"Looks like the prophecy about Hawi is true then, if she went to all that trouble to make sure Hawi was down," Malika said and they all had just heard info about this damned goddess.
It was like whatever Islinda was doing was for her own benefit. So many things Abad happened and they had been so close to peace but now it seems like all of this had just been a game for the woman they played to for help.
"Great. So, we are all just pawns in the game by the goddess to try and join down Hawi, huh?" Rio asked disappointedly as he sat back down. He couldn't even begin to comprehend how fucked up the goddess had to be to orchestrate that shit against one of her creations.
For someone who had a lot of power, the goddess was a manipulative shit and they had to decide what to do with her sooner or later. This wasn't the kind of shit that happened with ease.
I hope Islinda gets her karma lol, cheers to the end of the longest book I've ever written!! goodbye for now!
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