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64% in the world of Naruto ... (a few years before?) / Chapter 64: 63 - attack

Chapter 64: 63 - attack

pov mine

wait, wait ... the one who is kissing pixie-san, is not Tsuyu-san's boyfriend, I have to warn him

mine: tsuyu-san, is not that your boyfriend?

tsuyu: what?

mine: the one who is passionately kissing the pro ... (pointing to the side)

tsuyu: (turning to see where she was pointing) what are you saying? ... is helping her get up

Mina quickly turned around again seeing how he was carrying the pro hero who was like a faint ...

mine: (will it be my imagination?)

**** with naoru ****

Mandalay: What happened here?

naoru: (looking away) you must have a lot of stress, for having used your quirk for a long time ..

Mandalay: is it okay?

naoru: yes, I already reviewed it (in many ways) it's just asleep

Mandalay: Inside the office, can you take her to lie down?

naoru: clear

inside the guys

ida: malditoooo

todoroki: can not stand, much using his power?

mineta: (with tears of blood) MALDITOOOOOOOO

deku: will it be your way of greeting, will it come from another country?

bakugo: that damn has no scratch (blowing his hands)

kaminari: why I did not do it yoooo (crying anime style)

*in the reality*

walking towards the building, I went in and I left it on a sofa while I was preparing some tea, this happened in 30 minutes, I left before I woke up (I'm really hungry), when I get to the kitchen they were preparing the food, when enter it

Mandalay: Hey, you ... you're (thinking) ...

naoru: I'm naoru, the one who took your partner to rest

Mandalay: Ohhh thank you, do you want me to prepare you?

naoru: okay, I still have the strength to prepare something myself

mandalay: let's leave it, tonight we'll take care of it

naoru: it's not that I want to despise your food, but my taste is very developed, so I have to cook myself so I can feel something on my palate

Mandalay: Ohhh, it's okay, boy, you can use the kitchen but clean up afterwards

naoru: thanks (taking out my kitchen equipment)

preparing dinner, it was simple, just a vegetable soup with steamed fish, along with a garnish of fried vegetables with salt and lemon, leaving on the main dish with a cut of roasted beef with a portion of spices to remove the smell to meat

When I finished, Mandalay was drooling on the side of the kitchen, while Tsu and Momo were waiting like a restaurant for their portion, I just laughed at her when I handed out the food they had given me.

naoru: do you want a little? (pointing to mandalay)

mandalay: it's not okay you eat (denying with your hands)

retreating without saying before

naoru: that I neglect, prepare a portion of more I hope that it is not wasted

Mandalay was just listening so I only saw that she was going to the kitchen as stealthily as a cat, then we heard a small whimper from inside the kitchen -I hope she liked it-, dinner was very good after she went to sleep

pov mandalay

that happens to the mouth of this child, was very good food, even better than what I had done, in fact I did not realize when I finished it, but good I'll see this loose that fainted from excess work ... or something

entering the room he found pixie sitting in front of the window, just looking at the vacuum

Mandalay: And what's wrong with you? ... You should have gone to help me if you were already awake

pixie: (looking at her) I think I'm in love

m - I only saw her with a big smile and little stars in her eyes when she said that

Mandalay: ?????

pixie: when he kissed me it was amazing, I think no man can repeat that experience

Mandalay: are you okay? ... you fainted because of too much work

pixie: (shaking his head) no, it was because of the impact that he let me kiss him that way

Mandalay: Who is disturbing you like that?

pixie: the ice boy

Mandalay: the color bi hair?

pixie: no, the other

Mandalay: the one who has a party in his hair? (refers to the four colors of hair that has the prota)

pixie: but his hair is beautiful

Mandalay: What did he give you to defend him like that?

pixie: an unforgettable experience ... wait I'll find it

running away

mandalay: wait ... (not reaching to stop her)

pov end

I'm taking a walk through the woods when suddenly a beast of land corners me, but it was not the only one there were more than 100, they made a way for me to pass, I went to the place where I wanted it to go, thus giving a go small clear in the forest in which I was waiting for a beautiful blonde in blue cat costume

naoru: it's a somewhat rude invitation ... do not you think?

pixie: they did not hurt you or did they?

