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39% in the world of Naruto ... (a few years before?) / Chapter 39: 38- mission accomplished

Chapter 39: 38- mission accomplished

In these 12 years, I have traveled for missions of netero entrusted to me, investigate some organizations, kill someone or hunt some criminals, I also went to the island meteor, the truth is called city but it is an island apart from any civilization, it say that I did not find the new members of the brigade, I think they have already formed the organization

I thought about finding them and giving them hope so that they do not do bad things but I think I'm late, maybe the story can not be changed much at least the events that must happen, leaving aside the brigade, I also met the pope and the Killua's grandfather, of course younger, when we met on a mission I gave them a beating, after that we became friends according to them, better to a known enemy than to know, I went to his house but it impresses me is bigger than what was shown in the anime, I met the whole Killua family, also the little Alluka, but I think they do not know of their ability until later (I always thought I was a woman, what else is going to happen if Haku is a woman (xD))

good spending a vacation with the zoldyck family also brought myth and the little gon who made good friends with killua, while they played I saw his mother but without the sinister robot part that he had in the series, the truth is very beautiful and also lethal I had to detoxify myth for food with poison (they eat it that way to be more resistant) several times, even though they were only 3 times before getting used to it (myth I hit myself for bringing it to a dangerous place (T_T)) after that gon and killua made the promise to present the exam together when they both turned 12 (myth does not like me and hit me again for urging)

after returning myth she found a job in the port, I told her I have too much money to keep the whole town forever, to which she said that if I did not let her work she would let me (know what my answer was), let her work but I also managed to get her to accept giving gon permission to submit the hunter exam, to which she imposed the mission of the lord of the lake.

over the last 3 years I started to train him, first in poisons (how to identify and make them), also in stealth (infiltration and data collection), finally in strength (physical and mental), since he is a child everything he learned very quickly how a sponge absorbed everything, also the stupid ging sent him letters from where he was

Every time a letter came, it was seen as little stars came out of his eyes, to see where his father was going, myth and I raised him as our own, but we always told him who his parents were (I won another beating of myth for telling him the first time), even though he is always attached to us more so he always wants me to train him to be like his father, in the last year I taught him the art of seduction (myth I punish myself, one month I was sleeping in the room), which he learned as if it were natural for him, also in the last month I bought the moguris dolls of final fantasy, I gave him a gon (infused in nen to take care of him) but myth when he saw me he said kindly (he threatened me, without having sex anymore) to give him one too, to which he accepts

having my nen in them are basically walking cameras, to know if they want to hurt him, also in that month I met the pedophile clown (he and orochimaru would be friends) on a mission to which he tried to kill me about 6 times, I could not be so frustrated that he said he would be a hunter to kill me (I think he changed the story (author: until now you realize)) his angry face is very funny, in case they ask also choose a figure is the sophisticated, the one who has glasses and a suit, well these years we had a good time

but everything has to end and gon at last I manage to catch the lord of the lake (I do not know if it is edible but we are going to try it), it was very big weighed approximately 200 kilos, I think we will have sushi

gon: thanks for the food mito-san

naoru: wait gon, myth and I want to talk to you

myth: no, I will not let it go, it's very small

naoru: myth, his father and I did the exam when we were his age you know that they considered us monsters and gon is not the exception, I trained him and he will know how to take care of himself

gon: mito-san, please like uncle says, be careful

myth: it's fine anyway I've already promised

naoru: gon, you know that you have never been outside the whale island, if you have problems you can contact me through kupo

moguri: kupoooo

gon: thanks man, if I find problems I'll call you

naoru: also if you want money, I can give it to you

gon: do not worry dude, I know we have difficulties but

naoru: who told you that, is a lie

gon: but mito-san, he works and I have never seen you work, dude

myth: gon I work because I want not because we need it

naoru: if SOMEONE was not so proud, we would not have this conversation, gon I have money I was a hunter like your father and I have a lot of money from the missions I did, basically I do not need to work, myth does ... well ... he says to not be useful

gon: ooooohhhhh, ok uncle I'll send you a message when I need it

naoru: tomorrow, the ship will come out, just be careful (hugging him) ... I'm proud of you gon

gon: thanks dude

I always thought that I would accompany him, on the trip but this is to mature, the moguri sends images straight to my head of what was happening on his trip

it was as if I was watching the anime again, I saw when the storm hit the boat, as gon helped everyone on their trip, with medicinal plants and herbal remedies that he learned by experimenting with mountain plants, I also saw when I saved the sailor from falling the water

Then I saw how he arrived at the port having already met leorio and kurapika who were being good friends of gon, I saw how he confronted the beasts, changed forms (they already had children) and how he also defeated them as they took them to the meeting point of the proof

while I was in the tunnel I saw him spitting the juice with laxative that the fat man gave him, and also when he met again with killua, it was funny how leorio was drowned with only 40 kilometers and how he took off his coat to be able to keep running again from the tunnel

