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51% in the world of Naruto ... (a few years before?) / Chapter 51: Cap 50 - Starting the story part 1

Chapter 51: Cap 50 - Starting the story part 1

a bluish sky and spring weather, that's what konoha had, the village was very full of life, trees, children and ninjas everywhere there was no free time during the day, but during the night, almost half of the night we see the village resting, only peace and tranquility was breathed, or that's what it looked like

******** hokage's office ... 12:00 am ***********

*****: Hokage-sama sent me to call?

hokage: yes minato, your wife is waiting for a child and as you know, she has the kyuubi locked in on herself, so I call you to make a plan that is somewhere safer for her and for the village

minato: what hokage, we are seeing some places, the first was the sanctuary of masks that was for its barriers, but it would take a long time to clean it and restore it to a state that is optimal to use

hokage: we have a little more than 1 month ... continue

minato: we had also told jiraiya-sensei that if we could use the mountain of toads, but all they have to eat are bugs and kushina displeases him to a level that even rivals for its aberration by the perverts, so .. Also discarded, hokage-sama I hope you help me find a place

hokage: that is precisely why I sent you to call ... there is a building behind the mountains where the faces of the previous hokages are sculpted, this was done as a hospital project but it was left because the one who did it was (naoru-sama sorry)

minato: was it betrayal?

hokage: no ... it was a difference of opinions, he would never be a traitor, well this building was given many maintenance stamps and he has many patient monitoring devices in his store, I think it is the perfect place for kushina-san give birth to the son of both

minato: in agreement hokage-sama will warn kushina so we will see it

*********** minato namikaze house **********

kushina: (sigh) ... (where will you be ... naoru-kun) ...

minato: what are you thinking about kushina-chan?

kushina: in nothing minato, just stay a moment thinking about our son

minato: ahhh, that's what I was going to talk to you about, the hokage gave us the solution for the delivery

kushina: and what is it?

minato: it's a building that was abandoned, it was a hospital project of a certain naoru, so the hokage is lending it to you to give birth

kushina: (naoru-sama, also with the son of minato you will support me) of course, tomorrow we will see it -dattebane ... (showing his classic uzumaki smile) ...

minato: of course let's go to sleep and we'll prepare the building tomorrow

************* kirigakure no sato *****************

I have been kiri for a year, I was surprised when what I was waiting for ... did not happen, shizuka-chan called me for a patient that she had, well at night I got it but that's something else

the patient was the one who was waiting, it's destiny, ameyuri ringo, who was attending shizuka-chan, when they introduced us, it was a bit injured

shizuka: naoru-kun, she is ameyuri-san a swordsman of the fog which has a rare disease in the lungs I thought it was cancer or emphysema but it's more aggressive

ameyuri: shizuka-san I thought you were going to bring a person who did not know a child

naoru: in first ameyuri, I am bigger than you, in second I teach ninjutsu doctor to shizuka, besides that your illness is not so difficult

shizuka: what do you mean?

naoru: ameyuri, your father or mother, or someone near you smokes

ameyuri: I did not have parents and nobody of my friends smokes

naoru: mmmm ... it's strange, what you suffer is made by a bacterium in the tobacco of this continent ... normally it is asleep but when you manage amounts of nature chakra lightning again from your body, it forces them to wake up and they lodge in the lungs, making it harder to breathe as you use the raiton

ameyuri: heck, then ... damn jinpachi

naoru: then I'm right

ameyuri: yes, this stupid man smokes all kinds of rare herbs in the missions, unfortunately I also accompany him ... many times he smoked in my presence

naoru: well ameyuri-chan, do not worry I'll cure you, just a few sessions so you're healed

Ameyuri: Is it really that easy?

naoru: you're stupid, of course not but I'm the best in the world shinobi, and that I need some sessions to remove it you imagine those who say best HAHAHAHAHAH, well let's start

end of flash back

after that I have been here for almost 1 year treating ameyuri with his problem, even though he chased me the mizukage (I can not catch myself) he gave me permission to stay, as a gesture of good faith I opened a small office and taught medical ninjas and civilians to be more capable

considering that ninjas do not trust foreigners, most of those who came here were civilians, at first it was the elders but in a short time the children arrived and now also young people are seen in the corridors

but a custom that I did not think I saw here was given, once I went to the area so that the beginners gave their first consultation with real patients but ...

beginner 1: ohhhh goddess of doctors help me to pass this test

beginner 2: what do you say you should pray to the god of medicine to help you

without knowing that of those who say they are my mother and me, but I think we have transcended with the help of them

without saying more things are more or less stable than in kumo, because I am in constant movement and shizuka helps me, but the time is approaching for the attack to begin, when I finish I will tell the stupid brothers of kumo to establish a alliance with konoha to avoid war again ... I think they have a lot of free time to do them

coming out of my thoughts

doctor 1: emergencies take her to the emergency room, sensei the kazekage sent his wife to attend

naoru: and where is it?