naoru: even if they did ... they can not hurt me

pixie: uuyy how rude ...

naoru: and why do you want me here?

pixie: how weird ... you should know more than me ... you stole a kiss ... and I want it back (sounding very sexy)

naoru: mmmm ... I do not know what you're talking about ... but if you want it back just come to claim it

pixie: you think I can not ... (looking at him very tenderly)

naoru: with you I would not resist (looking back)

He approached me while we talked until we were so close that we could feel the breath of each other, until a few centimeters joined us, but there he stopped saying

pixie: I'm bigger than you ...

naoru: no, I'm bigger than you, much bigger

pixie: what do you say ... you look like 15 or 16 no more

naoru: in the world there are many quirk, why do not you think I have something to not grow old?

pixie: how?

naoru: I am a government infiltrator for the project called "protector"

pixie: aja, ya deja niño

naoru: I do not deceive you, call the director of the academy and tell him that name, he will tell you if it is true or not

leaving the place, leaving her with more questions than answers ... she left the place with a very serious face

*the next day*

naoru: what?

todoroki: I want you to help me control my ice power better

why we are in this moment will say, well mummy-sensei thought to improve so to speak our powers, I said -I have complete control of them- to which I answer -then help others-, (sigh) Nobody approached to me for a council (or the girls) then I was about to meditate when I approached todoroki and he told me that

naoru: okay ... why do you want my help?

todoroki: my family can not help me, my brothers have responsibilities which does not help me

naoru: ok ... and what do you know how to do?

todoroki: what I did at the sports festival of the academy

naoru: just that?

todoroki: yes

naoru: you can not mold the ice (taking out an ice sword)

todoroki: no ...

naoru: and if you use it a lot you freeze ...

todoroki: yes

naoru: ok, boy ... then let's start controlling your power

todoroki: how?

naoru: well, the intensity you control, but the control of it does not, then you see that water tank (todoroki just nodded), freeze it

the following I could not say so, he had already launched his ice attack making the water tank completely of thread but there were peaks in the

todoroki: I'm done

naoru: that's not stupid (hitting him in the head) ... well let's start again, look to have control you must freeze the water tank without those peaks of thread coming out

todoroki: but that's not going to be an attack

naoru: now we are seeing ice control, do not attack with ice so you have to

half a day until he could do it, well it was not complete but if a part, well it was a small part, well it was a tiny part but he tried hard

naoru: look at todoroki-san, to control the ice perfectly you must have your feelings and actions under absolute control, only then the ice will accompany you

todoroki: why?

naoru: ice is only part of the water, water means calm, so it does not get along with fire, because fire is the opposite of calm, is rampant and selfish, that's why they repel each other

todoroki: then I can never control my powers, I have fire and ice like my quirks

naoru: I never told you that, I told you to repel, but I never told you that you could not control them, it's just that to do it is very difficult, let's start with the ice, the ice as I told you is a part of the water, they have that join their atoms to form it, in that process it is long and calm (touching the tank water and freezing the surface without any deformation)

todoroki: it's hard to stay calm

naoru: it's difficult at first, but once you get it you can do this (touching the ice tank again, turning it into water again) this is the second stage, then the ice molding (forming a statue of ice) and the fourth stage is to be able to make ice golem (forming an ice wolf which moved towards a tree to lie down to sleep)

Todoroki: It's easy for you to say it, because it has no fire that prevents it

naoru: it's not that, I'm also something like you (forming a crimson ray in your left hand)

todoroki: you have electrification like ...

naoru: no, todoroki, this quirk was called destruction (they throw an idol to a tree)

Todoroki just watched as the tree turned to ashes under the contact of the crimson ray that came out of the hands of Naoru

naoru: this power gets bad with everything, even with fire, this power represents pride and is not easily controlled and more when there is another power in one, so go ahead todoroki-san

while I was todoroki with the training I gave him, well that was until I saw a blonde cat approaching me

pixie: why do not you train?

naoru: I do not need it, I already did it when it was my time to train

pixie: yes, about that ... I already did what you told me

naoru: and?

pixie: said that if the project was implemented

naoru: now you believe me?

pixie: so how old are you?

naoru: many, I have many years ... then?

pixie: what thing?

naoru: someone said he wanted to recover something ...