When they crossed the tunnel they met the swamp, which started a very curious conversation

kurapika: gon I asked myself, what is that chasing you

killua: si gon when you went to my house you did not have it

gon: is kupo, something that gave me uncle to take care of me

moguri: kupoooo ... (grabbing poses with his sword)

leorio: it's cute, you know if you produce it en masse you could make a lot of money

moguri: kupooo ... kupooo .... kupooo (translation: I'm not cute, I'm lethal and guardian of gon-sama)

gon: hahaha, is my friend leorio, not a doll that you sell also uncle gave it to me, I can not know how he got it

grimacing and the moguri with a vein in the forehead, they went through the forest, with some difficulties like seeing hisoka (the pedophile clown) kill several people, he left chasing but managed to finish without more

the second test was when the kitchen was, a gon is fatal to the kitchen, even when supervised from start to finish, could not complete something edible, as everyone knows failed the test (but with that pig that even me makes it difficult to cook), they go to that cliff to see the mountain spider eggs, half abandoned the challenge and of course gon and his friends approved

the third test was the tower of the mamón that gave us the test of the pyramid to ging and to me, it was a fiasco, they passed very fast and that the fat asshole delayed them a lot

the fourth test did not differ much from the anime, the only thing to emphasize was that gon did not fall for the venom of the hunter, so he was able to obtain the hizoka badge effortlessly and also managed to mislead him (teach him to hide when they chase him)

then what came was a tournament (I think they already left the exam), but did not killua as I intervened when his older brother approached him, release the nen that was in the doll, making him defensive

Illumination: who are you?

naoru: child, you do not want to get angry, better tell the white wolf and the old fox that I will visit them soon to see how they are educating you

saying this remove my nen and the moguri return with gon, leaving illuminated with an emotion that he thought he had forgotten ... "fear", leaving aside my meeting with the older brother of killua, the confrontation were very funny, but when they saw to gon kick his opponent's butt as they know is stronger than in the anime, when the 2 obtained the certificate of hunter, they disdained to go to their houses to vacation

after about 2 weeks in the zoldyck house, they also went through the whale island, but not before teaching them the basics of the nen, of course with games so that they do not realize because I know what nature they have, then they had the idea of ​​winning money in a tower, to which they went quickly, I saw when the guy that the careless one taught them was also confronting

after having crossed the 90th floor they retired, and the mission of the ghost brigade came, when they chased her, and they were about to cut it with the katana of nobunaga hazama when the moguri went through and although she was at a physical disadvantage, I managed to fight her, they were about to escape when franklin went through and threatened the moguri, that's why they were caught

moguri: kupoo ... kupooo ... kupo (do not worry guys my master will release them)

gon: tranquil kupo, I do not think they do anything to us

Killua: they are very daring, catching me, they know that my family will kill them if they kill me

nobunaga: yes that fear, to see boy tell your doll not to make noise

gon: he is not a doll, he is kupo and he thinks for himself

moguri: kupooooo ..... KUPOOOO ... KUPPOOOOOO (damn if I were alone YOU WILL KILL)

nobunaga: boy, let's make a deal if you beat me in the vanquished we let you go

gon: I accept

killua: gon do not be impulsive

gon: killua do not worry, dude will not let anything happen to me

watching as Killua nodded his head

nobunaga: I see that you have a lot of faith to that guy you have not

gon: is the strongest I know and can beat easily

seeing with annoyance, the others were about to hit him but a voice took them away from that thought

moguri: kupooo ... kupoooo ... kupoooo ... kupooo (that's how things were, naoru-sama)

naoru: so, and why these cowards did not fight fairly, in fact because they are called the ghost brigade

shizuku: who are you?

gon: UNCLE, why are you here?

naoru: why you think you idiot, I did not tell you to get away from dangerous places ... pammm (blow with the fist on the head)

gon: auuuuu, dude why are you hitting me

Killua: dude, how are you?

naoru: killu, good and good because they are here with these weirdos

Killua: We were doing reconnaissance but they caught us

naoru: they were careless, we must increase gon training

gon: no dude was not my fault ... it was from killua

killua: traitor

naoru: ya vasta ... (dodging the nobunaga katana) ... it's impolite to attack without saying you want a duel

nobunaga: tch ... you are strong I recognize it

naoru: good guys go away I take care of your friends

when they were heading to the exit, nobunaga in a quick movement wanted to decapitate them but tinnn (metal sound) had to sode even with its pod stopping its attack

naoru: your opponent is me child ... taking 50% of the murderous instinct of the jubi ... let's make a deal you have made a lot of noise in these years, as the massacre of the village of red eyes, and their heads have a high price, which prevents me from killing them and receiving their reward

a few minutes passed when the leader, I speak

chrollo: you are very strong but do not think that we will fall without resisting

naoru: well, well who we have here is the so famous leader of the ghost brigade, your skill is bad if you do not see how your opponent does right?

