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Chapter 118: 117. The Hand of Tsul' Kalu



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- Kai!!! - shouted Mr. Green, joyfully and at the same time with relief, when he noticed me, Kai and Fisk walking in his direction. He was alone, it looks like the others split up to find us.

- Grandpa! - Kai exclaimed joyfully, throwing herself into the arms of her, as it turned out, the only living relative.

- I'm so glad you're all right. Forgive me. - Wes said, making sure that everything was in order with his granddaughter, crying with happiness.

- It's okay, it's not your fault, grandfather. I'm alright. I am healthy. - Kai said trying to calm Wes down.

- Thanks. If not for your help, I could have lost my only granddaughter. Thank you very much. - Wes thanked me, already turning to me, wiping away tears of happiness.

- My pleasure. - I simply said as I watched the Green family with a smile.

— Urara. (What a blessing it all ended well.) - Fisk purred, crying from watching the reunion scene between granddaughter and grandfather. How sensitive he is.

- Hold on. - I said, handing Fisk a handkerchief so that he could dry himself off and not embarrass himself again.

— Umaru. (Thanks.) *Frrrv* - Fisk thanked me and blew his nose into a handkerchief that now belongs to him, apparently.

- Lex, Fisk, there you are. - came the voice of Doc, who ran out of one of the lanes of the village.

- Doc, what happened there? Fisk said that werewolf was back. - I turned to him, leaving the Green family and their reunion behind.

- Shortly after you left, we heard a terrible noise from the entrance to the city. Having gone to see what was happening there, we saw the same Yenaldooshi, an anthropomorphic wolf. He stole satellite dishes and other equipment again, right off the roof of your bus. - Doc explained in detail.

- Wow. Grandpa must be very angry right now. - I said wincing, knowing my grandfather's love for his RV.

- It's not the word. We couldn't stop him from trying to go hunting this wolf alone. - Doc said with a smile, who understood Grandpa very well, because he himself would have done the same if his airship had been attacked.

- Did the werewolf do anything else? - I inquired.

- Not. Having taken the equipment, he simply disappeared. At least I managed to take a picture of it. And I must say, he is a very unusual cryptid. I haven't come across these yet. - Doc answered, showing me his PDA, on which one could see a fuzzy picture of a typical representative of the Loboan race, which I finally decided to tell in order to dispel all speculation.

- It's not a cryptid. And certainly not the Yenaldooshi of Navajo legends. This is Loboan. This is such a race of aliens from the Luna Lobo, a satellite of the planet Anur Transyl. - I said.

- Are you sure? - Doc asked doubtfully.

- At 100%. I recently dealt with an alien from the Anur System, just from the planet Anur Transyl, so I studied all the aliens that live in that Solar System. - I said, finding an excuse for my knowledge.

- Anur System? After all, it is closed to the public and is considered a forbidden zone of dark space. The Plumbers have no jurisdiction there and try to stay out of there, as the system is surrounded by bad rumors and scary stories. - said Wes, who approached Doc and me when he was convinced that Kai was in good shape.

- Everything is just like that. I had to work very hard to find out about the inhabitants of this system and what is happening there now. Due to the closed nature of the system, you didn't know that this 'werewolf' was an alien and thought it was Yenaldooshi. - I replied.

- Hmm… that's quite a possibility. But there is still a chance that this is Yenaldooshi, it is not for nothing that he appeared on our land. And it fits our legends too much. - Wes said a little stubbornly, not wanting to give up his theory.

Rolling my eyes at Wes' stubbornness, I said: - Anyway, we need to find that wolf and stop him. He obviously has some kind of plan, it's not for nothing that he steals satellite dishes.

- That's right, and I don't think this werewolf's plan bode well. - Doc said seriously.

- Then let's go find the others and go hunting. - I suggested.

- Great… - Wes said cheerfully, clearly wanting to repay the Yenaldooshi for the damage he had caused, but Kai stopped him.

- Grandpa, what are you talking about? And who are these Plumbers? Grandpa, are you hiding something from me? - Kai asked suspiciously, stubbornly wanting to know the whole truth. It seems that stubbornness is their family trait.

