After a long and gruelling Long Night (you know, the type that isn't resolved in a single battle but a long, protracted war), humanity wins, but everyone Bran knows is dead.
And like young men with too much power, sorrow, and nothing left to lose, he throws a tantrum of epic proportions. He drags Bloodraven into tossing unsuspecting and just freshly killed Jon Snow back into the past by sacrificing themselves. Only, messing with time rarely ends as you intend, and the world Jon Snow wakes up isn't the same.
Tl;dr-AU+time-travel. Focus on politics, war, scheming, ambition, and even religion.
This fic doesn't solely focus on Jon Snow, but the ripples in the new timeline his presence and Bran's tantrum cause. There are no broken OP characters, though a few might be slightly more powerful than the rest.
And no, this isn't harem... unless you count a few side characters getting multiple chicks at some point.
I decided to restart the fic after being nearly complete and seeing that Webnovel finally offers proper formatting (minus the line break!) Line-break will be missed!
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Write a reviewI’m currently reading ao3 it’s really good! Will you be posting your Harry Potter fic here too?
Very good fic, the chapters are also very long and well written. Unlike 99% of the other content on this website, it's evident it was planned and properly spell checked. It also doesn't suffer from the obnoxiousness present in the over supply of Chūnibyō authors.
This is so good you’ll be looking every dang day to see if there’s an update. No pointless word filler, no nonsensical dialogue. Good flow and his upgrades don’t break the world.
It's great. Turning canon on its head, then wildly going in directions you can't even fathom. Bit of a power fantasy in some places, but nothing unforgivable.
Author Gladiusx
Well, considering I actually finished the fic, I think I can look back and give an honest review. I could have done certain things better overall. But I'm happy with how it came out. It's not a short one or focused on a single character, so read at your own peril.