In a semi-futuristic city transformed by the supernatural Eclipse Event, society is divided between the Gifted, who possess extraordinary powers, and the Giftless, who struggle to survive in a world now dominated by the supernatural. Amidst this chaos, Alice White, a determined and skilled martial artist, seeks to uncover the truth behind her teacher’s mysterious disappearance during the Eclipse when she was just twelve.
As she navigates this fractured world, Alice establishes her own business, Clear Solutions, aimed at helping those in need. However, her quest for strength leads her into conflict with the enigmatic O.R.D.E.R., a powerful organization determined to maintain control over the Gifted and Giftless alike. With each encounter, Alice confronts formidable foes, including members of the O.R.D.E.R. and various factions vying for power in the aftermath of the Eclipse.
As Alice trains relentlessly, she discovers her own latent potential and the deeper secrets surrounding the Eclipse. With allies by her side, she learns that the real battle is not only against the external forces threatening her city but also against her own doubts and fears.
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