In those three minutes, Elysia and her team only focused on defense, but they would occasionally counterattack. Unfortunately, four tier-7 mechs could never overpower them. Those princes couldn't even get past Yuuki, Morfina, and Meiying's defenses. Not even the strongest attacks could knock down their shields, much less leave a scratch to their mechs.
After the three minutes passed, Yuuki and Morfina led the charge, assisted by Meiying from behind. They defeated the three princes with a one-fell-swoop offensive formation, ensuring the opponents suffered a crushing defeat.
As for Euphemia, Elysia tested her mech's close combat prowess and amplified magic during those three minutes. She did receive all of Euphemia's attacks. Unfortunately, it just looked like an adult receiving countless harmless beatings from a baby.
The golden rule of parenting is do unto your children as you wish your parents had done unto you.