with a serious look

chrollo: how do you know that

naoru: well since you took away the skill of that entrepreneur's girl I deduced it, in case you do not know I do not use nen ... for a few minutes they were silent ... well the deal is this, let me see what they have. .. seeing all those who were ... already give me one of their girls and I will go without doing anything .... mmmm I do not know who to choose, to read minds, to the doctor, or the girl vacuum cleaner

phink: I will not let you live ... watching as power nen gathered in your hand for your skill (it wound very fast) throws the punch towards me

naoru: stupid ... it's easy to stop it, I just need the vectors and use them ... fuuu ... I only saw how that blow was stopped by an invisible wall (these vectors are very strong)

phink: it can not be ... how can you be without harm

naoru: good if you do not want ... I'll just kill you all

pakunoda: wait ... I'll go with you

naoru: and why do you think you are the one you would choose (screaming and jumping like a schoolgirl)

pakunoda: I just do not want my teammates to be killed by the blood devil hunter

naoru: (seriously) you know that name I never liked, I only did what I should, those damn sacrificed their own newborn children as sacrifices to their gods, then what you would do, I made the decision to exterminate that people who only bad I was doing

pakunoda: so, you want me to go with you or we will have a battle

naoru: naaa, I got bored of you, ok come with me but say goodbye to them that you will not see them again, because the last red eyes will take revenge for what they did to their people, that will do it with some chains as a symbol of his punishment

pakunoda: how do you know that?

naoru: let's say I see the future, I see a very big one, with a tattoo of a spider with the number 11, I also see how red eyes will kill him

leaving the room with pakunoda behind me, grab the waist and use the hiraishin to go to the whale island (mission accomplished: capture of pakunoda, I will be the best poke master ... I must stop seeing pokemon) myth to see the girl just said hello

mito: she too?

naoru: I hope so

myth only sigh, while the boys, went to the game that ging had done (the son of his mother did that for fun while myth and I raised gon), I saw how they completed it and how they found hizoka again, the damn was very bad to get the last card, and I won the game (ahhh they also met with the ging teacher), then they went to meet the ging student, irony first the teacher and then the student

naoru: mito-chan, the final stretch is near

mito: I see it and paku-chan will also anger

pakunoda: I think from what I saw in your memories ... it's fine anyway I'm going to die and you already gave them a clue so I'll go for a new life so to speak

mito: congratulations, nao-chan you have another wife

pakunoda: hey ... I did not say it was his wife ... (blushing)

mito: but if you do not have the memories of that action (sex) you will not be able to travel with the

let's say that that night I experienced what was a trio, although I felt bad for paku that seems to oblige me to do it, well check what the moguri had sent me and I saw that the country of the ants had already begun to form, the good that it was not like in the series that looked like they ate them, leaving that aside (also save ponzu from the ants) of course I also explained about their situation (I think that because of the shock) I accept and in the middle of the jungle We did, I must say it was an experience

leaving that aside we are reaching the fateful scene where the student of ging dies, but this time when the cat tries to kill gon again I interfered

naoru: this time not kitty, but do not worry that gon will take care of you

while leaving those words I went with the hiraishin, trained gon again to reach the maximum, this time I could use his power to its maximum expression without the curse that prevailed

when the assault team arrived I went with them

netero: naoru, go, in this fight ....

naoru :( letting out all the nen that was a little more than his), netero this time we go together and will not accept a no answer

netero: ho ho ho ... you have grown

naoru: and you have aged netero

while we were preparing, both, as in the anime we met the king in that desolate area with the help of the old fox zoldyck who left as soon as he attracted him, I saw him the girl who played with neruem did not suffer damage this time, gon entered the just time to save her and wait for the cat

the fight was like in the very close anime with the only difference that I was supporting netero with his attacks, possibly out of our calculations I cut his leg to netero, while he healed him again the attack began

When I finished I joined again, so that I did not cut his leg, in one of those I set myself in the middle of Meruem's attack, and his hand crossed my stomach, while I held him holding him, netero finished it, with his hand or putting it at one point I only tear off his head (also help him cut it with my vectors attached to the power of destruction)

netero: naoru, naoru, silly because you've done it, I'm old you said it

naoru: it does not matter netero you are more important for the organization, and I already fulfilled

lowering my heartbeat to almost zero I saw him as a necro with his emaciated appearance, he took out of his pocket the pump of the poor and placed it in the body of meruem, while I made a copy of blood and moved again from the earth, took my "corpse"

while I was going with the hiraishin before I activated the bomb, I only saw from afar how the rose rose, with this is a mission accomplished, while I was going home with myth, ponzu and pakunoda with suitcases, waiting for me

naoru: are you ready?


naoru: kamui

end of cap friends

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