guard 1 (only): it's a lie, my sister did not want to give birth in suna so we escaped 1 month ago, we heard rumors that here is a very good doctor ... please help the



naoru: and who are you?

guard ?: I am yashamaru, your brother

Naoru: Okay, I'll bring her to safety?

yashamaru: wait for you? ... why are you not a student too?

doctor 1: sensei is already ready in the operating room

naoru: well special case, go to the observation room so that they learn something and bring it (pointing to the brother)

*******operations room******

naoru: well guys we have a pregnant woman who can not have her son we should do

doctor 2: a cesarean is necessary so that it does not take the life of the patient

naoru: well let's start so that there is no decompensation of blood, first cut the muscles of the abdomen at the level of the uterus, then remove the fetus to then heal the wound (something great is that there is no scar) ... well useless to work

It was about 6 hours of intense work, first it was that the transplanted blood was not enough and then there were convulsions when taking the product, but leaving that aside the operation was good, it is good that in this world everything is easier with chakra than with natural healing

***** leaving the room ****

naoru: well attend to the child and the mother in a few hours may wake up should be vigilant so you do not suffer another seizure


yashamaru: how is my sister?

naoru: I told you I was the best child, it's okay there were not so many complications to risk your life, I'm just saying that if it had been in a town that did not have as many advances as here would die without remedy

yashamaru: thanks ... thanks, for everything (pulling tears)

naoru: (giving him a pat on the back) go to rest child, tomorrow you will see your sister healthy and you will have to attend her .. that is more difficult ... certainly the work of the doctors in your village was terrible .... I do not know if it was not to have more children but to hurt the walls of the uterus and not cure it is bad

yashamaru: what do you mean?

naoru: your uterus has multiple scars and wounds, which make me deduce that you had children before truth ... (feeling yashamaru) ... those wounds are pregnancy creates and needs several days of rest, under normal circumstances should be cured without leaving marks, but she is not healing but also when they do they leave the uterus hurt, heal their wounds but I tell you, someone made those wounds leave marks like this ... but do not worry I have already cured and repaired all your reproductive system ... but I could not save his fertility I'm sorry

yashamaru: it does not matter, doctor-san will be happy that he can still see his children grow ... thank you

***********next day*******

entering the room, seeing as she was already sitting on the karura stretcher, when I entered the room she immediately turned to look

karura: what are you doing here young, you missed

naoru: no ... I came to check you to sign up

karura: ohhh you're a student here?

entering a student (how convenient)

student 1: boss-director, in room 1 is waiting for ameyuri-san to give him his treatment

naoru: tell him I'm going in a half hour, brat now go do not you see I'm with someone

the student leaving

naoru: well your evolution is very good, you can go in a few days just for us to be safe ... (turning it to see) ... why do you see me like this?

karura: are you the head of the hospital?

naoru: Well yes, is there a problem?

karura: it's not that you must have worked a lot being so young to get to that position

naoru: brat I'm older than you, and this hospital ... I did it because I would not be in charge

again staying in stone you hear someone else in the room

yashamaru: nee-chan, are you already waking up that good ... doctor-san when I can take her to the village?

naoru: my name is naoru, it annoys me that your tone says doctor-san, and you can take it in about 5 days is just for us to be safe ... well I withdraw

inside the room without naoru

yashamaru: why does my tone of voice bother you?

karura: hahaha, is a good doctor

yashamaru: yes it is and why do you have red cheeks nee-chan?

karura: heeee, it's not true fool, I say if he's handsome but I already have a husband and 3 children ... wait (turning to see his brother who was laughing on the floor) YASHAAAAA, WHEN I RECOVER YOU WILL KNOW

yashamaru: nee-chan, I know that the clan forced you to marry that damn man and I know why you felt bad

karura: what do you mean?

yashamaru: onee-chan, I gave one of the doctors here your special "tea" that that damn gave you

karura: what did they tell you?

yashamaru: it is a poisonous combination is to weaken the body, so when you had gaara-chan you would not endure the labor ... and that expected to die after giving birth

karura: yashamaru ...

yashamaru: onee-chan, do not come back in that village you're in danger, if it were not for we heard the rumors of this place you would not be alive

karura: (sigh) it's okay yashamaru, I'll hide but my dear gaara ... what will happen to him?

yashamaru: I will take it to the village and say you could not bear the birth so I'll see what this guy has in mind

karura: it's ok yasha, we'll do it your way ... I just hope it's a good idea

naoru: if you want you can stay and learn medical ninjutsu here?

yashamaru: what are you doing here? ... pulling out a kunai and getting into attack position

going through a wall

naoru: first this is my building and in second I am stronger than you and finally I came to deliver the request for the exit so that you fill it is processed for the hospital (dropping the supports paper over your head)

karura: will not you have problems with me staying here?

