"We will spare you, dog, if only so your dirty blood wouldn't stink the air."
Xia's words were full of bitter venom, but Celina still had to turn away from Antoni so he wouldn't see her relieved smile. After she gathered her composure a little, she turned back to their prisoner.
"Now that you got your promise, Antoni, tell us all about these evil plans."
He scoffed. "I said already, Loupe isn't doing anything evil."
Celina's face showed just how much she believed Antoni's statement. "Yeah, he is just being a power-hungry bastard. Like you are. Or do you work for a pure idea, Antoni? Does Loupe at least pay you?"
"Of course he does! How stupid do you think I am, Rojek? And when Loupe becomes the next Chief, I will be the best man to put in his former position on the Board. A new governor needs a loyal council. This was Hailett's mistake. If he changed the Directors when he assumed his post, Kraust would've been exiled by now."
The real symbolism of FFM's emblem is to say 'no' to all people with telepathic abilities. But since they all looked at the emblem and agreed to use it, Eve's interpretation is much more fitting.