Wes looked at Doc and me with a pleading look in his eyes, obviously asking for help, but we ignored him. Let him deal with the mess that he himself made. It was not necessary, they are dragging the truth for so long.

- Okay, then you will have a heart-to-heart talk, while we will find the others and begin preparations. - I said mercilessly, and walked towards my family and the Saturdey family, who had already gathered at the airship.

- Good luck, Mr Green. - Doc said, with a small smile, obviously not wanting to get involved in the family showdown that will now begin here, and followed me. Only Fisk wanted to help out of the kindness of his heart, but he was of little use in this matter, so he followed us.

When we got to the place where Doc parked his airship, we saw Grandpa, who was completely hung with high-tech alien weapons, and Drew, who was trying to convince Max of something. Gwen, Ashley, Zach and Komodo just watched this show with interest, a little off to the side.

- Max, you can't take all these weapons. It's too dangerous. - Drew said sternly, taking the laser netgun away from grandfather.

- It was the werewolf who mutilated my bus. I will not leave a wet place from him. - Grandfather said harshly, pulling another net gun from his magic bag.

- Max, don't be crazy. It's just a bus. - Drew said wearily, taking this net gun as well.

- It's not just a bus, it's my favorite RV. This is my home and my castle. Plus, the wolf stole the new carburetor Ashley gave me. This I can never forgive. - Grandfather said soulfully, at the end of the phrase he became angry again, taking out a flamethrower this time. And where did he get such an arsenal with him? When did he have time to fill his bag with weapons?

- Grandpa, stop breaking comedy. Come on, the sooner we go looking for the wolf, the sooner we get all the equipment back and I can fix the bus. - I said with a sigh, still amazed at how much my grandfather's behavior changes when it comes to his precious RV.

- Okey. - Max said displeasedly, removing all the weapons. Like a child, honestly. And this man scolded me for taking too many risks and not thinking about my actions. Eh...

- Lex found out that this wolf is an alien from another planet, so the situation is not our part. - Doc said, walking up to his wife.

- But we can still help find him, right? It's not just that we came here. - Drew asked as she hugged her husband.

- I don't think our help is needed. - Doc said looking at me.

- I don't mind if you're the sender with us. In any case, Mr. Green will want to catch Loboan, so at least keep an eye on him so that he does not do stupid things in a fit of anger. - I replied, already convinced of Wes's stubbornness and how he wants to take revenge on the alien for causing problems.

- Yes, let's catch this werewolf. It will be so cool!!! - Zak exclaimed enthusiastically, looking forward to the hunt. Although, of course, he was immediately broken off.

- No, Zak. It's too dangerous and you'll stay here. - Drew ordered, as befits a stern mother.

- But I also want to go hunting. It's not fair that you leave me. - Zak said frustratedly, already plotting how to come with us, even if it was a secret from his parents.

Not wanting him to cause problems, and God forbid he was captured by Loboan, anything can happen, I decided to distract him, and at the same time give him a gift.

- Zak, you should stay here with the girls. - I said, interrupting Ashley's indignation with a glance, who also wanted to go hunting.

- But… - Zak got even more upset when I didn't support him.

- If you don't act up, you will get this. - I said with a smile as I took out the Hand of Tsul' Kalu.

- What is it? - Zak asked curiously as his eyes and the claw itself flared orange.

- It is the claw of the thunderbird that Tsul' Kalu killed. He turned it into an artifact that helps focus inner powers. He should help you with your cryptid control abilities. - I said, throwing a claw to Zak.

- The same Tsul 'Kalu? - Drew asked after hearing my words.

- Yes. I recently helped him and in gratitude he gave me one of his 'hands'. I thought she was perfect for Zak. - I replied.

- According to the legends, the Hand of Tsul 'Kalu is a very powerful ritual artifact, so I think you're right. She must help Zak control his power. - Drew said thoughtfully.

- I feel. It is much easier for me to concentrate and use my abilities. - Zak said with delight as his eyes shone even brighter.

- Well, that's good. Stay here and train. The girls will look after you. It is so? - I said, looking sternly at Ashley and Gwen.