naoru: I'm not afraid of any kage, even if the 5 come at the same time and on the other hand I have to leave for a few days these days, there you will be under the supervision of my wife shizuka

karura: do you have a wife? (surprised)

naoru: I really have 5 and a kind of girlfriend but it is still in project (tsunade I hope you have already thought about it)

karura: ohhh

************** konoha childbirth day (kushina) **********

we are in a room only illuminated by a few candles on the floor were lines of ink with patterns difficult to read, there was a woman of about 24 years bidding, but already had a tired face after 2 hours of labor

being the nurse was an older woman of about 30 years, this was the wife of the previous hokage, because that night they had had the celebration of the hokage change to the guy who is now with a stupid face next to the redhead woman

biwako: a little more kushina-chan will come out, the head is already out you just have to bid a last try


****: guaaa guaaa (sound of baby crying)

biwako: it's a kushina-chan child

minato: (trying to get close) is the child okay?

biwako: shut up stupid and take off the mother should be the first to see it

coming out of his way, the lady approached a tired kushina

biwako: this is your child kushina-chan

kushina: it's nice my baby (hugging him) I do not want to take him away from my side biwako-sama

biwako: I understand kushina-chan, but we must see if it was born in good conditions, it is good that this place has so many devices

kushina: naoru-kun, is protecting me from somewhere

minato: excuse me, who is that naoru?

biwako: you're stupid, he thought at the moment it occurs to you to be jealous, aggg men give me the child to review it

going to a table, while Minato approached, I was going to ask him but in that there was a thud of something falling

minato: (turning around) biwako-sama ... seeing that she was lying with her neck cut off and at her side was the nurse who accompanied her in the same situation, seeing that in front of him was a guy dressed in black, but before said something the room lit up in a greenish hue that came out of the ink marks ... while a voice said

***: patient in critical condition, initiating system ... giving vital support to the patient ... detecting bleeding wound in the neck of the patient ... starting suture ... executed patient stable suture ... patient safe .. .cleaning residual blood ... turning off system ... **********

minato salo was impressed because the wound of the yondaime's wife was no longer bleeding, but he was still unconscious from the loss of blood

*****: That's not what I expected...

minato: me either

kushina: minatooooo with the seal about to break

****: I am kuro and the one who is taking your wife is tobi

quickly looking at the table that was being swallowed by a whirlpool, I try to get there but

kuro: no I do not have something you want to grab more than your wife ... throwing the child out of a window

minato: narutoooo ... running to the window, jumping holding his baby and using his improved hiraishin no jutsu, he found himself in a house but with a little noise he saw that he had bomb papers in his sheets, removing them and using again the hiraishin came to a room where I leave the child in a bed and without danger

When there was a monstrous howl in the center of town.

********* Moments before ****

Kuro: welcome brat, you will be my special guest ... at least for a few minutes

Kushina: Why are you doing this?

Kuro: why can I?

tobi: we will make a world in which all people are happy and the sacrifice of konoha is necessary to do so.

Kushina: killing thousands of innocents is not the solution

kuro: Tobi stops talking about our Graaaan guest wanting to play with the people, GO OUT OF HERE ... KYUUBIIIIIIIII

kuro: well my work is finished, tobi keep the hokage away from the kyuubi let him have fun and if not, control it ... or do it upside down HAHAHAHAH I'm going

leaving in a black spiral, leaving a stunned kyuubi and a weakened kushina

tobi: well, KYUUBI (teaching the sharingan), go and destroy konoha ... bye I'll see the show

****************** with minato **********

he put on his fifth hokage cloak and looked for his wife's mark, when he found her he went straight to her

minato: kushina-chan are you okay?

kushina: and naruto ... it's okay naruto ... my baby

Minato: If you are in a safe place, we are going to rest too

after the yellow flash leaving his wife next to his son he left

kushina: good luck minato

appearing in the head of the first hokage he looked at the beast as he destroyed his village

minato: it seems that I notice

the biju throwing a bijudama and minato prepared to teleport it to a remote place when it was diverted to the side as if it were calling something, only saw a house at the foot of the mountain of the kages which was impacted but there was no explosion, opening the eyes before the unexpected event just look, that the giant black sphere became smaller and smaller and the house had some lines of kanjis that surrounded it and presumably absorbed the attack

minato: what's going on?

hiruzen: (coming to his side) that's a special house

minato: yondaime-sama, that type of stamps is very beneficial for the village because they had not told us anything?

hiruzen: it is not my fault that this house is outside the jurisdiction of the village, it was a proclamation of the first 3 hokages, we can not say anything to the owner

minato: then we talk about yondaime-sama, how do we deal with this?

hiruzen: in the kages newspaper there is a call ... in which the first kages say, that "this" will protect the village

minato: it's okay to make the call, while I'm going to coordinate the ninjas to rescue the civilians

hiruzen: (making hand seals) kuchiyose no jutsu

******* in kiri *****

naoru: look, this is the best food


shizuka: where did it go?

waiter: Miss the account

shizuka: yes .. I will pay (when you return you will see me with me) ... pouting ...

end of cap friend

this is a special for 50 cap uploaded

people: and the translation just as bad ...

author: there is someone who tries to fix it ... mmm ... free ...

the crickets sang, until nightfall

next chapter
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