The picturesque underwater scenery unfolded before Linda's eyes. After being relieved from her worry, thanks to her young master's presence, he could finally witness the beauty of the deep sea with ease.
The giant whales swam leisurely in the distance, the small fish hordes danced with the waves, some dolphins played dodgeball using puffer fish as the ball, jellyfish waved their tentacles as if greeting them, and many more the enchanting underwater charm.
After circling the island, the orca swam near the sea's surface.
The orca jumped out of the water and then fell back into the water with a beautiful acrobatic arc. It stayed on the water's surface like a living speed boat afterward.
"Waah!" Linda wiped her face with laughter. It was an exciting ride as she could see the charm of the underwater with the person she respected the most.
"Was the ride fun?" Elysia asked as she stroked the orca's fin.
When we ask for advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice.