As soon as we landed, all the Knights surrounded us and pointed their weapons at us. Lee and I stood back to back, ready at any moment to respond to a surprise attack.

- Shadow, I've been waiting for you. Only I didn't think you'd bring support. All the more so. - said a middle-aged man coldly, with a disfigured right eye, dressed in a white lab coat.

- Chadwick. You will regret setting this trap for me. - Lee said angrily, pointing at the said person with his dagger.

- I'm afraid it's you who will regret your decision to infiltrate here, even after learning of our plan. Now, you can't get out of here. And I have to thank you for bringing the Legion here. We have been interested in him and his abilities for a long time, especially after he attacked our American branch. - Chadwick said calmly, looking at me with his one good eye.

- It looks like you are completely confident in your victory. - I said, hearing Chadwick's tone.

- Certainly. We have been preparing for this day for a long time, and although we did not expect your presence, this will not change anything. And even the fact that you have de-energized the entire base will not help you. - Chadwick boasted with superiority in his voice.

- Yes? And what gives you such confidence? - I asked, since my interlocutor turned out to be so talkative. It looks like he can't help but brag about his plan. Typical villain.

- This. - Chadwick said solemnly as his subordinates wheeled out a projector the size of a catapult. It appears to be their secret weapon.

- And what is it? - I asked, rolling my eyes, realizing that the Doctor wouldn't explain anything if I didn't ask.

- This is what will destroy the creatures like you that invade our world and act. - shouted Chadwick, with an obsession in his voice and a hint of racism. Wow, he seems to really believe what he says. He really has problems with his head.

- The Nullification Projector can negate all the special abilities of the aliens, making them completely unable to resist us. So soon, we will destroy all intruders, and vile half-breeds like you. And you will be the first on this list. - Chadwick said with a wild look. Damn racist.

- Is that how? And you're sure this projector will work on us? - I asked curiously, guessing what was the source of this projector's power.

- Certainly. It cannot be otherwise. I created this Projector myself and tested it on imprisoned aliens. Now you will lose all your strength, and we will capture you without any problems. I can't wait to find out what your secret is, Legion. - Chadwick said proudly, looking at me like I was a piece of fresh meat. Brrr...

- Kirby… - Lee said softly to me, seeing Chadwick about to activate his projector.

- Do not worry. I have everything under control. - I said in a confident tone.

- You went far and caused me a lot of trouble, but you were in a lose-lose situation from the start. Now, goodbye. - Chadwick said with an anticipatory smirk and pressed the button, thus activating his secret weapon.

The projector shone, sending a beam of bright light towards us. I felt Lee tense up, ready to run at any moment, but he still trusted me and stayed where he was. And not in vain, because after a couple of seconds, the Projector began to blink, after which it simply turned off, making a bad sound.

- What? Why does not it work? - Chadwick asked in shock as he saw that his weapon had been deactivated.

- Do not worry. With men your age, this often happens. - I said with a smirk, while hearing a couple of chuckles from the knights.

- YOU!!! WHAT DID YOU DO??? - shouted Chadwick, glaring at me with fury.

- I? I did not do anything. That's all he is. - I said honestly, pointing at the projector.

As everyone turned to look where I pointed, they saw a normal-looking Forever Knight transform into a Humungousaur with a flash of blue light, and destroy the Nullification Projector to hell.

- What the f**k? - Chadwick yelled as he watched in shock as the huge dinosaur destroyed his machine.

- Is he with you? - Lee inquired, looking at the Humungousaur, which was walking unhindered towards me. All the knights were so surprised that they didn't even try to stop him.

- You can say that. - I said, taking a long white tentacle from my clone's hands.

As I thought, Chadwick somehow managed to get the eyelash of a member of the Eraser Eye race. Chadwick was able to create a semblance of the alien's leveling abilities due to the fact that a particle of this race was in his Nullification Projector.

Frankly, it's amazing that this psychopath was able to create such a weapon that would undoubtedly give all the aliens a lot of problems. He was unlucky that he ran into me.

And also, it's good that I decided to create a clone that went ahead and infiltrated the ranks of the knights while they were all focused on us. When I heard from Lee about the alien power-nullifying weapon, I decided to be as serious as possible and prepared for all the contingencies. Still, this weapon is dangerous even for me.

I know this seems over the top, because while Chadwick was talking, I could destroy his projector ten times, but paranoia is never too much. Plus, his face full of shock and disbelief when he saw his precious projector being destroyed was worth it.

- Was it a clone? - Lee asked when he saw the Humungousaur dissipate.

- Yes. I decided that we would not be hindered by an ally who could cause confusion in the ranks of our enemies. - I said, putting the eyelash of the Eraser Eyes race into inventory.

- And when did you have time? - Lee asked with sincere curiosity, now more relaxed, since nothing threatens us now.

- While you were pitting your skills against that red knight. - I said honestly.

- Hmm ... It was also called me an excessive paranoid. Compared to him, I'm just a little prudent… - Lee said softly, thinking that I wouldn't hear anything.

- You destroyed my projector!!! Attack them! Destroy!!! - came to his senses, shouted Chadwick, as if he were a wounded animal, giving the order to his subordinates.

Before the Forever Knights could carry out the order, Tsul 'Kalu, unnoticed by anyone, jumped out of the crowd and attacked Chadwick, who did not expect this. Slicing his long claws across Chadwick's throat, the legendary hunter dodged several shots from the Doctor's bodyguards and ran towards Lee and me.

- Have you finished your business? - I asked Hunter as he stood next to me.

- Rarrr… - Tsul 'Kalu growled affirmatively, pointing to his belt, where two thunderbird claws could be seen. Looks like he was leaving for his things.

- *Grrll* Kill them!!! - shouted Chadwick, covering his bleeding throat. How alive he must be.

This time, the Knights did not hesitate and immediately attacked us. I, on the other hand, created a mana dome that protected us without any problems. Though he certainly wouldn't last too long given the number of attacks.

- And now what? - Lee asked.

- We have to end this. This is taking way too long. - I said, strengthening the dome so that it would not collapse.

- Ok, I agree. The sooner we leave, the better. But, we need to find the Diadem. - Lee recalled.

- It must be around here somewhere… - I said, scanning the entire room with my x-ray vision.

- Found. Damn, looks like they took out the entire collection except for three items. - I said as I spotted three stands at the back of the room.

- Chadwick said that they had been preparing for a long time, so they must have taken everything of value from here, leaving only these things as bait. - Lee suggested.

- Most likely, it is. Okay, let's get this over with quickly. Stay here and don't come out. It will be dangerous there. - I said and turned into the Plague, flew out of the barrier.

All the attacks of the Knights did not harm me, as my body was immune to such attacks. Having created a simple flu virus that should instantly knock down all opponents, I released it along with the fog, which quickly filled the entire room, infecting the knights, and I myself flew to the trophies.

After putting all three items in my inventory, I went back and waited for the virus to take effect. Soon, the Knights began to cough and one by one fell to the ground unconscious.

Due to the rise in body temperature, their bodies have switched to an energy-saving mode so as not to burn out, so now they are not our opponents. After removing the last of the virus from the air, I canceled the transformation and released Lee and Tsul 'Kala.

- You're fast. - Lee said, looking at two hundred and fifty opponents defeated by a cold.

Before I could answer, a mechanical voice came from the loudspeaker: - [Self-destruct system activated! Time until the research facility is destroyed: 3 minutes!]

- Your job? - I asked Tsul 'Kala.

- Rar. - The Hunter growled, shaking his head in disapproval.

- And who did it? - I asked myself.

- It doesn't matter now. Did you get the diadem? - Lee asked hopefully.

- Yes. Here you are. - He said and handed over a pitch-black diadem.

- That's her. I feel connected to her. - Lee said with adoration in his voice, looking at the headdress of the Umbramants.


Turning towards the eerie sound, we saw that Tsul 'Kalu had cut off Chadwick's head and then spat on his corpse.

- Hmm… - I involuntarily said, looking at this disgusting sight.

- I think Tsul 'Kalu deserved revenge on his overseer. - Lee said calmly.

- [Time to destruction of the research facility: 2 minutes!] - The voice came from the loudspeaker again.

- Okay, now is not the time for that. Need to leave. - I said, looking for a possible escape route using x-ray vision.

- I will take us up through the Shadow Dimension. - Lee said as he tossed the Diadem into his shadow.

- Not. We can't leave these people here. They won't be able to escape on their own. - I said, pointing to the knights.

- Rrrarra… - Tsul 'Kalu snarled angrily at my words.

- They are mere soldiers who do not deserve such a death. - I said confidently.

- Okay, so what do you suggest? - Lee asked.

- Let's go down again. - I said, once again breaking through the floor today.

- Sewerage? - Lee asked angrily.

- From the looks of it, the self-destruct system should destroy the entire complex without affecting the museum upstairs and the sewers downstairs. We won't have time to go upstairs with all these people, so the only way is down. - I told what I saw with my eyes, and then using telekinesis I began to send all the unconscious knights into the depths of the London sewers.

- [Time to destruction of the research facility: 1 minute!]

- Okay. There is still no time to argue. - Lee said displeasedly and jumped into the sewage.

- Rararar. - growled Tsul 'Kalu, expressing his displeasure and jumped after Li.

- You did practically nothing at all, and you still complain. Shame on you. - I shouted with displeasure, sending the last knights down and jumping after them.

- [3… 2… 1…].


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