pixie: (blushing) you're a precocious student ... but ... I'll be in the clearing tonight ...

leaving with a smile, and while walking you could tell that she did it with more sensuality because she moved her hips more noticeably and in a more rhythmic way, as if wanting to make her body notice

the day passed very quickly because todoroki was able to freeze the water in the tank, not very well, but it is a progress, due to the mental wear and tear he fell asleep, or so I thought because the boys had organized the value test, and he was participating, while They were like this I went walking to the clearing of the other night, well getting there the encentro was sitting in a tree, without making noise I sat next to her while hugging her, she only shivered a little but I rested her head on my shoulder at the same time that he turned to embrace me too ...

pixie: you came ...

naoru: why would not he come?

pixie: I thought ... you would not ... the girls in your living room said you were with the girl who looks like a little frog

naoru: I am, I'm dating her

pixie: and are you cheating with me?

naoru: she already knows

pixie: (squeezed his hug) Will you leave me?

naoru: no, why would he?

pixie: why do you have a girlfriend?

naoru: I have more than one girlfriend, more than 6 wives and one or another lover, they do not care ... but the question is ... and you?

pixie: I'm scared, I met you a few days ago but I can not get you out of my mind, how can it be, do you have any power of seduction, that keeps me thinking about you?

naoru: that ... that's stupid ... where did you hear that? ... I do not have it, I do not force you to do something you do not want, since I saw you (in the manga) I loved you no matter who you were or your status, I do not care, I only care what you think of me

pixie: I do not know what to think (stop hugging me, and then I take a few steps away) I have to think, a few days, I promise I'll tell you I'm missing in a few days

naoru: I have an eternity to wait for you, a few days will not affect me

With those words she ran away, and I thought about how it would be if she accepted

pov pixie

while I run in the forest, on a road I met my team, we were on that road for an hour or so, while we were talking then, mandalay began to ask me

Mandalay: What's wrong with you? ... You're not obsessed with marriage anymore ... I say as before

yawara: it's true ... why will it be?

tomoko: I know ... I know ... found the indicated one

pixie (ryuko): tomoko shut up ... (a little flushed)

mandalay (shino): are are ... who is nervous?

ryuko: CALLENSEEEE ... are my problems ...

yawara: I think you should be more flexible

ryuko: what did you say?

tomoko: said you should be more FLEXIBLEEEEEE

shino: yes, if you already found him, you should not see the problems just tell him what you feel and that fate will help you

ryuko: haha ​​haha ​​hahahahahaha, guys are the best


ryuko: it's true, it matters if I want it I have to have it, thanks guys (running to another direction)

but in that they only saw that it was rising in the air, while advancing as if they were dragging

****: look we have a kitten here, but now ... PUMMMMM !!!!!! ... is a crushed cat

his companions only saw how a man in a pink shirt, hit his partner on the floor with an object that had the shape of a pillar, but before hitting her again on the floor he stopped because he felt an instinct ... he did not see that instinct, it was as if the sky was stained with blood and the ground was being decorated by corpses, it was such a scene that I saw that his body did not respond as he wanted, well everyone was like that, when they saw someone coming out of the shadows of the trees

Mandalay: boy go away, they are villains can not ... (was interrupted)

the voice that interrupted her was thick, watching backwards, it was like a movie in a fast camera, they saw the 15-year-old boy, rather his body was advancing in age, becoming taller and more mature in appearance ... When I was growing up, I had the appearance of a young man of 20 years, seeing a very worked body and some scars from among the shreds of his clothes, however that did not last, because almost immediately he changed his clothes to some traditional clothes, that on top of them He wore a black armor and on top of that as a coat he wore a white kimono with purple details, seeing what they thought was a boy, becoming that

they did not see when, but her friend was in her arms carrying her bridal style, while with her last strength she reacted by saying before going off

pixie: naoru ... I ... I love you and I do not care about anything, I want to be with you (while I caressed her cheek and gave her a tender smile)

dropping his hand when he fainted, turned the cold look on the face of the boy, while saying

naoru: who did it? ... (expelling a great wind that caused everyone around him to fall on the ground)

naoru: who ... FUEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While his fury grew at moments, it was time to see what awaits the one who hit one of the women he loved ....

end guys

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