Unfortunately, this situation cannot be resolved right now. Ganzorig has completely changed and is no longer his complete self. I don't know where he got that power; Jagat couldn't detect it.
Is it demon power or not?
Badil and Wingga immediately moved behind Jagat to take cover.
Ganzorig, standing in the middle of the battlefield, smiled a mysterious smile. His eyes shining with new power, he looked at Jagat, who was still trying to understand the situation. In an instant, Ganzorig suddenly disappeared as if he had become one with the shadow itself.
Jagat, who suddenly felt something invisible surrounding him, immediately fought. He knew that Ganzorig could appear anytime and anywhere, and he had to remain alert. However, even though he tried to track Ganzorig's movements, he couldn't detect them.
Suddenly, Ganzorig appeared behind Jagat with incredible speed. Jagat reflexively pushed Badil and Wingga's bodies away from their fight.
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