Chapter 356 – Liu Bei in Hongnong
The retreat order and reorganization were in a chaotic at first, but all Tong's subordinates handled the pressure well.
After Tong assigned his skills to Zhang He, Zhang Liao, Li Feihong, and Lu Bu, Tong sent the Mountaineer to Fagan County.
As usual Li Feihong traveled on the fastest horse along with Zhang He, whom Tong also ordered to go along with Li Feihong to practice reading the HUD map.
Both Zhang He and Li Feihong had reached Fagan County before Gongsun Du forces arrived. Again, Li Feihong opened his teleportation portal, which linked to his private dimension, and all Mountaineer Legion siege the county from the inside.
The county fell without much of a resistance.
After dropping off Zhang Liao, Lu Bu, Ding Yuan, and their soldiers here, Li Feihong rested in the county, waiting for the next mobilization.