I want not to take them with me, firstly, because there are already so many of us. And secondly, I want to do everything quietly and catch Loboan before he activates the machine that he is building. Girls aren't very good at hiding. Still, their abilities are too bright. Wes, from a discovered location, learning the tricks of the hunt and knows how to be quiet and discreet, so he won't get in the way.

To be honest, I just don't remember exactly what Loboan is building. It appears to be some kind of transmitter, but I don't remember its purpose, or how it fits in with Zs'Skayr plan to darken the Earth. I don't want to take another risk and I don't want to make the mistake of being too relaxed again.

Still, there is a chance that the Ectonurites will take over the Earth, as they did with their home system. It's best if I deal with Loboan quickly and quietly. In addition, I want to make sure that Zs'Skayr's plan continues, but is completely under my control, so that I can get all the bonuses. It's time to move to another level and start manipulating the villains rather than let them exist without my supervision.

- Okay, we'll stay. - Ashley said displeasedly, who really wanted to see a werewolf, albeit an alien.

- As you say. - Gwen said, but she didn't really want to come with us, as there were still books on magic waiting for her, which she could not wait to study.

- At the same time, you can get to know Kai better and help her recover from what happened. Although she holds herself well, she will not be hindered by support and the opportunity to speak out. Ah, here they are. - I said, noticing that Wes and Kai were walking in our direction.

- Did you talk? - I asked as Kai approached me.

- Yes, Grandpa told me everything. I can't believe he hid from me the existence of aliens and the fact that he worked in the intergalactic police for 40 years. - Kai said displeasedly, giving Wes a disapproving look.

- It was necessary. I just wanted to keep you safe. - Wes tried to justify himself, but it didn't help.

- Pf. - revealingly turning away from her grandfather, Kai published, ceasing to look at him.

- Eh… - Mr. Green said doomedly, lowering his head in defeat.

- Teenagers. They are. Don't worry, everything will be fine. With time. - Max supported his friend, patting him on the shoulder.

- Kai, this is Gwen and Ashley. And that boy with the glowing eyes, Zak, is the son of Doc and Drew, whom I have already spoken about. And this is Komodo, another cryptid who lives with them. And of course, this is Max Tennyson, my grandfather. - I immediately introduced everyone who was here and with whom Kai was not familiar.

- Nice to meet you all. My name is Kai Green. - Kai said politely, introducing herself.

- Hey. / Hi. / We are also pleased to meet such a polite girl. / Kshcha. / You've grown so much, Kai. The last time I saw you, you were just a baby. - Ashley, Gwen, Drew, Komodo and Max greeted the girl in turn. Zak was too busy with his new toy to even pay attention to us.

- It's time for us to go. - I said when everyone greeted Kai.

- That's right, it's time for us to catch Yenaldooshi. Kai, you stay here. - Wes said as he pointedly loaded a shotgun he had taken from somewhere.

- Grandpa, I'm already an adult! - Kai exclaimed indignantly, and the third round of persuasion of disobedient children began.

- Then let me, Lex, Doc, Drew, Wes and Fisk go hunting. - Grandpa said, ignoring the Green family's argument.

- Go without me, I'll stay to keep an eye on everyone. - Drew said, worried about Zak, who might mess with his new weapon. At the very least, it might have crossed his mind to go to the desert to find the cryptid and see how his abilities work with the Hand of Tsul' Kalu.

- Okey. Then Gwen, Ashley, Kai, Zak and Komodo, you'll stay here and Drew will look after you. - Grandpa said, accepting no objections and ending the demand between Wes and Kai.

- We can take my truck. - Doc suggested, pointing to the car that was in his airship. Usually Saturdey use it when they go on expeditions on the ground.

- Okay, let's go. - Wes said, fully prepared to start hunting poor Loboan.

The whole detachment, which for some reason I decided to take with me, although I could deal with the problem myself in a second, went to the truck, which Doc quickly took out of the aircraft. I guess I just don't want them to feel worthless. In addition, this is a good chance to spend time in a male company, for a traditionally male occupation. I miss something like this.

- Don't worry, I'll look after them. - I promised Kai and Drew, and then I went to the car myself. It's time to start hunting for Loboan, who clearly does not expect such a powerful squad to follow his head. Well, at least not suicidal.

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